According to Punch, FFK said he would be gentle with Soludo because of the soft spot he has for him
"Soludo has criticised the President, his government and his handling of the economy. Meanwhile Nigeria has just won the prestigious award of being designated as the largest economy in Africa and this has happened under the watch of Pres. Jonathan and no-one else. Should any right-thinking person, who has the nation’s interest at heart be complaining about that? Needless to say my friend and brother Charles Soludo is confused and conflicted. He seems to have lost touch with reality and this is what often happens when you spend too much time with the Buharists. I pray that sooner than later, he comes to his senses and he sees the light." FFK said
This people again??
This people again??
he's always there to respond to every comment!
Gmb2015,gej2105!!linda please acknowledge this mail o.paciphy@yahoo.com..
Matured response,
Loving it...
Nothing is useless in this life...see as FFK take his crase collect one post for pdp. Crazy man
Feb 14 should come fast. Tired of evrytin already.
@Sophia Stephen
Ffk is a shame to democracy he we soon attck his ass when soludo is saying the truth without betraying any one .
Must FFK attack everybody dat said anything negative about Jonathan
Ffk is a shame to democracy he we soon attck his ass when soludo is saying the truth without betraying any one .
FFK like the current crop of policians we have today lack class. Less is more...actions speak louder than words. Must you respond to everything and everyone? A professor of economics made an economic statement and FFK just had to respond in his usual classless and pedestrian manner...disgusting! The man spoke Greek and Latin and you've responded in pigin English...ridiculous agbaya of a man!
Ds guy ehen chiaaaaa handsome finito 1 nyt wit him dts all I require gooosh*day dreaming already* back 2 d mata 4 hand. Burharist serz mata oooo Vote 4 d ryt pesin which is KOWA party. *cough* dt all.
This crazy man .. FFK is a mad man... does he even have any common sense at all ... A man just laid out the issues we are all face with as a nation and all he can do is open that his stupid mouth ... FFK u just need to shut the F... off and keep stealing our wealth with ur crew ... FEB 14 where are u...
I dunno why I just dislike FFK.nonsense
Linda dear, do make u sleep eh? U ve tried.
@Sophia Stephen
I dunno why I just dislike this FFK.NONSENSE
enough of these attack on one another.
he has the right to make a point about what he feels isn't right
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Na them sabi.....
This FFK can disturb like a wet parrot.smh
Don't mind this FFK. Soludo bared it all.
Political Parrot.
FFK aka GEJ's bulldog must just bark at anything that passes their frontage sha.....lol
FFK keep deceiving urself and ur brainless boss..we know u inherited stupidity from ur great grand father..u hate d truth stupid imp..thunder will fire u..shebi soon ur Gej will leave office no wahala..u will suffer...............................#KingOfKing #6God
Lol! This FFK is a really busy man. The guy cracks me up mehn! He does his job well I have to give it to him. Whether you are his brother or friend, he doesn't really care so long as you are in the path conflicting his interest. The part of Soludo being vengeful and bitter tho is a part I cannot deny, but Soludo raised so many issues there that look really serious as well as backed them up with facts and figures. I will vote for GEJ regardless cos that's the lesser evil atm.
Yippee!!! Its Tuesday already. God is great.
@Sophia Stephen
Post classified ads , articles, gist , LIST YOUR BUSINESS ...ALL FREE
FFK can like to respond to any statement made by anybody. I'm tired of this man.
I'm Out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Now I know Nigeria has humongous challenge as the crop of politicians the President surrounded himself with are chunk of sycrophants swimming in deep pool of mediocrity...it's a mere continuous show of shame....
Both re liars.
@Sophia Stephen
@FFK u are mouthed.... Ds man wife go try ooo....he is a nagging man
"Heaven on earth!!!Wonders without end, that's my new realm"
I dey go sleep....@Linda u and @Laura no fit come wound me for my mama.....I get class to attend to later today by 8am
"He seems to have lost touch with reality"
Isn't he tired of using that line all d time, idiot...Ur face like rabbit wen piss for rug...go and jump in2 a lagoon...he shud commit suicide already and save Nigerian from his Ignorance infested brain...
