The video was released to National Enquirer magazine recently by Angelina Jolie's former drug dealer, Franklin Meyer, who claims he shot it in 1999 after she called him to her to home to re-supply her with heroin and cocaine.
"Angie was a client of mine for several years. I sold her heroin and cocaine. One day she called me up and wanted me to drop by her place. That was her way of telling me she wanted me to bring her drugs. At the time, I had just bought a video camera and decided to bring it along. When I arrived, I just gave her the drugs and then she gave me the money.’
Convicted drug dealer Meyer said he
kept filming her as her father, actor Jon Voight, called her to discuss family matters. In the video Angie's eyes are bloodshot, her arms emaciated and scratched, her fingernails dirty...and the room filthy. But all these was 15 years ago, she's gone on to become one of the biggest film stars in the world, involved with one of the hottest men in the world, has 6 kids and is a humanitarian. What a woman! See more pics and the video from her dark days after the cut

See the video below. Wonder why he decided to release it now...
1st to comment
Chai.... Na bad new oo 4 angelia..
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Fast forward 15 years, what do you see? Thats all that matters.
did d fool had 2 bring dat one up? He's jez lukin 4 attention... D woman has enof on her mind already
D guy is sick, angie is changed nw with six kids..... Stupid guy go nd kiss transformer
chai !!! the guy wicked ooo... nkemdirimeverista111@gmail.com
e don tay Ω̴̩̩w....omo bt sum pple wicked!!!y Brinqin up d issue nw#plz u̶̲̥̅̊ guyz shld leave jolie alone ooo#maryann_emma@yahoo.com
She's not looking healthy at all....thomassolomon67@yahoo.com
The guy must be stupid to think this could tarnish her image.The craziest part is that her fans love the dark side of her more.Angie all the way#lovebadbitches......ZAMANIAN....
The guy must be stupid to think this could tarnish her image.The craziest part is that her fans love the dark side of her more.Angie all the way#lovebadbitches......ZAMANIAN....
Like she likes it. Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
This is so bad for her image
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Mama she er druggy
This one is looking for cheap points! At least she's not snorting cocaine in the video! Pls get a life!
This one is looking for cheap points! At least she's not snorting cocaine in the video! Pls get a life!
We all have a fucking past uh to this make no sense cos she has said it that she had a bad time in the past so was he photos for again? jopeyemi@gmail.com
y do pple do such? wat do dey gain? he must b a miserable man!! Jesus!! angelina is loved by many,wud tke jesus to damage her image!!
That is in the past, and everyone have their past too, to me is irrelevant.
Angelie Jolie is a changed person now.I really like her movies. What matters now is who she is today....
Did he nt also implicate himself. . Dats y its good to talk abt ur bad past publicly by urself esp wen ur usin dat as a platform to advice ur fans cos dis is no longer a shock to many people
tank god she has moved on she luks horrible here,but she is stil my role model.
*yawn* its morning already.
Bad belle pple. She's a changed person now. Thank God
Watz d point of doin diz now,@diz stage of her life?evrybodi has a past nd I dnt fink is nice 2 do ds 2 her now or eva...... Americans wif blackmail,I jst hate dem fr dat......she walkd pass dose cocaine nd became 1 of d greatest actresses of al tym nd datz wat I cal a strong Woman.....I wil always luv her so I dnt care abt her past.#Nohomo
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
Why releasing now?is in her past,na wa ooo
Nawa oh. This is how this silly bad belle dealer wants to ruin this successful woman's reputation. Why are people so full of evil? And he is not even ashamed to come out and say that he's a drug dealer.
Linlin gumorin
Miss Chief jus wakin' up
He should go and haves several seats.
He's just seeking cheap publicity,she already owned up long ago and has moved on.
inspiring lady.. patoswife@gmail.com
It's in her past and she's talked about it before. She's changed for the better. What does the guy hope to achieve by releasing this video now. When we repent of our sins, we are forgiven and God does not remember it anymore. Same should apply here.
Wonder why post dis now all dis white with dere madness
Every body has a weakness, every woman has a pass buh my problem is with d women who allow there pass to hinder there future or wouldnt want to sacrifice some bad habit to have a better future
Tank God she is a new person now! Dts her past! It doesn't define who she is now.
such "was" life in her life....if na nigeria now,O.M.G...omo buruku ni,oni sekuse..#GARIFROSH#
I dont get d drug dealer's intentions for releasin dis photos/video... Is it to show d world how possible for som1's life to change or to tanish her image? Be it as it may, I think she's gone past that
Very mean man for doing this.
De guy is a bastard. Jolie wil remain my best hollywood actress. ekwuruibea@gmail.com
This man is just an attention seeker.
Abeg they should let her be, dt was in d past.
Linda I can't comment.
At least she admitted she waz a junkie nd didn't try to hide it!!!!!!!!! Looking hot even as a junkie! Yeye man! Y bring dis up now? All for d money abi?????? Hoping u got wat u wanted! Olooshi! Agbaya!
