Dear LIB readers; What do you think my company should do? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 14 May 2015

Dear LIB readers; What do you think my company should do?

Putting someone on blast via Dear LIB #sense. Read below...
We have a motion editor (Ademola Abegunde) who works in the editing suites of Koga Entertainment. He has worked there for a while. Early this week, he got his salary and discovered all the members of staff were penalised for not coming to work on a particular day.
He got angry and went to the company’s computer and deleted all the files there including a four-cast movie, The Visit shot with two world most expensive camera, Arri Alexa (The only saving grace for the movie was a backup in the hard drive of another staff). For those in production, they know how difficult it is to have a whole edited body of work; the online TV could not broadcast for several hours yesterday.  
We have gone to the police station (attached is a police report), and have put his phone number, 08066205559 out with his picture looking for him. The police are planning to declare him wanted.
I am worried for the young man but most importantly, why do editors behave like this? Recently, I heard that the editor of KICC Church in Lagos deleted all the files he worked on while in the employment of the company as he was resigning. He threw the whole production department of the church into chaos. What should employers of editors do?

A concerned Admin Staff


Davido's driver said...

Pray to God

Davido's driver said...

I drive a lot if i spot him i shall call u guys but una go pay o

Unknown said...

Create legal terms before employment and perhaps have regular backup

Unknown said...

They should always pay their editors so as not to trigger their annger.

I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

I no sabi biko. I dey H

Unknown said...

ok....Guess I'll just wait for Reasonable Comments!

Subomi said...

forgive him and move on

Unknown said...


simi said...

seek legal advice. nothing wey police go do

Unknown said...

Very wicked something.....

Unknown said...

seek legal opinion

Bonita Bislam said...

They should put an alarm on them that will beep each time their fingers gets funny lol

Unknown said...

Always have a back up... a back up only top management staff have access to

Anonymous said...

Pay them well and develop a structure on filling. invest in network storage and create backups, onsite and off site. its expensive but its the right thing to do. Linda alot of companies in this country are not ready to invest either are they ready to pay well hence all this wahala. They always want to use people for their own gain.

Anonymous said...

anyway, i wont comment until we hear from him cos i know he has his own side of the story. some employers are just wicked to their workers.

Brown suga said...

Odiegwu but y was d salary cut off bcs a day off work or was dat part of Coy's policy? Well for his action some people are really vexed dat dey carry it in their bloodline, his action is cheer act of wickedness.

Unknown said...

Some pipul are just useless nd extremely wicked......they penalized everybody not you alone so why carry out such a babaric act

Unknown said...

Sowie didn't read it all

Anonymous said...

Declare him wanted.

Anonymous said...

Koga did not treat him well obviosly! I am very proud of him, more Nigerians should act this way. He should sue them for putting his picture up, it is defamation of character!

Anonymous said...

The truth is that you guys treat crew members in production like shit, you sub charge them at every slightest mistake and refuse to pay them when they work overtime. I am also talking from experience here, I don't get my salaries on time, and when it comes I would have been subcharged rigorously.
It is very wrong..change ur ways or you most def will get more of that treatment. Treat pple nicely and I don't think incentives would do any harm.

Unknown said...

Editors and there sense of authority they belive they re Gods

Anonymous said...

Pay them well, and treat them nicely... Whoever hears ur own side of the story will not know how bad you have treated him...

Thatigbobabe(Lilyflower) said...

If he actually did,then Man u are mean and wicked and so therefore shall be declared wanted

Anonymous said...

Employers should always have scheduled back ups of ALL sensitive data for the sake of Business Continuity. You guys need to organize yourselves and have proper and effective processes in place.

Unknown said...

What nonsense! He should be arrested & made to pay. Henceforth the companies she always have a backup file stored in various places. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

What nonsense! He should be arrested & made to pay. Henceforth the companies she always have a backup file stored in various places. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

Employers should always have scheduled back ups of ALL sensitive data for the sake of Business Continuity. You guys need to organize yourselves and have proper and effective processes in place.

Anonymous said...

Firstly am a production person. And i can tell u that this company has a way of mistreating editors. Bt that is nt an excuse to mess up the company's hardwork. My advice to ur company is to go and do date recovery on all ur hdd drives that the files were deleted from. As for the editor even if u arrest him. The harm is done already.

eka said...

They should start drafting contracts with employees
So that if any one is fired, he/she can`t tamper with their work
cos that would be construed as a breach of contract & is punishable by law

Damilola said...

He carried out a heartless act as other staff dat have nothg to do with his salary would also suffer. Let him face the consequences. Same for those that do such a demeaning thing

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So if you are scared of him being declared wanted, why put his pictures. Also KICC story is not for you to publish. Only God knows what you have done to him to warrant such repercussion.


