Yes, I said driver! And not graduate of driving school o, graduate of a higher institution. Hehe. You go university finish come become driver! I know things are hard here and there are some graduate drivers, but making it a prerequisite? E be as e get! But if you're interested sha...go on their Site
SMH. Nonesense, can u imagine.
nawa ooooooooooooooooooo eget as e be but no qualms even samsumg dey pay drivers 55,000 grand so no p we go apply am oooooo. So aunty linda aw far ur london trip? Be safe BABE we love u more here in naija. Kisses.
He's crazy was so pissed wen I saw d advert no be him fault na bad country cos am
Even if e be as e get, there is dignity in labour. One honest job is as Worthy as another. Our govt can neither provide jobs nor an enabling enviroment for others to do it, so please don't crucify him. Even mike Adenuga once upon a time was a cab driver in new York.besides, any ambitious person will use that opportunity as a stepping stone, not die there as a driver. Enough said!
Wow!. Its ok, creating job opportunities for people, but making being a graduate a prerequisite for a driving job, is preposterous!
Base on the operation capability, u be got to be educated above High School toComprehend the nature of the job, cos ur life and that of others is at stake so I am in full support of such requirement , it's call, security measures+ liability = SAFETY. In every job, safety should be everyone's first periority.
No wonder they have no respect and value for education. Bloody Clue Less Morons !!!!. What university did Dangote graduate from????
Absolutely Pathetic.
lol, making university degree a criteria? and then they now said, no driving experience??? are they serious??? lololol pls the driving experience is far more important than a university degree...maximum they shd be able to read and write, just incase they have to take care of some admin/paper work. The main requirement should be possessing a driver's license, one yr experience, and high school diploma...
Anon 2:39 hit the nail right on the head. Gini? A must? Are u kidding me? Driving experience is far more a tool to ask for. I mean basic education is ok to ask for. But then again.,, it's better the graduates are driving loading trucks than walking the streets. It's true that employers love desperate people... They get to use you as they want because the no ya need the money..
All those blasting Dangote need to start their own businesses and then hire people based on whatever criteria that suits them...
You guys sha can throw things out of proportion.......he is opening it up to everybody.......didn't u see OND and NCE???
He's an ass..like seriously???which way Nig?
this is very insulting and degrading of human effort
I think we should be applauding this, honestly. The man needs drivers and he sees this as an opportunity to help a few struggling graduates with income until they find a more professional job. Reality is that sooo many graduates in Nigeria do not know where their next meal would come from. This is a job - there is dignity in labor - at least earn some income while you continue with your job search.
It think its worth it bcos most Nigerians need to understand, and he is also not forcing anyone to do it and its a good idea too
The Dangote initiaves shd be encoraged, he is a Role Model, in many advance countries like Germany graduates are casb/ Trucks drivers, so he is ahead of my of us in NAIJA, we shd help, support and encourged him to do more, up up DANGOTE
Hian..4 u to finish in da university nd use ur certificate 2 apply 4 a driver...SMH datz bad
This sense of pride and entitlement by 'graduates' in Nigeria is what'smaking the economy stagnant. So what if they require you to be a graduate? In the West, some factory workers, taxi drivers and truck drivers even janitors hold multiple degrees even Phd.
Your job is what you do, it is NOT who you are. As long as they pay you well, you get excellent training/development, benefits etc, EVERY job should be a stepping stone to greater things.
We're so caught up in the certificate and degree craze and so you see graduates 'looking for work' for 5-10 yrs! Get off your arrogant asses and go get a job even if its minimum wage or start a business...instead of living above your means and looking for sugar daddies/mommies to foot you fake lifestyles.
Until we begin to respect ALL jobs/career paths and not be hung up on 'titles' we'll never grow as a nation! Dangote's creating employment (something the govt has failed woefully at)! Give the guy some kudos before the knocks. Nobody owes you anything cos you have a freaking degree cos very soon being a graduate will be the minimum requirement for anything!!!
So? I'm sure its going to be a good paying job; probably better than most office jobs. The end justifies the means. Is it not better than sitting at home or roaming the streets endlessly in search of a job? I don't see anything wrong with it.Go Dangote go.
Their Drivers Die Daily On Our Highway, But There's No Job sha. Something Must Kill A Man. But Its shameful oh... Let Me Warn again, His Heavy Trucks get involve in accidents daily oh.
See you Ode. Dem say na by force for pesin to apply? Keep ur opinions to urself. U ll be surprised how many graduates will jump at d oppurtunity. They may evn end up earning more than those with the so called posh jobs.
