HER! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 3 November 2007


Someone wants to say hi to y'all.

I couldn't come up with an appropriate title for this post...so we'll call it HER.

Check HER out.

I don't know what to say. Help me out! She's........?


Anonymous said...

ah!hey!LOL! yehhhhh! I beg linda,no kill me....LOL! AH! AGARACHA IJORONJO! EWO! HEYE! OFAKE! KAI! Linda i bi hausa woman but today, na igbo i dey speak! What is this! Pls where did u get the pix frm LOL! I hpe she's not a Naija woman?! Pls God Let her be Jamo or Hatian Pls God! Tell me she's not frm Naija. Hewo! Allah ya kiyaye mata! It's really not the fact that she's big but really...dem swear for am? what kind wowo life is she living? ....... Linda! i love ur blog!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She's FAT!!!!!!!!!!lol

cally-waffybabe said...

Linda, this is hilarious. Good thing is that she looks comfortable in her own skin and seems to have accepted herself the way she is.

D banj advertised a similar picture on his facebook. I don't know if it's the same woman, but i suspect so. She had on a thonged bikini! Men it was hilarious. I laughed until my head hurt and the comments under the pic were just something else.

Thanks for making me smile today girl. I needed it after a very stressful day.

Would ring you later tonight.


Anonymous said...


F L A said...

Linda u ve come again ohh ... where did u get this one again oh ... she is biggggggggggggggggggg... and seems kinda happy about it .. na wah ohhh

Anonymous said...

linda u will not kill me in this lagos o.wetin be this? and the crazy woman is still smoking? kids 101 reasons not to drink and smoke.di won na obesity ke.chei

Anonymous said...

where do you get this pictures from my gal? like a commenter said she looks comfortable in her own skin and seems to have accepted herself the way she is.
good on her

Sam Oracle said...

That woman is large.

I doubt if that's real, she seems to be in shape in some pics and her trouser looks like a thousand clothes were hidden inside

SET said...


Anonymous said...

This is soo wrong...as in c'mon naw!!!! ah ah..she should be fined for being soo MASSIVE..dis one pass me sef chai..

guerreiranigeriana said...

absolutely disgusting!!!...where did you find such horrendous pics?...who volunteered to waste film and capture such rubbish?...chineke!!!...i have an aversion to obesity so this really revolts me...blech...what kind of nonsense?...where does she even find clothes?...and she looks happy, as if she thinks she is fine o!!!...hey...God forbid!!!...

3RS said...

it is well!!!
wat d heck!!!

Anonymous said...

Wat in the HIZEEEEEEEE!!!!

She's daring


Anonymous said...


Linda....who da eff.... sent u dis??? I almost had an heart attack here. Abeg no dey play dat kain game on person again o.

Waffarian said...

To say the truth, I do not understand why you have these pictures on your blog. Is it somebody you know? do you think it is funny or are you just curious about how people will react? Did the woman send you the pictures to put up or did you just download it from somewhere else? I am baffled......

Anonymous said...

Ill describe her as

Happy in her skin
Attractive to certain men
Extraordinarily big

I can find so many good things about her before even wondering about her unusual size.

A lot of people can learn a lesson or two from her outlook on life

Seems like she has not allowed society or the world to dictate her perception of herself.
way to go girl !

Ms. Catwalq said...


Anonymous said...

is this person real or na photo trick?

kelly O. said...

linda, no just kill me b4 my wedding day o. are these photos computer generated ?? God a beg o

Anonymous said...

What is the aim of this post? I hope it is not merely to make mockery of this human. Please don't reduce your very good platform to such level, as humans we are who we are, some of us do not choose our shapes and sizes and no matter what we do, things happen. What is important is that this person cherishes herself, has a good heart and contributes positively to human society like we all should. Has anyone given the thought that this woman might actually be this way due to medical reasons. Lets not make fun, it taints compassion and reduces us to bigots, why complain of racism when we ourselves are biased and dont accept our own.

Be yourself and be proud of whom God made you.


Anonymous said...