#GozManuel Says#
Why is he releasing the video now? Doesn't make sense abeg.She has moved on....so should he
So what?? That's 15yrs ago! That's her past let it remain in the past asshole!
His problem! Er'body has a past! Still doesn't stop me 4rm luvin Angelina.
So what does dis idiot stand to gain? Yeye! Ehee u've released d video, wat next?
Let her past be her past. Even the person posting this photos also have a bad past. jopeyemi@gmail.com
He isn't serious. Y release the pictures now?? He's so pathetic. He needs attention, rubbish. He might still be a drug dealer and Angie Jolie one of Hollywood's biggest star. So Mr drug dealer, she aint ur client anymore.. Deal with it
dats in d past tho
dats in d past tho
It is not easy to be a star, must mix something with something to stay strong
dats in d past tho
Nawa oo..well that's past tense now...............................#KingOfKings
Thank God she has move on...
Morning all
Shows anyone can change their life
I think she's become a better woman no doubt and we've all got a past..#Tslicky
Since is her past life it changes nothing in her present life
This Meyer guy is quite insensitive; would have considered what these will do to her kids.
Blessed day to y'all!
*My R1.50c comment*
Since is her past it change nothing cos to be a drug addict and stop is not easy
What is the fucking prob with u Linda. I don't understand wat u wanna fucking get in image annihilation of this superstar. how will u feel later in future when ur former lover post a pics of urs making out with him. Stop this punk
Watin d fool won gain...she is still one of d best in hollywood...dis will only mak her stronger...enemies every were..brazil to germany DIA RIS GOD OO
# epiphany#
Why wouldn't she want her kids to see this video? Why would you think So linda? Angelina Jolie already said she discussed her past with her 6kids. The 16min long video shows no drug use no heroine and any hard drug. Only a diet coke. She was talking to her father and worried about her mother and her brother. And you can see that even back then she always looked out for people around her. I love angelina she turned her dark days around and became a selfless person who is a humanitarian loved round the world.
whaow! thats all in her past! bukoladewole@gmail.com
Too bad. I feel sorry for her. Whay is his motives for releasing these pics and video now? Linda, find out.
U are right. Its now in de past. De drugdealer is just looking for attention. Angelina is now more matured and responsible. I'm out ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Everybody has a past.....
Now Angelina Jolie has said she was once a drug addict...so why is this clown of a guy trying to make mountains out of mo hills. 15yrs Ago fa,& he decided to put it out just to tarnish are image & get a public chip attention...abeg d guy should take several seat...
Long hissssss....
Even now, she still looks drugged out...
This is history as long as am concerned. Dosent change my views about her . I love her as a person !!
I won't be surprised if we all wake up one morning to read he fell down his stairs and broke his neck..
Gosh!!! Why release it now???
Linda this was so unnecessary bye
past tence it is so u guys shuld let her move on wit her life
Thank God she is still alive to laugh at the idiots stupidity unlike Whitney Houston that died before getting any help.
Anyway i just stopped smoking. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes now 4 days and counting. I used to be on 1 packet of Benson daily for over a year now i am free. Thank You lord for the gift of life.
Common shut up u this little boythats always replying to every comment! Jobless twart! First love yourself cus am sure you don't. Gbonsigbalosi! That's why I hate dis blog. Little kids everywhere talking nonsense.
He must have demanded for some cash and got none, mumu Man! Come and release my own video -I am still a drug addict -Paracetamol, Vitamin C etc.
Hahahaha.......Failures just don't know hw 2 braze up &face dere miserable life's. Why do dis?? She's gone past dis stage, its not necessary man! FOOL
She's always looked like that..... Poor her
What bad people would do to get attention of make money... All this while he carried the dark past of this woman in his heart and now wants to make her unhappy.
You are messing with the wrong person. Angelie is much more wiser and better now to fall for this shit. There is no one who would not go through the darkness, but only very few would rise above it.. Angelie has certainly done that.
Shut up jare! Is it Linda that put the video online? You wana show that you can spell 'fucking' abi?
To me. These are shots from a new movie she's acting. Hehehe
this is probably becos Jolie didnt succumb to his blackmail.
She changed,y is d guy bringing it up,so d world will clap for you???Angie still ur biggest fan.Linda u dn't post my comments,not cool at all
That is her past. Drug is bad.
@Anonymous 9:41am, I think u re d one dt is got a prob here. Why picked on steveosky 4 real like dat.to u if dis site is full of kids,kindly get d fuck out nd stop stocking pple here. I think you've got a bad nite frm wit d way u replied.
Shame on the stupid guy that released this video. The video doesn't even show her taking the drugs. kptweew.
I don't know what people gain from messing up other people's life, she's talked about it before why hatch it up cos of a few bucks? Jolie's name will live on long after this mess has died! People just do things and not think about it! No thoughts to her kids, husband or family! This is some bull!!!