I hate idiots like you who evn though thy ve nothing worthy to contribute still go ahead n comment. Nonsense? What makes it non sensical?
Idiot. I'm sure after u see the pay package u ll be willing to apply. With the number of jobless university graduates arnd, I think he is doing the whole nation a favour. BTW, Dangote never finished Uni and yet see how much wealth he has amassed; more than u cld ever hope to have in three lifetimes if u were to reincarnate.
2,000 drivers too much, wetin e won tek am do na? Abeg mek i leave dis one, na 4 people weh like am.
See dis is hw we kill our dreams in nigeria, pls wat is bad in bin a driver, do u kw hw much he is willin 2 pay per month mind u sum so call graduates r bin paid 30k or less per month, I av a female friend in london who is a train driver n trust me she pays her bills well even more dan those dat luk down on her...u beta change d way u look @ life b4 u miss ur golden chance n as 4 u linda d way u sound wif it isn't just rite! U hw many jobs av u given pple?
I don't kw u ooo buh I just luv u 4 ur comment leave those dat av shalow brain its their type dat will go 2 bank n collect 30k per month n form big boy while driver dey collect 70k...go 2 dubai n see women as drivers after dey will say 9ja is nt developin
U b fool no b only pissed u 4 piss 4 body u hw many jobs u don give person do u kw hw many graduates r nw touts n tiffs??? Hw many companies employ 3rd class graduates abi dem no b graduates...shalow minded idiot!
Linda cos u av small change in ur acct doesn't mean everybody does...driver or no driver dats wat he has 2 offer, hw many jobs has divid mark created? N besides we av sum so called graduates bin paid 18k...pls don't discourage pple
Strange....only in Nigeria.
Dangote is a full 4 dis an illiterate like him looking 4 graduate drivers, dis only shows how much he disregards people cos he is rich. No wahala God dey na poor man prayer
D whole idea is to give graduates more job opportunities, I personally dnt see anything wrong in it, our graduates are doing worse abroad, so wot exactly is d problem here? The post has already said "recruit and TRAIN" so I understand where no prior experience would come in, its easy for others to say its demeaning when u ve a job to go to everyday, but those graduates who roam d streets of Lagos in search of work wld understand. The wise ones who nid a job wld apply and use dt as a stepping stone to do greater things.
What is wrong with us? Nigerians with PHDs drive taxis in the USA. The drivers Dangote Is hiring do much more than driving that's why they require graduates. Getting through the door is most important cos you can get elevated when you prove yourself. Not everyone can have an office
What is wrong with us? I know people with PHDs who drive cabs in the USA. Dongote requires a degree cos the drivers do a lot more than driving. The most important thing is that they can be elevated after they prove themselves. Not everyone will have an office.
This is craziness of the highest order.How can somebody spend 5 or 4years in the university just to become driver.On this Nigerian roads,even if he pays 500k a month.It's an attempted suicide.Do you even need to go to school to become a driver?He should just outsource the jobs to reputable companies and hold them responsible for any accident.They know how to go about it instead of making ridicule of Nigerian university education.
I commend Dangote if I knew him I would shake him hug him even. Welldone sir! Thank You sir! He has saved a life n d4 saved a family saved d community from being robbed ,all we do is criticize n judge der r a lot of graduates out der wit no jobs no skill no hope,people r truly sufferin n one man is willingly 2 give people employment I say Thank u sir wit d whole of my heart!
Omg, really shocked at the stupidity of most nigerians.The average nigeria is lazy. If its not a job as good or better than your friend's, then it's not worth taking?? There's dignity in any kind of labour you fools. Dangote is trying to help our labour sector and this is the rubbish feedback you guys have?? Dangote's drivers have been known to be reckless on the road (same with jb)mostly due to their illiteracy(forget experience),so it's probably a strategy to employ and train much more responsible literate drivers.
Ps: Linda Ikeji,you should be ashamed of yourself. Btw,most people see blogging as degrading eg RMD. After all your university education, its this nonsense copy and paste you spend your time with?? Next time, don't degrade any profession because you father was probably a mechanic with a higher education. Enough said.
All of una wey dey condemn. How many you don employ?
I am sure this job is not for unskilled workers.
I had a friend who worked in the food/beverage sector as a marketer and his job involved driving too.His job involved monitoring distributors and delivering the company's products to them. Part of the requirement for the job involved driving experience. He was given a truck to aid his daily work activities.He loves his job and his salary is quite competitive to those of graduates in other sectors.