I've stopped reading FFK's comments. The man has mental problem.
I knew they would reply and blame opposition as usual.
Soludo is right, if a politician promises it's constituents good education, infracstructures, healthcare and all what not and does not tell you where the money is going to come from to pay all down is doing a diservice. And this brainless man ffk sits down and blurt out crap from his pile hole in response to any and everything. Linda if you like don't post my comment.
Nigeria had the largest economy in africa under goodluck jonathan no doubt,how much money goes back to economy to repair damaged roads,to give us constant power supply,stupid people.
God is watching us all. He will give us d ryt person.
this good for nothing FFK of a man,always calling people names pls grow up.
FFK has successfully turned himself into a rabid Rottweiler for Goodluck Jonathan biting anyone that says the truth.
The one who is confused and conflicted as well as brainless here is Femi Fani Kayode.
Stories to the God political fight in Nigeria hmmm may god help us
Unfortunately bloggers couldn't read the article written by soludo their excuse is that its lengthy. I just noticed a pattern of comment on that post. Some pro-GEJ whatever left more than enough comment using anonymous just to shift our minds from the truth. But the totality of it all is that GEJ appears to be confused and drained at this point, Buhari sounds vindictive and ready to pounce.Nigerians re sick and tired of the PDP bullshit but APC isn't a better option cos all party members defected from d same PDP. So we re going round in circles. Nigeria is between d devil and d deep blue sea. The problems we hv are entrenched within these 2 groups. If only they will all disappear so we can have a fresh start. So far no aspirant has declared any vision or mission they re just busy mud-slinging. Hope its not a strategy to rob us blind off the little left. Well there is hope for us cos I believe on God.
Dis Fani kayode sef get mouth ohhhhhh.
Na evrytin he must react to?na wao.
To me FFK is right because Goodluck Jonathan administration has so many achievement. Some Nigerian are trying to frustrate his administration.
just disliking this FFK more and more everyday as he knows some of the things he say is baseless and untrue, what does he know
Honestly speaking and to be brutally frank,you are making my life meaningful and interesting here in Canada.
Every story on Nigeria politics has been so exiciting,funny and thilling .Anyway I cant wait for Feb 14 ooo..
Wet parrot..lol
Dis FFK is just making noise everywhere, make he show say he is really working. Linda take note!
Dis FFK is just making noise everywhere, make he show say he is really working. Linda take note!
Dis FFK is just making noise everywhere, make he show say he is really working. Linda take note!
Dis FFK is just making noise everywhere, make he show say he is really working. Linda take note!
This is sick meeeehnnnnn I won't be surprised if FFK is gunned down .... they will blame it on APC but this guy has crossed too too many peoples path for real
Loving it too!!!
Soludo who? No one cares what a Buharists and 'stone thrower' has to say. Just like the vagabond kids hired by APC to throw stones at GEJ's convoy, it looks like Soludo is on the payroll of APC. He's vengeful, has axe to grind and desperately want to be relevant. Soludo is senile, confused, irrelevant and has lost touch with reality. He most likely was intoxicated, again, when he penned the garbage or he's totally lost control of his geriatric senses. lol
No be small thing.
Soludo who? No one cares what a Buharist and 'stone thrower' has to say. Just like the vagabond kids hired by APC to throw stones at GEJ's convoy, it looks like Soludo is on the payroll of APC. He's vengeful, has axe to grind and desperately want to be relevant. Soludo is senile, confused, irrelevant and has lost touch with reality. He most likely was intoxicated, again, when he penned the garbage or he's totally lost control of his geriatric senses. lol
Soludo belongs to the association of Aggrieved/disgruntled people's congress(APC)...GEJ 2015👍
Hmmm, its so sad dt ppl lyk FFK dnt v a barring..he's here moro he wil b dere..why shuld ryt tinkin ppl boda abt wat he says..
He's a confused being, if u can score GEJ F then I score you Fsqaure because you did nothing money circulation and banks in nigeria
Stupid chief!
