'Stop indulging in oral sex now!' CLAM pastor Wole Oladiyun warns | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 12 March 2013

'Stop indulging in oral sex now!' CLAM pastor Wole Oladiyun warns

Say what now, pastor? No oral sex? Mbanu...lol. Senior Pastor of Christ Livingspring Apostolic Ministry, (CLAM) pastor Wole Oladiyun says people who indulge in oral sex are damaging their glory.
"Homosexualism, lesbianism, beslialism and incest will disfigure your glory. God hates them. Prostitution, adultery and fornication will grieve a glorious destiny. May I equally add that men and women sucking their private parts are damaging their glories. Demonic partners have done a lot of havoc through this act. Honestly, it is simply unhygienic and dirty.
I like unhygienic and dirty. Dear future husband, please take note! Hehe!


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Lol Linda u bad ooo. Tot u sd u aint getting any hw come u r rattled by d pastor's statement. Comment Signed, sealed and Delivered by DatShapIboBoy

Anonymous said...

OMG how this man's wife is missing what shd be given to her

whatdaheck pastor, head for ur husband or wife is wrong???? so what is cool??? mum/daddy style?

no wonder some pastors are misbehaving these days


Tell them Pastor,tell them!!

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Baddest Linda Ikeji!! Hehehe!!!

Anonymous said...

Lazy pastor sending out a message to his wife...Flimsy excuses not to satisfy his woman! you'll be sorry when she gets it else where...hahahahahah

Anonymous said...

Haaaa linda,i D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ feel Ʊ jaree

JSBunny said...

Hahahaha @Linda. But Pastor, demonic partners also indulge in sex. Does that mean we should stop sex altogether too? Waiting ooo .....

ark child said...

Thank you sir,FAllen angels are everywhere in the dreams of people manifesting through sexual intercourse just to destroy the glory of human and to make God give up the earth for destruction. Come out of her my people for Babylon is fallen.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

He should speak for himself jor! If it were on the grounds of morals and he is talking about pre marital sex I for understand, with the proviso that you should be married first, but saying giving a head is a sin on all grounds I no go gree that one o!!

Anonymous said...

hmm, I think Linda is seeing someone.
She's def referring to him in her "Dear future husband" line. :D

Eya Ayambem said...

What of married couples?
are they damaging their glories too?

Anonymous said...

Its true!! Fair enough...its extremely pleasurable but its a sin. That's why we pray to not fall into temptation. If you don't care about making heaven then go ahead and indulged in oral sex till your heart's content.

~ Menakaya's Baby.

Anonymous said...

hehe linda chopping life ikeji....u haff spoil finish,abeg no corrupt my pure mind biko...lol,im stl a virgin #okbye

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Me sef o, i love that unhygienic and dirty stuff. Dear future husband, please be ready to do it regularly...lol I can assure you nothing will happen to our glory.

Jayden O said...

But linda I don't think he is referring to married couples ohh.

tam said...

Loooooool.....Linda ooooo....I second that my dear,I love unhygienic n dirty......hahahahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

How would self professed lovers of cunniilingus like Linda Adaobi Ikeji survive ..haba pastor

happy yoruba bunny said...

dear husband if u stop d oral sex that may be d end of our marriage cause thats the only thing that satisfies me - u know that!

Anonymous said...

Linda marry me plzzzzzzz!!
I also like dirty, unhygienic, crazzy, slippery, mading, licking, eating, slidding, drinking, infact everyhow

Anonymous said...

my husband must see this post lol.... am i first to comment? if yes yaaay!!!

Anonymous said...

Linda, hahahahaha u make me laff as regards your message to future husband(wink). No b pastor just tell you now sey e no good,hunn?
Well, as per wot pastor said, no comment o... I can't laff

Anonymous said...

ɪ love unhygienic and nasty! Take note too future hubby!

Anonymous said...