I think Dangote vacancy is similar to this so people should not crucify him.
And who told educational experience equates driving experience or being safety conscious. They're only looking for graduates who can stand and defend their trucks with english after killing people on d highway,instead of running away leaving their trucks to be burnt by irate youths.~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310.
Wonders and insults will never end. Dangote is not a graduate but wants to employ graduate drivers. He he he!!
Poverty dey o. What would a jobless graduate do other than to apply or risk suicide? Money is very important in life, no matter what.
Have you ever heard Dangote make a speech? He knows his limit and would not entertain us like Mrs Jonathan. Well, he was born into a rich family and has never suffered in his life. Lucky for some.
Why r u so bitter,u better go n submit ur CV cuz e b lik say na u need da job pass.nonsense
Nigerians n their mumu empty pride,why r u guys lookin down on da job,u guys will travel out n do da oddest jobs(clean toilets,work as gardeners)wit masters degree n y'all are shouting here,do u want him to employ dem as managers jus cuz dey have degree,? N u Linda ur sayin E get as e b wen u can't even employ 1 person to help out wit ur blog,ok now if u don't like da idea go back home n let ur parents employ U since dey paid ur sch fees n ur too mighty to b drivers.
this is funny, after all the struggles and jacking. me aint gat anything to say sha
wow, dis is really a welcome idea, just wish all this bloody thieves of politicians could learn from Dangote.. And as for those screaming 'this is an insult' why dont u go 2 d street n c d kinda jobs graduates do, filling station attendants, street traders in d guise of 'marketing' btw frm wat i heard truck drivers r paid quite well
Linda, I beg joor is it not Nigerian here in the UK with Masters doing cleaner job, or security, or toilet washer or picking road trash for the council. I beg any smart young graduate without a job but you can drive well SHOULD pls go and apply prove your self a better skilled driver and soon you will have an opportunity to chip in ideas that the company needs. With what I have seen in UK, and small countries i have travelled and what our graduates do.Hmmm is worst than what they project to us when they send club pictures on FB or on their BB DP. Guys and ladies its an offer take the shot!!!
If Dangote group say they want graduate What is bad about it?. Is it not graduate that drive some of our BRT buses, or the private Danfo buses!! Driving has gone beyond hitting the gas and moving. It takes safety, Process management, and Smart thinking to make critical and logical decision. People don't be ashamed lets get 20000 sane drivers who understand corporate ethics and effect on the environment on the wheels.
Erm..I dunno if u shld support dangote's move..cos I don't think he wld look at u as qualified for d job..cos ur grammarz wack as hell..sorry..oops..mayb u're not a graduate,so u speakin on behalf of sumbody..:)...NEKS
Linda am shocked that LIB readers sometime display outright dumbness when they react. Let them call up their friends/ family members who are in various countries and ask them Guy, Babe watin you dey do? some of them cant talk. because its the don't ask don't tell policy. Especially the ones who are just young graduates or Masters sef!! Ask how many shift they do? to pay their bills?
I just tire wen I c ds tn..very soon,dey wld ask ph.d holders 2 apply for sewage cleaning jobs..mtchew..NEKS
†ђȋ̝̊̅§ is touching...
He jst wanna make mockery of us! Sha! Half bread is beta dan full chinchin! But come 2 think of it,after spending 5 stressful yrs @ futo! Ur first job! Driving trucks or trailers for dangote! With d death trapped roads! We av here in 9ja! Chaii! Man don see weeeen! I beta set-up my own company! Mscheeeeew!..Papee Scata Skata No Mata!
comon everyone...each driver gets 500,000 naira.if i work as a driver with such pay,i can do sometin meaniful..at least he tried.afterall his better than our corrupt leaders who are in positions and cant create employment opportuinities for youths.God help us all
while dangote's children are abroad enjoying themselves, he wants to employ nigerian graduates as drivers!!! Pathetic!!! #Godiswatchingyou in 3D..
am sure wat most ppl dont like is d tag driver,okay lets coin another name 4 it.pls there is dignity in labour.i encourage our female folk to apply too
is this man stupid or what??? so he would say that his children would go to the university for 7 years and then he would tell them to go and become lorry driver what an idiot and a heartless wicked man asin he did not even say admin work or sometin it is driver wao what a wicked man.
i support what dangote is doing creating job is not easy in this country and he s been doing very well so my friend drop your graduate thing and work for living.
i hope the minister of labour is seeing thios and if he said nothing then the minster is also a wicked man as this dangote what a fool for himto ask for gradute
There is absolutely nothing wrong in creating a job as this. He needs graduates cos obviously there r some technical aspect an illiterate can't understand. And hey jobs r scarce in Nigeria why not grab this do it for a few month and leave. Enough money in the bank already to set urself up. 500k is not a joke! He knows there r risks involved and upped the salary. How much does others pay? Not even up to 50k sometimes. All of u talking Jagons I'm sure r the managers of ur company bah?
