"Going for a second term is making the anger in people expand. It is better for her not to come again. She should leave the office and allow another person to try. No progress at all. I am not part of it. As I speak with you, Ibinabo has about two to three court cases. We are tired, we want another person. We should try a new person, let's see what he or she would do. About 90% of the people she is ruling say no, but she insisted. Why? Because she is gaining something" he told Encomium magazine this week. Continue...
When asked about his assessment of the movie industry, he said
"If I should talk about the movie industry you would make me shout because the industry is giving me headache. I am not happy at all. I believe we are matured enough to be independent. As big as AGN is we don't have a national headquarters, I mean a film village. Go to other countries in Africa, they have most of these facilities but we have not been able to achieve these because of greed. All the money promised by President Jonathan and other state Government, what have they done with it? Whether it has been collected or not we don't know. It is very painful considering the number of years we have been in existence" he said
I tot dey liked her..hmm dz is gettn interesting
Pls visit my shoe blog
#AGN# they re still battling n fighting. Pls let dis woman be. Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
Ok o. E don do. Ogunaomi@gmail.com
Ibu don talk am finish!
Ok o. E don do. Ogunaomi@gmail.com
Ok o. E don do. Ogunaomi@gmail.com
90percent or him alone?
Why did they even put her there in the first place?Because i dont think someone like her can rule,just saying....
Too bad. That is just the problem with Nigerians, GREED!!! Everybody wants to load his pocket with de money meant for a particular project. Let her step down since she is no longer needed. By de way Ibu's face is always funny. Lol I'm out ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Mr Ibu don vex ooo. Clear road for that man..!!!
Mr IBU, if you don't want her will you pick up her position. Better keep your mouth close. Clown. ENGR Emy
Linda dis world don spoil finish so better people air their opinion mumu like mr ibu still dey air him own opinion oh ibinabo don suffer o poor AGN president o level mumu mr ibu get voice to talk chai dis is something serious john okafor should stay out of it ooo
Linda anoda story abeg ... Ha chuonu ya if them wan pursue am ah ah ..
Na her right to run for another term, na ur right weather u go vote. So free her jo
When the people you are meant to serve while in any position don't want you, what do you do? You step down of bow out gentle
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True talk,Ibinabo did nothing as a president,she is as good as no president.
OK cool we've heard !!!!!!!! ibu's eyes thoooooo
True talk.... I agree wth him. A lot of ople are really against dat woman... na wa o
If 90% of their ppl do not want her, he need not shout; they won't vote for her.
Unless he's been pushed by *an individual to make the statement.
* My R1.50c comment *
This mata again?I nor be actress jara
Very true.
Moye B.
Very true
Ibu mehn,u r right.
True talk mister ibu.....industry isn't growing at all.....very stagnant frm year to year.. And as 4 ibinabo she de collect money and contracts on behalf of AGN. U really made a lot of sense here unlike clarion, she didn't give facts at all. Sure she'll be happy wit dis interview. Linda d picture u used for ibe heheh! E cum be like say na so em face de during d interview..lol
Hehehe still trying to take Mr Ibu serious.
He said he doesn't want to shout. Ibinabo should give another person a chance, its obvious majority of them don't want her.
if your presumed 90% don't want her and she is contesting, then the 90% should not vote for her simple, except your 90% is not correct or you people can be bought with money and rice too
Pls madam step down make dem try oda pp abeg ...
........90% of us have said we dn't want her buh ibinabo said "no"...nawaaooo.,mr ibu +90% ,una no get grand?how̶̲̥̅̊ can a lady say no to 90% + ibu,dis is power over brazil...abi she came frm germany?........
i dey laugh in Germany style; lol@Mr.Ibu.
Y de h8 on dis harmless lady? ekwuruibea@gmail.com
Well don Mr ibu
Wetin dis babe do all of them? Fib abeg resign in order 2 live long o.It is well o
Wow! I could say he is right, but he shouldn't hv talked on behalf of others. Nobody like to hear d truth although it must b told. Foes everywhere!!
Hehehehe. . Since u pple dnt wan her den dey shldnt vote for her again. . If ur really sure 90% of d pple dnt wan her den leave her to run for d election cos dat means she will loose.. dis AGN pple av come again
But why? I think this issue should be judge or solve by vote not by noise, fight or argument. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Ibinabo... you self resign na
The people doesn't want you
Well its just politics....they all have sumtin they gain not to want to leave office.
These things takes time, she can't do all those within the little time she is in power. I will just advise Ibinabo to do her bit while she have the time. All the best to AGN jare.
