In the letter dated 16 December 2013 and exclusively obtained by vanguard newspaper, Sen. Iyabo Obasanjo described her dad as a liar, two faced hypocrite and a legendary women maltreater. She accused him of beating her mum when they were young and described him as an absentee father and grandfather.
She also said her father is determined to foist on President Goodluck Jonathan what no one would contemplate with him as president. She called him an egoistic craving for power and living a life where only men of low esteem and intellect thrive.
How do you say all this to your own father? Oh well, read the full letter after the cut...

“It brings me no joy to have to write this but since you started this trend of open letters I thought I would follow suit since you don’t listen to anyone anyway. The only way to reach you may be to make the public aware of some things. As a child well brought up by my long-suffering mother in Yoruba tradition, I have been reluctant to tell the truth about you but as it seems you still continue to delude yourself about the kind of person you are and I think for posterity’s sake it is time to set the records straight.
“I will return to the issue of my long-suffering mother later in this letter.
“Like most Nigerians, I believe there are very enormous issues currently plaguing the country but I was surely surprised that you will be the one to publish such a treatise. I remember clearly as if it was yesterday the day I came over to Abuja from Abeokuta when I was Commissioner of Health in OgunState, specifically to ask you not to continue to pursue the third term issue.
“I had tried to bring it up when your sycophantic aides were present and they brushed my comments aside and as usual you listened to their self-serving counsel. For you to accuse someone else of what you so obviously practiced yourself tells of your narcissistic megalomaniac personality. Everyone around for even a few minutes knows that the only thing you respond to is praise and worship of you. People have learnt how to manipulate you by giving you what you crave. The only ones that can’t and will not stroke your ego are family members who you universally treat like shit (sic) apart from the few who have learned to manipulate you like others.
“Before I continue, Nigerians are people who see conspiracy and self-service in everything because I think they believe everyone is like them. This letter is not in support of President Jonathan or APC or any other group or person, but an outpouring from my soul to God. I don’t blame you for the many atrocities you have been able to get away with, Nigerians were your enablers every step of the way. People ultimately get leaders that reflect them.
“Getting back to the story, I made sure your aides were not around and brought up the issue, trying to deliver the presentation of the issue as I had practiced it in my head. I started with the fact that we copied the US constitution, which has term limits of two terms for a President. As is your usual manner, you didn’t allow me to finish my thought process and listen to my point of view. Once I broached the subject you sat up and said that the US had no term limits in the past but that it had been introduced in the 1940s after the death of President Roosevelt, which is true.
I wanted to say to you: when you copy something you also copy the modifications based on the learning from the original; only a fool starts from scratch and does not base his decisions on the learning of others. In science, we use the modifications found by others long ago to the most recent, as the basis of new findings; not going back to discover and learn what others have learnt. Human knowledge and development and civilization will not have progressed if each new generation and society did not build on the knowledge of others before them.
The American constitution itself is based on several theories and philosophies of governance available in the 18th century. Democracy itself is a governance method started by the ancient Greeks. America’s founding fathers used it with modifications based on what hadn’t worked well for the ancient Greeks and on new theories since then.
“As usual in our conversations, I kept quiet because I know you well. You weren’t going to change your mind based on my intervention as you had already made up your mind on the persuasion of the minions working for you who were ripping the country blind. When I spoke to you, your outward attitude to the people of the country was that you were not interested in the third term and that it was others pushing it. Your statement to me that day proved to me that you were the brain behind the third term debacle. It is therefore outrageous that you accuse the current President of a similar two-facedness that you yourself used against the people of the country.
“I was on a plane trip between Abuja and Lagos around the time of the third term issue and I sat next to one of your sycophants on the plane. He told me: “Only Obasanjo can rule Nigeria”. I replied: “God has not created a country where only one person can rule. If only one person can rule Nigeria then the whole Nigeria project is not a viable one, as it will be a non-sustainable project”
“I don’t know how you came about Yar’Adua as the candidate for your party as it was not my priority or job. Unlike you, I focus on the issues I have been given responsibility over and not on the jobs of others. It was the day of the PDP Presidential Campaign in Abeokuta during the state-by-state tour of 2007 that Yar’Adua got sick and had to be flown abroad. The MKO Abiola Stadium was already filled with people by 9am when I drove by (and) we had told people based on the campaign schedule that the rally would start at noon.