Na wa o. Some pple r going straight to hell. Pls does anyone kw how oral sex started? Go read ur bible. U don't need to perfom oral sex b4 getting maximum satisifaction. This is what the world has turned into. Keep following the trend and see where its leads u to.
Ps u keep saying yuck his gay. Wats d difference btw wat they r doing and wat u straight pple r doing

Anonymous said...

i pray they listen.


the spirit is willing but the body is weak

Anonymous said...

Bad girl Linda. it is called: Fellatio and Cunnilingus.

Anonymous said...

Na wa o. Just because this pastor does not like to service his wife, he has now classified licky-licky as a sin. Abeg gerrout jor!if your wife's chocha is too hairy, then tell her to shave, but don't call it a sin

Anonymous said...

I hear u sir,whatever makes one happy,as long as it is my husband.All d glory is upon us and we will continue 2 grow 4rm strength 2 strength.AMMY

PO$$H said...

Lip sealed

Anonymous said...

"I like unhygienic and dirty. Dear future husband, please take note! Hehe!" Linda Linda, I believe it was you that posted you like your man to ....... on you.

Why the change of mind or heart now?

Anonymous said...

Lol, Linda, u don kolo finish o.I love it too but too ashamed to tell my husband make he no go tink say i be ashawo. Am dying in silence for my marriage o my fello babes. Una wey dey enjoy am no know how God take bless una. God dey!

Anonymous said...

If Pastor says its bad then its bad. Please let's be obedient and do the right thing. A word is enogh for the wise.

Anonymous said...

Lol..linda u won't kill me...I love it more...winks

Anonymous said...

Like seriously, a man should just climb D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ wife and feast on her and that ends it? Am happily married n I practice oral sex with my hubby and we both enjoy it. If its dirty, then sex is equally dirty QED.

Interestedtips said...

I love ur blog


thenewslately said...

linda!!! Everyone pls take note of what dis pastor has said,it is very true. Wait until after marriage pls all you single men n women gbam!

Anonymous said...

Omg linda u r a badt girl ooo..u lik to be sucked right ?? Hehehe


Unknown said...

Quick question: how u take know abt d sucking#confuse face#

Anonymous said...

Linda I feel you, but you don kolo. Can stop laughing at you words. Baba that one is hard, this is 2013. Most of her generation enjoy heading. Future husband take note as well. My Frnd pastor preach about this issue sometimes ago we later found out that is what he does best.

Gaia said...

Men of God have to watch what they say jare... Damaging their glories how? Where is that in the bible??? What the bible does say is the the marriage bed is undefiled; therefore whatever me and my husband decide to do is our business. Just state clearly that this is my personal opinion not make it seem as if this is a revelation straight from God!

Anonymous said...

Like linda 4 real? U̶̲̥̅̊ like unhygienic and dirty? Loooool

LNC said...

Hian, uncle maka Y? No answer me BET Y? Abeg no let my hubby see this change him mind ooooh! #MaloNogede#
Ehen but lili u sef too like better tin ooo. lili better post my comment ooh..

Anonymous said...

Pastor, dat one go hard oh. No more Oral sex? #shivering#


The pastor said it all. CHikena....but oral sex hmmmmmm

Unknown said...

Well ild say 'different strokes 4 different folks'.

Anonymous said...

Linda ......hmmmmm.....u seem to LOVE it dirty !!!!!!! Nice

Anonymous said...

Lmao... Miss Linda Ikeji you are one funny young lady.. I agree with u jare.. I like dirty and unhygienic...

Dave D said...

Lmao lin lin i like dirty too,will u marry me?

Anonymous said...

The more "unhygienic and dirty"the greater the pleasure o!At least that's what most men and a few women think!

bitchplis said...

Make we no 'go down low' again? na wah o...me I dey chop igbin o...dem sopos give me honourary degree for IGBINedion university sef

Anonymous said...

Abi o! Linda I support u o!!!!! Does dis man know wat he is saying? Mehn I love dat part(hmmmmm) dirty koh,dirty nii. Lol

Mz lloydice said...

