Photo of late Saudi King Abdullah and his thirty wives | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 25 January 2015

Photo of late Saudi King Abdullah and his thirty wives

Late Saudi Arabia's king Abdullah bin Abdulaziz who has passed away on Jan. 22nd, had 30 wives. He's pictured with some of them!


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Unknown said...

Thirst wives! That man tried oo.
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone

Unknown said...

30!!!! wa o

Peejay said...

This is a real harem! Ewwww.

Unknown said...

Who go dey service this Ur 30 wives

Onyx's Girlfriend (he isn't gay pls) said...

Sharp guy. #lindagiveawayonmymind

khemorah said...

Fastest way to die is having 30 wives! Wtf?!!

Unknown said...

Oh Boy, this man can't handle all of this alone, he might die soon.. 15 BJ 15 Sex.. Damn!! Glad thy are all mature unlike some Nigerian's..
.Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

Unknown said...

hop he culd recorgnize all of dem ...lolz dis guys r so strong 30 waitin na govt work

Steady said...

How I wish I'm among his kids

Unknown said...

money on ground nah

Unknown said...



Bishop Dammy said...

So even brother Solomon had someone like him? Thats really much.. God commanded a man to a woman. Gen 2:18. @Bishop_Dammy

Unknown said...

All this one's are now widows abi

AMIJEZ said...

There is love in sharing,even STD's. How did he manage to do it.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Awww.beautiful family, May Allah bless his soul.Amin

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Awww.beautiful family, May Allah bless his soul.Amin

baby gal said...

Nawa oo!

Walata said...

Hahaha 30 what????

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Some? Gosh!

Anonymous said...

Linda ur story really inspired me yesterday, I thought mine was strange or not ordinary till I heard ur story 2 d top.i was almost crying this evening but when I remembered your story yesterday I gave myself hope that if linda can b broke at 30yrs n now a millionaire/philanthropist then God will do my own,I was not given d opportunity to talk my story yesterday cos of d crowd, n I understood cos u can't listen to everyone. Even b4 u start ur story wen u introduce your dad 2 us I wept cos I understand everything. U can imagine my own dad v always supported me but now he's no more ,he died bcos we couldn't afford money 4 his treatment cos he was diabetic/high blood pressure to show d extent of our poverty..we can barely feed.but I managed 2 learn event planning/decorator 2 put food on my table but money 2 buy material is my problem .but I believe God will use someone like u 2 help me..
But true to almighty God since I listen 2 ur story yesterday my level of thinking has really changed. I thought I can never make it in life but with what I heard yesterday I have hope..Thanks for your time .
Mary john
(Pls don't post this comment,just want 2 use dis medium to talk 2 u..I was so down n felt like crying now when I remembered ur story I decide 2 use dis medium to reach u)

Abdul Mk said...

chai linda this ur news... is sonehow.. jst saying

SANDRA said...

Ok oo

Unknown said...

Beyonce can divorce jay-z cause of that dude ur seeing over there,,,,he owns Saudi infact the country was named after his family name the AL saud's.

Unknown said...

this 1 na man

Unknown said...

Unu odi sure n' oburo the 30 wives that kpai the man. Na wa o.

Dat*Ibo*boy said...

Chai! See wetin old man dey poke...dulling mood de-activated!

Unknown said...

He finally left all dis beauties n died! If other idiots like him will learn! What's d essence?

ogeee said...

Hope u gave ur life to christ b4 u departed, only u. RIP

Unknown said...

Jesus Christ

Anonymous said...

Shey islam say na 4 wives allowed....o ma shey how people interprete religion and these people would be depriving equal right for women,ensalving fellow human beings, chanting death to america and bomb innocents.God would judge them all

eka said...

modern day King Solomon........

Anonymous said...