At 11 am I headed for the stadium on foot; it was a short walk as there were so many cars already parked in and out. As I walked on with two other people, we saw crowds of people leaving the stadium. I recognized some of them as politicians and I asked them why people were leaving. They said the Presidential candidate had died. I was alarmed and shocked. I walked back home and received a call from a friend in Lagos who said the same and added that he had died in the plane carrying him abroad for treatment and that the plane was on its way to Katsina to bury him.
I called you, and told you the information and that the stadium was already half-empty. You told me to go to the stadium and tell the people on the podium to announce that the Presidential candidate had taken ill that morning but the rest of the team, including you and the Vice-Presidential candidate would arrive shortly. I did as I was told, but even the people on the podium at first didn’t make the announcement because they thought it was true that Yar’Adua had died. I had to take the microphone and make the announcement myself. It did little good. People kept trooping out of the stadium. Your team didn’t arrive until 4pm and by this time we had just a sprinkling of people left.
That evening after the disaster of a rally, you said you had insisted that the Presidential candidate fly to Germany for a check-up although you said he only had a cold. I asked why would anyone fly to Germany to treat a cold? And you said “I would rather die than have the man die at this time.” I thought of this profound statement as things later unfolded against me. Then I thought it a stupid statement but as usual I kept quiet, little did I know how your machinations for a person would be used against me. When Yar’Adua eventually died, you stayed alive, I would have expected you to jump into his grave.
I left Nigeria in 1989 right after youth service to study in the US and I visited in 1994 for a week and didn’t visit again until your inauguration in 1999. In between, you had been arrested by Abacha and jailed. We, your children, had no one who stood with us. Stella famously went around collecting money on your behalf but we had no one. We survived. I was the only one of the children working then as a post-doctoral fellow when I got the call from a friend informing me of your arrest.
A week before your arrest, you had called me from Denmark and I had told you that you should be careful that the government was very offended by some of your statements and actions and may be planning to arrest or kill you as was occurring to many at the time. The source of my information was my mother who, agitated, had called me, saying I should warn you as this was the rumour in the country. As usual you brushed aside my comments, shouting on the phone that they cannot try anything and you will do and say as you please. The consequence of your bravado is history.
We, your family, have borne the brunt of your direct cruelty and also suffered the consequences of your stupidity but got none of the benefits of your successes. Of course, anyone around you knows how little respect you have for your children.
You think our existence on earth is about you. By the way, how many are we? 19, 20, 21? Do you even know? In the last five years, how many of these children have you spoken to? How many grandchildren do you have and when did you last see each of them? As President you would listen to advice of people that never finished high school who would say anything to keep having access to you so as to make money over your children who loved you and genuinely wished you well.
“At your first inauguration in 1999, I and my brothers and sisters told you we were coming from the US. As is usual with you, you made no arrangements for our trip, instead our mom organized to meet each of us and provided accommodation. At the actual swearing-in at Eagle Square, the others decided to watch it on TV. Instead I went to the square and I was pushed and tossed by the crowd.
I managed to get in front of the crowd where I waved and shouted at you as you and General Abdulsalam Abubakar walked past to go back to the VIP seating area. I saw you mouth ‘my daughter’ to General Abdullahi who was the one who pulled me out of the crowd and gave me a seat. As I looked around I saw Stella and Stella’s family prominently seated but none of your children. I am sure General Abdullahi would remember this incident and I am eternally grateful to him.
Getting back to my mother, I still remember your beating her up continually when we were kids. What kids can forget that kind of violence against their mother? Your maltreatment of women is legendary. Many of your women have come out to denounce you in public but since your madness is also part of the madness of the society, it is the women that are usually ignored and mistreated. Of course, you are the great pretender, making people believe you have a good family life and a good relationship with your children but once in a while your pretence gets cracked.
When Gbenga gave a ride to help someone he didn’t know but saw was in need and the person betrayed his trust by tapping his candid response on the issues going on between you and your then vice-president, Atiku Abubakar, you had your aides go on air and denounce the boy before you even spoke to him to find out what happened. What kind of father does that? Your atrocities to some of my other siblings I will let them tell in their own due time or never if they choose.