If for anything I would vote For Buhari just because the likes of FFK (glorified thieves) are the type of people GEJ has around him. Every time he responds unknowingly to him he does more harm to GEj's campaign than good. And it's sad that Mr President can't see it. Well I'm not surprised he can't see it. For a Phd holder the man is quite dense.
And ow has d prestigious award solve Nigeria's problem?
FFK is PDP's attack dog, a toothless one indeed. He can only bark & cannot bite. He's loosen it!
Jonathan's rigging will fail in 2015, APC more credible than PDP — Fani Kayode
Jonathan is ‘bleeding Nigeria to death’. It is time for change - Fani Kayode.
Really, Femi, axe to grind?
The Hypocrisy Of A Hypocrite.
Tell me about it...smh.
It's sad the low level he has descended to with his pedigree. Disgusting druggie!
Be very very careful what you wish for honey....Handsome...yes, but a mad man through and through.
the last time i checked FFK still has a case in court for fraud...hmmmm
Because GEJ waved ur court charges for you FFK abi? So that you'll become his mouth piece. Am not surprised. You are doing ur work well, cos prison no be moi-moi. Ekushe FFK!
Did U read Soludo's paper? I'm sure U didn't. Simplistic yarns from an obvious simpleton. Read b4 U respond Mima.
FFK is silly for this. In response to Soludo's use of facts and actual statistics, he's talking abt winning awards. Reading that paper had me shaking and fearful of our future. Nigeria is in crisis and ppl like you don't know. The GEJ administration has morgaged our future in exchange for nothing.
You are right. FFK is just a noise maker. I pity people that take him serious. Good for nothing man. He is the confused person here.
Where dis so ludo bn go hide masef?
FFK talks like a woman,he can speak for and against just to get money to feed his family.Soludo spoke with facts.
Not everyone like hearing the truth! The economy is extremely one sided, if it was truly as great as they say, there would be massive development everywhere!
soludo raised critical issues and was very constructive with his points,yet FFK just jumped and started talking bullshit...#no credibity in d two parties, just bunch of pple hungry for power.
He didn't even make any counter arguments only to abuse Soludo. How senseless is that?
Good morning,
In GOD we surrender all.
Lol @wet parrot,I concur.anyone who criticizes the FG is q buharist.
I still have the video of you during a press conference just last year where all you did was criticize,insult and called for the impeachment of Mr. president.I guess all it took was to drop your fraud charges and pay you heftily and you developed amnesia.
GOD,please may I not be an embarrassment to my family.
In the absence of criticism,good intentions perish.
Who join me read this article writing by charles soludo? Hey!!! GEJ and his PDP party members has finished Nigeria oh!!!!!! Fan or fani kayodie shut-up bush dogg. U want to start backing again FFK? read this now, at a period Nigeria earned hundreds of billions from oil. For comparisons, President Obasanjo met about $5 billion in foreign reserves, and the average monthly oil price for the 72 months he was in office was $38, and yet he left $43 billion in foreign reserves after paying $12 billion to write-off Nigeria’s external debt. In the last five years, the average monthly oil price has been over $100, and the quantity also higher but our foreign reserves have been declining and exchange rate depreciating.
I note that when I assumed office as Governor of CBN, the stock of foreign reserves was $10 billion. The average monthly oil price during my 60 months in office was $59, but foreign reserve reached the all-time peak of $62 billion (and despite paying $12 billion for external debt, and losing over $15 billion during the unprecedented global financial and economic crisis) I left behind $45 billion. Recall also that our exchange rate continuously appreciated during this period and was at N117 to the dollar before the global crisis and we deliberately allowed it to depreciate in order to preserve our reserves. Whoever tell me to vote for GEJ. Thunder will fire that person! Nigerians wake-up my people lives matter. PDP party and corruption insecurity darkness no electricity bad government must go. vote for #change# vote Buhari and Osinbajo. For president next month 14th! God will must surely help Nigeria to sweep away evil politicians men in Nigeria in jesus mighty name Amen!
