Singer May D was assaulted at Ikeja City Mall today for using a hover-board... same thing the police arrested Wiz Khalifa for in an airport a few days ago. According to multiple eye-witnesses, May D was stopped by security at the mall as he tried to use the hoverboard to move around. He may or may have not resisted but he and his security guard got into it with security at the mall, who grabbed May D by belt and took him to the toilet where they eventually settled the issue. May D claims he was threatened with a gun and also tear-gassed. See the photos and his tweets after the cut...
Taa biko kpuchie onu! U wan do like wiz Kali abi? Mtchew! Nkita lifolii nsi. Do ur worse
I saw mayd driving his dead c class last läst night into magodo (gold color)
Is he also trying to pull a wiz Khalifa on us?
Pls sir, who r u?
Buhahaha set up. Wiz khalifa wannabe
Is he not just a normal guy ? Hahahahahahah
Stinks no reeks of lies. Ain't buying. That was how they said someone died the other day. Peeps be desperate as the day goes by.
Biko he should sue them for dis disregard melted out to him so dat it wil serve as detterrent to them.
Hehehe, so na u no b normal guy??
It's just a simple order given to u, n u complaining
Mainland and their 50's awkward thinking guys and believing those on the island is fake...doll
Sorry May D.
Just a little experience of what you did to your ex girlfriend.
Woman beater.
Short up, u are a normal guy. What do you have that oda guys don't have. Anyway they were only being security tyt
so you are an abnormal guy ? celeboshi...say na "if i was a normal guy"
Myopic minded numb skull. What does mainland and island got to do with you acting like a child? Gende okunrin kurin. Island security have hover boards abi so they won't assault you. Msheeeeeeeeeew. I must belong by force. How big is silver bird that ur legs can't walk through In 5mins? Atie Gbo mall that wasn't designed to be covered in a day by foot, .....msheeeeeeew. Silverbird! Hmmm hoverboard ......oshi
Satin hover board nahin dey waka dey go so
Covering my face! Copy copy naija police. After dey wl say accidental dscharge.
Isokuso mumu.. Why u no move go island if u have the money.
Using hover board in a place like that?.....May D be small pikin?...Abegi!!
hahahahahahahaha dis guy should take a chill pill dey were jst taking precautions n he would need an evidience to prove dat he ws threatened witha gun sebi na buga he do b4 na dem sabi o jare @ lindaikeji i luv you # whanny
The #hoverboard is already causing problem for our celebrities?
May D please grow up. Na so drive wan kill person for visa office yesterday. Ur mate dey ride g wagon u dey ride hover board....
Mayd pls shut up! U rre a normal guy! U dat like owing up and down! Nonsense
you say they are illiterates when you can't even spell the word correctly, u be big "illetrate" ode, na lazyness abi wetin dey do you wey u no fit waka with leg again
What are you if you are not a normal guy? A star abi? Lol!
Lol @normal guy.....mayD r u an abnormal guy?
Illiterates. You are normal, unless of course you have an abnormality/disability. At least you got yourself on Linda's blog just like attention seeking Wiz did, so well done.
He should take it easy.
What's with security n hover-board ko hover-board ni,I really ned smone to enlighten me more on y ppl shld not use....bcus I dn't understd
...Am gettin dere...
Lol. 'Just a normal guy'????
Hmmmmm no comment
Lol @if it were to be normal guy...Bwahahahah! Who you be? Abnormal guy right? Yea right, you are so damn abnormal for using a hover board inside a mall.....Naija and over do, keep playing wiz Khalifa .....
Never been a fan, they shld have assaulted him more sef. Woman-beater
#it WILL only GET better
#IT must END in PRAISE
Buh it's not restricted @ Next cash and carry Abuja
He a damn fool. Mayd ain't u too old to copy wiz khalifa? First u copied his size now hover board. Dem no beat u well
R u abnormal?
You are not meant to use a hoverboard in public.
Very sorry over what happened but next time as a literate the word is illiterate and not illetrate .Please to hell with whoever does not like mainland because we get our windscreen smashed right on the island and nothing is also done about it moreover you cannot avoid the mainland because you travel from the airport right there.I also wonder what you meant by ordinary people because those security men wont harass 2face or psquare Wizkid or Davido if they used that hoverboard instead they will go snap some pictures with them so Mr kindly rephrase that word.Your own side of the story was quite different because some right there clearly said you acted irrationally as well.I do not support police harassment but we as citizens have a big role to play and people should not just come out to tweet for the sake of trying to make one area look bad and give glory to another.Oga sorry oo
Is it proper to ride one inside a mall?
