Cynthia in pink with her brothers and sister in law...Cynthia right
Written By Aishatu Ene EllaIn the last few days I have seen had my heart torn, stripped and broken in pieces first by the disappearance and death of my Dearest friend and secondly by the wickedness exhibited by Nigerians, passing judgment on someone they never knew or met.
When She was officially declared missing, we put up a number online so people with information can call and help out, off over 500 calls we received in 3 days, only 2 of those calls were from people who actually helped with information, One was my Dear friend Nuhu Kwajafa, The other was the Area Commander who called to inform us of the arrest of the people.
The others were heartbreaking to say this least, I wondered how her mother would have coped if she had to deal with silliness, pettiness and undeserved hate from strangers, who just took one look at a lady and decided to judge her based on her looks.
When The sad news of her death broke, I made a comment and said I hope " all those who have insisted she was with a man would have their answer now and let her rest in peace" how wrong I was, They wouldn’t rest, they would only go back and manufacture a more hurtful and painful story, formulate more rumors and pass it around as facts, hmmm it is well. I have no comments for hateful people, I just want to share with you the real Cynthia, and the Cynthia we knew not the one who hateful people have created in the last few days.
Cynthia was born on 10th of November 1987 to Gen Frank and Joy- Rita Nkem Osokogu, Udoka as her Mother named her, even as a baby was a uniting factor in her family. Her Mother had 3 boys before her; she was the last baby and only girl.
Her Parents had settled in Jos where we were and still neighbors, We became friends because in those days there were only few houses in the area. I was the last child and so didn’t have a lot of playmates my age, her brothers were my mates and Cynthia as the only girl didn’t have much friends around the neighborhood either so she tagged along when we had our "adventures" and "yawo".
Cynthia the Model and Business Woman
2004 was one of the hardest years for the Family I was raised with in Jos, Cynthia and her Mom was with me all the way. They were there to comfort, assist, cook etc.
She was a tall beautiful and slender girl, we always teased her because even at 13 she was taller than me and the same height with her brothers, she was a tomboy all the way. Determined, stubborn and focused. As she grew into her height Her Mum and I playful suggest she try modeling because of her structure, Cynthia took it seriously, even though her major focus was education she gave modeling a trial and did quiet well as a model. In 2007, she got her first major run way job and I will never forget the day she called me from Lagos after she had been paid, she said she wouldn’t want to waste the money and would buy clothes and bring to school to sell. The first badge of clothes never made it to keffi as industrious Cynthia who staying with her brother during her visit at Air force Quarters sold the clothes to her brother, his colleagues and their friends, she told me she made 3 times her capital and immediately re-invested, bought more stock, came to Keffi and rented a shop, that was the birth of her Baby: "Dresscode".
I remember I bought her the forms to one of the national competitions some years ago, she passed the screening passed 2 stages and called me one day to say she was asked to compromise to get through the next round, I told her to withdraw and she left. That was in 2011S. She never entered any major pageant after that
When it came to business Cynthia was midas, she knew when to make a great sale, she was never at a loss, her business grew from strength to strength all this while she was not even 21, @ 21 a lot of the people who now make it a point to formulate such hateful rumors were still struggling to buy Jamb Results.
Cynthia the Sister and Daughter:
Cynthia was like the baby sister I didnt have, She was my confidant, stylist and a great comfort. We shared a lot, tears, smiles, laughs, joys ,sorrows and was always at my service. She was greatly involved in charity, anytime I sent a text or posted a picture of someone needing medical support, I could count on Cynthia as one of the first respondents. When she was in Abuja, she would always come and volunteer, run errands, always with a smile. When I get to Jos, she will be at the motor park waiting, Thats if she doesnt pick me up from Abuja. Not to forget my person Stylist, she either bought or chose most of my clothes, most times my friend say "you look nice" i tell them "ask Cynthia oh, I have no idea what I am wearing". Style has never been a strong point of mine, but if Cynthia bought it or asked me to buy it I knew it was good and stylish
To her Mother, Cynthia was her heart. Several times i will ask Cynthia please dont go to Jos it is volatile and she will reply me " Mumsy is alone at home", or when she is in Jos and there was a fight I would call and ask her to leave Jos and come and stay a few days with me, she will say "I cant leave Mumsy alone here now" . That was our Cynthia, Others first.
When it was time to serve, while others would work their service to areas full of opportunity like Abuja, Lagos and Porthacort, Cynthia worked her service to crisis ridden Jos to be close to her Mother, Is that what a "runs girl" does?
At age 24, Cynthia had a successful business, and was running a Post Graduate Program in Public Administration, sadly people will ignore all that and choose to believe that because she is pretty and Young she must be a "Runsgirl", how sad, we Judge people by our own low and shabby standards.
She earned every kobo she had by good old hard work, Lets even forget her Father supported her financially but that didn’t turn her to a spoilt brat she was as determined as ever to make her own mark and earn her own keep.
The world and people who have no standards can stand afar and Judge all they want but we know who you are and we love you, we don’t need to defend You My baby, just setting the records straight.