FFK just talked as a novis that he is when it comes to economic matters,Nigeria won the award of the Largest economy in Africa bc of the rebased GDP, the rebased GDP isn't the real GDP, bc it has not impact in the welfare of the ppl, so shutup and let an economist educate u on what the future of our economy is,may God help us in this countryfor if nothing is done soon, $1 might be exchanged for #500.
"Charles Soludo is confused and conflicted. He seems to have lost touch with reality and this is what often happens when you spend too much time with the Buharists."
Small time feb 14 will come and go..bt I pity our ladies no luv or Red and white that day..just go and vote any person of your choice.
"Charles Soludo is confused and conflicted. He seems to have lost touch with reality and this is what often happens when you spend too much time with the Buharists."
"Charles Soludo is confused and conflicted. He seems to have lost touch with reality and this is what often happens when you spend too much time with the Buharists."
"Charles Soludo is confused and conflicted. He seems to have lost touch with reality and this is what often happens when you spend too much time with the Buharists."
"Charles Soludo is confused and conflicted. He seems to have lost touch with reality and this is what often happens when you spend too much time with the Buharists."
This is the real issue.surrounding yourself (GEJ)with people that don't tell you the truth.it's a pity.
Political drama
Talks of war. All of them washing their dirty linen outside
Loving what??? Someone argued based on points and proofs, ds one came here and said crap and you loving it????
Politics is just a game of interest,its quite appauling how a learned gentleman will be behaving like a road side thout cos of politics.FFK must u reply every comment? abeg grow up
Well said @economic evaluation.i also like your line "The man spoke Greek and Latin and you've responded in pigin English..."
Its apt.
Wow! We are so backwards Nigerians. Ignorance, literacy, nonchalant attitude, greed, narcissism, ... is killing us and we have refused to grow up. we are so so blind. And so so naive to understand what's happening to us. SAD!!
He made a point but I don't see why he should mention Buhari'
Fuuny emmyobi324@gmail.com
Tired of people blaming Jonathan for everything, what happen to state government and commissionals or the they don't get the monthly allocation?
Soludo gave us facts and figure,FFK should give us thesame and stop decieving Nigerians
Lol@buharist. I guess buhari has nw turn to a religion
FFK, as usual always has something to say. So ludo may have cockroach in his cupboard but I do agree with some of the things he said about APC and PDP.
Soludo was very correct, at least he spoke the truth not dt he was in support of any party
Who appointed this man as publicity campaign manager for PDP, he is obviously doin more harm Dan good. He defends d president in a radical, agbero way. If Mr Soludo white dat intelligent article I read. Defend d Pres. By stating his achievements nd reforms not by calling people names. Mr Soludo did not insult d Pres. So y insult him. He wrote about 4 to 5 administrations, stating der strengths nd weaknesses, urging d candidates to tell Nigerians about how they will achieve all dey ve promised so far, in an already weakened economy.
FFK is afraid
Fool. Thats all I could say
Lord FFK, Thank you for reminding us about Soludo's desperation and frustration. However, that is not what the issue at hand is about.
And i doubt that you understand the economic analysis which he has put before all of us hence asking you for an informed response is nothing but a waste of time. Soon, people like you will be where you truly belong until your insanity is cast away.
This man with tick lips wahala is too much. Were man.
All dis publicity can wait 4 anoda day jare, am gettin bored. #happytuesday
FFK is doin what he is paid for. How else do we
xpect him to respond???
FFK Should just shut up. "Meanwhile Nigeria has just won the prestigious award of being designated as the largest economy in Africa and this has happened under the watch of Pres. Jonathan" Nigeria did not win any prestigious anything FKK is a moron. Re-basing the GDP is no achievement: it is a routine statistical exercise, and depending on the base year that you choose, you get a different GDP figure. Re-basing the GDP has nothing to do with government policy. Besides, as Nair-dollar exchange rate continues to depreciate, the GDP in current dollars will also shrink considerably soon.
I pity people like femi the boy when Buhari wins.. All his corruption charges would be brought back to light. I'm so sure his dad is not proud of him whever he his at the moment.
Reasonable man talking, FFK nice speech, no stress
You dislike it because he is attacking your yoruba party.
FFK is the confused one.......