He didn't have 30 wives

mccoy said...

islam and dia biased for elites? I tot islam permits only 4 wives? (i stand to be corrected though)
anyways wat ever rocks his boat

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh 30 what, I thought its suppose to be 4 wives and they did not include his concubines them o choi!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh 30 what, I thought its suppose to be 4 wives and they did not include his concubines them o choi!!!

Anonymous said...

30?!!! See wahala oh! With the way they're all covered up, I'm surprised he even let them take photos!

chukadgreat said...

This king been the vex only u been waka tho

Anonymous said...

haba nawa ooo said...

so e fock all of them abi

Unknown said...

What's the point of taking a picture with ur face covered? Sigh!!!

Queen Trendy said...

Holy God! 30wives??? Hei the women have mind oh!!!

Anonymous said...

I doubt these are his wives. They look more like students from a college.

BLAQ said...

Holy shit did u say 30 wives? Jeez what was he using them for. Mtcheww

Unknown said...

30 wives? That's crazy

Anonymous said...

Did they marry for love? Or for money? Or the lack of men in Saudi Arabia?

Debora chidume said...

huge appetite for women

Anonymous said...

Thatz a good one and besst way to exit... RIP.... dee

Unknown said...

As old as he was, how am I sure say no be too much wives kill am? Linda take note!

Unknown said...

As old as he was, how am I sure say no be too much wives kill am? Linda take note!

Rhoda said...

30 wives ke? Jeez!

Unknown said...

As old as he was, how am I sure say no be too much wives kill am? Linda take note!

Unknown said...

As old as he was, how am I sure say no be too much wives kill am? Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Hmmmm 30 wives

Unknown said...

I thought Islam allows a limit of 4 wives...

Unknown said...

As old as he was, how am I sure say no be too much wives kill am? Linda take note!

Hypertek IshOlawale said...

No be small thing.........King solomon of our time.

Unknown said...

As old as he was, how am I sure say no be too much wives kill am? Linda take note!

Unknown said...

As old as he was, how am I sure say no be too much wives kill am? Linda take note!


The old, the young, the good, bad and ugly... Only him waka go

Unknown said...

As old as he was, how am I sure say no be too much wives kill am? Linda take note!

Juleslouis said...

Jesus! 30? Does he even remember their names? How do they share his bed? So the thirtieth wife will have to 5yrs before it gets to her turn. Nawah! Women have suffered! Una doh o. Ceremonial wives. Even those that r yet to consummate the marriage will be there too forming wife

Unknown said...


Santi said...


Unknown said...

thirty wives, no resting. But wait, the wives only see that thing 12 times a yr Hmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Nor be 4 again?

Anonymous said...

Stupid lie!!!! Islam permits a maximum of 4 wives. Maybe they are concubines that middle eastern or African kings of all religions usually have.

Anonymous said...

omoh...this is some serious stuff. 30 wivessssssss???? say wetin hapun nah

Anonymous said...

this is why i must vote for boohari

if these northerners can marry 13 year olds and bleep 30 punnies

then am interested fo real

Boohari for president

Unknown said...

Am very sure u will have a duplex in hell fire

Unknown said...

thirty wives, no resting. But wait, the wives only see that thing 12 times a yr Hmmmmmmm

Unknown said...

Na wao, I thought they said in Islam u are at liberty to marry 4 wives as long as u are able to shower them with equal love. If the late Saudi is the custodian of the two most known worship area Mecca and medina,why then did he marry more than 4 wives? Just asking though. May his soul rest in peace.

Icess said...

Wonders dey say shal never end, one man wit thirty woman? For wat na dey all look happy na wah

Anonymous said...

hmmm...nawao. 30 wives??? say wetin hapun nah?

Oladimeji said...

30 wifes! So, Alafin is still a learner for where this man dey? May his soul RIP.

Unknown said...

Hmmm 30 wives? Well for d fact dat he is d king of saudi does nt make him a muslim or a good muslim because its a NO to 30 wives in islam. Its too much abeg. O n jaye oloba

Anonymous said...