The security Situation in our country now is horrible at best, people are kidnapped, robbed and killed everyday, why is it so hard to believe that a young girl was killed while going to pursue her legitimate business? If It was a man who was killed would we have come up with all these stories? If it was an older woman or someone not so attractive would we still? Her crime is being, young, pretty and a business woman. Hmmm, People, Have the decency to let us mourn in peace, please!
Aishatu Ene Ella
May her soul rest in peace.. its sad though that people always find a way to frustrate others with their frustrated life.. So just ignore the negativity as it is not worth your emotions... its just unfortunate that a young, beautiful and ambitious girl would be treated and die this horrible way.. God only knows best..
Dont mind dem. Dats how one guy was saying rubbish on vanguard. I wonder y ppl judge someone they know nothing about
so touching...its pathetic when you are labelled as a runs-girl simply cos you are beautiful, young and successful. I lost a loved one last year (she was murdered n the case has not been resolved). The stories that flew around and still abound, are so horrible and inhumane, you wonder how one could cook up hurtful stories so easily. I pray God gives the family and friends the fortitude to bear the loss. it will be a tough journey, as they cope with this loss.
So Touching! May She Rest in Peace :(
So Touching. May She Rest in peace.
The cruelty of man and the lust for frivolities. MAY HER SOUL REST IN PEACE.
Shame to bad people, once a girl is good looking she is automatically a runs girl...very shallow minded people we have in this part of the world...RIP cynthia...i know ur in a better place!
Oh I feel so bad. I have not passed any comment about Cynthia but I know i thot in my heart she must have done runs at one time or another due to her dress code. This brought tears to my eyes. Losing a loved one is never easy. An uncle of mine still cries like a baby whenever he remembers his mom and she was 98!!! I pray God comforts cynthia's loved ones especially her mom and brothers. So sad
May she rest in peace..
May her soul R.I.P. I for one, needed no biography.
I hope all those that labelled her will nw have the decency to shut up and allow the girls soul to rest in peace!!!humanbeings always quick to judge!!!I hpe the story has been clearly told for those that had loose ends nd didn't get it nd for some idle minds that will still continue to judge others...may GOD almighty have mercy on u nd nt put u in a situation where u shall be judge nd called names...u dnt know the girl so eitha read the story nd move on,a simple rest in peace from people that av hearts nd pray u nd ur family members dnt see worse than what happened to the girl..GOD is the only 1 that has a right to judge nd when that day comes he will so till den every1 should keep their idle opinions to themselves...
Sooo sad, may she RIP.. Amen
Hummmmmmmmmmmmm!!! God will fight your case darling.those who speak evil
Watch your tongue.RIP sweetie.
Na wa,life is no more valuable to people again,seems people enjoy taking people's life.anyway may her soul rest in peace and for all people accepting strange friends on fb and putting the update of ur family nd life and pixs on fb,may u learn.amen
May her soul rest in our lord's bossom.this should be an eye opener to other people out there,not only girls but guys too.I was once involved in almost the same thing that happened to cynthia,I waz almost raped by people that called themself my friends so pls be careful peeps.May the good Lord protect us all.Amen.
Wat of her dad? Are d parents seprated. Only God knws. No matter wat its a painful way τ̅☺ die. Poor mum. Hp she recovers frm dis. Its a painful way τ̅☺ die no doubt. The fortide τ̅☺ bear dis i wish her brodas. God help us. Her mum God strenghten u dear mum. It isn't easy. An enterprisin daughter. Sleep ooon. The нαvє murdered sleep α̲̅πϑ no peace will dey knw. Welcome τ̅☺ d saviours breast were u belong. Sleep angelic one. In heavens wit d angels u belong. Chichi. Abuja
So so sad may her soul rest in peace.
Can ppl just let ds grl rest in peace?
Well written! I'm really sad for short- sighted Nigerians who don't probe fully into matters before they go ahead to judge and slander people (dead and living) just by what they think they know, this goes to show the myopic mindset of the people of this nation..no wonder our country is in this shape..shallow mindedness!!!! RIP CYNTHIA. God rest your soul and comfort your family and loved ones.
May her soul rest in peace. Honestly its low souls that will bring up runs girls in this situation, when Tunde was kidnapped he said they knew his job, house, church and hospital. May Evil not befall us 'cos u'll be amazed at how much information evildoers know bot you. May God grant her family the fortitude to bear this loss. May this evil doers suffer painful death and confess their evil deeds.
This brought tears to my eyes. I have never commented on any post on this blog until now but could not resist to after reading this. I wonder why people felt the best they could do was judge her. We humans are soo quick to pass judgement. Cynthia may your soul rest in the bosom of the almighty God and I pray the lord God gives your family, especially you mum the strength to carry on. As for the people involved in your death, the wrath of God will sure strike them in Jesus name, Amen.
Please Linda try not to publish every comments made by people on you blog, don't think it's good for your reputation. Thank you.
It is well. Rest in peace Cynthia.
It is so sad to see young people been killed, destroyed , tormented and humilated and yet we have a government, too sad. May her soul RIP
Those who murder her, murder sleep; they shall never hear the cry of a baby in their lineage again. RIP
Linda dis story is tired.Abeg let it rest
May her soul RIP.