CoolDiva speaks!
He has no choice co she will win.
Click my name for New aso ebiand ankara styles
Dis d only man dat can say d truth
Ok ooo...nkemdirimeverista111@gmail.com
Lolz.. Another comedy show
You too leave, I can't comprehend why people prefer to stress themselves. Why is she forcing her self on an association that doesn't want her. Just this little irrelevant position she is holding, I wounder if she was the president of Nigeria. Now all u will say IBB and Abacha was bent on staying bk, ths lady would do worst in their place.
And i have been judging mr ibu on what i have been watching him on screen.... Mrs Ibinabo Fiberisima kuku leave nw, this ur tenure is nothing but controversy.....
My suggestion is 4 d govt to close down nollywood as a whole..they ar nt improving at all..lost faith in dem yrs ago..wack movies same people..no change at all....................................#KingOfKings
IB if they don't want you just leave them. Nigerians don't know a good leader when they see one. Leave them with their SHIT and live a peaceful life. See what they are doing to GEj.
The voice of the people is the voice of GOD.Since many ple are complaining about this Ibinabo,I think is better for her to stop recontesting.
##############GoD bless###################Naija
dis is very true that woman is busy stealing money to fight her court case she has no interest to put Nollywood in shape she gat to go we don't want her
John Okafor, sorry ooo. But to be honest, aside from Teco Benson, Emem Isong and a few other producers, Nollywood movies have gotten worse these days. Content, zero. New actors talent, zero. Its a shame really.
Immediately i find out a movie has 6 parts i don't even bother watching it, no matter how interesting it might be. Nollywood movies these days aren't even worth two parts.
If its the will of the people why force it Ms Ibinabo
ibinabo shud jst calm down..der was a time i attended d AGN meeting in lagos, dey stil dont wnt her n planned to even impeach her..she shud jst walk away dan all dese wahala shes causing...
God dey...
Looks like its no longer only Mrs Clarion dat wants her out of office. She shuld pls respect d wish of d ppl she's leading and step down if truly mor dan 90% of dem say NO!
Mr.Ibu, u don follow Clarion dey murmur yourself?
Why don't u let the votes speak for itself on the Election Day? Try and aim higher and stop the hatred and jealousy.
Ibinabo , soar higher!! The sky is just your starting point. Haters go hug transformer.
Itink Mr Ibu has a point there.
Allow her run, you mustn't vote for her, if truly 90% of people don't want her, then she will fail on her own accord.
Ya we A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ all tired...no platform
Son of Solomon
EXACTLY @Hilary Obiora why bad mouth in public? Nollywood people like turning on their own. One thing I do know is that Ibinabo has done a lot for AGN since she entered.
She may have her negatives, but if the positive outways it then why shouldn't she win? smh. ungrateful Nigerians
EXACTLY @Hilary Obiora why bad mouth in public? Nollywood people like turning on their own. One thing I do know is that Ibinabo has done a lot for AGN since she entered.
She may have her negatives, but if the positive outways it then why shouldn't she win? smh. ungrateful Nigerians
That's very true
Ibinabo should bow out now that the ovation is loudest... word for the wise!
What is really wrong with all these old women and men? She Should not run cause you said so? What happens to dat right to vote and be voted for? Like you have said you people dnt want her, then vote her out on election day simple. Poppins
clarion chukura at work.
ℓ̊ D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ ůя̩̥̊ bck ibu#maryan_emma@yahoo.com
Well said @Obiorah
If u talk abt it,it will give u headache...Ibu then stop acting those roles that does not make meaning at all.
As Mr Ibu put mouth for dis matter....it means d lady in questions is not living up to expected.... Madam port abeg
Abeg make she too go sitdawn one place is ok! Cuz I knw she has a political appointment
Paul u are a dick......for ur mind now u made sense or appeared funny.... d o leave holder can feed Ur generation and has more sense dan lineage can ever tink of...
PoIitics everywher,couId dere b anoda APC and PDP in d movie industry?
Every body in one position or the other wants a
second term even when they did nothing with the
first one
exactly @hilary obiorah. patoswife@gmail.com
Mr Ibu is joking...That man can never be serious.
If they really want her out, they should let her run for the election and not vote for her. I feel these an please re just seeking to be noticed. Run for election if u want her out. PERIOD
Political brouhaha.... I beg make una carry una cross jare
Sounds like u r in elementary school....please u must not comment on any thread that u dont know wat to sau.
@Paul, after calling Mr Ibu 0 level, you go anon and drop your email address for Linda's giveaway abi?
No wahala
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