Mr. monitor said...

You ask what should employers do? The simple answer is treat them well as your life as a businessmen/woman in terms of media lies in their hands and ability...then have a bank for your works away from the editing suite. Thank you

Unknown said...

The easiest option here is to setup a central server(another bigger computer) - networking your computers to this server and determine how often all the computers download all their files to this one daily And/Or create a cloud storage account. There are several companies to use. Configure your account and the computers on how/when to backup data daily.
Believe me the cost for any of these is much less than the grief and scramble when stuff like this (in this post) happens. Try.....

Anonymous said...

Dude never heard of disaster recovery. You can recover the deleted work.

Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. I believe he has been thinking about doing something like this. He needs to be punished thoroughly

Pidgin Mistress said...

Hmm, I don't know ooo. This is serious

Anonymous said...

Its simple, Have a daily back up of everyones work on a central server only accessible by senior staff.

Unknown said...

So touching dat we hav issue's of dis nature which boils down to broken interpersonal r/ship btw employers, and employees@d point of exit of d employees.

Dis is y we in d Human Resources department alwaz ensure to bridge d gap btw employers, and employees during d point of exit of d employees frm d company via EMPLOYEE EXIT INTERVIEW.

Employee exit interview should b employed by all organization including d employers of editors to bridge, and amend any broken r/ship btw d company, and employee.

Dis is wil go a long way to amend broken r/ship, and ascertain if there is any reason thereof 4d employees wanting to leave in d company.

So employers of editors should ensure dat there r no broken r/ship btw them, and their editors. Most importantly they should ensure that their editors r treated well, and salaries r paid up to date.

Pls employee exit interview should alwaz b conducted by d employers of editors dis wil go a long way to avoid all dis issues of deleting, and all dat.

Anonymous said...

Linda, you are treading on a dangerous don't put up people's pictures and phone numbers on your blog just coz you feel like doing it. THIS IS WRONG ON SO MANY LEVELS. Have you heard from the other guy? Is he a criminal? why embarrass him this way?

Unknown said...

the qtn now is was or were the said penalised staff aware their salaries would be slashed?..cos som employers just know how to take laws in2 dier hands too treating employees like dey slaves. we or rather i cant comment much cos the accused hasnt given his side of his story b4 conclusions can be drawn d interim make una find solution 2una problem.

Anonymous said...

Organisations should have central system with back ups so that power wouldn't reside with one person.

Anonymous said...

Decntralise the system.Tim28

Unknown said...

Reporting to the police is the best thing to do but I hope you guys are saying the 2rut becos we cnt judge based on ur own side of the story.

Unknown said...

I've noticed that tech and film guys have HUGE egos

Anonymous said...

Do these companies not have a back up system for all their files??? BACK UP, BACK UP, BACK UP all work for crying out loud!

Unknown said...

No idea about all this.

Unknown said...

I am a IT consultant. This can be avoided if you start backing up your system at the least nightly. So In other words, the most data your company will lose is a day's tranaction. Back up with security requiring at least 2 approvals to get to the back up file. Send me an email if you need any assistance.

Unknown said...

Watin come concern us




Unknown said...

There a lot of apps u can store things on d internet. Try Evernote and Drop Box. Then make it mandatory for staff to use d app. Terminate appointment of staff and sue them if they fail to use d app.

Redcandy said...

Always have a backup of all jobs, kept far away from the staff.

Daeni said...

At this time, the company can get IT experts in, there is a way to go back in the life of a computer to retrieve data and files. Going forward, being in the creative industry, you should develop an intellectual property policy for your organization which should include Ownership of work, storage and back up procedures. Authority and approval etc.

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm. A warning, dnt put all ur eggs in a basket

Unknown said...

U guyz should not depend on them always use back-up

Anonymous said...

You guys can suck on it..terrible employers deduct their staff's HARD EARNED pay (considering the stress of working in Lagos) when there is a slack..most times you guys forget so quickly the sacrifices employees make for an accountant my question is what is the impact of their one day absence from work on your bottom line? Am not in support of what he did but am an objective person so i feel it was a reaction!

Just Sayin' said...

Mr. Poster, while not trying to exonerate what your motion editor did, I must say that most private employers in Nigeria act like Shakespare's character the Shylock landlord.

How much do your employees earn and how much did you deduct from their salaries for a day's work...? I am sure if we investigate now, you probably deducted up to 50% of the salary for a day's worth or work that was missed. I seriously suspect that what you deducted was not in any way proportional to a day's wages.

