An accident occurred around Mission Road axis in Benin today that left two people seriously injured. According to eye witnesses, a police Hilux bus collided with a commercial bus. The injured, only from the commercial bus, were immediately rushed to the hospital. More pics after the cut...
Oh no! I pray they survive it.so sad
Lord have mercy
I am sure na d police vehicle go cause am....they drive recklessly
Thank God dat nobody died. He is forever faithful. Linda take note!
Thank u God 4 no live was lost, may God heal d injured ones fast. #happytuesday
May God grant them fast recovery
Thank God no life was lost.
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
I pray for quick recovery in Jesus name. Isah 54:17. @Bishop_Dammy
Oh my gosh,Lord have mercy. I pray they survive.
OMG, this is really sad. Thank God they didn't die
OMG, this is really sad. Thank God they didn't die
Hmm this January is filled with deaths nd accident
Quick recovery
Na waoo
Police will just be driving their vans anyhow.....disturbing pple with their siren.........
Safe recovery to d injured victims.....
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB.....
Thank God that nobody died
Sori to dem.....
Nawa, Glad no one died...
.Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
VERULE says-heard
In my state? And I passed dat road ds evening
It is well
It is well. Was d police drunk?
In my state? And I passed dat road ds evening
Nawa,God help dem.
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
Pray for their recovery...
gosh...speedy recovery..DAT I wish them
Linda post JAMB result na
Lawd have mercy
Wishing them quick recovery
Oh my God, this is serious. May God have mercy.
Oh my God, this is serious. May God have mercy .i wish them an instant recovery
God ve mercy
I hope they are ok?
Yes linlin I witnessed it, I pray the conductor of the vehicle survives
What is going on?? too many accidents thi year! Pls lets all be prayerful, none of us or our family will die this year! Yetserday, i boarded a commercial bus from obalende. As we were on 3rd mailand bridge, the next thing we heard was a screech and the bus was moving from side to side! The 2 buses in front of us also did they same, Luckily no life was lost, just a few were injured! But the buses involved were really damaged! The whole thing happened so fast, i really dont understand it fully! Everyone was screaming Jesus! Pls lets all be careful while driving and above all be very prayerful, becos even if u're careful, there might be a mad driver on the loose who will just drag u into an accident u know nothing about!
The policeman driving might be drunk or high on something cuz they r always drunk and high. Well, thank God its just injuries. I wish them quick recovery.
Lol....guess d policeman driving was drunk
God save us oo.....this year!!!
God save us oo.....this year!!!
May God heal dem ooo. #oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#
See blood like zobo!
Its a pity the ones to serve and protect are the ones now causing loss of life and insecurity due to their reckless lifestyles. What a shame
i wish them quick recovery
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Thank God. He would see them tru.
This is bad. I just pray they survive.
Looks really bad. May God heal them
The last time I checked hilux was a pick-up and not a bus..
God b blessed...
Thank God it just injury and no death recorded.
Uniform Men should also learn how to obey traffic laws Quick recovery to the injured.
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We pray they dont die
My God!
Lord pls protect your people this 2015. Samuel_augustina@yahoo.com
Thank God no one died, wish those injured a quick recovery....the way police drive their vans in this benin eh its alarming!!!!
Wishing them quick recovery, our roads has turned into death trap. May God save us Amen. ..linda I'm watching u wt 3D.
Awwww, at least they're alive.
God have mercy....
na wa oh.. is 2015 for accidents? God help and save us from mishap
This accident of a thing. Is becoming to much.
Who will arrest police for violating and driving reckless.
Wishing the injured quick recovery.
Ooh too bad! I just pray dey survive
dis accidents here and there is getting too much .God help us
i love you linda
May God grant them speedy recovery according to His plan and purpose in Jesus' Name. Amen.
GOD have mercy
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