The actress/model who emerged as Miss Heritage Nigeria 2014/2015 at the Lagos Oriental Hotel Victoria Island Lagos on the 30th of November 2014 is set to launch her pet project in partnership with some relevant govt agencies and the organized private sector to promote Nigerian Cultural Heritage and values.

Black is beautiful!!
There's all kinds of miss-es these days! Ahn ahn! Who is kiss heritage kwa?
Dry! With her blackish ncha nkota feet...
Aww I see my fulani sister reping
Aww I see my fulani sister reping
shez cul
Beautiful and ugly @ d same time.
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone
Aunty linda, pls check your inbox I jst sent u an email on lindaikeji@gmail its very important n urgent pls
Cultural Representation On Point!!
.Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
Hmmm she tried,just ok.
The igbo attire is the best.
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone
Beautiful I like the concept
Pretty but her leg not too nice
Miss what? ...Bene who? Too many pageants to keep up with abeg, i think I'll just stick to mbgn. And what happened to all the pretty ladies? She's not even pretty.
You are truly miss hEritage...keep the beauty look fresher day by day avoid frowning..and there u have u would still remain a beauty queen
You are truly miss hEritage...keep the beauty look fresher day by day avoid frowning..and there u have u would still remain a beauty queen
So so costume looking like her ancestors....
#######LINDA'S BAE ######
Pretty lady nwanyi oma,really miss heritage stunning beauty.
Odi okay.
Nice colourful traditional outfits...Our country is blessed with d best tradition but our youths are now tying to copy d oyibo man culture of nudity....
Black is beautiful
Good concept
Aunty linda biko check ur inbox I sent u an email, its abt my life pls
Nice. True african beauty.
😄Good Evening. Help us go further in the competition, voting continues today,pls follow d link once everyday and vote d picture for me.its the first picture on the link. God bless you. http://woobox.com/ogggif/vote/for/5524915
Am loving every aspects of her shoot.
Real African
Real Miss Heritage
Real black
Becos itz not a colour bt an attitude .May ur reign be lik dat of King Abdullah bin Abdulazeez.
Buh she's wogly ooo...she lacks uniqueness and style..dont know how she emerged the winner,or did she go through the back on the bed routine?
She is awesome
Am yet to see miss heaven...i think that will be the last miss before miss finishes....fine geh duh
Pretty gal
That's a brilliant idea & our culture is worth really promoting.
Please Linda can u do a write up on how to make comment on your BLOG because I believe there are people out there trying to make a comment on any of your post but they could not do it because they probably don't know how to go about it..... please can you do this once a week for like a month? so that people can follow the step by step process? Like seriously a lady asked me the other day that how can she make comment *smiles*.......thanks
Sho loves her culture aaffrica all d way
She is ugly Jor. Only the attires on her are beautiful.
Pretty girls.
Na wa o, so much 4 d improvised teddy she has on. Its well. #lindagiveawayonmymind
Very colourful...
Nice one.
Really nice
Her concept is cool, unlike the others that are always half naked. Kudos to her.
Miss Heritage? What of Miss Election... Rubbish
She looks very pretty and natural, not like the usual bleached bunnies that win pageants.
Am nt impressed biko!!!
She is kul#black is beautiful
Nice one.... keep it up
She is beautiful,shekina
nice concept....fine girl
She bought the official car with her money and she knws the Organisers that's how she won. This is the worst pageantry Ever cos I was there live.
Not bad tho! #oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#
Black is beautiful dear...
They look gorgeous.
All hail the Queen!
All of u saying this babe is ugly dont av eyes. She is even prettier dn s current mbgn. This is what i call african beauty. Dts how dey said agbani ws ugly wen she emerged as mbgn until she won miss world. We av never produced another girl as pretty as agbani, mayb munachi is close, d rest ehhn
She's promoting her cultural heritage, just because she's not bleached doesn't make her ugly. She's very beautiful with gorgeous smiles too I love. Linda please more of this not all those over bleached beauty Queens.
Fine girl African queen indeed
Fine girl African queen indeed
Nice one
I like d concept, but I don't think she's deserving of that crown
Cheezus...is that Akpana?! Hmmmmm.....o gurl!
Shine all d way queen Benny... Black is beautiful
Cheeeezus.....Gurlz be hustling errday! Akpana big upz...dem GG gurlz ain't ssmilingo!
good for her
Congratulations dear! Keep repping Nigeria and taking Nigeria to the World! God bless your hustle🙏
Congrats Dear! Keeping repping Naija and taking Nigeria to the World, God bless your hustle... 🙏
but this girl dey hustle oh, she is even trending on Twitter. All hail the queen. And she is indeed beautiful
wow, this is beautiful, pretty beyound borders, shes just what i call total brand and parkaging
She's cute,our African queen, beautiful costume, u all shldd go get a job n stop being a critic here, go Akpana,we love u.
@Anon. 8:25am. I can smell serious jealousy here, beef of life. If you know she bought the car and knows the organisers why you know go buy too and know the organisers too so you can win if you think say na beans. Bad belle is allowed though in MI's voice.
I know this babe, we finished together from university of Abuja, she's very cool and friendly though we don't talk but I use to admire her height and straight legs from afar and she's very pretty, I think she's not photogenic or the photographer didn't do well. Whoever said Akpana is not beautiful is just hating or a looser. Go girl we at uni abuja are proud of you.
Akpana is a very nice girl, though she's stubborn but she's got a very good heart and can do anything for her friends. I am not surprised to see her here because she's a go getter! She didn't give up after face of sofa where she emerged a runner up. Go girl!
Wow! I love this concept. This is the first time I am seeing a beauty Queen representing in all forms of our cultural Heritage. This girl sure got a queen's package mehn! Anyone that says this girl isn't beautiful is a witch. If that ugly MBGN girl can be queen then this Akpana girl deserves to be miss world.
Akpana is a very nice girl, though she's stubborn but she's got a very good heart and can do anything for her friends. I am not surprised to see her here because she's a go getter! She didn't give up after face of sofa where she emerged a runner up. Go girl!
she is nice and beautiful with a good heart....oceann say so
A girl with a good heart....Go babez...pansback
she is nice and beautiful with a good heart....oceann say so
@busayo tomori why don't you go get it since you are the one that deserves it na. Bad belle oshi.
So beautiful
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