Most employers in Nigeria are not conversant with employment laws and breach employment contracts without batting an eyelid because even Nigerian Government also leads by example by withholding months and years worth of salaries, bonuses and pension.

I even suspect you probably did not even give your staff notice or reprimand them on that day. You just waited for pay day and 'showed them'.

Now that you have gone to the police, what do you expect to happen...? Will your films come back...? Instead of focusing on editing the back up that you could retrieve, you are hell bent on 'donating' the money you would have used to find an alternative editor to the useless Nigerian Police.

Or haven't you been reading stories on LIB on how 'over-efficient' the Nigerian Police is...?

Im sure the money you have thus spent so far at the police station is even far much more than that one day wage that you could have paid your staff and avoided all this wahala. You are now asking for advice.

Don't worry, my advice is to continue enjoying your new found police friends and allow them drain your account.

Make sure you also put a press release on LIB when you release your Titanic movie blockbuster

Redcandy said...

But Oga admin staff, try to treat your staff right as well. A lot of you media people make your staff work amazingly long hours for a pittance. It must have really hurt him to have his salary cut, hence his annoyance. I'm not justifying his actions but....I know for one that editing anything (whether audio or video) isn't easy. And I've heard about you Koga people. Treat your staff well. Yes chastise them but treat them better than you are doing now. I'm sure this won't happen again.

Unknown said...

Some anger though.

Redcandy said...

But Oga admin staff, try to treat your staff right as well. A lot of you media people make your staff work amazingly long hours for a pittance. It must have really hurt him to have his salary cut, hence his annoyance. I'm not justifying his actions but....I know for one that editing anything (whether audio or video) isn't easy. And I've heard about you Koga people. Treat your staff well. Yes chastise them but treat them better than you are doing now. I'm sure this won't happen again.

Anonymous said...

Have a company server with secured access as backup. It should have several approvals from the authorities before any file can be retrieved.

Anonymous said...

You guys can suck on it..terrible employers deduct their staff's HARD EARNED pay (considering the stress of working in Lagos) when there is a slack..most times you guys forget so quickly the sacrifices employees make for an accountant my question is what is the impact of their one day absence from work on your bottom line? Am not in support of what he did but am an objective person so i feel it was a reaction!

Unchained said...

Koga is a frustrating place to wok, always looking for an opportunity not to pay salaries.Treating staff like high school kids. But editor took it too far.

Unknown said...

I knew of a dude that did that shit too.... my close friend but I was willing to aid in jailing his ass....u don't end a company by such petty grievances esp when ur intellectual services are being paid for...and companies should have back-ups every weekends in which all employees must participate in.

Anonymous said...

I do not support what he did but as an employer you don't just dip your hands into your employees salary and deduct as you like, it's too common for employers to mess with employees in Nigeria because they think they can. A nation with no rule of law

Chop Chop said...

Put some procedures in place to protect your data from being deleted. There are experts that can recover deleted data. No work no pay, yes.

Juleslouis said...

Always request for a back up of every material. That's what my boss does. Either soft or hard copies. So if u delete anything u have done for my boss, he will just yimu at u cuz he has his copy.

Anonymous said...

What was the degree of penalty metted out to these employees? Was it too much? What was the reason for the absenteeism of their employees? How much are they being paid? Most of these employers kill the goodwill in their employees with their repugnant work policies & office culture! My brother once worked at a private company that wasn't paying him so much and they had an office policy that if you're absent for a day, you loose a week salary...who does that and expects the best from the employee? I only heard one side of the story and will not advice based on that!Let's wait for the guys own story.

Anonymous said...

Linda create an auto backup where only board members or critical positioned members have the access, if situations like this do not arise, it will never call to minds of entrepreneurs, but i guess every one should take effect.

Unknown said...

Some niggas gat no chill

Linda cogitate

Anonymous said...

Koga!!! You people are lying, Demola never deleted the files, he only said PAY ME MY FULL MONEY AND I WILL HAND OVER THE FILE AM WORKING ON. He has since dropped the files this morning. Koga is unreliable, they are owing us, they are good at owing salary.

Anonymous said...

First of all, stop employing people who are demon possessed. Ah ah! It's only a wicked person that can do such.

Unknown said...

this is why when someone's contract is being terminated in the UK, you have to evacuate the premises immediately but still paid for the next 30 days.

if you resign, then based on your contract, the work done belongs to the company and such act will lead to prosecution. i would suggest that, but Nigeria is a law-less jungle so whatever.

ary said...

