33 year old Judy Viger hired two strippers (seen above with her son) to perform at her son's birthday, where there were plenty under age children. The mother of one of the party goers who found it inappropriate reported Judy to the police who arrested and charged her with five counts of endangering the welfare of a child. They said she endangered not only the welfare of her own child, but the welfare of the 14 and 15 year old children that were at the party. She will appear in court March 7th.
These americans are crazy sha
Nawao uwa mmebi,thought we already loosing d war against immorality over there,gud to know there're still mothers with high level of decorum.
soon we go copy.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Imagine the nonsense *hiss* For the sake of the boy, I pray she is not sent to jail. Why wld a responsible, decent do such? I have the feeling she used to be a stripper.
I will want to watch how lawyers will defend this lady in the court of law. Afterall, lawyers say that there is defence for every crime. Just keeping my fingers crossed and follow the news. Linda, please remember to give us update on the court hearings.
this a shameful act from a mother..too bad
Fun gone wrong! So wrong. Lol... So ridiculous. The whistle blower mom was right to do that though.
Stupid woman!
oloshi ashawo woman.. RUBBISH! see aw she wan use ha hand spoil ha life..If the boy come grow ip dey rape ha , she go dey cry say ha pikin rape ha .. Na like dz e dey start nah...... NONSENSE
Jst cnt stop laughing.....wat was she thinking?...white pple sha!!!
33 yrs old with a 16 year old son. Hmmmmmm. She is not done being a child yet. Sad
Women! women!! women!!! How many times did I called you?
What do you expect from a woman who had her son at 17????
Nice one.....
Serves her right. She shld even stay longer dan 1yr sef. Wat morals r d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ teaching children of nowadays? Corrupt society.
See pussy for the young boy face, gush! What a mother, am sure the other boyz ll be saying ur mama is d coolest.lol. This is d kind of woman that can fuck her son's frnd when no one is around. Cougar mama see u in jail.
Insanity at its best!!!
The woman should 17 wen she gave birth to him...am nt dat suprised via stilz
Dis is just so funny. But dat boy is not gona be happy if his mum go to jail. Mr gala
Mtscheeeeeeew Jst passing by
American mum gone gaga.
Digital mummy!☺
Is she an ikpu lover?
Is she an ikpu lover?
The woman has mental problem. I wonder the kind of training she gave her son. God have mercy.
what do u expect from a single mum who had her baby@d age of 17.but me sef for no mind attend d party sha.d crying mum shudnt b suprised dat wit d levl of decadence in america,her 14yr old probably isnt a virgin sef.
dats vry bad.serves her rite.
Nawa 4 all dis white people oooo....lmao, can't stop laughing
Her son, his Mom. How does dat affect de police? #rolling eyes....
Mothers are getting younger she might be 29 or 30 years old herself
Hiring strippers for a party rarely goes down well...
And dis is aw Americans will say dat Nigeria is d 20th unhappiest place 2 live in. At least we still have our sanity in Nigeria. Can't beliieve she actually watched dat stripper do dat 2 her 16 year old son.
Dryyyyyyy!!! Next Plzzzz....aunty Li-li!!!
She's so useless,how can she ever think of a thing like dat.
For her mind now, she is making her son happy.this whites can act retarded sometimes.sad face*
Wish I has a mum like this when i was 16!!...Lucky Lad
shameless,useless prostitute, i will not b surprise if she sleeps wit dat son of hers.
This the result of listenin to too much 2 Chainz
hahahaha americansss lmao see show mehn
She's my hero! Lol, but that's kinda messed up for real
You can see she's a wayward woman. Having a child at 17 already tells us that. At least if she was going to do that, she shouldn't have brought young kids around.
Uwa mebi... The should go and text brain frist
Is dia anytin realy wrong wit wht she did? D son culd stil acess a stripper witout her knwoledge.i tink such reltnship wit ur son is gud. Dtz being ur son's Best Friend. Dt Way he wont b afraid to tel her anytin
Wat a mother,nawa oooooo
Strippers for a 16year old?!
The world has gone gaga!
Is d woman her BIOLOGICAL mother??? I mean her ORIGINAL mum? JOSH
Lol. The young shall grow! Meanwhile, I hate dis prince charming.
Nonsense!!. She must be sick.
what a caring mum to have organise lesson 1 . Who knows lesson 2 could be blowjob if care is nt taken
"Call" not "called" sweetie
While, I av said it before and am saying it again the end is near. If a mum can do this, what more proof can one ask for.
I wish I had strippers when I was 16 tho :-)
Iya were.I think she shd be kept in jail longer.wad was she thinking of?
