Well, five days has passed and Peter hasn't said anything about the issue again...but I just found out what went down...(get in here for the exclusive details...:-))
Will tell you what happened but will leave out the name of the bank. So in May, Peter Okoye found out that millions of Naira had been withdrawn from one of his personal accounts with a bank leaving him with less than N300k. He met with the management of the bank to find out what happened and they promised to resolve it. Fast forward to August and the money hadn't been returned and so Peter went on social media to threaten.
Immediately he made the threat online, the bank called him begging him not to mention their name, that the money will be refunded soon. They called him for a meeting about two weeks ago and told him to give them 11 working days to refund the money.
Well, the eleven working days has expired and Peter still hasn't received his money. I hear he may speak officially on it anytime soon.
1 – 200 of 228 Newer› Newest»zines143@gmail.com
na wa o
Peter .........#.mycrush#nonyepeace31@yahoo.com
That's a lot..only 300k left in his account?? I'm sure he saves with other banks!...
Na them sabi abeg. Elliottwinnifred@yahoo.com
Nawa ....temitope107@gmail.com
Banks r not even safe to keep money this days, it's so sad.
But why would the bank just take out millions of money from his account and expect nothing to happen? There should be a more logical explanation for this. I mean, maybe his account was hacked intro by fraudsters or something. I don't think a bank would steal money openly like that.
Are You A One Minute Man?
Good for them. Bookkibubu4real@yahoo.com
peter pls do.lot of people are going through this .most of them are thieves.
This Peter Okoye too dey show himself. OgA relax no be only u dey lose money. I experience same yet u won't hear anyting from me. Let this Mofo go and sit down one place.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
He said that like a month ago,yeah,can remember and u Linda also promised to expose the woman that made the House help sit on a Hot cooker and u haven't,please I need the story to be out,Thanks...El-toro
First of all, Linda, thank you for fixing the loading problem.
Secondly, we still can't slide left or right of our touch screen phones to load a previous/new news. Pls resolve ASAP.
Now on this matter, I feel sad for the account officer involved/operations head. They'll most likely have to raise the funds by themselves if the culprit is not discovered soon. Banks do not refund such except where it has been fully established that due diligence was carried out by all the staff involved in the transaction.
Heads will certainly roll otherwise. Smh.
He should pls, something similar happened to my anty and up till now na story. Too bad sha... lolafadile@yahoo.com
Dis is trouble.pearl_emerald@ymail.com
I have said it that Nigerian bank this days is synonymous to fraud, they bankers are thieves and fraudsters, especially the bankers at the top of the food chain, abeg expose and sue them joor
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But what happens,if after revealing the name of the bank and they still refuse to pay?
I guess he should seek legal actions instead.
Linda linda amebo of all ages
Name the bank oo
We know the bank already jooor! Feeling funky like say na new gist
That means its no longer safe to put money in the bank. grace.ibem@yahoo.co.uk
Bankers!!! Rubbers.
I'm sure he must really be pissed off. Lolzzz.....make the bank act quickly oh. chidimmaimmaculata95@gmail.com
Banks sha,husseinmotunrayo2012@gmail.com
Na their business
Freaky S*x Test!!! Do this Test and Lets see your Score (+25)
he needs to sue them, tolucaleb@yahoo.com
The nigga is vexing....
Heheheh linda ooooo!so u re d follow up officer ontop ds matter.!!aw much will u be paid for this hardwork of urs?
he needs to sue them, tolucaleb@yahoo.com
He should expose them..jnwaino@yahoo.com
Bankers and fraud. Thank God I don't have enough money to put in a bank. I still dey manage myself... elizabetho179@yahoo.com
Trouble dey smell.quincy_diva@yahoo.ocm
may be the same with the name i have in mind.
Anyway still waiting to hear the outcome. Lin over to you.
Hhehheeheheh, Niger pple $ fraud. Plz expose dem ooooo
Hmmmm Ecobank!!! Na sidon look I dey o0
All this bank ppl and fraud.
why do things like that happen? if you can't trust the banks to keep your money safe, then what is the use of having banks?!
please expose them. A lot of people have been going through that. and their money was never returned.
he sholud expose the bank. tiffs . linabella40@yahoo.com
Miss linda u need to call names so becuz dis 1 no help mattaz eongrilz@gmail.com
Dats his cup of tea...
Linda wats d name of d bank cheeketo@yahoo.com
Make he speak jare,we're tired of all dis banks sef mtsheeew. Amos_luwoye@yahoo.com
Oops.. Sounds like interesting.. But he likes drawing attention too much joor.. Shocking! 12-year Old, Primary Three(3) Girl Gets Pregnant [Pictured]
omoo no b small tyn oh.