Some of the details of our life are public but the people choose to ignore it and pretended we enjoyed some largesse when you were President.
This punishing the innocent is part of Nigeria’s continuing sins against God. While you were military head of state and lived in Dodan Barracks, we stayed either with our mum in the two-bedroom apartment provided for her by General Murtala Mohammed or with your relatives, Bose, Yemisi and your sisters’ kids in the Boys Quarters of Dodan Barracks. At Queens College, I remember being too ashamed to tell my wealthy classmates from Queen’s College, Lagos we lived in the two room Boys Quarters or in the two room flat on Lawrence Street.
No, we did not have privileged upbringing but our mother emphasized education and that has been our salvation. Of my mother’s 6 children 4 have PhDs. Of the two without PhD, one has a Master’s and the other is an engineer. They are no slouches. Education provided a way to make our way in the world.
You are one of those petty people who think the progress and success of another takes from you. You try to overshadow everyone around you, before you and after you. You are the prototypical “Mr. Know it all”. You’ve never said “I don’t know” on any topic, ever. Of course this means you surround yourself with idiots who will agree with you on anything and need you for financial gain and you need them for your insatiable ego. This your attitude is a reflection of the country. It is not certain which came first, your attitude seeping into the country’s psyche or the country accepting your irresponsible behavior for so long.
Like you and your minions, it’s a symbiotic relationship. Nigeria has descended into a hellish reality where smart, capable people to “survive” and have their daily bread prostrate to imbeciles. Everybody trying to pull everybody else down with greed and selfishness — the only traits that gets you anywhere. Money must be had and money and power is king. Even the supposed down-trodden agree with this.
Nigeria accused me of fraud with the Ministry of Health. As you yourself know, both in Abeokuta and Abuja I lived in your houses as a Senator. In Lagos, I stayed in my mum’s bungalow which she succeeded in getting from you when you abandoned her with six children to live in Abeokuta with Stella.
I borrowed against my four-year Senate salary to build the only house I have anywhere in the world in Lagos. I rent out the house for income. I don’t have much in terms of money but I am extremely happy. I tried to contribute my part to the development of my country but the country decided it didn’t need me. Like many educated Nigerians my age, there are countries that actually value people doing their best to contribute to society and as many of them have scattered all over the world so have many of your children.
I can speak for myself and many of them; what they are running away from is that they can’t even contribute effectively at the same time as they have to deal with constant threats to their lives by miscreants the society failed to educate; deal with lack of electricity and air pollution resulting from each household generating its own electricity, and the lack of quality healthcare or education and a total lack of sense of responsibility of almost every person you meet. Your contribution to this scenario cannot be overestimated.
You and your cronies mentioned in your letter have left the country worse than you met it at your births in the 1930’s and 1940’s. Nigeria is not the creation of any of you, and although you feel you own it and are “Mr Nigeria” deciding whether the country stays together or not, and who rules it; you don’t. Nigeria is solely the creation of the British. My dear gone Grandmother whose burial you told people not to attend was not born a Nigerian but a proud Ijebu-Yoruba woman. Togetherness is a choice and it must serve a purpose.
As for Nigerians thinking I have their money, when it was obvious I was part of the Yar’Adua (government’s) anti-Obasanjo phenomenon that was going on at the time. The Ministry of Health and international NGOs paid for a retreat for the Senate Committee on Health. The House Committee on Health was treated exactly the same way. The monies were given to members as estacode and the rest used for accommodation, flights and feeding. While the Senate was on the retreat in Ghana, the EFCC asked the House Committee to return the monies they received for their retreat and asked us in the Senate to return ours on our return which I refused, as it was already used for the purpose it was earmarked for in the budget that year which was to work on the National Health Bill.
The House Committee had not gone on their retreat. I did nothing wrong and my colleagues and I on the retreat did our work conscientiously. I asked the EFCC not to drag my colleagues into it and I am proud I suffered alone. As is usual in a society where people who are not progressive but take pleasure in the pain of others, most Nigerians were happy, not looking at the facts of the matter, just the suffering of an Obasanjo.