Its gud as one of d alleged killers has been arrested, we will likely get d full story. However, d present update has it dat d guys (not guy, GUYS), paid her flight ticket and booked her in a hotel...my question is: why will a 'decent' girl fly from abj to lag to lodge wit guys in a hotel?
Nobody is perfect, so we shud jettison dis african habit of painting people as saints when dey die.
I advise d writer of dis piece to save us d rigmarole, even if she went for runs, it doesnt justify her murder or make d whole incident less regrettable.
May her soul RIP.
Its gud as one of d alleged killers has been arrested, we will likely get d full story. However, d present update has it dat d guys (not guy, GUYS), paid her flight ticket and booked her in a hotel...my question is: why will a 'decent' girl fly from abj to lag to lodge wit guys in a hotel?
Nobody is perfect, so we shud jettison dis african habit of painting people as saints when dey die.
I advise d writer of dis piece to save us d rigmarole, even if she went for runs, it doesnt justify her murder or make d whole incident less regrettable.
And I hope we can all let this lady rest now? And even IF she was a 'runs' girl she didn't deserve to die so please let it go.
Rest in peace Cynthia
Thank you for this post Linda and also thank you to the writer. Nigerian youths this days have abused the use of Internet and the use of valuable information. It has become a tool for gossip they rather pass on gossip than useful information which is very sad. All I have read towards this girl were hate comments UNA NO FEAR GOD? Who are you to judge and who cares about your shallow comments. We often forget we will die one day don't do things that will hunt you or your family be wise.
So touchy dearest sis, don't mind the illiterates and our so called country but one thing is for sure tha God must purnish the perpertrators of this act...RIP CYNTHIA
Dis is so sad....u dnt judge a book by its cover.....eventhough she did sumfin wrong u dnt talk ill of d dead....we pray for d repose of her soul....and for those responsible for her death.....#one sentence for u#"Vengeance is mine says d lord"
Nigerian youths also don't know how to handle cases of death. It goes viral and every1 is chatting all sort of crap they can't even confirm is truth. Has anyone said a prayer for this gal or her family or for justice to be done. All the shallow minded people know is to formulate stories and make her look bad
I think pple say hurtful things to sheild d pain, dat such a beauty was cut down so early, they want 2 belive she deserves it to make d pain less hurtful. Knowing her rubs it in on d hearts of millions of nigerians, linda follow d case, so u will hv a true callin on earth than "who wore it better"
Its okay dear, am with you on this. Take heart and take it easy. She is resting in peace.......
eiah.............wat a painful loss,a business mogul she wud hv been.wat an odd world!may her soul rest in peace
Wonderful frnd.awwww.rest in peace cynthia. So sad.
Rest In Peace, Cynthia.
Sad, sad, sad! May she RIP. Amen.
Nnem RIP....God knows best!!!
Heiya, chai, see fine sisi eko oooooooooo.
Wicked world
Choi, stil waiting 4 d real gist sha
RIP again
dont worry dear,CYNTHIA will RIP.
Very deep may are soul rest in parfect peace & I pray d Lord almighty console are parent IJN
So touching. Pple will always talk. Seems like looking good and being beautiful has now become a crime. RIP beautiful.
I'm really sorry for her loss and I'm sure her friend was a great person. May her soul R.I.P.
But Linda na wa for the lack of editing on your site. It's a pain reading some stuff you post. Funny thing is this is actually one of the better "letters" you have posted. Make use of [sic] please. At least for those readers that are OCD about such things. Nigerians already write poorly, you don't need to promote it on your site. Thanks luv 😁
Wow so touching Aisha, may she rest in peace and I happen to know her also in school then...its sad what people can say simply because she's pretty, so what if someone picked her from the airport, this could be friends she had known for a while, trusting that they are good people....alas she was wrong and she paid dearly for it. We meet strangers everyday who becomes friends, how are we to know the good, bad and ugly? Sad it is! May u rest in peace dear...
People are been judgemental 4 just mere seeing, abg late Cynthia 4give dem.
May her soul rest in peace, please lets be careful what we post on facebook and the people we accept as friends on facebook.
R.I.P Cynthia..who knows why this things happens maybe its destiny..we never can foresee how we going to leave this earth??..cos what would possess a obviously bright evolved young woman to throw caution to the wind..embarking on a journey without informing no one!!
Cynthia was brought up in the most respectable home and way. I knew her and her brothers and family personally.
From a young age, she was always helping out. Helping her mom in their business and all. I remember all those years in Jos.
People pointing fingers now is really pointless guys. She was a hard worker, a daughter, sister, and friend. All she deserves now is a final respect please.
I have an Aunt that was killed almost the same way, she was murdered in her own house by a man she was engaged to. So people are wicked and you never know what is in their heart.
She was just caught up in a bad situation, and God knows best.
