
Also congrats to Ini Edo and new Hubby Phillip.
The two tied the knot on Sat 29th Nov 08 at Ini's home town
Also congrats to 2008 Face of Africa Winner, Ghanaian Kate Menson
Pix thanks to Bella and Niyi
Also, congrats to sensational singer Kefee. She's soon to launch her new album entitled Kefee: 5 Years of a Phenomenon.The forthcoming event will hold on December 14, 2008 at the upscale Niteshift Coliseum, Opebi, Ikeja, Lagos
Finally, pls check out rapper Eldee's new project here...http://www.reverbnation.com/tunepak/935429
New album "Evolution" coming soon!!
Visit the iTunes Store to download eLDee's latest album, "Return of the king"
Nigeria & West Africa booking: (+234) 808-102-4495, eldeethedon@gmail.com
International booking: bobbytaylorconsulting@gmail.com, eldeethedon@gmail.com
For more info, go to his website http://www.eldeethedon.com/
And for more entertainment news, check out this FAB blog...http://azuhamatus.blogspot.com/
Kisses everyone and congrats to all the Future Award Nominees.
Stay blessed
thanks 4 d pics linda....
i loved d top part of mabelz dress but the frills r a bit much 4 me!!!
she luked stunning tho....
and wat was with AY and the dun glasses........he couldn't even take it off whilst taking his vows!!!
beautiful bride! u shud have like a "beautiful brides of '08 theme" for ur next mag or blog edition.... lets size all of them up
nice one linda...but quick question for AY..why the heck is he wearing sunglasses???????????????
Mabel's wedding dress is different but beautiful. Does RMD AGE? Even if he aged, he is still sexy. He is so handsome. I put him in the category of Blair Underwood.
big ups sis 4ur gists i get pix too to upload
@Anon 12.56am: U said it... RMD= Blair Underwood. They are both older guys you would love 2 be with :)
Her dress is Unique!! That d word for different & beautiful. Frills are in babe so go on with ur hott dress!!
hola linda
have to say lovely pictures of the bride and maids.
good work and be blessed!
Oh...God bless those of you that know a good thing when you see one. Blair underwood is the sexiest 45 year old I have ever seen - he is such a beautiful man and that also goes for RMD too, but Blair Underwood is just ridiculously sexy.
P.S.: AY looks like a retarded...with those glasses. His wife on the other hand, is stunning. Kudos to them.
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