Hmmmm,dnt agree wiv all...bet sum r actually tru bet not all.

Anonymous said...

Abeg gi! I will have oral sex with my husband when am married.

Dave D said...

Lmao lin lin i like dirty too,will u marry me?

Anonymous said...

Baba Oladiyun dem sir, he dat has ear let dem hear wat d spirit is saying. *gbammm*

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with you pastor,cus when am licking my "nwa-baby",I dey see the glory of God.

I spit on fake! said...

Linda of life! U like unhygeinic and dirty abi God is watching u in 3D lol.... Am so sorry 4 d guyz who adore BJ's and whose babes would take what he has said to heart #GloryDamagingTinz lwkmd!!!

JayTee said...

Linda ajo nwa! LOL! I like unhygienic and dirty too!


What? I can't even think of my gf not giving me a blow-job. She does that anytime we're together. I'm so addicted to it right now I might just die if not given! This pastor is right to some extent but hell no, I won't stop!

This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

dear future wife, in order not to grieve or mar our future, lets do this ONCE a day.

Anonymous said...

Linda o!!!
u jes made me laff out loud in the middle of a boring meeting!!
Say wat nw pastor?
Pastor sum of us likes dirty biko!

Anonymous said...

Pls tell dem pastor, y on earth will u suck ur bfs dick or gfs pussy!! Ewwwww Disgusting.......jobless princess

MKH said...

unhealthy and dirty? fine, maybe for you
But disfiguring your destiny?chapter what verse what? If you can't back it up with contextual holy scripture then don't share your personal 'feelings' from such a position of authority as a pulpit

Anonymous said...

hmmm, linda me sef like am oo, sweet like chocolate. lol

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

like seriously! whats wrong with performing oral with my hubby/wife? All these supposed (I don't know what to call them) are just mixing up things and confusing the blind sheep who follow them.

Anonymous said...


adedoja said...

*I like unhygienic and dirty. Dear future husband, please take note! Hehe*
Sick geh, lmao.

Anonymous said...

Oh... Linda so u like unhygienic
and dirty?... U shld av told me this all these while... Oya can u send ur bb pin again?

Anonymous said...

Chai linda uno go kill person o,even miself want d unhygenic and dirty o......(Big-smile)

Anonymous said...

*I like unhygienic and dirty. Dear future husband, please take note! Hehe* Linda is sick lmaooooo

Asa said...

@lindodo u no go kill person oooo.I can see say u like a die.lindas future hubby take note lmao

Anonymous said...

lmao..if u like oral so much Linda, u better be good at giving Ori to your future husband...infact we need to validate your skill level o so holla at your boy..dkellerrealty@gmail.com...hahaha

Anonymous said...

Linda, you are a crazy lady that would most likely make a good wife to one lucky guy. For me, the pastor is conveying his own bias and cloaking it as Gods'. Oral sex is good as long as it is between married couples (christian opinion).

Yomslaw said...

The Man is right. . . But I would've explained it better if I were in his shoes. His points are quite clear, and we all know that is d truth before now.
But as a Pastor, you need to make people C what you're seeing#don't just tell people what to do and what not to do#**Try and convince people with well substantiated facts

** Thanks pastor for d yearnings and warnings all the same. . . More oil in your Vessel Sir .

And as for you Linda, I just hope you're not an Agent of the propagation of the fulfilment of the happenings of the end times; cos you just sounded like one in your warnings to your future husband.#I hope your future kids get to retrieve this statement you just made on google someday!

. . . . Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Linda, do u ve a bf already? i really love ur style.i dont even know how we can hook up...

Bangladesh said...

Nice and informative post

Chisco said...

Please can someone point out the relevant portion of the Bible that condemns this (I AM ASKING IN REFERENCE TO MARRIED COUPLES O!)?

Anonymous said...

That's my pastor right there!! Tell 'em!

Anonymous said...