Bad belle...dats her past
Anon 10:25am. Pls ignore the fool. Av always said anyone that stalks me on this blog is just Gay coz they are the ones av vowed to make thier stay on this blog miserable. So if u got balls, be brave to stalk me with a name..
She still carries that emaciated look.
He probably tried to blackmail her with the video and she called his bluff
Mtschew for the guy!!
Let the past go with the past.
Once you understand that Linda Ikeji is lower than a millipede or a tick that sucks blood from your scalp, you will understand she had to post this picture. Anything to make money.
And this kids, is why you shouldn't do drugs.
She's still cute though...◦нê◦нë◦нê◦нë◦нê◦°◦ :p ...I love her baje baje
old things pass away but old story can Neva pass away #fredyobot@yahoo.com
Linda you see what you have cause? Everybody now dey add email address join their comment. You see what you haff Cause? LOLLL...
linda someone bringing up my past pix of bad habit that i have stop forgotten and reveal to the public is like speaking to pple that no matter hw bad u think u ar if u want and determine to change, u will change for real just work on it. the drug dealer is indirecting passing a good message to youth who think they cant overcome drug addict that is possible to overcome if Angelina did u too can! am seeing it at positive angle!
U are talking from African perspective, it is not like that in Europe or America, the evil that men do long in the 19century hunt them in. 21st century, example is the famous jimmy savo, and rulf harrod both in the UK they are have been questioned for the sin they committed in the 70
and the point of this is..... rather unnecessary
Attention seeking fool
Stupid fellow dats seeking for cheap attention.... Idiot...
U ghaunnn u r very foolish, this is the most foolish comment I've read in this post, a fool at ur age is a fool forever ooo... #packshair #teamnatural
moral lesson dont do things dat would lata=er hunt you.......joyceifidon@yahoo.com
She looks so horrible n so soooo sickening
And may it be permanent
one thing you people have to understand is that ....all that time before she admitted doing drugs, all this stuff was going on behind the scenes and everything still seemed perfectly OK. The fans and audience don't see these things till we hear reports of something bad that happened as a result of these celebs secretly taking drugs. I am not in support of the guy releasing the video, but I see it as an eye opener. Take a clue from how Beyonce smiled after the elevator ish, If we hadn't seen the vid later, no one would have guessed they are having problems. Agreed, the vid is from several years ago...but look at Angelina Jolie now, does she really look OK?...she looks thin and constantly distant to me...now I dunno for sure but I can't really say she looks better now than she did in that video. my two cents. out.
"D guy took the video tape to her for a ransom, she consulted with her husband children and lawyer, after all there supports and all she refuse to pay for the tapes. Then d guy feels he will teach her a lesson by releasing it which he did. But eventually didn't really hold much strenght" my own version of d story.nm
Over to the morons who always point to what American stars are doing as their moral compass. Some idiots who say they too can expose their nudity because so and so Americans are doing that should also emulate this junkie.
Don't mind the useless anonymos! I always see what the fool posts and I think d person is doing it deliberately and enjoying it becos steve is allways saying is withemina moses which I don't think becos if she's the one , she would have replied steve becos she can sabi reply to every insults given to her. Anonymous who ever you are stop this nonsense you are doing causing problem and hatred here between people. Idiota! Go and get a life. Nawa for some peeps shaa.
Once a junkie, forever a junkie.
The Horror movie is thing of the past
bt there's nothing in the video tho
Try and go back to school. There pass ko, there fail ni..
This is a testimony to all drug users out there...if Angelina Jolie can clean up, so can you.
Oga teacher it's Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris!! Thank me later....when u have learnt to spell.
@one guy u shld knw she's bin struggling wid cancer tho she's better nw
Who cares. We love her! End of story.
Dafuq!!!..get ur damn facts right mate! Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris!!...bloody 'ell!!!
...and your welcome!!
S.O. JD.
None of my business tho
I don't trust Hollywood actresses. They would do anything to get back and be in the news ALL the time if possible.
1 - Look at the size of that camera. It very well could be Ms jolie's. The cameraman; drug dealer or not, could be filming with Ms Jolie's accord or even at her express demand.
2 - The outing of this film and pictures could be in accord with Ms Jolie. For reasons best known to her. No rich person can refuse a free one million dollars. Recently she told the world she had one or 2 of her breast(s) cut off. Was that information necessary ? What purpose does such an intimate announcement serve?
There's this former "baywatch" actress, Pamela Anderson, who was in Cannes a few months ago and she came with her own attention seeking bomb telling the world she was "gang raped" when she was a teenage. Why reveal that now and on the eve of going to Cannes where she would have almost been nobody or rather a pathetic "has been". More than 20 years later and after her fame had vanished. As expected or as planned, this stupid news made headlines upon headlines all across the Western world and attracted much, too much attention to her.
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