Tiger Woods cheated on ex-girlfriend Lindsey Vonn - the real reason they split | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday 12 May 2015

Tiger Woods cheated on ex-girlfriend Lindsey Vonn - the real reason they split

What did she expect? That he would cheat on his wife and won't cheat on her? Duh! According to an Daily Mail report, sex addict Tiger Woods cheated on his ex-girlfriend, Lindsey Vonn. Report below.
When Tiger Woods and Lindsey Vonn split over a week ago, the Olympic skiier posted on Facebook the explanation that 'both lead incredibly hectic lives that force us to spend a majority of our time apart.'
Daily Mail Online can now exclusively reveal that during one of those 'times apart' Tiger cheated on Lindsey - with a 'faceless, nameless woman', a friend reveals.
'He had a relapse in the sex department,' a close friend reveals to Daily Mail Online. 'Lindsey found out about women again. Always while he's on the road. Just like when he was with Elin.'

'It was after Tiger was eliminated from the San Diego-based Farmer's Insurance Classic in February, somewhere near his old stomping grounds in Southern California,that Tiger had a one night stand, the friend divulged.

He withdrew from Farmer's. You have to understand, while it's not right, it's not really wrong either. Tiger isn't married. He doesn't really drink or do drugs. So what else does he have when he can't afford to lose again? He allowed to find some relief.
'Most men would drink over such losses.Tiger has sex over it. Usually with local hookers whom he pays exorbitant amounts to, probably so they will want repeat business and won't tell.'

Michelle Braun, a former Hollywood madame revealed that between 2006 and 2007 Tiger paid upwards of $40,000 for six 'pay-for-sex dates.'

But this time he was spotted with the woman.

'When Tiger realized he was seen, he became concerned and eventually he decided to confess to Lindsey. Something he didn't do with Elin. He came clean and I give him credit for that.
'Yes, Tiger cheated again. But it wasn't with anyone special. He really wanted Lindsey to be the one. But he blew it again. He can't help himself. He's got an addiction. He relapsed,' says the friend.

'Knowing Tiger, he doesn't even see it as cheating because there's no romance or feeling there. It's just a stress reliever, like a high-ball or two after a bad day.'
The friend tells Daily Mail Online that despite pleas from peers and relatives to keep going to his self-mandated therapy sessions, Tiger stopped going completely -- leading to the alleged 'one-time slip'.
But that 'one-time slip' was enough to send Vonn, 30, packing. 
In fact, she made sure to announce the mutual split right in time to be physically out of the country. She's tour in New Zealand, Chile and Europe before she returning to Vail, Colorado for training in few months.

Vonn, who won her 63rd World Cup race in January is collecting $22 million in endorsement deals and is gearing up to hit the Olympic slopes and promoting her new Lindsey Vonn Foundation to empower young girls.

'Lindsey found out about the cheating the easy way, if there is an easy way. She didn't check his texts. Tiger confessed. He took the opposite strategy he did with Elin and instead of hiding it, he admitted it before getting caught.

'He doesn't even see it as cheating. It's just stress relief. It's hard for him to see that he's bad. Maybe he's not. He's not married to Lindsey. But he also won't get her back. She's another strong woman like Elin who respects herself too much.
'Why would she think her Tiger would change its stripes? She knew what she was in for. She reads the papers. We all read about the blonde table full of women in New York.'

Media reports claimed Tiger was seen going into a Manhattan restaurant last December, only to flirt and eventually leave the with women.

'Lindsey should have known then that Tiger was getting ready to slip, if he'd hadn't already. But then came the Farmer's loss,' reveals the friend.
Cheating wasn't Lindsey's only problem with Tiger.
'She always flew in to be by his side, but he rarely flew to be by her side. A relationship goes both ways. Not just Tiger's way. 

'She started to see how Tiger's really obsessed with himself, his game, making money, controlling everything around him.  The girlfriend takes a back seat. Only golf is front and center.'

'This really started to bother her. She was turning into a golf wife, and she's not. She's an Olympian. Tiger loves her. I'm sure he wished she forgave him when they went to therapy.'
Sources say that a few weeks ago, a fellow golf wife finally succeeded in convincing Lindsey to go with Tiger to therapy, at least once, despite her desire to cut and run. Lindsey reconsidered and ended up taking in one session with Tiger.

The friend reveals Lindsey refused go at first. She said it was his problem. But it was also affecting his game so he begged her. 
'She worried for him. He was hitting bottom maybe, and she wanted to support him. It's how he kept Elin for those extra months. And he did it to Lindsey.' 

Well she refused to go the first time. And then Tiger arranged for a second time and she went. That's when he confessed, but it backfired. 

'She didn't walk out of the session but she walked out on him.'
'I mean, these things happen. It's like falling in love with a rock star or an NBA player. It's going to happen. Mistakes are going to be made.
'But Lindsey is not like Elin, the long-suffering wife who will turn a blind eye. She knew that one relapse could lead to two and three and then he's off to the races.'
The source explained that Tiger's transgressions and self obsessions were two problems Lindsey had with Tiger. There was a third.