This is how when the prophesies come people laugh and bash them. And then when they begin to happen we begin to ask God to save us. Knowing pastor Wole he doesn't just say stuff randomly, if you like heed if you like don't heed. He has done his bit, ball is in your courts.The bible says believe your prophets and you will propser.As for those referring to him being lazy, he should get out and saying his wife needs to shave hmmmmm!SMH

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

na dat one sure pass lllllllllllooooooooooooolllllllll

Anonymous said...

Hehehe!!!! Abeg pastor no pour sand sand 4 my garri o!!! I enjoy giving more than receiving because my hubi no sabi give and me I sabi give am well well. But God dey, if na sin,father 4give me 4 I've sinned.hehehe!!!

bitchplis said...

Marry me...lwkmd...I be 'head master'

Sunset said...

Abeg....tell him ooo!

Anonymous said...

Then sex is dirty too, if you talk about anal sex I concur but pls are you saying a married couple should just lay in bed and have sex straight, no form adventure, he is my husband for crying out loud, if I can suck his nipple then i can go down low. This man is just being selfish joor his type will never satisfy his wife, glory this n that then don't bother with sex too cuz it is dirty.

Sunset said...

Religion is being used by the wrong people, such as this man, to instigate fear and control over society! He doesn't like oral sex, now he decided to tell all his followers not to do the same. He is so ignorant!

Anonymous said...

Whatever Pastor. I bet you aint complaining when ur wife is giving you that glorious head! Mchewwwwwww

Anonymous said...

@Gaia:He said God hates the earlier and said "May I equally add".

Sunset said...

If it's a sin.....then stop having sex all together! Because you are also having "regular" sex to achieve extreme pleasure, not just for procreation!

Anonymous said...

On what ground is it a sin? You can't throw statements like these without backing It up with a biblical proof.so please sir, tell us how consenting oral sex between a married couple is a sin.

Sunset said...

You must have such a fun life! Mtchewwww

Anonymous said...

Abeg sucking breast nko????cos me i dey suck ha like ice cream..

Sunset said...

You are ashamed to tell your husband ke? Which kind marriage be this?

Anonymous said...

If she says she likes it give it her plsssssaaa

Anonymous said...

As in eh!!...thank u dear!... A lot of pastors these days tell us their opinion on issues and then say its God's word!...may God help us all sha!

Sunset said...

Whe serve and obey only God and our seviour Jesus Christ! If a pastor tells you to jump off the bridge would you? Mumu

Sunset said...

Abi oooo lol

Sunset said...

@Gaia Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

I'm just gonna sing a piece from Joe:(More and More)to comment on this..........

If you want me to make your love come
I'll be willing to do anything
"Even if you want me to kiss places
I'll be willing to make you scream".
Said I'm down for whatever you say
All you gotta do is speak your mind
Want me here Monday to Monday,
then baby girl its fine
As you screaming more.....

More and More
(Then after that you want)
more and more
(And after that)
more and more
(Then after that)
more, more

Sing along guyz if you get it.....LMAO

George_O said...

Reallllly! Linda u lik it, Hmmmm, dats interesting; noted.

backson inc said...

Chai I disagree ohhhhh, if the body is the temple of the lord how can any part be filthy. For the bible says the desires of your spouse are her husbands ohhhhhh.

Anonymous said...

I really do not know what this guy is talking about. I MUST give my wife a head come rain come shine. I enjoy doing it and this pastor aint stopping me.

Daniel's Chronicle said...

LINDA RAW am that Future husband, bt Pastor u are right,who will teach me, i mean whats oral xxx?

Anonymous said...

Don't insult a man of God,May God 4give y'all..berra watch wat u say here!don't because of pleasure,loose ur glory or miss Heaven...a word is enuf 4 d wise,as 4 u Linda#Godiswatchingu#

Anonymous said...

Burna boy,d lady beside u is fucking razz,hian,I'm nt surprised cos u are no different!

Anonymous said...

Lindaaaa u don spoil finish

Anonymous said...

Pastors turning their opinions into doctrines. Enough already.

ary said...