Gdmoni Linda nd Libers.....Do av a blessed day....
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
Soludo has been in govt. before he didn't do anything reasonable and as such should stop criticizing.(See lynda wey be wman not even in govt. Helping guys)
He his doing his job rightfully for gej. Please if u re not interested keep off.
Matured ke? A totally stupid response served in a patronising, paternalistic form that does not even start to rebut the statistics presented by Soludo is mature😕. Did you even read Prof. Soludo's write up? God save us in this country😭
God must bless you x25
It's funny how people read soludo's article and just laugh about it, making a mockery of the brilliant writeup, from a man closer to authority than most of you will ever be. Leave the man and face the facts stated therein. Face reality, and don't be fooled by awards or "Nigeria wins best or growing economy", that songs sounds like a broken record, please Jonathan's sheep's, find something else to say. People are suffering and jobless and the best of Nigeria's brains are flying off to foreign countries, in pursuit of happiness. When are we going to experience UN-interrupted power supply, when are we going to have good roads?, when are we going to have jobs, etc... Enough is enough. And I'm warning all those anonymous Jonathan apologetics, get a life!!!
It's funny how people read soludo's article and just laugh about it, making a mockery of the brilliant writeup, from a man closer to authority than most of you will ever be. Leave the man and face the facts stated therein. Face reality, and don't be fooled by awards or "Nigeria wins best or growing economy", that songs sounds like a broken record, please Jonathan's sheep's, find something else to say. People are suffering and jobless and the best of Nigeria's brains are flying off to foreign countries, in pursuit of happiness. When are we going to experience UN-interrupted power supply, when are we going to have good roads?, when are we going to have jobs, etc... Enough is enough. And I'm warning all those anonymous Jonathan apologetics, get a life!!!
Political talks everywhere. But there must be a Winner anyway. www.ikeani.blogspot.com
FEMI FANI KAYODE, SHUT THE HELL UP. U talk too fucking much. Wth?!?!
And you read Soludo's write up. And you read the totally pedestrian response that FFK gave. And the government itself has not come out to counter the figures presented by Soludo. And yet you will vote for Jonathan. Okay Baba Oloye, Igwe, Chief, I wish you luck in .... # Thiscountryis hopelesswithpeoplelikethis
FFK is a bloody psychophant and needs to shut up sometimes when intelligent people are talking. He obviously deluded.
The problem GEJ will have is people following him
They spend their time criticising and castigation the other party .
Must they respond to everything pple say
They're making pple hate Gej but they don't know
Nigeria won best economy in africa but we are suffering
We have not suffered b4 in nigeria democracy goverment like GEJ ruling
The problem GEJ will have is people following him
They spend their time criticising and castigation the other party .
Must they respond to everything pple say
They're making pple hate Gej but they don't know
Nigeria won best economy in africa but we are suffering
We have not suffered b4 in nigeria democracy goverment like GEJ ruling
It's such a shame that Nigerians are so lazy and can't read.you all need to read what Soludo wrote.its the bitter truth,Nigeria is sinking.even if Buhari wins the next election,its will be by God's grace intervention for us to overcome this economic crisis.Jonathan pls what happened to d foreign reserves. Pls I urge all of you to go back and read Soludo's write up.as for FFK your cup go soon full
FFK IS A DULLARD! Like even if I'm team Jonathan and even if Soludo is confused, why not give us counter-facts, show us what Soludo said isn't true and much more. Instead you are making mere accusations, confused this and that. Smh!
Soludo is right. "Dis country is like a father celebrating his huge bank account, when his children suffer from kwashokor" 4give the spelling.
Honestly. Same here
If not 4 anyfin sef,ur grammar will shut him up.....i hail
Femi fucking kayode long sold his soul to the devil.
FFk is jst a nuisance
"He seems to have lost touch with reality"he his mad niyen
Please Linda I really don't know if these politicians think we are all stupid. Please Soludo used a lot of facts in his article, I seriously expected FFK to address those facts
its obvious ffk didnt read soludo's article. cos soludo didnt support GEJ or GMB. n d question i keep asking, we have the biggest economy in africa but how has dt reduced poverty and high rate of unemployment?
this is exactly what Soludo was referring to when he intelligently dissected our economy. people like FFK are wasted forces who don't know their right from left. what does he know about economy? after siphoning funds and contributing to the crises in our economy, he has the guts to respond to a Soludo. Shame on you! because of you, GEJ will lose.