What has literacy got to do with this matter? Now we know who is illiterate even by the spelling of the word.
They shouldn't ve gone too far just because of a hover board..I'm not a fan of may D our security men really need to learn how to treat people right..
May D an waa for you ooo, if everybody the come ikeja mall with hover board how will the whole place look like? Pls grow up and carry ur board come dey ride for OkeIra Ogba.
Hehehe. He thinks he is popular. Nonsense .See his 'igbo' face With his eyes looking glazed. E no even sabi spell and he is calling someone illiterate.
Dis was sooo staged. Puh-leeze
Tankio! Naija babe....he said if it were a normal guy as if pple know him like that. He's abnormal if he refers to others as normal I'm sure. Ana ako shit!
Now he understands what it is to rough handle someone. All the time he was battering his woman. Good for him.
MayD,....... So you are an abnormal guy. Lol
Why use a hover board in a shopping mall? Abeg jor. What's he feeling like? Can you ride a bicycle inside a mall? Am not in support of the assault but he should know better
...its an auto-balancing scooter Linda. Hoverboards don't exist, except in least for now. May-D its 'ILLITERATES'....Ure welcome
Nnem gi na ikpo iyi! O diro mma eziokwu! Kwusi biko!
Tear gassed inside a mall?? This guy is such a pathetic liar.
Hover board? That's an auto-balancing scooter.
You don't like assault but you beat your baby mama like she's a punching bag... Guess she is a normal babe. They suppose shoot those your thin legs
Lol. Histrionic personality disorder. HPD
See dis upcoming artist o..who sabi you?
Mr may D lol nigga got his ass whooped funny enof dumb dude reside in mainland who d hell is he gonna disrespect mainland like dat no wonder jude kicked his ass out of their deal
Ewo @ nkita lifolii nsi just reminded of my grandmum who's from osha . hahaha u badt gan
Can't someone enjoy his/her self with their money,
locals...... may b they taught he's on a bomb guessing you are a supernatural guy.
Are you abnormal? U can't even spell ..Mr wannabe
Thank u jare. May pikin!!!
Ur ex babe head do catch u, she don carry ur name go cele church, Alangba like u,u want to form Wihz Khalifa, naija security no send u ooooh
The shld let the dude enjoy his hoverB joor. What sort of embarrassment is dat, he shld sue the shit out of them. All dis bad belle ppl commenting s**t here r fools
Too much amala dey worry yoruba boys head, he want to go oppress people in the mall he has hover board...mumu boy
I can't believe mayd alrdy copied wiz khalifa,shame on u mayd!shame,ur a disgrace n the biggest fool of al time,jst last week crackhead wiz did his, now u alrdy copied..the biggest fool award goes to u!shame...........they mend u join!copy cat!
You too. It's laziness not lazyness. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
He is seeking for publicity. Hover board in a place like that for what? I beg park well.
So there is still may d. When last did we hear of him but on a second thought why would they point a gun at him. It's a mall. Oh well all na story. The guy wan shaa enter news.
May D Bomb dey ur head, no be only normal guy u be imbecile abi? Who u even help sef wey u dey form celeb? U get album muguite. No be only hover board na dash board.
This Ikeja City Mall has the shittiest management. Imagine, ordinary toilet, they can't wash at night. They will now tell you to wait till 9am before you can use it, while stores have been open since 8am.
The management needs to be changed and taught that even if you have a first class mall in a random area, you maintain the standard and act first class
What they could easily have done is accost him to a place and lecture him on their (non-existent) policy on hoverboards
Apparently the guys that take care of simple things in Ikeja City Mall are crude
You are a fool.
May d.. shut up!! U re worst dan a normal guy.. FOOL dem 4 even shoot u . Idiot
Cheap attention...Wiz wannabe!
Who is the 'illeterate'? Idiot feeling funky.