Editors are the worst, had a hellish experience with them at my former place of work. They at like god kings as the studio wouldn't function without them, thus they feel like they should act how they like.
Still I think people should read the first comment from Just Sayin', there is always two sides to a story.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Koga you guys know better than to publish this on a social Media, this will tell bad on your image as a company. Asking for Advise on Linda Ikeji so that what will happen this is plain dumb shit

Unknown said...

I am also an editor but "this" ones are sick. What do you gain by deleting an already finished work?


Unknown said...

The poor man was simply fighting for his right, but going about it the wrong way. Dear Admin, pay your staff at the right tim, give them incentives and watch them exhaust their energies on your work. Your problem is you. Bad treatment made him act the way he did.

Busy Fingers.

Anonymous said...

Linda, we might come for you because of this post

KINGING said...

Stupid question, always have backup of all works both completed and work in progress.

Anonymous said...

Rule #1 .back up your editors work on a daily bases.
Rule # 2.Make sure he has no access to the back up or secure it in another building.
Employ another staff his job is to backup daily or hourly.
Rule3#. In their agreement they can not sabotage their past work,working systems,company equipments or the reputation of the company,should they resign or be sacked.etc

Rules # 4 They can not discuss trade secret of the company.
5.Keep away original software , all serial # of major softwares and plugin' should be kept beyond their reach ,beyond what is install on the systems.
what give them confidence with copies of company software,they can setup and compete with your set up based on man know man of your clients.etc
6.Pay me to tell u more ;) - Sia.

Tose said...

Recovery of delected work is NOT disaster recovery. Yes, deleted files can be recovered sometimes, but it's really difficult (even with TuneUp Undelete and all) - speaking from experience.
Disaster recovery has to do with setting up redundancy - creating several copies of your files in different locations (backing up) and being able to fall back on these backups in emergencies with little effort.

Anonymous said...

Create an automatic repository in the office backup server or in the cloud server. Its basic data security

Anonymous said...

If your company operate with 100% pirated softwares from OTEGBA in Ikeja,please do not take him to Police station or court,Dude will complicate issues for you,forget the Guy.Get a server and back up files auto and password every editor.--Sia.

Unknown said...

Always back up ur work n pay dem regularly since u knw ao important n delicate der post is

Unknown said...

So touching dat we hav issue's of dis nature which boils down to broken interpersonal r/ship btw employers, and employees@d point of exit of d employees.

Dis is y we in d Human Resources department alwaz ensure to bridge d gap btw employers, and employees during d point of exit of d employees frm d company via EMPLOYEE EXIT INTERVIEW.

Employee exit interview should b employed by all organization including d employers of editors to bridge, and amend any broken r/ship btw d company, and employee.

Dis is wil go a long way to amend broken r/ship, and ascertain if there is any reason thereof 4d employees wanting to leave in d company.

So employers of editors should ensure dat there r no broken r/ship btw them, and their editors. Most importantly they should ensure that their editors r treated well, and salaries r paid up to date.

Pls employee exit interview should alwaz b conducted by d employers of editors dis wil go a long way to avoid all dis issues of deleting, and all dat.

Anonymous said...

You drive a lot how come you get so much time to be up to date on LlB, stop famzing pls Divid doesn't know u

Anonymous said...

Why are u just paying him last month's salary this month. And then you deducted from it again and you don't want him to vex.

He's probably borrowed money to make ends meet while waiting for the said salary and then you shafted him. NOt saying what he did was right but Koga Entertainment is no angel going by the facts you have presented

Unknown said...

Speechless...........complicated issue are there any no rules and obligation set for the (IT) staffs in d company

Anonymous said...

and dumb police would want to arrest him. Based on what? who has proof that he deleted the files but knowing NPF whose members have never seen a computer before would just pick the guy and lock him up. Employer seeking sympathy. Muthafackaz.

Anonymous said...

i am an editor, and i can tell u hw these ppl treat EDITORS, u ppl take most of our time and pay pinot, u can imagine editor resuming work 8am and close 10pm and most time spend 24hrs in d studio and by month end his salary is 20k, 30k, and u still oppress them. IF U TREAT YOUR EDITOR WELL E CAN NEVER DO SUCH TO U.

Anonymous said...

i am an editor, and i can tell u hw these ppl treat EDITORS, u ppl take most of our time and pay pinot, u can imagine editor resuming work 8am and close 10pm and most time spend 24hrs in d studio and by month end his salary is 20k, 30k, and u still oppress them. IF U TREAT YOUR EDITOR WELL E CAN NEVER DO SUCH TO U.

Anonymous said...

Excellent Anon, however, the cloud isn't advisable for sensitive data.

*** mynameisSkelewu

Eze said...