Politics is really a dirty game. Wil still vote 4 Jona. GEJ till 2019. #oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#
Most of you attack FFK and call him all manner of names if its easy again. Y' all shouldn't have responded too. We can't be rule by gmb period. He has criminals surrounding him
You don't insult the office of the president or the president himself. It just shows how unpatriotic and idiotic you are. No matter who is president at least you can push ur point across without insulting your elders. Anyways behind your computer screen or mobile phones no one really knows if you're a monkey or a donkey on the Internet
If you're tired then ignore him.
Unfortunately bloggers couldn't read the article written by soludo their excuse is that its lengthy. I just noticed a pattern of comment on that post. Some pro-GEJ whatever left more than enough comment using anonymous just to shift our minds from the truth. But the totality of it all is that GEJ appears to be confused and drained at this point, Buhari sounds vindictive and ready to pounce.Nigerians re sick and tired of the PDP bullshit but APC isn't a better option cos all party members defected from d same PDP. So we re going round in circles. Nigeria is between d devil and d deep blue sea. The problems we hv are entrenched within these 2 groups. If only they will all disappear so we can have a fresh start. So far no aspirant has declared any vision or mission they re just busy mud-slinging. Hope its not a strategy to rob us blind off the little left. Well there is hope for us cos I believe on God.
This FFK is the true definition of a nagging husband.
Order for your beautiful bedspread @ 79AEFD3B. Delivery available nationwide.
with d highest employment rate of 24% and highest poverty rate in nigerian history at 71%,what is ffk talking abt.btw rebasing to get that made nigeria biggest economy is no acheivement
Another attention seeker Soludo
MR Soludo is right our economy need to be upgrade that we are recognize in African as best economy,does not mean anything but when we look around we can see for our self if we are the best.
Soludo was right in every aspect..FFK accept the truth once in ur noise making life
This toothless bulldog barking again for his master! How long will you continue in your hall of shame? Nigeria only has great economy in books and advert, how much of that affects the masses? Keeping collecting ghana must go, and fooling yourself in jonathan's empire, one day the game will be over, and we'll all be here to watch you mock yourself, I just watched your interview on TV shortly after you decamped from PDP to APC,how you were condensing jonathan's govt, today you are back to your vomit spitting nonsense all the time, how shameless can you be, only a tool for dirty works, by now both parties know better than to take you serious in anytin, you'll soon. Be discarded as usual, I bet you. Hypocritical fool without any sense of reasoning
a very selfish personality like FFK, must you respond, the article is so constructive with vital facts.This Administration is a sorry case
fani fani u can talk sha.theres God o.shai
Ediiiatttttttt! dz man sef, talk much
De no de taya?
Charles Soludo's article has a lot of meaning n I think dis election shud be more abt d candidate n nt the party. It's tym for us to speak for ourselves n stand up for wat is ryt.
I think I read 'matured response'some up on this comment list... Soludo gave an insightful breakdown of whats happening with the economy and all f--kin fani kayode could say is they got an award somewhere... balderdash
FFK is the one that is out of touch with reality in fact, I think he should be admitted to the psychiatrist hospital to be treated for demensia. #Elenujawaya
Ffk u're really trying so hard. Aja bank.
Na him sabi
Its so annoying wen ppl disregard imp issues and try to push blames around. Soludo wasn't in support of anyone in his article,he based his saying on verifiable facts. Most times I truly wonder who GEJ surrounds himself with....den again I'm nt surprised cos here is a typical example. *smh*
FFK is the confused one, with his loudmouth.
Am waiting for part 3
All these political this and that so boring...miracleudechukwu@gmail.com
Don't mind them, the will not look at the achievement of the president but would rather look at the other side..
This FFK guy is def deluded. He talks like a moron. I'm so ashamed on his behalf.