Linda you BAD, but remember if you're willing to receive, you must also be willing to give.

Anonymous said...

OYO o o o pastor

Kayode said...

I beg, Just because you aint getting some, don't use the bible to make everyone join your misery. Let a young man catch your wife, you will go oral school quick quick

Anonymous said...

Linda, pls clarify. U like giving or being given, which one,biko?

Common Herbal Curea said...

True, Oral sex is dirty and unhygienic. However, good sex is dirty and unhygienic. Many people practice what they see in X-rated films, but they never realize the rituals (tests, drugs, lubes) these actors go through to do such things safely.

My opinion? It is not good, even for married couples. God! Have mercy!

Anonymous said...

honestly linda i love you........sex itself is dirty and we all know it.........i believe in oral sex

Unknown said...

I repeat,The future of Nigeria is a NO NO as long as we allow religion to be our driving force..this idiot people called pastors want to control people life by brainwashing them..what has sex got to do with someone's glory?instead of him been concern about securty and safety he is there getting under people pant...Boko haram is coming for ur church next...

Unknown said...

Hahaha badt boi lolz

Anonymous said...

Gbogboyin ee nishe....smh @linda

Anonymous said...

Why did u have to say that? Do u people not put urselves in people's shoes b4 u write trash here or u jes plain stupid and angry at ur misfortunes.


Hehehehehe anon1:49 dats ma sister u talking about,don't worry Linda will soon post a pix of u and her or ur girl. Hey Liber and badmouth,u just spoilt ma dayooo!

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

i don't like 2 be sucked it irritates me when u do it but i like 2 suck my guy's dick, he so much like it

vee said...

Shattap dia!

Anonymous said...

It's advisable to engage in foreplay before having sex rather than outright sex as advised by best of mankind with warning of anal sex which is forbidden by the creator

Anonymous said...

nonsense... pastor be giving excuses for his poor performance in bed. ur wife's missin out. linda, i too like u jare. Unhygienic and dirty is the way.

Anonymous said...

As long as marriage is involved its okay. In Songs of Solomon, the most erotic book in the bible this is what the bride says Song of Solomon 4 :16
"Awake, north wind,
and come, south wind!
Blow on my garden,
that its fragrance may spread everywhere.
Let my beloved come into his garden
and taste its choice fruits. "

Anonymous said...

No wahala.. I go suck my wife own...if u no wan suck..na ur own biznez...but no complain wen ur wife go collect suck from outside.....otapiapia siGns Out

DR said...


Anonymous said...

Gbogboyin ee nishe....smh @linda

Anonymous said...

Plssss me i lik unhygienic and dirty thing ooOooo

Anonymous said...

If she's not getting any then she prolly luvs giving ;)

Anonymous said...


jennietobbie said...

lmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooo. Kai Linda, you made my day!!! Damn girlllllllllllllllll. I wish more women, esp Nigerians, were outspoken

Anonymous said...

Peter peter...d pussy eater!Toto no be food o

Anonymous said...

Boniface, sharrap dia.

Anonymous said...

Yes I do have a fun life!

Unknown said...

Linda, it's your fucking business whatever you want your future husband to do to you. The media teaches us that skimpy clothes and half naked dressing is proper whereas we all know it's improper. For the love of God, oral sex is forbidden by God but the world today indulges in it. If you want it, fine! It's no ones business!!

Anonymous said...

What is dirty is relative? Kissing can be dirty too, doggy style is dirty ,sucking bobby too is dirty, infact sex is dirty if we won't deceive ourselves.so let us not use children as excuse for sex like it doesnt come with its pleasure.So u can use your hands to fondle each other but it is a sin to use the tongue? I agree o Let's get married and restrict it to only prayers so that we won't mess up our glory.It is well

Sapele Babe in Lagos said...

God bless you Sir! More Grace,More Fire,More unction to Function. Now that we know,may the good Lord engrace us to be able to avoid that which sweetens us the most that our Glory and glorious destiny will be intact.