As the people that stole their millions are hailed by them the innocent is punished. When the court case was thrown out because it lacked merit even against the Minister, no newspaper carried the news. The wrongful malicious prosecution of an Obasanjo was not something they wanted to report; just her downfall. But it really wasn’t about me, it was about right and wrong in society and every society gets the fruit of the seeds it sows.
How do you think God will provide good leaders to such a people? God helps those who help themselves. I have realized that as an Obasanjo I am not entitled to work in Nigeria in any capacity. I am not entitled to work in health, which is my training, or in any field or anywhere in the country or participate in any business. I have learnt this lesson well and there are societies that actually think capable, well-educated people are important to their society’s progress. Apparently, unless I am eating from the dustbin, Nigerians and possibly you will not be satisfied. I thank God it has not come to that based on God-given brains and brawn.
When I left Nigeria in 1989 for graduate studies in America, you promised to pay my school fees and no living expenses. This you did and I am grateful for because, working in the kitchen and then the library at University of California, Davis and later, working on the IT desk and later as a Teaching Assistant at Cornell gave me valuable work ethics for life. I wouldn’t have it any other way. As a black woman in the early 21st century, I have achieved much and done more than most. My wish is that black girls all over the world will have the capacity to create their lives, make mistakes, learn from it and move ahead.
Moving back to Nigeria, thinking I wanted to serve was obviously a grave mistake but one brought about by the tragic incident of April 20, 2003. This was the day five people were shot dead in my car. The mother of the children was an acquaintance I had met only one day before the incident.
We had attended the same high school and university but she was there ten years earlier than I. She had also studied public health in the UK as I had in the US. It was these coincidences that made us connect on our first meeting and then she decided to visit on the Saturday of the election of 2003 when the incident occurred. I am scarred for life by that incident and I know the mother was too as we both looked back to see two men on each side of my car shooting.
I understand her trauma and her behaviour since then can be judged from that. Nigeria is a nasty place that pushes people to lose their compass. I participated in the campaigns leading to the elections that day, more because this was my first experience of electoral process in Nigeria. Growing up there were no elections and I was too young in the 1979 and 1983 elections. It was interesting to see democracy at work. When Gbenga Daniel who I campaigned for offered me a job, I probably would have declined it, if not for the memory of the dead.
I felt I had to engage in making the country progress and to avoid such incidences in the future. I don’t need to tell you or anyone what kind of governor and person Gbenga Daniel is. As usual when I found out, you would not listen to my opinion but found out for yourself. I also campaigned for Amosun for the Senate in 2003. I have had some wonderful Nigerians do good to me, I will never forget the then Minister of Women Affairs, who saw me talking in the crowd at a campaign event and was alarmed and said “bad things can happen to you out there, I will give you one of the orderlies assigned to my office to follow you”. This was the policeman that died in my car that day. I never really thought bad things would happen to me, I moved around freely in society until that shooting scarred me and I accepted a police detail. I was constantly scared for my life after that.
You called me after your vengeful letter as usual; looking out for yourself and thinking you will bribe me by saying the APC will use me for the Senate. Do you really know me and what I want out of life?
Anyone that knows me knows I am done with anything political or otherwise in Nigeria. I have so much to do and think to make this world a better place than to waste it on fighting with idiots over a political post that does no good to society. That letter you wrote to the President, would you have tolerated such a letter as a sitting President? Don’t do to others what you will not allow to be done to you. The only thing I was using that was yours was the house in Abuja where I left my things when I left the country. I eventually rented it out so that the place would not fall apart but as usual you want to take that as well. You can’t have it without explaining to Nigerians how you came about the house?
As I said earlier, this is not about politics but my frustration with you as a father and a human being. I am not involved with what is currently going on in Nigeria; I don’t talk to any Nigerian other than friends on social basis. I am not involved with any political groups or affiliation. You mentioned Governor Osoba when you spoke to me, yes I was walking down the street of Cambridge, Massachussets a few months ago, when I looked up and saw him reading a map trying to cross the street.