Its well, sleep on girl... God will fight for you and your family.. RIP
it is well...Linda i suggest you do something on your blog to show some respect...maybe a black ribbon, or a burning candle....just a symbol
Its sad. Our dearest condolences, i can't even imagine what the family is going through right now. May her soul rest in peace
It's so sad. May the LORD Almighty,grant the family the fortitude to bear the loss.I am always amazed @ how people develop sudden hatred for those they hardly know or don't even know @ all.
Most times when i come here or i visit other blogs/sites and read some comments,i just ask myself,but why? And the only answer that comes to my mind is that they do not have the fear of God.
So many shits happen,but who are we to pass judgment? John 8:7 (....“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”).
On my way home from work on Saturday (to 11 in d night)@ barracks bus stop,Western Avenue.As i alighted from the bus to take a bike,i just saw several people on the bridge looking @ a particular direction.But because it was late,i just wanted to get home,then i heard someone said a vehicle had just hit a lady.And immediately,i turned back and crossed the express road,and behold,there was a body of a young beautiful lady on the road.So,i had to start diverting vehicles so that they wouldn't climb her body.Then i checked her and could feel the heart heart.Some people later came to help and we carried her away from the road.
No vehicle was willing to help,but there were some policemen in two Toyota Hilux trucks right there,but they never helped.i went to one of them and i was shocked @ what he said - "sebi she see bridge,y she no climb? we no fit use our vehicle but i go help u get taxi" He actually did that and we eventually got her into the vehicle and headed to Surulere General hospital.
To cut the story short,she was pronounced dead @ d Hospital.Throughout that 9t,i didn't feel nothing,no hatred,no love.i just didnt know what got into me. Don't you think she could have been saved by those people who were just standing and happy with only looking as if na that one go keep her alive? And what about the policemen?
May God help us all!
shebi una don read finish,oya to all the haters/bad belle in d house begin pass judgment on her.Abi una dey fear ni? Even when dbanj n Don Jazzy went their separate ways,u started writing shits.Shioooor!
May her soul RIP.
Its gud as one of d alleged killers has been arrested, we will likely get d full story. However, d present update has it dat d guys (not guy, GUYS), paid her flight ticket and booked her in a hotel...my question is: why will a 'decent' girl fly from abj to lag to lodge wit guys in a hotel?
Nobody is perfect, so we shud jettison dis african habit of painting people as saints when dey die.
I advise d writer of dis piece to save us d rigmarole, even if she went for runs, it doesnt justify her murder or make d whole incident less regrettable.
May God have mercy on all those who were quick to judge this poor girl. Even if she was doing something that was not clear, have we forgotten that we should give honour to the dead?
Truth be told, when I read those comments from the last post I was sick to my stomach. No wonder the bible says that the heart of man is desperately wicked.
Honestly i could not understand peoples judgemental comments as i read them earlier. why are Nigerians so wicked and angry? Is it a crime to be beautiful? why the envy? see how low we are thinking instead of focusing on the decay in or land...kidnap and murder is now just another sad song. My heart breaks for her family as i know honestly what they are going through having lost my kid brother a few years back! May God grant her eternal rest...what a loss!
Just to add that Linda does not post negative comments if possible. Her family and friends are hurting and such hateful words will give no comfort
Its so sad dat we live in a hate-ridden society, pple have coined up dere own versions and d negative ones digest dem without any form of fact finding, we need †o strt thinkn straight and positive, d insults,criticism,blames and all dat shld be put aside, I still say ds... Cynthia ws level headed,strong,independent and aspiring at her age, an example n source of encouragement †o d youths of our generation....May her gentle soul rest in d bosom of d Lord. Amen
Only God knws wat really happened....dis Ene girl should just kip quiet....naija girls should pls b careful
Dint know abt this story before now but I pray she finds eternal peace with God.
I didn't know about this story before now but I pray she finds eternal peace with God.
Can u just shut up with all dis crap. U started well but den diverted to 'hear say'. Please if u were not there, u have no right to say 'I heard...'. Just shut up please cox u r still judging
Runs or no Runs I would have married in a heartbeat had I met her! She exudes class and dignity?Those who tempteed her and lured her to her death must be visited by Justice! Cynthia,I never met u,but with a heavy heart and sadness I say to You, Beautiful Angel rest in Peace! We are coming to meet u someday!Dr Emeka. Santa Monica California.
How pathetic is the case of people just killing for no reason? In fact, no reason what so ever to kill an innocent person. As the case is, people will always talk, no matter what. Even when the path is clear, some people will still venture in the bush. With that being said, being comfortable and hard working doesn't make someone not wayward. It might just be for fun or extra cash. I'm not saying she went to sleep over with some guys, but even if she did, it doesn't warrant the fate that she got. May God save us from these hard hear-ted people.
Hmmmmmmm! God help us all
What a sad story. A beautiful life cut short!!. My heart goes to u and her families. God must surely avenge her death...may her soul rest in perfect peace.
o such a good friend. Cynthia will appreciate you wherever she is. GOD sees all. May her beautiful soul rest in peace.
My uncle once met up with people he thought were friends in the north to buy a bus. Know what they did to him? They robbed him and murdered him and buried him in a forest. At the same time they were burying him, his spirit went into the police station nearby and told them that some men murdered a man and were trying to bury his body in the forest. He led them to the forest and disappeared. The policemen nearly had a stroke when they discovered the man being buried was the same man who had led them to the place.