Mainlanders be savage!! Lmao
That may D is a stupid boy, who even listens to his poems dat he chuna out, very immature fool who can't fit in to top 30 artist in naija talking abt "normal guy", what dors he sing anyway? Always dancing like a frog inside a pond
Hmmmm so this is what linda said we should come and buy?????ain't buying that shi####$$$t befire Nigerian police go kill person trow way lol
MayD thank god u know say you be abnormal guy.lolz
When all dey are good at is to Copy Copy, mcheeeeeeew! Linda take note!
seeeee fuck up. can't even spell illiterate right
When all dey are good at is to Copy Copy, mcheeeeeeew! Linda take note!
When all dey are good at is to Copy Copy, mcheeeeeeew! Linda take note!
Which one u get?
I was there. I heard they even started to touch his private parts in the toilet
Why the security man lash am with koboko self? some stupid nigerian artist want to imitate stupid American artist who think they r above the the law.
bros.. me too no be normal guy...
Copy cat! He shouldn't try that sh*t in Naija abeg.
You definitely have issues
You definitely have issues
This boy called MayD is a dunce,hear and read your English Illiterates is Illeterates,we need more malls so this guys know they ain't shit.What kind of English are you writing and speaking.#Upgrade
Dear Nigerian security, laws have to be made before they are enforced. We don't enforce American laws we see on TMZ. shame. And may d you are not wiz Khalifa so stop! Nigerians need an ass whooping!
He's right....they need to chill on peep
Yeah.... Nigerian security especially on the mainland is so shitty. That's how I flew my helicopter to ikeja city mall and they didn't allow me fly it in. They said it looked like an alien spaceship.... lol.
What you did was INAPPROPRIATE, you idiot.
Thanks for acknowledging you are not normal, abnormal May d commenting abnormal and senseless comments.
Deranged psycho catfishing on Linda
This is the type of ho Linda needs to help with small money to start up
But the Thot will suck cock for a few bucks
Lol @ its laziness not lazyness him sef follow join
Wilhenina,u don kill pesin for this blog. Chai! Laff don scatter my belle@nkita lifolu gi nsi.
No be everybody papa theif naija money or suck good prick for person who thief am
"Peeps don't like mainland " like say na island dem born u, stupid wannabe, just dey fall mu hand daily
The Police would have locked him up. Who does May D think he is. Small boy of yesterday, just because of a few cash thinks he has arrived. If everybody starts using hover board in every shopping mall I wonder how organize the place would be. May D, thank your stars that they did not shoot you. Next time behave yourself. May D, who you be? Cheap popularity.
Lolzz...mad girl.
Wilhenina,u don kill pesin for this blog. Chai! Laff don scatter my belle@nkita lifolu gi nsi.
Lof me sum willy. Pls fire down! Haters go kpai
Oloshi like you.
But you had time to memorize the color and brand. Wanna give us the plate number too? Hateful lot.
You're too blind to see clear picture evidence... Obviously. I weep for u
Lawl meted booboo. What are they melting?
Judgemental idiots. Debola is a pathological list and misyarner. She should be beaten all the days of her life. Shebi that's how one babe beat her in Babcock that year. Talks crap. So only say what u know
Lmfaooo they sure shouldn't.
just lyk blunder
Lolz...@ebuka, typical Nigerian, just want to be heard when in actual sense they're worse. guess it's now obvious u're the illiterate here.
Hahahahahahaha my belle dem nor let you fly ur helicopter inside ba. Mayd abi mad D u goof gann. Why u nor stay ur island abi mall nor dey dia ni. Abeg island pple make una stay una own while mainland stay their own, if there is anything to discuss, if phone nor fit do am we meet for 3rd mainland bridge... hehehe
Wiz Khalifa wannabe! Oyanu. Clap for yourself. Wiz, got arrested sometime ago for doing the same thing at the airport. Nonsensical awareness!
Keep talking fool just so because you sang a song or two you suddenly think you can break the rule and go away with it, what you gon do next, drive in your power bike. Oloshi alatenuje.
True true @ aunt gwes willy De shatter my head for dis blog, d more De hate her, d more she says what she's saying. Willy idim mma nobi. Peeps rest she ain't stopping anytime and willy keep it real always.
Don't mind the abnormal guy!
Who knows him?
Copy cat!