I greeted him warmly and offered to give him a ride to where he was going. This I did not do because I wanted anything from him politically but because that is how I was raised by my mother to treat an adult who I really had no ill-will towards. Some said he was part of the people that manipulated the elections for me to lose in 2011. I don’t have any ill-will to him for that because I think they did me a favour and someone has to win and lose.
I had told you I wasn’t going to run in 2011 but you manipulated me to run; that was my mistake. Losing was a blessing. As usual you wanted me to run for your self-serving purpose to perpetuate your name in the political realm and as the liar that you are, you later denied that it was you who wanted me to run in 2011.
In 2003 I ran because I wanted to and I thought getting to the central government I will be able to contribute more to improving lives and working on legislation that impacts the country. I found that nothing gets done; every public official in Nigeria is working for himself and no one really is serving the public or the country.
The whole system, including the public themselves wants oppressors, not people working for their collective progress. When no one is planning the future of a country, such a country can have no future. I won’t be your legacy, let your legacy be Nigeria in the fractured state you created because, it was always your way or the highway.
This is the end of my communication with you for life. I pray Nigeria survives your continual intervention in its affairs.
Iyabo Obasanjo, DVM, PhD
1 – 200 of 351 Newer› Newest»the real question we shuld ask ourselves is ....WHO UGLY PASS AMONG THESE TWO?
....silly man, silly daughter.
***1st to comment*****
am coming back to read the full story
She denied it, she said the letter is fake.
Choii! Lobatan ooo! Let the war begin!!!
I think this is all made-up. I find no reason for Iyabo to come hitting her dad so hard because he wrote an open letter to Jonathan. Why did she have to wait until now. This seems like a presidency ploy to rubbish obj. If it is-then u get a whiff of the kinda character we have at the helm of affairs
She has just debunked the purpoted letter in a radio interview this morning. Handiwork of GEJ sympathisers!
God has taken control and there is confussion in their midst, ...I tot obj said any1 that calls him a bad president is going to hell
Well your pikin just did
Confused Lots! A Father that Cannot Conttrol his Child.... Feels he Owns dis Country *Hisss*
Well!!!! She finished her father if she actually wrote this letter... What's the need??? What would she achieve????
This country is a joke!
you guys need to check out this blog. I'm dead with laughter
You and ur father are the same.
Wow....simply wow!!!!
You and ur father are the same.
Iyabo has disclaim the letter as fabricated lies....she said this on RainbowFM.
The battle line is drawn.....#Sips Kunu while chewing kolinKoli...
Bastard daughter ni jawe
Woooow !!she poured her heart out !!!shes honest at least despite d consequences involved... woooow !
WowWw now letter tinz re exposing dem all.God is not asleep,soon yall will kill urself by urselves.@opsy again
hmmmm wat can i say
Obj is smth else. He has 4goten so soon of hw he craved 4 3rd tenure. Politicians!!! Liars and hipocrits.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. so much hate, so much pain emanating from this woman. May God grant u inner peace
Iyabo kudos to u for having ds courage despite d tyrant father u have. What was Obasanjo thinking when he decided to write an open letter to Jonathan instead of meeting wit him to discuss d way forward for Nigeria? Sure he wanted to disgrace Jonathan but back to sender! A man that wanted a third term for himself would not want a second term for another, Hmmm Nigeria I hail thee o! ~Ritty~
I think this letter is coming frm gej n his followers cus iyabo has come out to denie the letter . Obj wrote his n defend it pls can the writter com n defend this pls?
Woooow !!she poured her heart out !!!shes honest at least despite d consequences involved... woooow !
She must have haboured this for years, the outburst is great, OBJ, talk about kettle calling pot black
Edward Snowden is not a traitor, Ex-colleague says
This is very SILLY of her to be bringing personal issues she had with her dad up in public. God!!! what are these people taking Nigeria for???
Stupid Monkey!!! She should be in the zoo
scattered family
There can b onli 2 possible reasons y Iyabo told on her father.It can be coz obj reneged on a promiz he made 2her who she's finally formd alliance wt her father's political enemies coz of tinz dey promised her.otherwise y is she writin dis lerra nw? Y not all dis yrs?
So our country has been casted eva since she has said it all our leaders are running this country like a poultry
this is crazy.
lets see where it leads...