Evil mummy....
2days used new blackberry Z10 for sale,contact me
See how una dey comments..mhen na private trips joor..
Dis is the coolest mum ever and am a girl!!!!! Omo dem kids be like " dude! Ur moms mayne....she's d best!!!!" Lmao!! As in........see groove for dis small boy...my dear allow d woman....she wants her son to be skilled sharpshooter!
Dat woman is very sick, wt was she thinking bf going t bring Ashawo for her son? Is dat d birthday gift? Is gd for her if not she will do it again. Wt a mother!
Gave birth @ 17. Not a great role model still. If she wntd 2 be a cool,naughty mom, she shld v waited till he was 18. Immorality begins @ home I c. Just sayin...
May God have mercy on or generation
Plz leave her alone...Life's too short.its nothing:-)
Can't stop laughing
is she out of ha mind????????? Hw on earth wil a normal person do such.
Irresponsible mum...shame on her. not judging tho, but that's all i can say.
That could be the child's wish on his birthday.we never can't tell.wonder what the mother was pondering on when she did that.the height of societal and legal disapprobation.
The end is nigh!
The end is nigh!
Wats d big deal. I go do same when my son clocks 16 oh!
She is supposed to be disqualified from being a mother.
Relationship Conflicts: The 4 Ds
At this rate the only shooting he'll be doing is anti-STD drugs down his throat or worse HIV pills.
I'm not trying to justify what she did, that was obviously wrong and legal action should be taken but we should stop looking for any excuse for rape.
So the logical conclusion is for the boy to start raping his mum? Haba. Please there's no excuse/justification for that.
Eye de pain you? You no read where the woman's age was quoted ni?
Were u a virgin at 17?
No big deal. I have seen a couple of 15 year olds in Nigeria who are actually strippers and prostitutes. I bet this is not the first time those boys have seen a strip act. Abeg Free the woman. #evilgrin#
She just wanted her son to have fun, I'm guessing she went the wrong way though.
I support the Mother. Maybe she has seen tendencies of her son becoming gay so she is trying to woo him out of it by making him understand that the body of a woman is good and should be admired.
Errrr she was 27 when she had him, how does that make her a child? So when do u advice we start hving kids at 40? Biko park well.
well now we know how a 33 year old has a 16 year old son...she propably performed as a stripper at a 16 year olds party back in the day got pregnant and VOILA!!!
Maybe she is a stripper too...she had d boy when she was 17.
Hw cn? Which kian maths u study 4sch?? Hian! 27 plus 10 is already 37! 37 plus 3 equals 40! 40 plus 3 equals 43! U welcum hun
Na u sppse go park well. When simple arithmetic you no sabi. How does 33-16 equal to 27?? Olodo.
27 + 16 na 33? Pls go bak to ur primary arithmetic . Can't u see d woman is 33 yrs old. Olodo .
Pls u guys shld stop beefing. She is just being friends with her jor. As per free ma!! U can see she is a party goer and just want her son to b a cool dude. U guys shld chill abeg. Una sabi wetin those boys don de do b4. (chuckle berry)
Bad belle pretenders. Like some guys wldnt av want dt for their bdays too (chuckle berry)
@dicktator that is if you have not beat him to it,dude if that's really you in that disgusting pic,put ur cloths on this ain't a porn site and trust me you should be the last person here talking about morals,that's the problem with nigerians,always judgmental when their own hands are so fucking dirty,you wey say you dey find rich pretty women to nak dey follow condemn,make God no let you see wetin big pass you,(ritual things)dude take several seats back.
Exactly what I was thinking too.
Oh my Gosh ! Has anybody noticed dicktators picture . My body is shaking . Abeg send me ur email addy .dat all I want for my buffday
Eyes rolling!! 17yrs not 27
See aw dat1 just set smelling yansh put 4d poor boy face *sigh
So it's now a bad thing 4 a mum 2 try 2 make her son happy on his birthday? Well dey didn't have sex....no harm done
Ashawo ten kobo,stop begging for sex online after una go dey curse tonto and cossy,are you any better?when you catch HIV now ur body go calm down.keep shaking there
Seriously,I find absolutely nothin wrong with that.i take my son to strip clubs and i make sure he gets alota lap dance..just tryna make sure he doesn't turn up gay!
It about time we stop being hypocritical towards issues like this.
Confirm jare @anonymous . Abeg I'd that woman was my mum she would be my idol and best friend. As for me my sons would chop live die.
After I calculated it I realised I was wrong but had already hit the send button lol. I knew u big heads will come and yab me so I only came bk to read ur comments...ppl mk mistakes its part of being human :p
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