He also appeared to his wife at home while she was complaining to my dad on the phone that she hadn't heard from him in 3 days. He walked past her into the living room and disappeared. When the police showed up the next day to tell her the man she saw the night before had been dead for 3 days, she fainted.
People you think are your friends can easily plot against you when it comes to this powerful tool called money. May her soul rest in peace and may God help us all!
I strongly feel that country hates its women with a vengeance..the incessant rapes..victims of ritualism...domestic violence!!..time women wised up and know they at war..be very weary of BB Groups and FB where 9ja men put up completely false profiles to lure young women in..don't sell your life short..u cannot place a value on life so why sell urself short!!..
Just catching up on Linda's blog should make enuff girls very aware of the dangers out there and raise their paranoid radar..gosh!!..whatever happened to female intuition??
You were so close like u say.. Yet u didn't know where ur best friend went to in Lagos. It beats me that she didn't tell anyone where she was going to lodge. Even if I'm going for runs I would tell one person where I'm heading to. Whoever killed her most likely knew that it was something she hadn't told anyone bout. Moreover people have secret lives that people don't know about regardless of class, religion, education, etc. Stop trying to paint her as a saint cos no one is perfect anyway! Even if its a prostitute there's no justification for murder. Runs girl or not.. Murder is wrong!
u know things happen every day,so wen things like dis unless u are actually there pls do not judge,ive been kidnapped from abuja airport before just boarding a cab,he stopped in the middle of no where and some boys jumped in and the rest is history,the only thing spared was my life cos at some point i pretended to be dead.so plssssss dnt judge, u never really know
I can't believe its d same CYNTHIA i knew from my days in jos; I truly know dat she`s finally restin in d bosom of our lord jesus! R I P cynthia
Hmm, spooky. Thanks for sharing.
Heiya, chai, see fine sisi eko oooooooooo.
Wicked world
Moral of d story --- BE VERY CAREFUL....!!!!!
Choi, stil waiting 4 d real gist sha
RIP again
Y shld he/she shut up.y wld ny young gilr jump on a plane nd lodge in a hotel paid by men she doesn't know.and y didn't she tell her parents.and y didn't her frnd knw.this r questions that should not be ignored.we know the soceity we live in.
Rest in peace
RIP Cynthia, death is never a good thing regardless of the person. i do not know her but i am sure her family is hurting right now.
You have a point
Linda please never in your life think of activating auto comment...
Rest in peace Cynthia!
I met Cynthia once dats few days b4 christmas 2011 at d salon where I took my 11yr old kid sis 2 make her hair n I won't 4get how awestruck I was wen she stepped in2 d salon, flawless beauty (I'm a lady). I just ignored her thinkin she shud be a snob jor. Abt 15mins ltr she raised her eyes n saw me talking 2 kid sis n she said 2 me several times dis girl is so beautiful u guys shud pray 4 her o! Her smile was sometin else kid sis n she just connected lyk magic-(cute girl tins I guess) infact dats how we exchanged numbers I neva saw her again but kid sis met her again at d salon. One thing I want u all 2 kno is 4rm d conversation we had, Cynthia may b a very beautiful girl but she's not naïve. She knows how beautiful she is n how easy lyf cud b 4 her if she wanted 2 use her looks. but she told me sumtin wen I askd her "how hav u been able 2 last in d boutique biz 4 dis long" n she said "4 evry biz dias a hard time, if u can persist thru d hard tym u'll master d buisness. Just kno ur consistent customers, dia taste n kip ur eyes open 4 new stuff" I can't vouch 4 any1 in dis lyf but I dnt tink a woman without purpose wud think lyk her. Cynthia I'm stil staring at ur numba n ur pics n praying dat God will preserve us n grant ur Parents d heart of peace. Sleep on beauty.
And so what if she did? Even if she is a runs babe did she deserve to die! life is a risk, everyday one goes to bed der is no guarantee he/she ll wake up in the morning... But when sm1 purposely takes a life? Dts just plain devilish. Please just STFU and keep ur stupid judgment to urself she was a human being n she hd a family hu loved n will now miss her sooooo abeg close ur mouth!
Thunder fire your stupid mouth! Other greedy girls will learn wt? When did being a business woman bkm a bad tin! I believe cynthia was an adult and no longer a kid, frm all indications she looked like she was independent. Mayb she just took for granted this 1 trip to lag! Does dt mean u shud crucify her? Ode oshi!
Aishatu please accept my condolences.
Linda dear, i do agree with a number of comments that suggest you tighten your comment moderation especially on postings that are very sober and personal.
Everyone, we will all be judged by our words, whether typed or spoken. We will be judged by the same measure in which we judge others. Be wise.
Finally finally u no cum tell us hw she ended up dead in a hotel room. And I hate d paragraph where u compared her wit does dat ar 21 nd still writing JAMB nd searching 4 admission buh I reserve my comment................... May she rest in d peace. Amen
Anon 7.35; God knows if i saw Ʊ rite now, i dnt hav an idea of wat i'll hav done 2 Ʊ. Cos u really fuelling my anger rite nau; cos u won't shut d fuck up! YOU NEVER MET HER; DONT JUDGE HER! asswipe!