Ghen ghen....!!!... But is it right for her to say all dis to her Father??? Even if he's the Baddest Father ever! Na wa oooo
Yes o if OBJ can write an open letter, why can't he receive an open letter? We can't still remember hw wicked he was, no journalist writes anything bad abt him and go scott free, went as far as abusing Eedris father simply becos he sang d truth abt Nigeria, someone that cannot keep his house in order wants to take charge of a whole country! SMH
dis woman should go and park abeg!! we are not bringing sentiments into the issues affecting this country plss ! everyone has their mothers beaten at one time or d oda and that has not affected the price of garri in the market! watever issue u have with your father should be solely addressed at your family meeting and dont just bring in sentiments!! i am not a fan of obj, but truth is everything he wrote in his letter to GEJ, shouldnt be ignored ,so who are you to judge?? meanwhile ,are you even better than your father?? or have you forgotten how you frustrated gbenga daniels rule with the support of ur "suddenly turned bad father"?? all the political position uve attained in this country as bin as a result of ur father's influence, so if there is a position your father is not helping u with now , learn to deal with that please, and stop feeding us with claptraps!!! mtchewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww * very angry*
So i got tired of reading, so could someone plz tell me what all dis is all about
You 4 call ur father 4 extra cool nah instead of open letter. Inaki vs inaki
Am speechless!!! Ȋ̝̊̅̄ tink iyabo Į̸s a brilliant woman.Kemi F
This is a mega discredit to OBJ's reputation from his seed.
Queens collage, 6 children, 4 PHD, wicked father, not knowing his grand children, tired, can somebody finish d letter for me
She didn't write the letter...don't drag urself into this o! Pls...she has threatened to sue vanguard
There's a cold war in the family.baba make you self fashee all this politics tinz na abi you no want retire? @jaypapa say so.
So i got tired of reading, so could someone plz tell me what all dis is all about
The question in my mine is, is she an ideal mother and a child? What legacy is she laying down for her children? The bible in Eph 6:1 & 2 prescribe the code of conduct for we children. She is dead wrong to have called her father names no matter what. The best she can do is to talk to her father or jst pray for him. But to have played to the gallery by calling her father names is gross misconduct. I don't care if she is right or wrong.
they should keep exposing themselves so we can know the solution
After digesting d letter.......wat can I say....truth is bitter but iyabo would have still respected the fact that she came into this world through obj....
Mehn,I Love u mrs Iyabo...Obasanjo is a Beast,he like being in control, what's his business? He was given 8years to govern,he didn't do anytin! Nottin!!! Even though jonathan aint doing well,let someone who has a better past record complain,not u!Dirty looking chimpanzee
I will never give my child a cause to write such a derogatory and venomous letter to me.Obasanjo,the time has come for you to keep quiet for life.You are neither at peace with your wife,nor your kids.
The Bible says honour your father and mother so your days may be long. This is the only commandment that comes with a promise. No matter what your parent has done to you, you should never I repeat never write this sort of letter publicly or private. God's words are spirit and life. I am sad and very ashamed of Iyabo. I mean why on earth will you call your father names? You think people will respect you? Because you have a PhD? And so? You should go and ask God for forgiveness. You need to cry and beg your father. You have just allowed the devil to use you in fulfilling prophecy. It is well! I rest my case
My oh my......dis is what we call GOBE....WTF?being screwed by nt just an insider buh a product of ur SKELEWU dance wid ur wife...OBJ u're messed up for life...u're just a FART waiting to be released...what a restless hustler u are.
Linda, I love LIB because of the freshness of your posts. Corn grass!!!
My oh my......dis is what we call GOBE....WTF?being screwed by nt just an insider buh a product of ur SKELEWU dance wid ur wife...OBJ u're messed up for life...u're just a FART waiting to be released...what a restless hustler u are.
Hunnn...oro mean you have to come to the open to write this letter to your father?you have a bad motive!!omo ale ni o ma nfi owo osi juwe ile baba e.
Eeeezioookwu???? Looooooto???? Madam tell us more.
Who do you and your father want to draw pity from by writing these open letters?
Akuko na egwu Mike Ejeagha. (real tales by moonlight accompanied by songs like that of the musician Mike Ejeagha)
na wah oo is this one of the end's time sign,LIP SEALED.