Linda, are u trying to mock the Driving proffession? This attitude is making most people reject some courses in d university, bcos d feel its low class. Don't u think u can bcom a professor and stil b bloging, bcos its what u like doing. Its their job d give their terms, when u bcome an employer of labour u give ur own.
bcoz him no go schl dats y he is emphasizin on d educational bkgroud..dis is pure nonsense
E be as e get, BUT those totally against this scheme has lost touch with the reality of the nigerian graduate...They sure do not know that 80% (or more) of nigerian graduates are unemployed, some even for years...'Tis better to earn a living than wallow away in poverty waiting for jobs that aren't available...
Guys this is pretty Good. This is a man that cares. The Govt does not care. Let embrace this opportunity. Alhaji Aliko Dangote thump up for you Sir. Truck Driver job is one of the highest paid job in most western counties.
Guys let be serious. This is pretty good. For someone like Mr Aliko Dangote to put up this great opportunity, where is the job in Nigeria Govt does not care about anyone and here is a Man that cares. Let embrace him. Alhaji Dangote thump up for you Sir. Truck drivers are one of the highest paid job in Westen Countries. Everybody can't be Manager in the office..
WTF are u pple making noise for?? He's goin to be payin these drivers 300k per month and some may even be earning up to 500k depending on experience & other criteria. How many multinationals in Nigeria can absorb 2000 graduates and pay them 300k a month? The guy has tried abeg! Many graduates are out there jobless. Its not by force to apply...If u feel ur too big to drive a truck then park well $ ya house. There are pple out there that need the job & the money
Dr is absolutely nothing wrong with it. If I was a male without a good job, I wld av applied. Do u no how much ds guys make monthly? They can earn up to 400k monthly, how many bankers earn dt in a mth? Besides, d fact dt u r a graduate shld help u look at opportunities in d transport sector u can move into after working for a while. I wish u guys av an idea of what ds 'illiterate'drivers do with people's trucks on d road in d name of driving. He must av had very terrible experiences from d uneducated dts y he decided to change strategies. I bet some of d people complaining here do not av jobs, yet they can't work as drivers. Like someone said above, dr is dignity in labor. A lot of people r poor in ds country 2day bcos we feel too big to do certain jobs, yet we sell our father's house n travel abroad to do worse jobs even with Master Degrees.I repeat, if I was a guy I wld av applied
this illiterate wants graduate as drivers what a stupid man
@lanreallenjay: Nigerians prefer to use their graduate degrees to drive trucks abroad rather than home... So I think I accommodate their hypocrisy.
Firsty, Dangote is a Genius, he has found a solution to Nigeria's greatest road issue ''Lack of Education'. I can bet you, none of you that can read and write are any better than the drivers of yellow beat down damfo. 99percent of drivers here dont know basic road rues: The way to merge, handle round abouts, traffic signs. Please
I support this. Instead of graduates as armed robbers and 419.
In England, Bus Drivers make more money than many people in offices round the world and more than many managers in Nigeria, this stupid stigma of bus driver and class needs to end. Bush people.
If any of you guys have been in the transport or haulage sector, you will know that there is a very big difference between an educated and uneducated driver. An instance where a truck driver said to his employer that he was employed to drive and not to check the oil level of his truck and he got the engine knocked.to Asides the bad roads in Nigeria the job is a very good one considering the fact that most accidents are caused by the drivers. I don't understand the very silly sentiments people are attaching to this. Don't very have masters holders working as security at train stations. Please let us grow up. THERE IS DIGNITY IN LABOUR
Wats wrong with d grammar he spoke ,ehn Neks?
He just missed out ''you'' in his first line and u are crucifying him.
If not that u r nwanne m nwanyi ...........
From some of the comments I understand why a lot of Nigerians are unemployed. They all don't just want to work – all waiting for that super job. We seem to operate on a different reality. I suppose the recession all over the world we read and hear about on the news is just fiction. Every day we hear about banks sending more people into the unemployment market and we sit on our asses and think we can chose jobs? If you don't like what the man is doing shut the hell up and employ graduates and pay them tons of money to sit on their asses too.