Frankie De-Darkhorse said...

This is quite ridiculous. I think this man is interfering in a couple's sex life. He should ask for forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

It is not "giving A head" it's "giving head". Mr too know

adey said...

Nd I want to be that wife of urs

Frankie De-Darkhorse said...

This is quite ridiculous. I think this man is interfering in a couple's sex life. He should ask for forgiveness.


BUT ALL THE SAME, DEAR LIBers, PLS LET'S HEARKEN TO THE VOICE OF THE SPIRIT...... ''He that have hears let him hear what the Spirit is saying''

Anonymous said...

Oga oral sex is good,or would i say like OMO...."dirt is good"...abeg don't group oral sex with those other things you just did because once a man and woman are married, all their "body parts' belong to them to do as they please....so puleaaaaaaaaase, don't add to the "gospel of marriage" u hear oga THE GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN!

Anonymous said...

Oh pls shutup who are u to decide who goes to hell and who doesn't?Since you've read every bit of the bible kindly enlighten us, where does the bible state oral sex as a sin? Oversabi.

Anonymous said...

LinLin, u are a very badt child *in Madea's Voice* but come to tink Of it, the act of sex was nt defined nah, I assume everything that happens in bed within the confines of marriage constitutes sex cuz when we start to seperate then we are being biased. In the real sense of it, kissing is eeeew, why suck boobs when u aint a baby, what is ur finger looking for in a dark hole....etc. Abeg sex is sex, each one to his own. Plus me wee do unhygenic and dirty wen married..

Anonymous said...

Lmao..don't mind him.

Anonymous said...

Bigtime mumu..he will obviously jump off the bridge.smh

Anonymous said...

Lmao this comment is funny and stupid at the same time. Smh

Anonymous said...

Lool... Ok love.

Anonymous said...

Your missing dear.

Anonymous said...

Im getting married very soon, and my fiance told me he's gonna me licking/sucking my vjay and im gonna love it, and i just laffed and scuffed him off, although ive heard women say it here that its a great feeling. We've talked about sex a lot, and how we plan to enjoy it, and im already seeing signs of that now self (Although we're both waiting for our wedding day). However, i don't think im comfortable sucking his d^$k o. I now have to use style to ask him. God help me and he says he does't like it, if not..... i guess i just have to learn to "enjoy" it. The only issue i have with this is the idea of sperm being in my mouth. i just think its disgusting... its meant for the vjay and not my mouth!.. So help me God.

Anonymous said...

Preach brother!

Anonymous said...

linda u like sex much,repent 4 d kingdom of God is @ hand.

Anonymous said...

lool...pastor where e dey for Bible? If u no dey do, no condemn am o jare

Sharon Sexy said...

Linda u don finish ooooo,btw d pastor is right

Chichiluv said...

If the pastor does not want to indulge in oral sex with his wife, I commend him for it. He is a man of the cloth, if he feels that he cannot speak the word of God with the mouth he used down below the equator then that is his own wahala, he should speak ONLY FOR HIMSELF. The persons indulging in any sex (oral, vaginal, anal) outside of marriage will answer to God who is the only one to judge. And for those indulging in oral sex within the confines of their marriage,they have every right to do so! There is nothing in the bible that specifies that sex is only missionary! Oral sex is NOT unhygenic if both partner take good care of their individual parts.

Pastors in Nigeria need to stop their tunnel vision preaching on sex of all kinds and start speaking on the other demons plaguing Nigeria such as the demons of corruption, government spending waste, bribery, police brutality. Preach on how leaders are NOT leading the nation, exhort the leaders of the nation to care about their constituency!

Anonymous said...


Da Epic Pen said...

Its quite unfortunate that someone would want to manipulate the minds of others through religion. Sex was created to be boring. I have come across a couple of women who don't like penetration, but revel in cunnilingus. To them it passes as a natural preference. I'd want to wholeheartedly endorse 'blow job' and 'cunnilingus' for men and women. The only advice is partners should observe hygiene (clean bath, etc), before giving each other pleasure made in heaven.

