The nurse has been criticized for not only recording the football star in that state but also for blowing kisses to the camera afterwards and laughing. She then posted the video to her Facebook page. Personally, I don't see how this is a big deal but the hospital management released a statement saying the nurse, named Chintia, has been fired. See the video after the cut...
I see what she did as nothing.
shiooor. so neymar go the way of don jazzy and employ this beautiful woman who is going to make you more popular...
Na wa o...
Dats too harsh naw, dey cud av suspended her instead...
I don't tink the mgt should take it to that level. That was too harsh on her for simple expression of love for fellow citizen.
y na
ooo chim....
ooo chim....
I agree with you Lili,there's no biggie to it after all he's not complaining
So what's wrong with what she did? Even Neymar would love the video.
CoolDiva speaks!
She violated patient confidentiality. Filming your patients without their approval is ethically wrong. She violated the privacy of her patient and the ethics of her profession.
Mmmmh. Whenever he recovers he should please implore on her behalf. For crying out loud, neymar is a hot-ladies man kinda-guy, secondly he is a celebrity α̲̅πϑ that title does not come with privacy.
There's notn wrong wit wht she did. She's jst bein aa fan. Pretex4luv@yahoo.com. 08063645540. Anuty mi email is nt functional at d moment.
The management decision to fire the nurse was too harsh and malicious. It was just a simple expression. Suspension could have been better.
There is noting wrong with what she did, she was happy seeing him,why will d hospital treat her like dat, let dem go to hell.
There is noting wrong with what she did, she was happy seeing him,why will d hospital treat her like dat, let dem go to hell.
HI Linda,
I am shocked at your statement"I don't see why this is a big deal". In a professional environment, such behavior is unacceptable and I actually think you haven't held a proper job for you to make such a comment. Her behavior is totally unacceptable and not in line with the practice of medicine in the modern world. This is not a personal attack on your being but positive feedback for your own good.
The management decision to fire the nurse was too harsh and malicious. It was just a simple expression. Suspension could have been better.
Because him na celeb
Rubbish. . Wats in dis video. . I tink shes happy cos she was wiv a star. .mtchew
Haba! Y do dey av to fire d poor nurse! Its xo unfair!
so unprofessional.. patoswife@gmail.com
Are you for real Linda? it on Ethical...My dear
Are you for real Linda? it on Ethical...My dear
.Moye B
Nawa oo I dnt see anytin wrng wit dat white pple an d way they judge. D Nurse might be dying 2 see neymar like sm of us hia an she got d opporunity. Lols
Oyibo people no dey tolerate rubbish. I'm out ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Brazilians are mourning seriously over Neymar's injury, so they won't afford anyone the luxury of making fun of it.
Its quite worrying how u,Linda,dont find anything wrong with it.The nurse was totally unprofessional.She broke patient confidentialty,one of the biggest rules for those working in the healthcare sector.How would you like to be videos WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT when your being treated in hospital.Its good that she got fired.She should have known better.There is no p;ace for fan behaviour in a hospital.
but that unfair
Orishirishi...bt isn't the nurse sef busy? Filming patient @ working hours and then Facebook, I agree she shld be purnished bt sack is kinda too much
Dats harsh
That was sooooooooo wrong! Nurses and doctors are there to treat people and not to take pics. of patients! That was unethical!
WOW Linda, you don't see how a HIPPA violation is a big deal? Will you like your healthcare provider to post a video of you like that on social media, at you most vulnerable time?
she kissed her job goodbye...choi
serves ha ryt,sumone was in pain nd d best tin she could do was to start recording it,sum ppl sef.
Linda tell her not to worry when neyma recorvers he will employ her. At least our own jon zazy employed an airlins staff that was sacked because of him
Serves ha ryt,sumone was in pain nd d best tin she culd do was to start recording it.sum ppl sef
Dere is noting wrong with with she did. (75806B71 pin)
Linda,you spread gossip for a living so definitely you won't see anything wrong.
Its unprofessional and a breach of patient /doctor/hospital confidentiality.
She should be fired AND fined!!!!
Well deserve because Neymar, is Idol in Brazil for now...
hmmmm,oyibo... nkemdirimeverista111@gmail.com
Sorry for her.@patfrance@
Unlike Nigeria, a lot of other countries have laws against such an act. It is a huge violation and the hospital can be sued and fined by that nonsense that she did. Do you think that American celebrities don't go to hospitals? Do you see things posted of them? If you do know that the hospital can be sued or shut down if that individual did not authorize the release of those images or videos.
WTH??? how is that not a big deal? its called patient's privacyyyyy.. HIPAA
very right,dont c anytin wrong in dat
Hmmmmmmm,vivio4u2envy@yahoo.com kabishhhh#bebo#
Na becos na Star abi ???!!!
Na so oyinbo life be. Them no dey tolerate nonsense..riwo11@yahoo.com
Seriously Linda, you don't see it as a big deal? Even if he isn't a celeb, a nurse just films a patient being wheeled into a hospital and uploads it on face book? It is such a breach of privacy. This social media craze is really bad now. Everything is seen as normal
Just like that? Na wa oooo white people n their sef.
This is the type of hype i hate...na she wound the boy
I wish they gave her suspension instead of firing her.
lindodo,i'm a nurse and what she did was out of order,think about it,if the nurses were allowed to record their patient and POST IT ON LINE,TELL ME D TRUTH,WILL YOU BE OKAY WITH THAT ?