...lets just say "I spewwwweeeeed my food. " :-(

Unknown said...

She's a heavy mama jamma!

unshined congo said...

hmm. this na serious thing oh. haba!!nah man! this is just tooo much fat. its kinda funny oh.. lol

shola pacheco said...

this na chikala,well she seems comfortable and still makes the best of herself despite the size.

Tyra!!! said...

If u've got it flaunt it baby!!! Lol. She's flaunting her 'bigness', i like her confidence. Go big mama jama!!! Lol.

Anonymous said...

wow... not nice.

tsk tsk.

EKENYERENGOZI Michael Chima said...

This one is not fat anymore.
She is an elephant turned human.

Cheers and God bless.


Do see 1,000 Pictures of Paris Hilton to create a similar widget for your blog so that people can subscribe and be updated 24/7.

Pyeri Boy said...

She is full of life. Thats what i see.

She is Obese

She seems to be enjoying herself regardless.

There are people that are skinny and sad...so i am not sure what else to think. lol.

But dang she needs to loose weight. At least for health reasons.

Pyeri Boy said...

In fact, Go head girl with your bad azz self!

Anonymous said...

With due respect, I am loyal Pete! Linda what Pete said is nothing but the truth. We shouldn't make mockery of her for God's sake! Can you please link me to her. I like her. Pls i really want to know her. Waiting to read from u.


Anonymous said...

With due respect, I am loyal Pete! Linda what Pete said is nothing but the truth. We shouldn't make mockery of her for God's sake! Can you please link me to her. I like her. Pls i really want to know her. Waiting to read from u.


Uzo said...

So So so wrong...I cant even laugh...Well she is confident abi?

Anonymous said...

what was the point of that post? Was it to make jest or to trigger pples thoughts? Anyhoo I didnt see a fat woman. I saw a confident , beautiful woman who refuses to succomb to what society accepts as normal.The only bad thing is that she at a health risk - hence need to start doing sumthing about it ASAP. Aside that she looka like shes having a ball. KUDOS to her

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why anyone is laughing at this woman whose health is jeopardized as a result of her weight. I wonder what else is going on with her for her weight to get this out of control.

Unknown said...

Hiya! Heya!!Her????Her???? linda i don die ohhhhhhhh yeah ,yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa..hoyaaaaaaaaaaaa HER???????is she Ya's wife??? i mean Yar'aduaaaaaaaa..haaaaaaaaaaaaaa this moma is real Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! ewoooo...Kilon Shele? send me HERR Haaaaaaaaaa Phone haaaaaaaa Linda!! i like dem fat aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:))) I love a woman who takes pride in her appearance..she real Herrrrrr haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... i no go fit sleep tonight oooo heya!!!

Hugs 4 herr yaaaaaaaaa..
Fine BIG MOMA in Da House

LADYBRILLE.com said...

I see confidence. But, I also see a woman with a health risk, plus she is smoking, drinking e.t.c. at that obese weight. Even slender people have to also avoid doing the smoking n drinking, especially women. I am not one to say, be what you wanna be. If there is a health reason that makes her big as alluded to by one of the comments, it does not help the matter that she smokes and drink.

I do like her confidence. There is no denying it makes her shine. I hope she is around a little longer to continue to shine . . .

Linda Ikeji said...

@pete, waffarian and others. the post wasnt meant to ridicule or make fun of her. besides how can u make fun of a woman who loves herself and body so much? relax ok?

Unknown said...

what da fizzy?

lord have mercy

Anonymous said...

I see a confident happy woman, She is a big, beautiful woman. She is clinically Obese yes, but those that are going on about health.....it is "belly fat" you should be more scared of. We all have to go someday,hers are flat considering. As for those laughing at her, make your mama,auntie for naija remove iro, wrapper,or boubou for you. What have you done to make them lose weight.

Anonymous said...

she doesnt look like a normal human being

Anonymous said...

ONLY in the USA!!!!

Iyaeto said...

Omo na waa o! Na real wa!!!

money said...

Please Linda, link me up with your blogspot. my address is


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