Anonymous said...

lool...pastor where e dey for Bible? If u no dey do, no condemn am o jare

fatmee said...

Shut da fuck up,u sanctimonious asshole. Who d hell re u to tell linda such evil statements? And u think ur gonna mke heaven wit ur know it all attitude? Well screw yu.

Anonymous said...

God gave sex to man as a gift!!not "oral sex"..this is the problem with the world today.well..those who have ears let them hear

Anonymous said...

More and More...

Girl we'll be going,
From the bed to the floor baby,
(Then we'll be going)
From the bedroom to the kitchen
(Then we'll be going)
From the kitchen to the dinning room
(Then straight to)
Straight to the living room
(I'll be taking you up)
Taking you up the stairs baby
(I guarantee)
Guarantee I'm bout to drive you crazy.
We'll be all over the house
As long as you screaming for me, saying give me more.....
More and more

Linda that's for you(wink)

Chichi Taichi Okere said...

U're my kinda girl,i've extremely sensitive nipples.I luv it being gently licked n sucked as u stroke my mamba,gets me so hard b4 a bj.

kinzo said...

Can u just stop being a bloody hypocrite...if you are as holy as u sound, u definiitely should be reading some christian Blog and not Linda Ikeji...please quote that scripture in d Bible against Oral sex..don't preach from ur thoughts but from the word of God..#gbam

Anonymous said...

Shut up thr,hypocrite.na u do am pass

Anonymous said...

My pastor has confirmed this oral sex to be demonic also. Adultery is even more bad than oral sex. Take a look around us, broken marriages, bad marriage, bad and immoral children, hardship, hatred for one spouse, lack of money, struggling to survive, impotency; all these are present in many homes. Adultery is a killer, indeed a killer of glory.

Anonymous said...

P.S: "69 was a very good year" THE GREMLIN HAS SPOKEN AGAIN.

Anonymous said...

My pastor has confirmed this oral sex to be demonic also. Adultery is even more bad than oral sex. Take a look around us, broken marriages, bad marriage, bad and immoral children, hardship, hatred for one spouse, lack of money, struggling to survive, impotency; all these are present in many homes. Adultery is a killer, indeed a killer of glory.

Anonymous said...

My pastor has confirmed this oral sex to be demonic also. Adultery is even more bad than oral sex. Take a look around us, broken marriages, bad marriage, bad and immoral children, hardship, hatred for one spouse, lack of money, struggling to survive, impotency; all these are present in many homes. Adultery is a killer, indeed a killer of glory.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

My own is dt " 1 mans food is anoda man's poison " so if its food 4 me & poison 4 u, so b it. Gbam !!!

Anonymous said...

Oshe Linda! no hiding that you want the D and some pussy licking. hope you give good head too sha.

Anonymous said...

Please does this oral sex involve sucking of the boob??? Just wondering

Hrm paul ojeih said...

This topic quite controversial what do we do cos a whole of people are addicted to oral sex. truth be told even sucking the breast is oral sex some ladies do come when their breast gets tingled and sucked what do we do.
can pastor Chris oyakilome dat said masturbation is good comment on this issue i wonder what is the comment of chris okotie

Anonymous said...

She won't see someone cos She's nt a human being abi? Or u tink she'll announce it to the world just as she prys into people's privacy?


Anonymous said...

Pls where is that in the bible?

Anonymous said...

@anon12:48, be his whore or ashawo in the bedroom and a virtuous woman outside. Don't be ashame to tell ur husband what you want...if he doesn't noe it then teach him.

Unknown said...

if your married then it perfect jor!. I am married i give and recieve it .Although it isn't my favourite thing on the menu *wink*..i order it from time to time and when ever i do its amazing. Note: a BJ for your man came in really handy the first month after i gave birth and i was still healing .If you also want a longer duration in the real action ..then it is highly recommended that you start like so! lol
p.s for the lady that is ashamed to tell her hubby ...communication about sex is vital in every marriage ..both of you should fill free to say what you like .pls fix it b4 some starts getting some elsewhere.