It's sad that every young successful beautiful girl is labelled a runs girl. some people are very hard-working and street smart that's why they make more money than their peers do.. may her soul RIP.
We mourn her death and its a sad story but Aisha no one is a kid here, trying to paint her as an angel..If u were really close to her,why didnt she tell u where she was going or better still tell her parents? She was missing for a few weeks and u had no idea where she was and u claim u were close...That tells me u r into runs aswell, im sure uve leanrt ur lesson too, nothing justifies murder but she took a risk and paid the ultimate price. May she rest in peace..I hope her family can somehow handle this great loss
A consoled by the fact that for every person who has judged her, you will be judged by the same measure. I didn't say it, the BIBLE said it.
Many of you who think your secrets are indeed secrets I weep for you from the bottom of my heart.
CYNTHIA nwenemu, we were supposed to celebrate an anniversary, it's was Aug 20th, instead William confirmed that it's true. Nnenna can't stop crying.
All I want to ask you is nani ki is Jen Yawu ijen!
Sleep well dear Cynthia
Hmmm,I ve read so many comments here!both good and bad,and I also ve learnt so much from d comments too.all I cn say is RIP cynthia
May her gentle soul rest in Peace.Chinedu
Didn't she нαvє a boyfriend. Best frend. The story is so unclear. A lesson τ̅☺ babes. She shuld нαvє invited dem. τ̅☺ jos.
i cant cr enough foor the poor innocent young soul that the wicked men took.RIP DEAR
These her friends had better start talking real fast..women like to talk as we noticed on this blogs..even for unwarranted gist..there's no way she didn't confine in one of her so called close friends..now they all quiet!!
As one who has been a victim of being judged on her looks only,i truly get what u r trying to say...
still, let's not discount the facts..there seems to be some points that do not gel with the story..
no matter what though, no girl deserves to be murdered...runs or no runs...but the reality of the world today is that these things happen so women just have to be careful
let there be one person in ur ife ,u can tell what u r up to at any point in time...
Rest in Peace Love. May God accept you into his bosom. Amen.
Touching story... Bt its still remains dat, young girls should learn frm dis... Am nt judging her. A lot of girls are about to make dis same mistake.... Dey need to learn frm dis and sit dia asses down... If a man meets u on fb or whereva, let him make d first moves... Try n get to knw his peeps and STOP CODING.... Its too risky to travel dat far just for aquintances
Human nature intrigues me! This Hosanna! Hosanna!..."Crucify him! Crucify him!" attitude is classic. A couple of days ago most pple came out gun blazing!saying all sorts with so much conviction, one wonders whether they were her partners in crime. Now a friend of hers was gracious enof to shed more light on her as a daughter n a friend. Wot follows...??? D unleashing of d flood gates of hypocritical "awwwws" a "uuuuhs". Suddenly nobody is bringing up d "runs" issue anymore, typical human behaviour! May d Lord grant her rest n her family n friends d fortitude to bear her lost. Amen.
May her soul rest in perfect peace.
This post has made me to shed tears. I wish R.I.P means Return If Possible. CYNTHIA REST IN PEACE.
Oloshi ode u dey mad! Mumu! U r d 1 being referred to in d above write up. U will nvr hav anythn gud to say abt any1 or anythn.
Naby, what real gist are you still waiting for? You know most times I read your posts, I wonder what sort of person you are. Be clear in your postings so you don't portray a dumb heartless image....just saying ;).
With all due respect to Cynthia, and the writer, i understand you love her, but let truth be told. And i speak the truth, not out of sentiments. The say, your friends know you more than even your family members. This is an insider account. It was not a face book hook up as claimed by the media. A frind of Cynthia had used her pics as dp on Cynthia Birthday (this friend unknown) and a guy requested to get Cynthia PIN number. Cynthia granted this basedon if the guy will pay her return tickets (she was due to travel out to get some stuff for her boutique)She indeed went to lagos were she was picked up (i even have maunched screen of her last chat with her friend) were she complained of the hotel in Festac been remote)a little later she stoped chatting and later on her phone stp[ed going. According to a family member (witheld) she was found eyes pulled out and vital organs missing, she was dumed and found by a passer bye (this is no cooked up story, this is the real account). Let trutyh be told and let ladies learn. Stop covering up the real deal, just because you love her. We sympathize with you, but speak the truth
It's sad how people turn stories around to make them palatable...Please!!! Let's call a spade a spade...We all know how the greedy end up...As the saying goes "The greedy fly will follow the corpse to it's grave". Somebody tell me where this our friend was when the deceased travelled to Lagos and went missing for close to 1mnth? Well as a friend what else would you do to keep your place in the Osokogu home? Anyways much as murder for whatever reasons is unacceptable, I still maintain that that the deaceased will only RIP if the truth about this matter is told (that's if it is trully known). As for the arrests made...D'you still trust the police in this country? Only recently did they arrest some people in connection to the Late Ayorinde's murder...What then happened when the SSS made their own arrests? C'mon people
People and their parochial way of thinking! Must a person tell a best friend everything? Dat a person chooses not to tell a friend her whereabouts doesn't necessarily mean the friendship is flawed. Maybe she just wanted to keep this trip quiet 4rm everyone, she has the right to her privacy. It's just unfortunate that it ended badly. From what we read, even if she had told her friends about her trip the only difference MAY be that her body wld have been discovered sooner, the death MAY still not have been averted bcos it seems she was murdered the night of her arrival. Tragic!