This man na real baller.....omo j'aiye j'aiye


Anonymous said...

Correction Linda: He married and divorced a total of 30 wives. However, he was married 3 wives i think @ the time of his death.

Unknown said...

Hw many d**k's for him to service all dis wives???

30 is just too much for crying out loud.

RIP to him.

Unknown said...

Hw many d**k's for him to service all dis wives???

30 is just too much for crying out loud.

RIP to him.

Anonymous said...

these people are very sickِ

Ayodele Jay said...

chai....c enjoyment

Unknown said...

Hw many d**k's for him to service all dis wives???

30 is just too much for crying out loud.

RIP to him.

gimbiya said...

King Abdallah has only four wives nd 32 children verify d report lindodo#

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Did I just read right?! 30wives!! Holy shi••√

Unknown said...

obviously excessive sexual exuberance shortt his lifespan

Anonymous said...

It is a big lie! A real Muslim will never marry more than four wives. May Allah forgive you for posting such a lie.

Unknown said...

See groove really smh for these people

Unknown said...


Kerenhappuch said...

No be small thing. 30?

# I know who I am #

Unknown said...

OMG! A religion that has no regards or respect for women.

Unknown said...

30 what? Ok now that he is dead, what will happen to d wives now? 30!

Unknown said...

Hmmmm God have mercy.

Unknown said...

It is well o.


Enjoyment who go inherit dem. A society were women are not valued. So He was able to pick and pack as He felt like. Na wa. I serve a Christian God

Unknown said...

Ewoooo. See women. But wait oh, did Islam not say a man should jot have more than 4 wives ? Anyway, na dem know.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong. It nt true

Jeni_zee said...

He dnt carry anyone of them alongside with him


Enjoyment who go inherit dem. A society were women are not valued. So He was able to pick and pack as He felt like. Na wa. I serve a Christian God. I counted 24 some are still covering der faces. Wetin remain again. So sad d pic was not even organised, some are standing behind him. Why?

Anonymous said...

Not true Linda biko be verifying pls. Some of them are his children and grandchildren. He never had 30wives at the same time.

Tee said...


Manuel Kunmi said...

Okay oooo

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

They man they chop plenty soup o!

ary said...

Geez!!! 30?! Are you kidding me?!

Anonymous said...

Linda this post just makes you look very Ignorant, uneducated and shallow, common!! Do your research don't just repost everything you come across online

Unknown said...

30 wives!!!! Choi tasting every hole things

Unknown said...

choi......i see wives wit age ranges from 18-78yrs...apart from dey first wife dey rest might hv suffered from incessant rejection n low slf esteem to join dey bandwagon n of course money influence..

Blunt Fuck said...

Nor be 4 wives be the limit for Islam! Na wa oh! How can one man satisfy 30 women!

Unknown said...

30 whaaaat?

Unknown said...

choi......i see wives wit age ranges from 18-78yrs...apart from dey first wife dey rest might hv suffered from incessant rejection n low slf esteem to join dey bandwagon n of course money influence..

Anonymous said...

Dis king really enjoyed life

Unknown said...

See groove!

Unknown said...

Heyyyy..30? Wah da hell was he doing with em..nawa oooo...buh they sure wud be living comfortably in wealth

Unknown said...

Chai..he really lived Like a King!!

Okoro upgraded**

charles ems said...

It's sure lovely to be king!

Unknown said...

Na wa ooo

Anonymous said...

This is a big lie. Verify your story before posting. How are we sure they are not hus kids.

Anonymous said...

Now this is a real man! No wonder he looked so young at 90! Nigerian men should get in here! Have as many wives and children as possible! Fulfill the scripture which says increase, multiply and inherit the Earth!

Anonymous said...

Some covered there face, some only eyes to be seen, like ninjas, hmmmmm muslims kudos *lip sealed*

Anonymous said...

Linda pls stop these, this are is daughters and grand children.