This same hover board he used in making an entrance @ the star trek in ibadan. Hover board be causing kasala since Wiz Khalifa. We'll be watching!
Mr May D u be odenson with dt ur long neck.
Nigerians and double standards.. if this happened to someone you guys liked you would react differently.. May d sorry for what happened to you.. sometimes security officers have no courtesy
Bloody hypocrite like you.. I pray you get locked up for something silly
You're very wicked.. you won't react this way of he was your brother
So yor are
Lmao... May D oh! lwkmd... you think say you go wiggle ur way out of this one abi.. lol
May D is an asswipe, a fool, how many fans do you think you have on the Island? u shouldn't have add that mainland shit asshole!
I fear who no fear Nigerians...Wetin wrong for Hoverboard? and Me too no like that una mainland for anything. dirty place with plenty local people...Ewww
Don't mind this guy o. I'm happy to even see this here, cuz I was at the mall today and i saw him. He looked like a spoiled little boy, with the bouncers/ body guards he was parading with. However, this doesn't warrant bringing out a gun nawww. Aa, ki la gbe ki le ju?
Lol@ I can imagine if I was just a normal guy..
Eyah sorry.
May d is a normal guy na. I don't recognise him as a celeb jwoor. 'normal guy'
Lol. Did he just say normal guy? Dude u r as normal as they come. Fucking z lister. So u dey count urself as celeb? See ur spellings sef.
Shattap Ugo. You sound like an imbecile. I wonder what u can afford. Oloriburuku somborri. You know how much the scooter board is. Ode
Weere island... dee
Imagine oh! The other day me sef wan drive my range rover into the building and they said it is not allowed even though I be big boy and not normal person. MayD u are a big fool. U fit bring out 1 million naira from your acct? U r just a regular poor Nigerian let me tell u now. Oloshi Idiot!
So May D in your mind you are exposed abi? Who told you that hover boards and even skate boards are allowed in malls abroad? Ode! Dem no fit assault sef
Bless you Jay Jay.... you said it all.
Why are people so stupid.... what has he done wrong now? I'm sure all these useless messages are either from Psquare or his baby mama because those are the two people that don't want this young man to grow... the poor talented boy is chasing his dreams you are all here commenting and beefing the young man... and when he makes it big now all of you will be the same people saying rubbish... Go May D all the way and please sue them... better artiste
And how would you say you don't know may d... from soundtrack to ile ijo, gat me high... killed that verse in chop my money and do as I do... also so many things... get down... ibadi.. aleyiabad. .and you say he is wacky. .. May God not punish some people... as far as I'm concerned he is one of the best dancers in the game... so check your records
When all they do is to recognise fake musicians and fake life ... how would they appreciate someone like may d.... wetin concern him baby mama with the one now abi na she plan am? Wicked people.. make dem free our may d oh... or does he have to die before we appreciate him. .. I'm sure all these comments are from one person because may d we love you...
I don't know why you will go to ikeja city mall when we island girls are looking for you... pls come to the palms
I'm watching May D aleyiabad on MTVbase now... I love this guy oh... why would you do this to my may
May D is one of the most down to earth musicians I have ever seen ... but you all painting him as not... hmmmmmmm I see some bad Belle people here... tl
Haba... na May D oh... all of una dey crase for this guy buy you will say you are not his fan... liers and why say he doesn't have any hit songs... now I know the people who comment here are just paid to do so they want to dent his image but I see its not working cuz he is already at the top .... guy free these useless people and keep shinning. .
Dis May D guy you guys are painting bad is a very nice person I have met him before I don't know why you want to spoil the boy... haterzzz... because you can't afford his scooter... hahaha... o boy sue them.. and those are typo errors ... mumu people dem
And I know the true story about his baby mama he never used to beat her ... she was just mad he moved on ... get over it ... sure boy aleyiabad
And what he meant was that if it wasn't that he could get away with that situation that what if it was someone who couldn't. .. na wah o for bad Belle people
I'm sure they set him up... because who doesn't know May D
Dat his baby mama is karashika. .. sucking his blood thank God he left her... good for him... and as for his career ... amazing... I see a lot of endorsements coming your way brother... love your new video... aleyi
lmao, I enjoyed reading.. but its so pathetic to know lotta guys out there think u suck ur own D in May, Mr... so so ****** I leave the rest golden. instagram: @starboyflight and I'd do u a ff back sharp. bless
oh bad
oh bad.