No matter how high sounding your degree is, the bottom-line is that you have to survive and fend for yourself. No one owes you a job simply because you have spent four or more years in a tertiary institution. In case, it wasn’t that obvious, far more people have degrees these days. That truck driver’s now has a degree too and is probably like some of you guys here venting on why Dangote should want him to come and do the same work that had paid his fees through university. I think it displays a high sense of inferiority to feel slighted by an ad for drivers with a university degree as minimum requirement. So bloody what? If you are already well employed or you don’t figure on applying why do you feel bad about it?
ONOME says........
I read the advertisement first time then read Linda's submission at the end of the advert.Then I read the advert again and was getting ready to lambast any Nigerian that blurts out without thinking.However when I read the comments from other reasonable people;I dropped my armoury.
Linda I praise u when u do well and call u out when u don't and I must say I am appalled at ur shortsightedness & obvious lack of reasoning in this particular instance.You are a blogger and as anon 7:51 am succintly put it "with ur uni degree this is what u do for a living"I hope u got the well deliverd sarcasm there.WHAT IS WRONG WITH A GRADUATE BEING A DRIVER??????And one would expect that with the minimal travels u have done ur perspective on certain things would be evoling but;alas,I still see the "Nigerian mentality" hanging around ur neck and beclouding ur sense of reasoning.How many people Linda have u employed???How many??How many jobs have ur thieving politicians created??How many?If those thieves do what Dangote is about to do how many unemployed graduates would be in Nigeria?
Nigeria has a long,very long way to go with the mental power and reasoning ability of its populace.Where the heck do u get off "turning up your nose" on certain jobs?For as long as the "bigmannism" keeps plaguing our youths and inequality abounds,there will never be progress in that nation.Nonsense.
Nigerians with masters degrees drive buses in the US and UK,,are security personnels,are care assistants,work in M&S,Tesco,McDonald etc etc yet are too big to drive in their own country.BS!
What you lot should be agitating for is better roads,better traffic rules etc to make this job safe for the workers but as usual some Nigerians cannot see beyond their noses.I wish you well in your quest for a better life.A graduate shouldn't be roaming the streets looking for a job.It is a travesty.
BTW Weldone anon 5:19qm and 7:51 am.I thoroughly enjoyed reading your take on this topic.
WOW the two repliers are soo BITTER and ANGRY!! Tufiaa!! Pease go and lick sugar!
Well said......he who has ears let him hear.
U b fool!
Aint u just stupid!
N u r foolin urself in cinema screen!!! Na him say mk other pple children no go abroad y r pple so stupid!
Its like u avnt traveled abroad b4 dats why u see it as bin bad pls try go ghana mk u see oponu!
N u r purly stupid!
O foolish gan sha!!!abeg hw much u get 4 ur acct???
Best comment so far!
O foolish gan sha!!! Hw much dey ur bank acct? Hw many pple dey wrk 4 u dats if u av a job fool
If dangote is ab ass den I wud luv 2 b an ass dan 2 b a king n b as stupid n foolish as u r
rejoinder: Dangote is a graduate from saudi arabian university. Check his profile.
Then the job: i have truck drivers and what they earn in a month by way of allowance and benfits is twice the salary of most tie and starched shirt workers. It is just that their life styles getting in the way:womanising seem to top the list.
This is probabaly what he has seen and therfore wants to correct by giving the opportunity to pple with ambitions like graduates.
I commend him and would recommend this job for any one interested in money and not ego massaging jobs with little pay.
No bank worker earns s much as any truck drivers.by truck i mean those in petroleum haulage business. I know cos it is my business.
Thank you Dangote.i would do sam if i have d numbers of truck in you fleet.
There needs to be much better jobs provided for graduates!
This week, we're introducing a new series titled "men and infidelity", I'll be addressing both men and women on how to deal with the issue, God bless-
If the pay matches what other graduates are earning, there is absolutely notn wrong with it. I remember telling my friend that if i find a security job that pays me 60k dollars a year. i wanna take am die, shebi na to watch screen all night long, go house go sleep for morning. The point is this, it is not the job you want; but if it is the pay you want, start earning a living it will give you the zeal for other things. And for Dangote to want graduates, it means there is going to be some form of marketing and commission associated with this job. For those that may want to get into the haulage business; this is the best opportunity to get experience while earning money at the same time.