Nigerians are simply hypocrites. This was the same lady half of you had labelled all sorts of names without knowledge of what lead to her death only a few days ago when her death was first pulished. Now everyone's mouth has changed. Nigerians we are the source of our problems, there is too much negativity in our thoughts. RIP Cynthia.
We all pray CYnthia soul rest in perf peace. Ma sincere addy tu oda young grls out dare, pls we all must b xtremely careful.
Ohhhh puleaasssseee sweedie stop abeg! Your hypocrisy is giving me blinding migraine headaches!!! "Am nt judging her" but you try to spin a recycled moral lesson from her story and end your "non-judgmental" comment with "...Its too risky to travel dat far just for acquintances"! Please someone help me with Ibuprofen! This hypocrisy is excruciating.
Excuse u darling, d word is CONFIDE. Even if she confided in her friends, r they d pple who murdered her? With ur corrupt spelling of CONFIDE, I understand why you don't know the meaning of the word or what it implies. Where they supposed to sing like a bird or rant like a rat a day after her trip? Probably by the time they realised something wasnt right, the poor girl had passed on. It's just one of those freaky tales! The only way this cld have been averted is if she didn't make that trip.
I met Cynthia in feb during an MTN contact centre training for a job worth 35k monthly income in Jos, such a flawless beauty.I got attracted to her not only for her beauty buh becos we share the same name,we were later nicknamed Cynthia 1 & 2.U haters will a runs gurl settle wif a 35k job? So so sad, buh realy wat can i say,i wish it dint have to be u.RIP Cynthia 1.Your memories lives on, may God comfort mumcy and all.
RIP Cynthia.
Thanks to her friend for giving us a better picture of who Cynthia was. Arrests were made and hopefully we will know what exactly happened soon.
Aishatu Ene Ella thank you for your long epistle... if Cynthia was really your friend and you guys were close, you would have known when she left for lagos and what exactly she came to do or who she came to meet...
Her BBM friends and close pals should speak up and tell us the truth on what really happened because if you don't i'm sorry, her blood is on your hands and she will never forgive you..
no one is perfect so don't paint her as a saint.. she had her faults too. she left without the consent of her parents and for you to boldly publish this write up, you are covering up for her..
The so called big girls in town who have rich parents also do runs even when their parents can afford their life styles.. i'm not God to judge her but its the truth.
We all do the 'james bond' moves when we go out, abroad or to another states without the consent of our parents but the right thing to do is to tell at least one or two people your whereabouts..
It is a common saying that it is not good to talk bad about the dead but the readers on this blog are not stupid.. A man we all knew in my area was into blood money and rituals and when he died, everyone painted him as a saint and he even had a christian burial..
Let this be a lesson to everyone because life is too short to waste it on vanity..
May your soul rest in peace. Saying all sort will not change anything.
May her soul rest in peace
Whatever Cynthia did was nuffin out or the norm...she was just faced with ill-luck...RIP Cynthia.
The police should please crosscheck to be absolutely certain they caught the right people, then they should be gradually tortured until dead, don't waste public funds jailing them.
Such a young pretty promising woman. Cynthia, I never knew you personally, but I'm deeply sadened.RIP
To those saying negative things about her, please be decent and accord yourself some respect, it could be your sister or loved one.
RIP. Cynthia,Has anyone paid attention to d Annonymous 22 August 2012.7.27 version of this story? Isn't there a way this person she was communicating with from the hotel room help? I think with d police our Telecommunication companies can assist.
I am still in shock,why would any one want her dead?could it be that a guy once asked her out and probably did't like d guy enough and objected,they probably became just friends at least that could be what d poor girl thought.And it turns out that d person says if i can't hv her no one will.This guys must be people she knew some how.It could also be that she had lots of money on her and they knew about this.I don't know what to think,may her soul rest in peace.To her family,don't much,GOD says the battle is mine,he will handle this so well.
I am still in shock,why would any one want her dead?could it be that a guy once asked her out and probably did't like d guy enough and objected,they probably became just friends at least that could be what d poor girl thought.And it turns out that d person says if i can't hv her no one will.This guys must be people she knew some how.It could also be that she had lots of money on her and they knew about this.I don't know what to think,may her soul rest in peace.To her family,don't worry much,GOD says the battle is mine,he will handle this so well.
may God comfort the family of Cynthia. the bible does not encourage people to judge. she may have reconnected to God before her death.for we that stil have life, this is a forum for every one reading this to accept Jesus into their lives as their Lord and personal saviour. HEAVEN and HELL is real. lately revelations have been given to men on life after now. this may be the last oportunity for someone reading this post. pls accept Jesus as ur personal Lord and saviour and for those who already know Him and are nt living right, pls and pls reconcile with him. Jesus is coming soon to rapture his poeple, amend ur ways. also google "Divine revelation of Hell by Angelica" thank you. pls dont be offended by this post.
