Blac Chyna wore this revealing ensemble to celebrate her 27th birthday in
California on Monday night. The former stripper had her birthday party at the popular Ace Of Diamonds
strip club in West Hollywood where she once worked. More pics after the cut...
Photo credit: Splash News
Ashewo tins
Linda ya blog dry small today oo pls let's see eggplants. Lindaobserve
Boobam! Baaaaaad ass basic bitch! Me like it for tonight, pears oil I must buy.
That butt looks exactly like Kim's. is that the telltale sign of butt implant?
No Wonder Tiger Left,What a nasty Hoe
Yeye dey smell.
Omg! See tattoo#Linda'sgal
Nd dis is wat I call naked
DAT is quite a revealing outfit......happy birthday shaaa a free classified advert
Jesus Saves!
And u are supposed to be a mother abi? Okay na
Nd dis is wat I call naked
Once a dog is always a dog
She looked so slutty for a mother.
Good thing poor Tyga left her for Kylie.
The whore be thinkin screamin n feelin like.
Biko,how is she a former stripper?She's still working the poles.just private poles!She's only in the limelight cos of her association with the "teenager".Otherwise,who is she?
What the hell type of cloth is this and how do you not feel naked wearing this?!
no home training, blame yo mama abeg If you wanna sing click here for fresh new beatz
Odi very endowed.
27, i faint
butt like a whole summer.....HBD hon.
Rule #1, Never make a whore your House Wife
Luv d shoe..
Luv d shoe..
I wonder what her claim to fame is. Once a stripper always a stripper. Tho she has a sumptuous boooty.
U said kyler is a minor?ok I av seen d responsible woman d black Chyna herself,the role model herself,anu mpama
Gawd, i wish i could just rip that top off and suck every milk frm those juicy boobs plus give her the best doodie ever knwn to man..... God am dying here.... Doodie killer no doubt....
Point of correction Chyna worked at King Of Diamonds in Miami,Fl. Not Ace of Diamonds in LA....
Kim pls Ooohhh. Where are u? Blac Chyna is taking ur role
This is pure nakedness
How's this a jumsuit?
Nawah! Wild child. She's naked na!
This is pure nakedness
Why would tyga want to be married to dis whore for a very long time. I don't appreciate minor relationships but dis God forbid Bad market
Hbd chyna. Cova up!
Damn girl
à ½Ã¸± warris dis?
Unrepentant women.
Busy Fingers.
Lord God fix her!!!!!!
Public nuisance !
Wonder wat tiger saw in this babe
Wor wor die
Public nuisance !
isallraii. seems foreign musicians r turnin pornstars
Being a former stripper is now something to be proud of? Everything seems to be going d opposite direction! God help us!
This is ridiculous!!!!
Na wa oooooo. Wht sort of rubbish is dis. Dis is disgusting, and unacceptable.
The hustle is real. She's trying so hard. Linda take note!
The hustle is real. She's trying so hard. Linda take note!
what! for someone her mum claims went to college, was dat before or after d strip club or in between. Better dan Kylie indeed.
what! for someone her mum claims went to college, was dat before or after d strip club or in between. Better dan Kylie indeed.
what! for someone her mum claims went to college, was dat before or after d strip club or in between. Better dan Kylie indeed.
Na wa oooo.......sha she be stripper
She wants Tyga to see what he is missing.
Okay seen
Ashawo unlimited.
I don't just understand o is her body scared of good clothe? Chai
She ugly shaaaa,,27 looking like 45 yrs old woman, ,,,,,na she nor want tyga and Kylie to rest...former stripper indeed
Is this one cloth,she should have gone naked
Fake ass
Ugly lady.
Chizos! Wot kind of stupid cloth is dis.
So ugly! Just like d person wearing it!
Hmmm oibo with their yeye life
Njo, ejoro Njo, with dos ugly tatoos
still better than wht Kim and JLO wore to Met award
Once a stripper, always a stripper
Chai!!! Let me fuck Dat
Idi reeeeeee.... I can't find amber rose in d pix
Now I see why tyga needed new hand
Linda check well is as if the butt wants to fall off just saying
She is a bad mother herseelf!
Was she running after the vehicle? Great nudity move But she can do better.
Please visit my blog
Linda a jumpsuit is one piece. it cannot be a jumpsuit and an ensemble...
That Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so Juicy
Shyt. I wonder what any judge will think of her going out in public dresssed like that and yet wanting full custody of child. Wise up miss thang. Dress to impress.
Am sorry but did chick is ugly
Am sorry but did chick is ugly
Crazy ass bitch!!!
And she wonders y Tyga is with Kylie so trashy. Once a HOE always a HOE enuff said
Hmm she's just naked
What is this?
A mother that wants full custody indeed
honestly this is rubbish all in the name of fashion, why did she put on cloth in the first place? she for no wear anything.yeye woman!
Men!!! Check that booty out , I'm following her on IG immediately. New found love , fuck Tyga and Jenner
See the way look like a monkey
Once a stripper always a stripper
And she wonders y tyga left her 4 kylie..its becos of dese ratchet and hood rat dress..
That ass tho..looks like it's about to explode
She looks appalling! Yuck!warriisit......Kylie face n butt is way finer than Blac! #mbok#
Na wa ooo. .... she don turn body to drawing book finish. .... A mother at that. ... okay ooo
Wet in dey this one body? Yam legs. No wonder she is jealous of Kylie
In fact after viewing these pics of Blac Chyna, in fact I don change my neutral stance to support for her. What is Kylie Jenner? Is that the name of a product? O boy! The booty on this chick no be hia o.
What sort of man marries or have a child with this kind of woman? The best thing is to have sex and leave them, cuz sex is the only thing they represent and have..
Whoooorrrreeee..........kai! This girl has no limit.
being naked is da trend.........
See ass...
Tyga...thnk God u liberated frm dis chic#blac chyna be like home swt home..#side eye..
Pure nakedness.... MI O gba ti gal yii rara
Ok, now I gt it. Wanted 2 say smtin b4 bt since she's a former stripper, case closed n lips sealed
Ok, now I gt it. Wanted 2 say smtin b4 bt since she's a former stripper, case closed n lips sealed
She does luk like responsible mother to me...
See someone that wants full custody how she's dressed
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Dis is madness@d level of drunkness. Dis is unacceptable, and disgrace to womanhood.
Hihihihi! Don't like what she's wearing.
She is ugly facial bt nice body,HBD sha.
That's crazy. And u wonder why Tyga decided to leave. What in heavens name is she wearing?
Now I know virtually everybody here is dumb.. How can you judge her outfit.. She's not even exposing anything just skin.same as wearing a bikini
Tyga really mde a beta choice.. Seriously.... Team Kylie all d way... Did I Just Comment ???
She's trying too hard to share the spotlight with Kylie.. She a hoe..
The good mum.......
So Kims nude pictures scattered all over the Internet is good for a mother??
Na waoo what is this world turning into
This is complete madness chioms says so
sheer is out to ruin people's image
Happy bday my black chyna
All in the name of fashion, this is outrageous. Make Uma fear God o!
Hoe come amber rose isn't here???
No need to have wore anything nah
Kim is better
Come is this not Dencia"s one and only hot pink G class, you sure she dint give the guy driving it, and now his using it to pick up babes, even blac chyna, sorry Dencia, lol
Is this not angelbrinks (on instagram) that is holding hands with Blac Chyna
What do u expect from an ex stripper?
May God fix u too. Receive ur miracle
waiting be dis
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