I don't see anything wrong with the ad- so what if a graduate is a driver??? Here in the UK, it is no big deal to see graduates driving, picking bins, working at mcdonalds, etc, etc. Just because you are a graduate does not mean that you are special- I wish Nigerians will change their attitudes and learn to understand that there is nothing wrong with a graduate doing so-called 'menial' jobs. At least Dangote wants to employ young Nigerians but some stupid and ignorant people have taken to Linda's blog to insult him. Unless Nigerians are willing to take a chance and do something different, we will be carrying on as we are at present, with our leaders/parents/friends driving us to nowhere
i have jst applied. the problem with ppl who ar waiting for jobs is that they are not ready to work.u have a degree but no food,and u ar still smilling n scoffing ur nose at ppl who ar trying to help u. maybe u ar waiting for him to vacate his own office for u.keep waiting,but remember ppl who hv built great things started from scratch. n who told u dat driving is too low for a graduate.siddon why sm ppl drive themselves to financial freedom.
The pride of most certificate holders in d name of a degree is appauling.funny enuf they cant perform in d capacity of d certificate they hold. silly people.There are better livng drivers than graduates today infact they even hold d economy.better trow pride away and let God bless d work of ur hand
But if the pay is good,as in a pay that suites a university graduate,then is fine.But he could as well have said any one with experience,cause i don't think there is any department as driving in our universities.So what ever experience a graduate has,was't acquired from the university.But as previously mentioned,if the pay is good,then i guess is okay,only that such graduate would't be able to put what ever knowledge acquired from school to practise.I think he would pay a non graduate lower than a graduate.Would he want to hire a female driver?
All you bashing Dangote should go and hug transformer while weraing a wet tshirt! Do you know the salary is 500,000 naira? Sitdon there...people don dey fight for the job.
Are these not the same truck drivers causing mayhem all over the highways?
Sometimes Linda, i'm disappointed in the way you reason - this is an example. Because you are making millions from your blog doesnt mean we dont have graduates like you who cant even afford a meal. Dangote does not owe anybody anything, providing this opportunity is very NICE of him.
Linda i love you and your blog and i appreciate your opinion but would rather you dont ridicule this. there is nothing wrong and infact we should commend dangote for this! is this not better than a graduate fraudster or armed robber? better we have educated and responsible drivers to reduce the risk of accidents associated with heavy duty vehiches as a result of recklessness.
This is rubbish..heavy vehicle drivers?no driving experience?..is this a joke..I dont care if its dangote thats hiring, is our certificate now a joke? and all u lot talking about pride and doorway to 'Lord knows where', too much Nigerian movies is affecting your perception, if he wanted you in the office, wont he have created a proper graduate job opening? its one thing to voluntarily apply for a job as a driver cause you dont have options, but its another thing for this man to make it a criteria for the application..hiss.. to have BSc aint a joke..utter nonsense
I am highly disappointed at people knocking down this job opportunity. i am sure some of them aint got a clue.. some of those trucks are worth in-excess of 20million naira each( $100,000) and will be transporting good worth nothing less than 1-2 million naira at any given time.road haul business is a multi-billion dollar business. the biggest haul business in the world started as drivers to owning 1 truck to owning fleets. nigerians please wake up.
Nice come at Bonaventure, bona, wit ur ugly name, must u poke ur nose into every comment! Ntoin! Dem don gif u koko! Dickhead!
So typical of Nigerians. Everyone wants to become oga immediately just because you have a degree. Do you know what openings this could lead to or why it is they require graduates. The job probably besides the obvious requires people who can strategize, very good operational skills and the list goes on but no it is the title people read and start opening their mouths. Here in the diaspora, you get people who started out as tea boys and worked their way up to management. But a society that is eternally focused on the aesthetics will never go far
See this yeye dangote!
His daughters are busy going up and down in private jet, he wants graduates to come and help his dynasty get even richer.
If he wants to create jobs, there are other avenues he can explore!!
Smart ppl put one leg in d door first and quietly show Dangote who they ruly are.Is not better to start somewhere than remain unemployed? So opportunity knocks in so many ways.
Ironically,Dangote who never smelt d four walls of a University is asking for graduate drivers.That's life shaa!
Its a nyc attempt by dangote but I thnk he has degraded nigerian degree to sme extent. Though there is fairness in d aspcts of diploma nd d rest. But degree? ? Nah!