Al dis banks dat can steal pples money. .. mtchew. .
He should say something now,so we can know the bank,and hid our money from them
419 bank . if its their staff dat stole 50k, they (bank) wont hesitate to arrest n sack such staff ...lobatan
Peter should just go ahead and mention the name of the bank biko...
Gud news! Mayb dis wud kip d banks on deir toes for a while.
He should speak...dis bankers are thieves....mtchewwwwww
That's Nigerian banks for you bro.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Peter should just go ahead and expose the bank biko
Linda who give you the news?
Bankers are fraudsters! #team underground savings.
Bankers are acting funny these days.onyeoziri.henry@yahoo.com
Bankers are now masters of the art when it comes to fraud..na them wey be thief go still dey use rubber tie biro for table make anybody nu take ham ,useless pple
Hmmmm,ok. veraonuel@gmail.com
Thanks for the broadcast. Linda Ikeji reporting for Peter Okoye
And Who Approves Linda
These banks ehn
I don't know why God cursed Nigeria with Fraudulent people and organizations everywhere!
That one concern him
He is rude and has no respect for his fans!!!
Release d name of d bank nau
Some banks r thiefs
Pls visit my shoe blog
We hear joansamuel3@gmail.com
Kk na peter okoye vs 9ja bank,waitn 4 wat hpens nxt....bt dis banks dem sef,dem no dey fear ooO,person hard wrk kk oooO....* bensonneky@yahoo.com
all these naija banks and their stealing techniques. he should expose them haba
some bank need to be expose
Linda ur amebo ehn,e no get part 2... Na dem knw jawe..
Mumu!! In dis age of the internet!!! And all dat moni moved without him knowing?? Omase o.......Tripple A to da M
Nawa o which kind thing be that one uniqueogo0@gmail.com
He's supposed to sue immediately he found out without fear/favor; they probably do that to most of their unsuspecting or ignorant customers.The bank might be in the business of defrauding ppl.
Cannot believe he agreed to keep quiet if they refund his money.
* My R1.50c comment *
this is serious. how can Nigerian bank messed up like this i am on the opinion that he mention there name so that we will know what we are doing
Guess wat dey took 4rm him is dat significant..... oyewusid@yahoo.com
bank thief, i knw dem beta dan peter. bizzybrain2003@yahoo.com
True that
na wa..jnwaino@yahoo.com
Well same thing happened to me thrice,tried redrawing 50k 4rm d atm I was debited thrice cos der was a network problem.went in2 d bank,they said I wud b automatically refunded,story!fast4ward 7days went back told me 2 apply n give dem 21 working days.story!fastforward 2months I've still been applying.shame on u Diamond Bank!pay me my 150k i didn't steal it don't steal 4rm me.
So its no longer safe to keep ones money in d bank again...corporate thieves
pls mention the bank name nnadookev@yahoo.com
This has become a trend now......chappyreigns@yahoo.com
Shout your mouth lose millions and see if you won't run mad or even take it to the extreme than obviously am sure is btwn 1k-5k they took from u
Expose dem!
Make he shout ooo before he money go be history!!! Ifeomatundeasolo.gmail.com
Thank God he expose them... Bill_smith 121@yahoo.com
He should take a legal action cos some banks in nigeria are thief julian_ peace@yahoo.com
Exposing d bank won't bring bak his money bt Legal action wl.
The Nigerian issue, no one is bold enough to take legal action just cos they're
Also beneficiary of the fraudulent deals. Be a man and name the Bank Mr Okoye. Kokoette.effi@yahoo.com
You are very stupid for that comment @ valentine if just your 1million gets missing you won't get angry that is if you even have 100thousand to your self, why can we Nigerians just stop criticising people that work hard for their money and the money gets missing Dump head
very bad! so where would one save money again?
Bia Mr Valentine are you sure you are ok ni? He shld kip quiet? The fact dat u were dumb dsnt mean others shld be. Since you were quiet when faced wit the same situation (dat is if it's true self)den pls remain quiet,dumb,mumuish. Simple STFU.
Na wa o. My email is okaforprecious4@gmail.com
Ode. You did not loose millions. Maybe Na 100 naira you were charged extra for sms alerts. You had the nerve to put your name. MUFU
Thw way some of these banks and bankers behave, u are safer with boko haram, armed robbers and kidnappers, I tell u and shit u not. They would even be brazen enough to tell u to go and do ur worst instead. His best bet is to seek legal redress cos most of them are ex cult members and secret society big wigs
Na wa
U re so stupid n ugly, am sure if dey remv 5k 4rm ur acct u wil hang ursef, we talkin millions nt thousands ewu
Peter fucking expose those criminals......