Anonymous said...

Stupid religion..Animals

anti mosquito guide said...

what can he satisfy all off them for bed ahaba!!

Anonymous said...

Linda dis are is daughter and grandchildren.

Anonymous said...

30?? The man dey vexx ooo

Anonymous said...

Am from UAE dis are not is wives. he has just 2 wives.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I thought the Quran allows 4

anti mosquito guide said...

how can this man satisfy all of them for bed??

Anonymous said...

Please take note,he is not married to all of them at once.He is allowed to marry four at once all the others are divorced, yet will still be under his care without nocturnal visitation.

Unknown said...

Igweeee. Hahahaha. Dis guy tried ooo. Now who did he leave all dis fyn fyn gals 4?

Anonymous said...

Jesus is lord....!thought they said d arabs dont involved in such polygamous stuff?kai_kai this is much!more than d prpht himself...

Unknown said...

Fake news

Unknown said...

bad man,Islam is sh*t but if its an unknown person they would have stoned him

#Linda's give away

elovi said...

Will this 30 wives be inherited by the next king?? Chai onli 1 man enjoying 30 women

MEana said...

In line with Islamic law, Abdullah kept no more than four wives at once, and was married at least 13 times, said Joseph Kechichian, who studies the royal family as a senior fellow at the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh.

REAL. PIKIN said...

Haahahahahaa for Wenti Now???? THIRTY.................

Karlsson said...

What's he doing with em all? Ubanagum

that girl said...

Lmao.....some of them...but why are some hidden and others all smiles and open face???

Unknown said...

Otu Ocha Kai how is he going to cope with them in bed abi na one by one or once in a day. Anyways Anita is ok for me

Josh Atuanya said...

I like dz ones that covered their faces...they look ravishingly beautiful...

Unknown said...

OMG!!y won't u die lol so u made 30girls queens ehnnn.king only you

Unknown said...

I now confirmed that your aim is to tarnish the image of Islam and Muslims, by Allah you will never success, yesterday you brought one useless post to say a woman was raped and flogged in Saudi, today you brought this, while you have the right to say whatever nonsense you like. In the Quara chapter 4 a man cannot marry more than 4, are you the one that give h the remaining 26, you will just bring picture and post it and some naive Nigerians will just believe you.

chinny said...

Maybe u should help since u are interested in the yanshing

MEana said...

The real story behind this photo is here...

Linda I'm dissapointed ..ignorance

MEana said...

Pls check out the real story behind this picture here...Linda is just a pathetic list..trying to get story....

Anonymous said...

VERULE Says-dis is serious,hw did he manage to sleep wit dem all. "Beautifu is life""

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Make a research dumb fool,he is a king

Anonymous said...

2much fucking and orgies 4 d late king!!!

Unknown said...

30 ke........doing wat with dem na????????

Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....

Anonymous said...

This king na big man ooo.

Anonymous said...

This man lived!!!!!!

Ochuko Arhiakpore said...

Welldone King Abdullah

GEJ till 2019


abdullai adams said...

get your facts right before posting rubbish

Anonymous said...

And all they know how to do is to stone women to death for adultery. I thot Quran permits maximum of four wives!

Unknown said...

My sister i tire o. One man made 30 women widows. Serious bondage!!!

Busy Fingers.

Unknown said...

Yes he might die soon after his death. That's very true.

Eze said...

My friend are u alright, try and read a post before commenting, he is already dead...dumbest nigga

Anonymous said...

So what happens to them now???? Are they inherited by his sons????

ebonyz... said...

Na strong man oh

Eze said...

Eyeah......i really feel ur story dear....God will provide.... Linda u for no post her comment...I thought u read the comments before approving

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Wow ur story is almost like dad died of d same daibete/high blood pressure. ..buh dnt wori jst kip believing nd God will see u tru

Anonymous said...

Nna na wa ooo

Na 1 man cor make all these women widows so ooo chaiii

No wnder patience say dia ris god oooo

Unknown said...