Lol @Anon 3:28..I wznt referrin 2 Bona,my comment wz directed at Anon 2:06..u obviously have beef wit bona..lol...NEKS
Wow, I work in this organisation and this issue has been misconstrued. The intention is to get people who are graduates and turn the most diligent of them into big entrepreneurs in the haulage business in the future because they will own the trucks in phases and can use them for other transportation modes.
hehehehehe @ anon 3:28pm u're a misguided groupie. I wanted to take u serious but foundout its d same person attacking me all dis while,lolz now u sound very funny Neks wasn't refering to me dats if u understood what she wrote u ninny~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA331
I wish there was a lik button for dis ur comment,make dem dey there dey wait to wear suit go work.dem go die of hunger.bless ur soul
All you people bashing Dangote should please shut it, I am not a fan of his monopoly but I applaud his gesture, claiming you are a graduate yet you can't construct a simple sentence and you want to be taken seriously, better wake up and smell the coffee.
My only worry is our bad roads, otherwise why not especially if you are young single man, instead of doing yahoo yahoo, do something productive with your life.
Gosh! How insulting.... (well on my path)
Did we go to school to make money or have careers?
500K to be a driver and after job is over, your only experience would be - being a truck driver.
I don't just understand the thought system of some people. It's really mind buggling!!!
Ur brain is lacking neccessary nuitrents...
Guess wt u're d illiterate here,guess u nt a graduate sef nd u're makin noise,its spelt *fool* nt full dummy!!!
I no blame them, na our country cause am... It is well, anyways there are graduates driving danfos around cos of job scarcity, so definitely they will get applicants...
God help us all
Come!! If your jobless and you read Lindas blog and you fit the profile, what is the noise about? That am a graduate Sooo!!! How many attitude test have you written that you have failed!! and your making noise am a graduate... Stay there. Serious minded people who know Rome was not built in a day have sharply applied.
Dangote wey no go school now wants to employ graduate drivers.It is well.na our govt say make dis ppl they insult Nigerians.
So Linda u have d guts 2 c dis job creation as a problem? How bloody dare u?? Lame ass Bitch!!
So u single handedly manage ur huge blog, refusing 2 employ helping hands and u criticise sum1 providing jobs 4 2000 ppl??
Bloody illiterate Linda.
B4 u judge beta take a good look at ur damn self.
Dangote is prOviding jobs 2 hundreds of thousands! Who have u provided 4??
P.s..and YES ..I am a Dangote Employee!!
This same Dangote is yet to pay the people one of his so called truck drivers killed!!..
Graduates in UK\US might do cabbie but cmon now the prerequisite is a clean driving license..
He's patronizing and very condenscending..!!..
If i'm a young unemployed graduate i would voluntarily go for any job..but don't need people like Dangote...telling me i need to be a graduate in order to land a driving job..nonsense!!
That is the problem with Nigerians, u all are so narrow minded and can't see the bigger picture. Has it ever dawned on u that it takes having intelligence to operate a commercial vehicle and considering its Nigeria, i know they lack that with some of the drivers on the road. Considering what the sub standard educational system is like in Nigeria. I don't think people should complain. In other parts of the world now with the economic instability, people with DEGREES NOW WORK MENIAL JOBS TO MAKE ENDS MEET. So why are Nigerians always complaining and can not commend a fellow man for opening up opportunities for graduates. Remember he is a private entity. if you want to complain ask what your govt has done for u lately graduate and all.
No matter what any1 says, A driver is a driver. Even in the western countries the people who drive trucks are high school grads and not college grads.
Its not about pride here but abt prospects. After this person has driven for 2 or 5 years, where does he or she progress to??
There are so many things to analyse before applauding him. These high school drivers should rather be trained and put on the road.
This is going to cos more econ0mical strain by leaving the poor even poorer. Okay a graduate becomes a truck driver and an alaye his Motor boy.... Does it eve make sense. Let his son start driving first..... but how can, he must have fixed him up in some oil company or something
Abeg UPS drivers in Yankee make $75k and benefits!! Truckers in Yankee make good money, though they are gone a lot. If Dangote go pay money money, then abeg people, if you need a job, for now, apply o!!
Well if the negative comments here are coming from graduates,then I think y'all need to evaluate your so called degrees.I don't blame you,its because there is no dignity of labour in Nigeria that's why you think being a truck driver is low. If you think Dangote has committed an abomination please start your own company and employ just 50workers! Oops,that's what I thought,you need a job yourself!
