With Social Lender, cash requests are offered to members of Sterling Bank social media communities with a valid Sterling account. Cash requests are guaranteed based on your Social profile &reputation.
2. Click the Apply for Cash button. The
cash request page will indicate to the maximum cash request you are eligible to
at any point in time.
3. When a cash
request is approved, the funds are disbursed to your verified Sterling Bank
Account. You can withdraw your cash via ATM as well.
4. Get quick
cash whenever you need to. SmsSocialLender+Space+Amount to the short 30812
Terms and
conditions apply. Click Hereto start.
Sterling Bank on
Twitter: twitter.com/sterling_bankng
Instagram: Instagram.com/sterlingbank
Google+: +Sterlingbankng
Hmmmmmmmmm. Pls i need ooo. #oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#
Cash wer dem no dey see abi??
Cash wer dem no dey see abi??
Blah blah blah
There is certainly a cash
I know they won't lend much
This is good news, I must be part of this effect.
But term and condition must be apply abi?
Are you sure about this Linda?
⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Ngwanu Sterling customers make una seize d opportunity. Linda take note!
Also applicable to non customers?
There is certainly a catch
Linda thank you for bring this offer closer to people who don't know it before
Wise ones will take advantage of this
Lemme try it
Are they for real. Linda this is the kind of article you tag must read. Lol
And how dose one pay back?
Good idea.....but you can't get loan without collateral......
I wont fall for this.
@Sophia Stephen
Ok I don hear.....Samuel_augustina@yahoo.com
Ok I don hear.....Samuel_augustina@yahoo.com
Ok its helpful. Lolo1
Hmmmmm. How sure
Dis ppl help u build castles on d air. U aint winning nothing
yeah................... right
Dis is simply marketing strategy if they base d offer on ur reputation via social media.
Dat means u stand no ground to b offered d loan let alone b approved.
They should tells us about the terms $ condition before we enter their big shit
hehe! my bank. Linda these are my people o! please read my mail biko
na naija we dey o. nor try dis tin wit students o bcos money nor dey dier account and if dem get dem go deposit am for anoda bank
Sweet innovation from Sterling Bank
Still on the matter...
Oh please!
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