To all d stupid Anons who spoke bad this girl, who judged her when they are not God, who criticised Aisha for writing what she knew about a wonderful friend may u experience this type of thing in life, and when it happens if u ever open ur dirty mouth to blame people who will make similar comments as u have made 2 u it will be counted to u as a sin. Retarded fools. Sake may ur soul rest in perfect peace, and to ur dearest Mum and Freind Aisha may GOD give u d strenght beyond what is normal to bear this great loss, cos its so painful
I am also suggesting you put up a candle in Cynthia`s memory and other ladies who were murdered by people they trusted. Believe me, there are many in Nigeria and the world. Cynthia`s case was popular because her family is well-known and respected in Nasarawa and Jos. May her soul rest in peace. amen.
Rest In Peace Cynthia! Just that we nigerians dont face the real issue; I dont care how she got to Lagos but the truth is that she wanted to stalk up her boutique and she was murdered by someone. that is very Sad and unfortunate. My heart goes out to the Fam and friends. The Lord is your strenght!
gerrout! nd shut up there! Wat do u knw abt reputation? ''This is my first time of commenting in this blog after reading'' who cares if its ur first time of commenting? If linda refuses to publish all comment, hw interesting do u think her blog will seem? Ode!
..... ok well said dear friend but please stop painting her to be an angel of course she had her nice part no human is totally useless if you grew up in Jos and schooled in Command Sec school u will know she is no saint no one is a child here Runs or no Runs i really dont care my point exactly what is a decent girl doing in a hotel room with men????? is she going to play Lido with them..... justasking..... may her gentle soul rest in peace
Hmmmm, Cynthia, I can't believe its u people are talking about like this o! I honestly still can't believe u are gone!
Nigeria is a deeply traumatized country. Most Nigerians are deemed wicked and angry because of the daily sufferings which they are used to dealing with in their lives. We live in a society that has a lot of churches and mosques and people go there without fail on a weekly basis but most Nigerians do not practice what these religions preach. The daily suffering and evils which we see around us has now made us numb to any more suffering. Coupled with the lack of rule and order. Why should anyone hold any superstitious belief that cutting off a woman's breasts will make them money? or removing private parts will make anyone money? its all about lack of education and misinformation (all these bloody herbalists who need to face the firing squad - but no..the society condones these). Nigeria is a deeply troubled country and there are many Psychopaths amongst us. Death and suffering in Nigeria has become so common placed that it is no longer news. I do not see how the country can get past this trauma. Even if she was a RUNS girl, even if someone gets knocked over by a car crossing the express when there is a bridge right there.. Nobody deserves the denial of a chance to live.
Nigerians are so short-sighted and are always ready to criticize their fellow human. We should pu ourselves in these peoples shoes before pointing fingers. God will console her family
And linda pls post my comment.
You! U r just a mumu doctor frm California. Better shut up dere. Na so den dey marry in a heartbeat just bcos u saw picture of a fine girl. Idiot.
farewell Cynthia, no matter wat any one may cook up, d fact remains dat she has gone 2rest so u dat is still alive including her killers wat next? i pray God almighty gives her family all it takes 2bear her lose. hmmm i pity dis nation, cos lives is worth nothing
May her soul RIP. I know a friend of hers who is a runs girl and recently had a party which i was invited to, Cynthia was at the party too and participated well in the activities. As the saying goes; show me your friend and i will tell you who you are. Ladies please let's learn from this, no matter how this writter wants to sweet coat it, there is still a possibility of the otherwise. It is well.
Most of us ladies are guilty of nd of this kind of incidence please. i know i am. God have mercy. i am not a runs girl, but i have gone to Owerri once to visit a total stranger, a man i met on facebook who even posted fake info of himself cos i later got to find out he was not as rich as i thought. He paid my flight fare, picked me up from the airport and lodged me in a hotel all weekend. i didnt tell my family or close friends about the trip for the fear of being judged and stopped. What if? What if?? What if??? This is one of the many ills of social networking. Many girls are also guilty of this, ohh dont give me that holier than thou crap. It is just by His mercies.... Dear Lord!
Ure a fool to wish this on anyone, u shouldn't even wish this on ur worst enemy.. Wicked individual. Back on ur head a seven fold.. Ewuu.
This is very true,I think only God can save girl children,as a young girl I took One too many risks as well,though I hardly follow Total strangers but I ve gone to strange places with people I'm well acquainted to.my prayer is that we all learn from this and that God should Grant Cynthia eternal rest
please if u think her soul is not 'gentle' dont pray for it to rest in peace!.am so sick of people who think ill of her and add this prayer at the end.gosh!i fill like hitting something right now
Stop judging her cos you are not God. May her soul RIP.
May her soul rest in the bossom of the lord!!
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