Linda u re so funny...just when I gave u kudos to my friends tht I would never have believed u have not travelled abroad yet u deliver genuineness n exposure like one who is well travelled...tht said sometimes u come out lackin strongly...am in HR and as far as i can see he is seeing not just degree grads, also Ordinary Diploma too OND and it is also obvious that the main role wouldnt be driving as the description boldly says no prior experience needed so its not just driving and for him to partner with NIIT to train them in IT then he obviously needs graduates not danfo drivers to grasp the IT part..from d lil info on here it is obvious this will probably be a logistics role i.e scanning and delivering they call them drivers here as well but it helps they can read and write as customers would need to sign that their goods have been delivered!!! i doubt a non graduate can do scanning and use logistic equipments sat nav etc so pls bfr u lead ur LIB flocks on d path of crucifying Dangote learn to read first!! amoutta'ere
I am truly ashamed at a lot of comments posted here. The word "driver" in itself is NOT derogatory. Think of the words: Stunt DRIVER, F1 DRIVER, etc.
I'm pretty sure Dangote wants his new fleet drivers to be able to fix minor faults in the trucks, operate the time logging system and fill log sheets.
So yes, a graduate would be more easily trainable than a secondary school diploma holder.
Maybe it's God answering the prayers of the one person who applied for the job. Maybe it's not for you and although i don't like it, i can't help but think that maybe someone is happy they've found a job
Let s be frank wit our selves we ve many graduates out there lokg. 4 jobs to get settle down nd raise a family nd they r getting older as days pass by now we know dat many of them are good drivers with good education nd exposure Drivers needs to be literate to understand rules guiding the roads nd stack illiterates who just know how to move a vehicle who cannot read road signs r giving heavy trucks to drive nd they go about killing innocent pple I think dis culd be managed by employing graduates to take over so far they r paid well
2 b sincere, I waz tempted 2 apply but m a lady. I seriously commend dangote's effort in providing jobs 4 graduates even if it is considered degrading. The so called companies, banks etc can't provide sensible jobs 4 d graduates anymore so if Dangote thinks of providing graduates wt such jobs, I think he should be commended. And come to think of it education makesba difference no matter ur occupation.
Yes na d same person dey attack u fish brain, u always jump at every1's comment, I v bn noticing u on here, and u neva make any sense at all! Do u knw d amount of ppl u re insulted on this LIB? U foolish fowl! I am out 4 u on this blog! Oponu jatijati!
Weda bona missed a You or not, fact is that he still gbagauned/typoed! He should quit. Jumping about here, rather he shd remain anonymous,Bona you ve bn noticed, its about time u left!! Sicko
TRU TALK no offense but na u suppose learn to read, its NITT not NIIT, reread it again b4 unecessarily insulting people. Wetin Linda do u biko?
There is nothing insulting or degrading about this. Nigerians suffer from 'delusions of granduer'. do you know how many cabbies i've met on my travels that are degree holders and even PHD holders? whats wrong with giving 2000 graduates a job? would you rather they remain at home or worse, involved in crime? even if they earn 70k per month excluding benefits, its 70k more than they earned before when they were jobless. One of the many reasons why we are stuck in reverse is the fact that we always want to be oga. Theres dignity in labour and hard work. N10 earned is worth more than N100 dashed to you. Pls. Lets not feel too big for any job and save our selves for incase you don't realise, we are on our own. No Govt is coming to the rescue.
Dangote, kudos to you. and to al the applicants, May the Lord take you to greater heights and be proud of your job and you will excel god willing.
to the people ranting about people abroad who do the so-called menial jobs with their degrees and Ph.Ds -get it straight, those folks didn't get those jobs with their educational qualifications 'cos they would be deemed 'overqualified'. Nonetheless man has to survive.
all said and done I think the govt. should be held responsible for the rot in our society
Abeg linda. 500k per mnth or year
Nice piece! Best comment so far!! Lin pls post this biko
People, you do not have to insult or use derogatory terms because you are airing your views or presenting a counter argument.
You are entitled to your views and should present it in a way that would enable the readers to see beyond your annoyance. Peace!
The road to greatness is least travelled by the majority and it's not lined with milk and honey.
In so many ways i hope someday to be like Aliko Dangote, pride of Africa and role model of mine.
Mr anonymous...its so apparent hw foolish ure 4insulting linda...if truly u knw d worth of education..even d so called dangote in search of graduate is not a grad...if not for the monopoly and d corrupt leaders we have...tings wouldn't av bin dis worse...so nxt time fink and apply wisdom b4 u insult..I'm sure ure gateman workin 4him#fool
Na real mind "buggling" yeye and u dey find office job
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