This FFK should be flogged mercilessly so his mouth is bridled ! Prof. Soludo's article is a huge eye-opener for Nigerians on the true situation of affairs in the country and what we should demand of the new leaders.That you have the biggest economy does not mean that things are working well, it's just like saying I earn 1m every month so I must have built my own house or be riding one of the most expensive cars?It just doesn't follow.GEJ's govt should not be fooled by what it thinks it has achieved. The main opposition is not a saint either. Unfortunately, Nigerians cannot bring forth that one visionary who would bring us out of the rot that we have put ourselves into.God has blessed us greatly but we choose to suffer ourselves due to selfishness and greed. Nigeria records the highest cost of governance in the world.Instead of creating policies to reduce their overheads, they are making poor Nigerians suffer for nothing. I have always said it that one day this oil will dry up and be useless to the Western world. It's happening already.Drama everyday! Let it continue.
That's what a dog does, bark at anyone against who feeds him. #FFKnaGEJdog
Soludo longest time. Funny enough i enjoy this FFK's choice of words sometimes. 18more days and all these madness will be over!
FFK is a moroon a medical term. He should have kept quiet rather than talk and reply. You do not argue with facts. You produce yours it means you have brains to think and analyse. God bless Nigeria.
U just said it all
Dey keep sayin all dis tinz..biggest economy. Fastest growing economy bla bla bla...yet we no dey c am..d unemployment rate is increasing very soon a dollar would be equivalent 2 a thousand naira....d rate of poverty also on d increase...so abeg hw dem dey use judge dis tinz cuz I no undastand
FFK is always ready to attack anyone who speaks I'll of GEJ
Well said my bro/sis. Soludo hit with facts and figures but these ppl don't have the sense to come back with their own. Love the Greek, Latin and Pidgin English comment even if it's a little belittling to our culture. Nothing do pidgin English o. One day we'll be writing textbooks in pidgin :-)
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@Tuface and pero; dont you know your kids will see and read about your dirty lives? Pero dear, Ann has won. Go to the gym and burn off some energy/fat. Dirty whore
Didn't know dis man was still arnd o, uncle soludo where ve u bin na? Lol
FFK is always rready and have sometin to say
There is conflict! Nigeria can't be at its worse since the Obasanjo regime. And yet, companies who left nigeria are coming back gradually to re - invest in our country. Thereby, creating jobs for Nigerians. So ludo might have indeed overlooked some of the strengths of the present government. So many of this companies left during the much praised Obasanjo regime by Soludo. Something is indeed going on underG. Anyone who has solutions for Nigeria shouldn't come out during elections. Suggest it to the government and let them make a mends, no one is an island of knowledge. I am disappointed at the way Nigerians show their patriotism. Individual selfish interests everywhere. Ms chew. ...........
I have read Soludo's article,FFK's responce and all 288 plus 173 comments.
I consider Soludo's artice to be a significant contribution to our national discourse at this time; I counted total of 11 comments which are sound contributions to the discourse (FFK's response is not among).
My conclusion is that besides management of the economy, we have serious issues with our educational system and national psyche.
Few days to the D day.
FFK is clueless like his boss.I strongly agree with Soludo,at least the figures are there to support all he said.The truth is that the country is worse off today.Nothing seems to be working.A lot of people are suffering.You must be extremely wealthy to live well in Nigeria.If you are an average citizen,you are suffering.
If Nigerians truly desire change,then GEJ must go!
so much nagging FKK!!. I pity your wife if you have any.
now i belive wat OBJ said abt FFK dat he will do anifin for money,soludo gave fact nd u r here ranting like a girl
if u ask me u r d one dat has lost touch wit reality wit all dis money covering ur eyes mtcheeeww
Largest economy doesn't mean better/best economy, just like being big doesn't necessarily mean U're better/best, U may even just be a big fool
Mariam...that is a complementary smack down....
FFK your cell is kirikiri is awaiting you cos that is where you are goin to end up. agbaya oniranu, elenu shombo. PDP inviting this guy to campaign with them further drowned them. #RIP2PDP
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