Nawa for Naija bank
....I tink he shld get them exposed!
Peter fucking expose those criminals......
U mumu o. Dats y banks dey use u do yeye @valentine
Banks are official thieves now...eddieboy4love@yahoo.com
Serious! leinadex939@gmail.com
See this cow valentine,who cares about you
Millions no be thousands, peter vomit the name of the bank joor if they no wan pay pack d cash
Wats d exclusive in wat u just wrote? Infact you are just a noise maker.
Sorry, Zenith bank is not in dis category. Once it has been established dat it was a fraud and they are liable, they will refund immediately no matter d amount. Zenith has refunded N6 billion in d past for a fraud and life went on. So forget dis ur crap about banks finding it hard to refund
Am sure its access bank lool onowun@yahoo.com
Naija and her fraudulent activities, God help us. Habibolakunle@gmail.com
He lost millions and not #2000,abeg guy talk o...mercyakumute@gmail.com
Banks hmmm why should it take the bank eleven working days to resolve the simple issue they caused.
@valentine HW much u get?better pple re talking and u re here in lib saying nonsense,u get upto 500k 4 ur acc,who knws u sef,oloshi,black belle,pple like u hardly move forward.
You are so silly, you didn't speak out when you lost ur change doesn't mean someone else shouldn't speak out when he loses his millions, ode oshi
All these banks and their shady transactions. adenike.adediji@gmail.com
All these banks and their shady transactions. adenike.adediji@gmail.com
That's how I lost 43.8 million naira 6 months ago..
Linda, you sabi gist... lol
Please expose them. Thieves everywhere. hopehope700@yahoo.com
Hmm I wonder wot kind of bank would do such a thing
Can't wait to get the name of the bank ochojaoke@gmail.com
If am rich lyk Psquare,I dnt thing I will kw my balance...just saying my mind!
Na wa oo. Flowzzykingin@gmail.com
Lindod oya post my comment. Flowzzykingin@gmail.com
No be small thing. Flowzzykingin@gmail.com
Shut ur dirty mouth joor..u experienced wat?hw much was debited?200 naira I quess?yeye dey smell.......long hissssss
Please expose this bank so that we can all know which bank this is and withdraw our money to another bank that will be more careful with our money!
Maybe the manager of the bank carry d cash run biz
He should expose them already xristabel2all@yahoo.com
We will be waiting 4 his statement ooo
Please do expose them,so as to know whether to continue banking with them if it's my bank. Most of these banks are pen and paper thieves.
You, u be thief the money you lost was a stolen money but D's guy work for his money ole you own na ole GBE ole GBA.
expose dere ass broh, dey deserve it ...ken.don10@yahoo.com
mumu united
see ds "dundeee" raised to power 10....how much ur "Didinrin" self loose oo
Stupid Banks..christomblaze@yahoo.com
this banks shud be tot some lesson....kennyiyke1@gmail.com
Uncle, please tell us a story!!
Serious nawa. Fitness Blog, Weight Loss Tips And Beauty
saw the tweet and the message on instagram,i waited for 5 days and he didnot mention...our banks arelike that,and thank God of late EFCC Has been arresting bankers on fraud issues...well hope they are exposed
If you understand how it feels to lose your hard earn kobo, u won't come out here to call someone mofo.
Learn to talk in public *my advise*
If the can do this to a celebrity then the common masses are finished.
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Oooh boy dat naija 4 u even my small act bank still defraud me Waity man eye no go c 4dis najja
Na dem sabi
U are really a fool
Banks and money hmmmmmm.why do dey like stealing... Or it might be fraudsters who hacked his account. estherfrancis2002@yahoo.com
Why would they take his money like that? All these banks are just something else.....
K shaibuladidilash@gmail.com
please peter reveal their name since they refused to pay back after much begging. prettyeyesinu@yahoo.ca
Na WA oh, d bank feel say e no go know say money too plenty abii?well he should still give them time.oghre88@yahoo.com
hmmm.. sam_jere@yahoo.com
Pls be patient. Oghre88@yahoo.com
Lol. Hope he gets his money back. Jenimozie@yahoo.com
HmmmMm is wa don't wot is happening wth bankers of This days.
I came to naija some months back, open an actt. with one of this overhyped first generation bank and I deposited some money. On getting 2 UK, my account details was sent to me showing zero balance and up till date, no solution to my case.
Gheen ghen.. I'm waiting oh. He should reveal the bank and take legal actions.