I don't know d Brazilians policy but here in the US that can earn you a line in the unemployment section,In fact not all hospitals will let you use your phone within the walls of the hospital not to talk of recording.To be it short,You are allow to take people's picture in a hospital without their go ahead order not to talk of posting it.Sorry girl,learn from your mistake.
Is like them plan to sack her before oo the neyma na God?
Fire! For what!!! Na waooo! Is neymar a god?? Nothing wey person no go hear. LINDA post my comment ifeomatundeasolo@gmail.com
What's the big deal in the guy letting Don Jazzy fool around with the airport's cart? Nothing really it is just all down to the management trying to maintain a standard! A hospital is a place of business, not where you come to horse around!
That was too much nah, suspension is okay for wat she did. Abi Neymar na President? ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
No big deal nah....na wa oooo
Actually it was a misbehaviour in her place as a nes, buh somtimes u can't help gettin star-struckk
She will die broke! She doesn't know how to sell to TMZ and she is posting free on facebook.
She's very obviously a fan with a crush,'d prolly've given him a bj during his stay had she not been fired
It's called patients confidentiality. ..
Too bad for her #bright bravo#
thanks lindodo i ve recieved the alert 25k choi.....
Why fire her..that's too harsh...................................#KingOfKings
Who no go do the same abeg.... The nurse don chop fame thats the important thing there though.....
breach of confidentiality
Eiya sowi oooo,now neyma c wetin u don cos cos of dis ur cute face,na so o linda,which lady won't do dat 4 dat handsm dude nt knwin d consequence...##CherryC##
seriously unprofessional.....maybe she just saw her crush....who knows!
Eya! Why naa? Where is Duro Boss?
I personally think that the hospital management is crazy......
Dem fire the nurse or dem no fire the nurse dat one no fit make brazil carry the WorldCup
Chai. Sorry lady. Chioma_kairo@yahoo.com
Well..pity...chowanu oru ozo. ...
That's bullshit...na crime to film neymar?...abi na only him be celebrity!..
Oyibo pple wif drama,she was jst happy cin a star no biggy nd now dey fired her fr nofin.... Rubbish pple
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
Whether it is Neymar or Joe blogg, it is the fact that as a Nurse, your patient's confidentiality are paramount. For a minutes stupidity, she might find it difficult getting a job as a Nurse as other hospitals would be aware and worried about her ethics.
the stupid nurse doesnt know her job and has forgotten the patient confidentiality clause. serves her right. if she still gets a nursing job she wold definitely remember dat. its at clause that protects patients
Chaiiii diaris God o!!!!! What has sister chintia don wrong to deserve sack abi na only her waka come the hospital?
lol neymar will employ her
That's sad. I recall an airport staff loosing his job because of Donjazzy. Donjazzy hired him afterwards. She could yet get lucky
I just hope that colombian player zuniga is not harmed..
Dats sad. I recall an airport staff loosing his job because of Donjazzy. Donjazzy hired him afterwards. She could yet get lucky
I think it's against their ethics, all the same they should have just suspended her
Yes,its unethical and unprofessional.there could be serious penalty more than that irrespective of who the patient is...........
Ehya... Ppl in the medics are sworn to topmost confidentiality. Guess she broke d ground
Libers will always take side with linda,,linda say; she doesn't see anything bad and ya'all said the same!! Its again medical ethics!! Don't you guys thinks?? Pain,,pain,, pain he was in pain and she was doin that shii!!! Nd u say nothing is bad? Nigerian when will you people learn to get knowledge??? Ignorance is your greatness enemy!!!
Shut up over sabi
It is a big deal what she did. That is invasion of privacy well I don't know how it works in Brazil but its immediate removal in USA. I'm guessing she was not trained on privacy issues or else she wouldn't have been so silly to post it on facebook etc.
wow, dats so not right, shes obviously a fan of neymar himself and neymar wont be happy to hear this story. d guy is a superstar, he will be chased and photographed from time to time
Idiot try to learn cos u didn't know it was wrong to film a patient
That is violation of patient privacy. It is call HIPPA in US. She can lose her license because of that.
Linda, it is known in the USA as a violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Patients privacy and confidentiality must be jealously guarded and protected by those in the medical profession. In fact in the state of Texas, the Board of Nursing will be worried about such behavior.
Unfortunately in Nigeria our beloved country, we hardly see anything wrong in anything. May God help us.
Got what she deserves, a lesson for everyone in the medical profession who things it's a game.
The more reason why people should be mindful of what they post on any social media. Ya no big deal to some but to others and probably to Neyma himself, what she did was wrong. somethings are supposed to be for personal use/records to be cherished and not for public. Just the other day someone posted a picture of his dad lying in state...i mean who needs to see a dead man lying in state.
See Nigerians? Because you live in a country where ANYTHING goes, you don't see anything wrong with what this nurse did.
I reiterate what someone has already said - She violated patient confidentiality. Filming your patients without their approval is ethically wrong. She violated the privacy of her patient and the ethics of her profession.
She deserved to have a behind canned! While she was busy taping this man, a patient could have been dying.
What happened to patient's confidentiality??? She forgot the ethics guiding her profession? I can't say what the hospital management could have done to her but what she did was totally unacceptable.
This is unethical.Infact,a radiograher Is currently facing a panel for unduely exposing a patient Uni Benin Teachn Hosp.
I think, that was very unprofessional unless agreement was made between patient and the Hospital. But EVEN THOU it IS suppose to be a verbal warning. PLEASE WORLD, LETS LERN TO FOR GIVE.
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