Paschal said...

Marry Me, Linda. I'm so in love with you. (even though I know half the men that read this blog is too. :)

Anonymous said...

My dear, you shouldn't be ashamed to ask your husband to do it. When u give ur husband u should ask him to do it for u.... My dear there is no shyness in marriage ooh, wen I got married I automatically bacame and adventurer n my husband Loves it..... Men loves adventure so u should ask him to try it.... Or a 69 position will make it puuuurfecccct

Unknown said...

if your married then it perfect jor!. I am married i give and recieve it .Although it isn't my favourite thing on the menu *wink*..i order it from time to time and when ever i do its amazing. Note: a BJ for your man came in really handy the first month after i gave birth and i was still healing .If you also want a longer duration in the real action ..then it is highly recommended that you start like so! lol
p.s for the lady that is ashamed to tell her hubby ...communication about sex is vital in every marriage ..both of you should fill free to say what you like .pls fix it b4 some starts getting some elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Lol...Linda dis George guy maybe that future hubby ur referring to oooo.

Anonymous said...

My dear you shouldn't be ashamed oh, once u marry shyness dies... So my dear don't starve urself....ask ur man to do It for u

Unknown said...

Just read the post again ..the pastor didnt specifically saythat it is bad for married couple.
He just said Men and Women ..so am going to give the benefit of doubt and assume he meant unmarried people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't think u can blame him sha....his old skool na, how many of ur parents do 69 in the 70's..lol. oral sex is relatively new in Nigeria, like 15yrs old tops.

Sean O said...

My dear pastor, God bless u Sir, yes fornication and adultery are sins......however, i love to eat pussy; shit my wife can even squirt on my face if wants to...its allowed. Also, i really love getting sucked to ecstasy

Anonymous said...

He mentioned fornication and adultery didn't he?

Anonymous said...

am loving you already linda ... i gat a big tongue... %^&*$

Anonymous said...

The Bible makes it clear dat u should enjoy d wife of ur youth,tell me how u can do dat without some licking and sucking!

Anonymous said...

linda am sure in my dream tonite its you that am going to nod.... bring tooth pick come abeg

Anonymous said...

what the heck is beslialism

Anonymous said...

Lol abi o friday nite is TGIF (Tongue goes in first). I find it easy to have orgasm with my husb wiv d diff oral sex. Father forgve us if we have sinned but come fri, anoda TGIF *bb angelsmiley*

Anonymous said...

Well I dont exactly blame the pastor for his comment, maybe the hygene of his wife is not so good. If his wife's pussy smells like TUNA then he might conclude that all ladies are the same.


Anonymous said...

LMAO! Nigerians! So it's when pastors condemn oral sex and brothers of popes say Africans can't be popes that 'Men of God' are no longer untouchable abi? LOL

Aymii said...

@anon 12.36.......Lmao!....abi !! Naim be say no show 4 fellatio cum cunnilingus tins...hehehe....Linda hilarious ooo! She no fit be member 4 dat kan church!!!.....laff wanna kill mi ontop all dis LIB comments Choi!....But on a more serious note...as a pastor he shuld condemn fornication...But whish one b to dey condemn oral tins even inside marriage??? Haba na!..make hin park well!...na hin type no dey deviate from missionary tins...d hommie wife go don suffa ooo!!!! Hehehehe ..

Anonymous said...

Religion has it's place, and it definitely does not belong in the bedroom of a married couple. Has this pastor read the Songs of Solomon?

Whatever two people have decided between themselves that is fitting for them to do, and nobody is getting hurt, or forced into anything against their will, then it is right for them to partake of. Life is stressful and full of potholes as is, why now try to limit one of the few pleasures people have? Let the couple decide what is right for them to do together, just as they decide all other aspects of their marriage.

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