May D i am your big fan, but hover board is not for mall.
It's *shut* bruva
Yea we know you're abnormal. ......mtcheww.. anu nchi!!
That hover board seems not to be popular with the authorities! Celebrities should get the memo and stop. using them in closed off places
Abnormal guy is trying to say something, since he is not a normalGuy am listening.
Hahahahaahahha...OK it's all good everything has been said here about may sure he even borrowed the H.board from his friends son to come and show himself or he just wanted attention as he is almost forgotten in abnormal guy, iti boribo!!!!
Illiterates. It's an autobalancing skate board. Definitely nt an hoverboard, perhaps, except his own was floating in the air!
U think say only ibo people deycread dis blog.nkita llifolii ko aja nii.ngbeke oshi
So his d abnormal person ..smh!
Linda self is it Hoover board or Auto Electric scooter ?
Mumu, so if u waka with ur leg @ least based on say u de super market u go bcom cripple?...Mtchwww, no go find place sit down.
Lol..haters plp should go find out what happend...and stop commenting nosense wey no sabi new things
Very interesting for me!
Nice one dear
Nice one dear
I doubt if that thing being referred to as a hover Board was technically "Hovering".
Even the Wiz Khalifa thing was not a hover board.
......just sayin.
Just trying to be relevant copy cat may wizkallifer
ode woman beater seeking attention...
fucking haters, all of you hating on this dude, should get yourself an hover board and shut the fuck up....@demolforce
okay... why the hate on may D... is it now a crime to want to be better or above the status quo... Stop hating and get yourself busy so you can afford one of thus hover-board
Mr. may D sir, I do not want to join the band wagon of Nigerians taking a swipe at you believing u only doing this for cheap publicity, though tempted to think so myself. However,common sense should have pricked u that hover boards in a public place like the ICM with hundreds of people young and old swarming around is not safe for anyone so if right thinking and well meaning security operatives attempts to respectfully breathe sense into your head but u stubbornly refuse then d use of force is not out of place.
Why didn't he do the right thing when they told him to? He should be ashamed to tell Nigerians he broke a rule
Nonsence so you no be normal guy, madness dy worry you
Won't dey check his pants 4 dose cheap drugs he sniffs?
Abi o. Make dem stay deir own lane.some of dem na borrow money to rent house 4 Island.i like lagos island well well.ave loads of friends dere but dey r soooo fake! Dey borrow pose no b small.dey can lie.just 2 belong. Wash wash people living above deir means.abeg I love my mainlanders o.if we can afford it d life we live it.
What if it was a normal Guy? Mr MayD, are you saying you are abnormal or something? What exactly is Ur point? I mean why use a hover board in a shopping mall? Wanna ride a bicycle or quad bike in a mall? U don't like d Mainland, like seriously, who cares? Abeg take plenty seats for back and focus on ur fast dropping music career. Cheers Me MayD.
An aspiring role model should never tweet like this.
What happened to him reporting to the police.
& these pictures, to what avail? What do they show?
Iranu, Abasha!!!!
What's the song again? Oops...i can't remember. So that's how unpopular you are? But for battering your woman!
Boi, i don't know what a Hover Board looks like in real life, but i've got lots of Subway Surfers!
WHAT "ILLETRATES" !!!!!!!!! Olodo
Why will u use a hover board in the mall if u're not the illiterate!!! ODE! NWI! OSHI!!!!!
Rubbish lekpacious mugu!!!!
Your English is terrible dear. Stick to what you're used to.
:D thank God you know u r ABNORMAL
MayD very sorry for wat happened,I had ur voice in the 99.9beat fm last nite I felt for u bro for real,
He should know better! Vehicles of any sort aren't allowed in malls. Imagine riding a bicycle in a mall.... And the anonymous writers that are supporting his action all sound like one person....
Bruv u are a dummy, security tyt? Or better security stupid. Common its an hover board...Nigerians is this how we would be harrased..they almost shot him
Just lyk jayjay okocha dis ur "pass" must have located "june-d" not may d,am nt a may d hater oo,buh a switched off microphone sings better that dat guy,as far as am concerned he's an actor nt a singer or betterstill a video
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