U and royapriesthood....thinks this blog is abt jokes and stupidity all the time, all in the name of getting attention.....the truth is u guys are so boring.......pls u guys shld try and make use of ur brains.......some ppl actually learn alot from this blog..........u guys shld try to comment reasonably once in a yle and cut down of the childish boring jokes.........

Unknown said...

Y not be the first to drop the reasonable comments and let's see how awesomely reasonable you are.

destinysweet said...

Too bad,dats y we all need back up


Anonymous said...

i wish someone could do this to hiptv.... i would be happy...

Anonymous said...

It's just unfair the way employers treat their employees. I walked in a company in Marina, helped the man to grow his marketing business. But when he realized I have done so much in growing the business. He came up one morning and asked me to hand over all customers contacts and put up my resignation letter . Reasons was the child wants to run and take over from where I stopped.

Unknown said...

Hmmm!There may be something else behind this act, so let be honest.

Unchained said...

Thank you my brother. I was hoping someone from inside would speak up soon. How can you owe someone and espect results? Stupid company and management.

Manuel Kunmi said...

Seconded @eze

Anonymous said...

If you feel they pay you peanuts as an editor, then go elsewhere go look for job... Why stay or remain in a job you get paid peanuts... From experience, you can never satisfy a staff even when you pay them 250K at the end of the month... They keep telling you its peanuts, not worth the hustle and always on the lookout of greener pastures. Most Nigerians have a poor attitude to paid employments and thats why we complain there's no job .. blah blah blah

obeto78 said...

I will blame the management for not having good backup system in place. Some tend to undermine the power of IT because of the industry. Simple advise, invite professionals like me, to educate you on the best backup that will suite your kind of data. Also put some security and controls measures/checks around backups.

obeto78 said...

I will blame the management for not having good backup system in place. Some tend to undermine the power of IT because of the industry. Simple advise, invite professionals like me, to educate you on the best backup that will suite your kind of data. Also put some security and controls measures/checks around backups.

Anonymous said...

You would always have disgruntled staff no matter how much you pay.
The world has moved away from 1 copy data. Any organization today that is not working towards protecting thier data is not ready for business.
1. They should build processes around have a backup plan, were the backup copy of projects are not local
2. Editors should be accountable by superviors who ensure that once a job is completed is backed up

buzz for more consulting tips Effjay facebook name

baby said...

There should be a backup server offsite. U can contact network engineers on how to set it up.

Anonymous said...

Useless company, do you want to advertise your oncoming 4 cast movie with your Arri Alexa camera? Or you want to blackmail the editor. Then why can't you allow Police to declare his identity instead of you, you just implicated your company if this guy can get good lawyer, the offence is Defamation of Character. Anyway its a blessing in disguise for the dude. Have heard so bad about this Koga boss, Mr Boss go and change your way.

Unknown said...

Please i will like to know who reported this matter online... because i know the guy and he is very responsible guy in the whole of the Koga production team.. am suck when i saw this post because is one of the most valuable staff of Koga tv and now that thing went wrong because of hanger... after all the sleepless night and day of working for Mr Chris Jayibo then the best way you guys think of handling this matter is by declaring him wanted. mind you he's is not on the run. if you are really looking for him you know where to see him and you have is contact and reference contact...
Am so disappoint at the level of management skill display in this matter, because when you owe the staff no body publish it. all your insistent, unacceptable character non of them publish it and yet they remain loyal to you.... now you think the best thing to do is to publish is wrong doing and try to spoil is career…..
How long do we want keep behaving unethical, I think the best possible way of handling this matter is to apologies to him now because you have take thing too far beyond the acceptable way of handling this kind of matter… I know is not going to be very easy for you to do for you Mr Chris Jayibo…. But one thing is needful. Now your own anger now is going beyond your control and if you look at this matter very well, you have also gone too far on this matter.
Things like this happen almost everywhere but how many do you here in public like this. When a staff mistakenly damages hard drive containing such important information. Do you reported him to police, when a staff left with you money do you reported him to police now, when you penalize staff for not coming to the office and he deleted the work done, you are not angry. Please ask yourself if you have not done the worst thing. But if you thing you are perfect please keep to your good character. Am not done but you too Ademola you need to take a three month course on anger management .. But really I think you two should take a course on anger management.

LIB Reader

Anonymous said...

Hi all first of all i will recommend that the company should learn to treat their staff in a just manner if one staff decided not to work for a day or two while punish another person for a crime he did not commit. so serve them right.

i also want to use this medium to plead with LIB readers that their is a contest coming up from my place of work on Financial literacy so i will plead that you partake of it as their is a price of N25k to be won by 3 individuals that submits and entry either via article or mail on his or her view about financial literacy as this is a quarterly contest. Be on alert.

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