All these back and forth PDP just released a statement on their Facebook page insisting that the new APC Youth Leader Ibrahim Dasuki Jalo is 52 and not 43 like APC claimed in a statement released earlier today. Continue to read the rest of the press release...
Abeg, these people should take several seats joooor.
CoolDiva speaks!
Abeg, these people should take several seats joooor.
CoolDiva speaks!
As if ℓ̊ care!!!
Seriously? Is dis wat they should be doing? Don't they have better tinx to do?...I weep for my country
Whos business ?
Why er they(PDP) acting like they are finished??? Wht's their business with APC youth leader....make dem park well joorr...........................NEXT OF KIN
Mehn you old, no lie say you be 52.
««Dj kimono»»
LOL! Na dem sabi
PDP nd APC leaders r stupid so dey r playin wif Nigerians abi?wat wil ds add 2 me evn if dey mak a 6yr old youth leader? Rubbish country
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
These is so crazy coming from the people who should discuss issues that will improve the country.
PDP should let them be for petes sake
Will his age bring back the abducted chibok girls or help end the ASUP strike and epileptic power supply in our country.
Trouble dey sleep,yanga wan go wake am.
An so!!!!?
What has that got to do with the problems u all have caused? Stupid and irrelevant set of pple! I beg comot 4 road make I pass! Mtcheeeeeeeeew
an so!!!!!
and so ? shut up and do your work #bringbackourgirls , #bringbackourlight
Forget these people abeg! This their interruption of our social media life is annoying!!!
This is called "Drama."
Lol...why the lie cos I dnt see any major difference btw d ages of 43 and 52.#smh.and this is d part were pdp likes to attack
Hahahahahahaha…APC is ASHAMED of their 52 years old "youth" leader????…hehehehehe…In PDP the people have a voice, but APC belongs to TINUBU and Buari, Anything those two say's is what they do. SHAME!
whether 40 or 50 they are old men.what will those from 18 to 35 be called in Nigeria children its better we stop deceiving ourselves in these country for things to get better
By his face yu can tell he is so old to the core....
They are all thieves and liars.. APC n PDP.. we need a new party
Ok APC waiting for your response or denial as they case may be.. Since both of you have decided to make this a public issue ..!!
Make PDP shut up and take a sit......who lie pass them....
These people are stupid and bastards. Is this how they are planing to get our Girls back? Stupid politicians, stupid fellow. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
And you all are a jobless bunch of old men.
50/60/ all should retire and get the hell out of earth.
Who introduced all these useless, unfocused, uneducated people to facebook? If they want to be giving importance to things that don't matter and say what they like, they should do so in their meetings. Plus APC abi PDP o all of them na the same thing. Greedy set of people! Do something right for once! Imagine, the pot is calling the kettle black? SMH for all of them....
Rubbish! kettle calling pot black! PDP needs to focus on cleaning up its own mess! APC still have not differentiated its self from PDP!
Like his age is our present problem now or d solution to it..............abeg make una park go one side
Ghen ghen!! APC youth leader part 2!
See wat dey av turned d tin into al for political power.. Lmao@ Apc has little integrity nd canot b trusted.. d tin is nw a point.. Odikwa egwu. . Seriously apc nd pdp ar bunch of jokers..
PDP is doin whole lots of us a favor to unearth d truth, to the ignorant fools on here that feel its unnecessary to use ths as an issue, I say, u whole lots re fools and part of d reasons why ds country is backward.
We need to check n balance constructively on issues especially pertaining to parties and politicians so we can judge accordingly, this is the only means to the beginning of good leadership, hw can u encourage deceit frm d main opposition , then wat issue is worth of mention in a country?
and who cares??? Oh plz! PDP ati APC, y'll should just evaporate.
One word! "JANJAWEED"
Be objective..PDP runs the country this as nothing to do with APC rather the useless party should focus on the job at hand and not all this.
Nna lekwa nu ndi ara o. APC and PDP, what is the difference? Oloshi
APC is it how u are going to rule us? With lies?
That 52 is the official age, he looks 65 .
Nigerian Nigerian Nigeian do we have incompetent leaders?
We hav dummies fr leaders..its quite pathetic dis fools r batterin words instead of tinkin of hw to move d cntry forward..I hate al of dem
Bona u hav no integrity
I pass.Biko work on ur weight. Urhobo men and entire Delta men prefer fit women.No room for overweight/obese women.
I pass.Biko work on ur weight. Urhobo men and entire Delta men prefer fit women.No room for overweight/obese women.
Both pdp and apc the same people with different cloths.park well oneside jooor
Those ppl are confuse human bein they need prayer and fasting their mentality .
Age is jst a number... truly we should be looking at wat he shld do for d party
This ya name
Says pdp. Lmao
@Anon6:47, I suspect u re just a teenager starting to develop breasts. Don't worry, very soon u'll get to 50 and if u don't change ur attitude, u'll also be getting d hell out of earth.
Both od them should grow up o
How old is PDP youth leader, 72 or 82?
APC should be ashamed of themselves for lying about the old man's age
Its so glaring that APC is a bad omen for Nigeria. I don't like PDP and don't think I will vote for them, but I still prefer them to this boko haram infested party called APC. This age wahala don blow dia yansh. Abeg let Tinubu or Buhari put their mouth for dis mata.
hian! wats all dis age brouhaha for? like Nigerians care. Abi who doesn't know politicians are liars? SMH 4 both People Deceiving Party and her counterpart Association of Past Criminals. whether 43 or 52, we care less.
Lol. Which way naija?
Old papa youngie... But pdp, you guys should focus on giving us a better presidential candidate. But the man looks 65 o, maybe 52 is his official age, and 43 is his football age
This is so funny!!!
Are they(PDP) deliberately doing this to confuse the public or is it just pure ignorance??
this is not the youth leader
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