She thought he was a bit of a bore. She's right. He's sometimes very boring to be around. He's got nothing going on in his head sometimes, besides himself. The joke is he doesn't even have to be that good in bed because women see him like a rock star. Maybe he's even boring in bed because women throw themselves at him.'

Source: UK Daily Mail


Davido's driver said...

All men r cheats

Unknown said...

He cheated on his wife with almost 12 girls! And she thought u dat he is dating will be immune to hia cheating? Are blondes really dis dumb?

Davido's driver said...

Such is life. Lindaobserve

Unknown said...

Its not a new thing to Mr tiger wood.

Bishop Dammy said...

Even the devil doesn't want you to succeed in your marriage so pray and be watchful and talk less. 1thess 5:17-22

Unknown said...

Dis dude is a chronice cheat. He better consult d latest pastor in his village.

Unknown said...

i just finished reading this on dailymail..on how he cheated with various mistress.what do you expect from a golf player or a football player?they play women how they play their games!


Phew! Tiger, seems you can't do without cheating on your woman.
And he feels sorry after, but go on to repeat same.
He ought to have learnt his lessons.


SDK latest commenter said...

Who dem help in aboki's voice#Linda'sgal

ASHANKA said...


Unknown said...

He's a record breaker in cheating

Unknown said...

He's a record breaker in cheating

Francis said...

You are married to one of the richest sports man and expect him not to cheat lol ... Dreamer


this friend is jsut a stupid thirsty friend looking for money. why does she keep comparing his ex to his ex wife. kmt. calling her on first name bases self

Unknown said...

Cheating is in his DNA. Was she expecting anything less??? Linda take note!

Juleslouis said...

Ehn ehn! I said it. This serial cheat won't change. Btw, tiger looks better when he smiling with his teeth out. He looked different in d second pix.

Unknown said...


Chichi said...

Male designed to mate with multiple partners.
Her next man will do the same thing, shikena.
Just distributing shit around doesn't stop this.
Even the man dating the most beautiful, most sexy, most intelligent will creep, you cannot cheat nature.

Unknown said...

Which kyn yéyé friend will spill all dis about a friend?
Abeg o jaré

Damilola said...

Sex addict. What an excuse...

andre kelvin said...

So we should?

prettiyz said...


Unknown said...

Hmm this cheating stuff has really rooted deep into tiger's blood. Only therapy can help

Anonymous said...

Going by your first line,should we then expect Teebilz to do his usual with our tiwa.He did it in previous relationships,he did it with tiwa,though he has begged,should we expect teebilz leopard not to change his spots.
Just saying o!!

Etsako Pearl said...

Tiger,kilode?? dem do u ni??? Lol

Unknown said...

Story too long.

Please visit my blog Www.trendwithgloria.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

Dude should just zero his taught in anything relationship and just cheat

Unknown said...

Lmao @ d last paragraph..."pasan ti Afi na iiyale oun be Lori aja fun iya"! wat goes around comes around!okbye!

Tippy said...

Not again.........!!!!!
Know how to dress for your body shape. Check out www.tippy-top.blogspot.co.uk

Bad_girl_riri 4 life said...

Tiger woods shud go to winners church 4 deliverance

Unknown said...

He definitely hasn't learnt his lesson

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Is it something new?

Anonymous said...

This Tiger Woods is a serial cheat jst like my husband

Unknown said...

I luv this write up, almost perfect.
The tortoise will always wear its cracked up shell.

lami said...

Sad, I feel sorry for him.

ary said...

Sexual deviance, that is what the great man suffers from? I guess we all have our Achilles heels.

Unknown said...

Dis dude needs to go for serious treatment, and deliverance if not he wil stil, and ever remain single.

Subomi said...

that its from Daily mail don't mean its true

Anonymous said...

Ehen old habits die hard...smh

Unknown said...

Dis is a personal choice, and I wish he can do witout dis or else he wil remain single for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

The men are polygamous in nature crowd are holding up washed up Tiger as mascot for their cause. Hmm, do they also remember that Tiger's been on a downward spiral since he screwed up his life effin around on his ex wife? God got it right when he ordered through his commandments though shall not commit adultery.

Fela/Osun/Otemi/DeMayor said...

He relapsed?? Fuck this is incredible .....Mayweather has 2 girlfriends....no one is disturbing him. This guy is a fucking Golf legend and u expect him to be with only one girl. Talking about him fucking as if it's an illness or addiction thag has to be cured. That's a big bullshit expect for his endorsement deals... The guy should run free....alowing himself to be caged....bullshit. Arab men wey no even rich am dey marry 4 young girls.... Hypocrites applauding gays and Lesbians....then condemn Poligamy

JAY... said...

Everyone has weaknesses. Do not judge him because his weakness is different from yours. We have drug addicts, alcoholics, rapist and ur judging this guy. Common!!!! He should just be more discreet!!!

Anonymous said...

guess this tiger cannot change his spots

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