Gheen ghen.. I'm waiting oh. He should reveal the bank and take legal actions.
You might experience the same and keep quiet bcus ure TMM( to much money) and ur source? But here is a young man, like every other Nigerian, working hard to make ends meet and also accountable for his money
U re the mofo if u don't know ur right. U prolly didn't make ur money in a right way
That's too much money O! Pls do
All those banks ehn.. I rest ma case
I thought that banks whr d safest place to keep our money. I wonder wht dis country is turnin into. Help us all Father cos in thy winds we shall seek refuge.
My guy Peter abeg calm down,u moni go come clemosa69@yahoo.com
U will kip shut cos dey removed coins frm ur account n nt millions...mumu
Abeg park well.. how much you get.. no be your pocket money we dey talk of o
...omg!!! this is GT bank.. they did the same thing to me last month (june 11th), N30. 000 was deducted from my account out of nowhere i have gone to the bank to complain and filled the necessary documents, they told me it will take 2 weeks to investigate, till now i havnt heard anything from them i visit the bank like every other day to check on it but nothing still.this is not the first time it is happening,it has hapened to 3 pple i knw. GT bank is becoming very fraudulent. please if u have an acct with them kindly withdraw your money and warn your friends and family. something has to be done about this fast. this is bcumin very annoying.
My dear Linda,
I thik you're capable of better reporting than this.
So, you have time and dates, the name of the aggrieved and the amount involved but can't mention the bank?
Why do you think corruption thrives so much in Nigeria today?
- AE
...omg!!! this is GT bank.. they did the same thing to me last month (june 11th), N30. 000 was deducted from my account out of nowhere i have gone to the bank to complain and filled the necessary documents, they told me it will take 2 weeks to investigate, till now i havnt heard anything from them i visit the bank like every other day to check on it but nothing still.this is not the first time it is happening,it has hapened to 3 pple i knw. GT bank is becoming very fraudulent. please if u have an acct with them kindly withdraw your money and warn your friends and family. something has to be done about this fast. this is bcumin very annoying.
Sad abt d banking system in Nigeria.... pls let us know d name of d bank if u dont get ur moni.
Am laughing in latin how much do u hav. Dat will warrant u to tell peter to shut up. Pls when billionaires are talking hundred naria guy like u shuld take back seat and watch
Mr valentine egbuna..Just how much did you have in your account that you are ranting..The man lost millions..You clearly havent had that kinda money taken from u before
Smh for Nigeria,how can there be trust in business when a financial institution is messing up, that's if what he is saying is true... I take all the things these entertainers say with a pinch of salt...Enough said abeg.
Hmm! That bank need Zmapp o
na wa ooo
What is he waiting for, let him expose the bank involved. It is very bad that you can't trust banking your money again. If they do not refund his money, is to sue the bank immediately. benotekcomputers@gmail.com
Linda am sending this with anonymous cos I don't want pple to see my real name..I'm one of your regular visitors if not the most regular(think of who it might be). Few of us commented for the giveaway with our real blogger's/google name... Buh wen you post the comments we see those that had never commented on this your blog but come here every last monday and seal the spots pushing the "REAL"others to *infinity*.
I just have to tell you this dear .. your recognising those peeps ahead/instead of is beginning to make us dislike you. For real.
And as far as I'm concerned this give away is ineffective and goes mostly to strangers from other blogs,its only having a negative effect on your regular visitors..and is killing the zeal...so if you can't find a way to get this money to the "REAL" libers then its better you save your money ! I know you. You might not want to post this but am sure u'd read it. Pele.
My Dad also fell victim of such fraud with FIRST BANK. They are telling him stories about his millions in their banks. We are still on the case. Bankers. THIEVES.
This is daylight robbery! Disgraceful. No institution is above corruption in Nigeria. Why not steal from corrupt politicians?
Plz allow them to investigate and find out wot happened coz I don't think they refund just like that.
Linda,plz approve my comments oooo
na wa oooo......... Tanimareal@gmail.com
plssssss do , let me knw if my little money is safe chemicalx52003@yahoo.com
Seriously linda I neva know u re like dis n if u like don't post dis but wat u did is not fair at all ,starting from ur first news today i posted comments one or two mintues after u posted dat very news then wen u started posting people's comments I checked it all my Comments wasn't in any way posted let alone of being last ....... Not until I started posting linda post my comments is wen u decided to post it .I love ur blog not only dat I always tell my friends abt ur blog wlc a good number of dem always visit n comment ,I comment mostly as anonymous .....hmmm there is God is not fair at all .beautymadu90@gmail.com,nonyepeace31@yahoo.com
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