Wats d point taking a picture when u know we wont see ur face??? Juju things

Anonymous said...


barrister said...

See them all happy. Btw oga anonymous,its culture that makes them hav more than 4 wives. Its just like the yoruba culture that allows plenty wives n some igbo communities dat evn extend to the brother marrying his dead brother s wife but in all cases christianity forbids it. Its exactly like that with this Arab king.... Kings everywhere hav concubines. So you see nobody idms perfect thats why even the stoning may not have been as islam prescribed.

Davido's driver said...

How Does he fuckk dem

Unknown said...

@moye....breast feeding them & praying with them indoor

#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

Unknown said...

Odiegwu o

Unknown said...

O my my.. King solomon of our time . He had 30 and he lived long, should have met ds man for few tips. The wives aint complaining.

Beautiful wifey said...

Can't say much. May God lead us to the right part. Pls peeps, mind d way u comment on dis, no one knows the truth behind dis story. Islam says u can't marry more than 4 wives, with condition, if u can deal justly with them. I am surprised at this post. Anyways who knows hw. May his soul rest in peace

Anonymous said...

Ate you not ashamed of him

JINDU said...

30?!!!. this man na king kong ooo

Anonymous said...

Do they practice another Koran in that country? Does Koran not says that a man should marry four wives? Thirty wives????

Unknown said...

See fwesh gals wey diz king de straf.......... Walaiii some pipol d chop diz life


Unknown said...

See fwesh gals wey diz king de straf.......... Walaiii some pipol d chop diz life


Warri said...

"Abdullah bin Abdulaziz is believed to have been born in 1923 or 1924 as one of 37 sons of Saudi Arabia's founder, King Abdulaziz Al Saud. Abdullah's mother was the eighth of the founder's 16 wives".

His father had 16, he improved on his father's record.

Anonymous said...

Tell me about it

IWP said...

30 wives wow..omo dis man sef no go even get better erection to fuck all d holes...oo.. am sure some body else must to service dem

Anonymous said...

The king lived up to 90 years. This picture caption is false, its a family picture.

Anonymous said...

This is feminine injustice

Unknown said...

30 wives n he lived to 90???
King Solomon II
Incredible India

Anonymous said...

bad guy!

Unknown said...

Na dem kill am na

Anonymous said...

Islam doesn't gv any special respect to elites and u linda, always av d info b4 u post....ure making people think islam is a bad religion. Frown!

Anonymous said...

linda ikeji,stop posting lies on ur page...the late king abdullaah didnt marry 30 women.

Unknown said...

Damn, 30 widows in just a day.. Does he fcuk all?

Unknown said...

To be continued shortly, try and cotinue the gud works as u depart the earth


why dont dey wear colourful clothes? i hv to ask.

What are u up to? BORED? Need a gud laugh?
If you need a pick me up, click this link

Unknown said...

Senseless Arabic women

Unknown said...

Wow... married to one classs room student's ? Lol

Unknown said...

So he died after giving a death sentence of d woman dat dey cut off her head

Anonymous said...

Let ur parents read this,u'll see who'll pay ur next fees. Mttchhew.

Anonymous said...

He lasted 90. Loads of guys here in Naija with 1 wife die before their 50. Check the mortality rate for Muslim countries against Christian countries.

Unknown said...

Nawa o! 30 women married to one man

Unknown said...

I thought late muhammed said they should have only 4?

Unknown said...

KAI! I don't believe this. The pix looks like he had a program with women and afterwards took a snap shot with them.

Anonymous said...

Go and tell God dat ur achievement on earth is dis. Those dat liv by de flesh wil do what on de last day? Life is vanity upon vanity all is vanity. No one us leaving dis world wit any of his achievements. Ur beta we seek de face of God and make heaven.

Anonymous said...

na lie....stop lying ....... he never had 30 wives. mschweeee

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