Iyabo kudos to u for having ds courage despite d tyrant father u have. What was Obasanjo thinking when he decided to write an open letter to Jonathan instead of meeting wit him to discuss d way forward for Nigeria? Sure he wanted to disgrace Jonathan but back to sender! A man that wanted a third term for himself would not want a second term for another, Hmmm Nigeria I hail thee o! ~Ritty~
Now i do think iyabo is just a crazy fucking ass moron for making this public
see man cut off his man hood in lagos in protest over nothing
They already mislead Nigerians with their greediness,stupidity and corruptions....God will punish all of them that put our country in this kinda condition....i dont care whatever she said to her father to hell with 2 of 'em
Wow. This is really deep, n I understand where she z coming from, seeing as I and her share a similar fate wen it coms to the kind f dads we have. Hav always wondered why its only stella's children that are really acknowledged, but now I truly understand. May God help us all. I wish I could write this kind f letter to my dad... Mayb I will one day,. But 4 now, let Gods will be done.
The letter long ghon! But of wat use is dz? Obj will stil b doin wat he does best...
she sounds xoo pained...I. hope d outcome of dis letter will b sumtin positive.Xty.
Now we hv 2 open letters 4rm 2 OBJ's 2 analyse so let's get busy.since its season of letters write 1 n get 1 free.lolzzz
I love you so much Dr Iyabo. So damn much - first comment on the site. You brought tears to my eyes knowing you have the balls to do this.
Wow!im utterly speechless!!!may God expose all the bad people in ds country.AMEN!
Woow..This is deep...
Wow! Newly found respect for you miss. "People ultimately get leaders that reflect them" that is so right. Making Nigeria better will take a collective effort of all its citizen. It starts with you and I.
i`m not suprised. what do you expect from the yoruba tribe. Absolute disregard of the word family.
I support her a hundred percent cos its high time Nigerians stood up for the truth. Its time for us to stand up 2 our corrupt leaders n make Nigeria a better place.
Oh my God!!!!!!!! I'm so shocked.... I can't believe the tears rolling down my cheeks..... I see sincerity in all she said... What a father...
This is as long as one hand out in skul oooo. Obj u don hear am nah. Eye don dey pain me sef.
waooohhhh. im in tears.such courage. Aunty Linda i believe her, this is the voice of a daughter that frustrated by her fathers actions. believe me i have had to write my dad something like this. greedy Nigerian men. well, she is well educated so cant be reliant on him for financial support if not she will by now be at his call for everything no questions asked. so much for the baba iyabo tag. smh
Lemme comment before reading d letter!vry gud of her!d truth nid to be said!
First off, this letter best be a fiction of Vanguard's imagination. If not... cry cry
But I'm not shocked anyways. I read 'Moji Obasanjo's Biography and most of what Iyabo is saying we're mentioned in there.
This is what I think, both Iyabo, Olusegun, Goodluck and Co cannot be absolved of any blame. This is the case of "Things Fall Apart, and the Center Cannot Hold". As the Yorubas will also say "Nkan to so won po, lo tu won ka"
All of them contributed in one way or the other to the situation Nigeria has found herself as a nation in present day. This is a classic case of mudslinging. Washing your dirty linens in public. Fighting like a pair of mad cows. Its a pity.
For Obasanjo to have written such a letter to Jonathan, I'm really sure it's not out of patriotism by the way things are presently but a deal gone sour somewhere along the line. Didn't he campaign for the guy too? Didn't he want to turn into a democratic dictator when he was also president (with the third term palaver?) Abegi, Baba, look bush. We have had enough of you. Mr. Jonathan, as for you...your day of reckoning is coming. You and your cohorts and sycophants should gear up and run Nigeria to the ground. Everyone of you will be in history
Iyabo, Ori e o pe rara undecided Did you win the elections that got you into the upper legislative house on your own steam or Daddy dearest? Would you lie that no extra kobo apart from your salary entered your deep pockets? Its not as if you are a saint yourself. Or you think people have forgotten the Adeife and Akinola Sodipo-Akindeko issue. What I read of that incident wasn't what you was quoted up there. Ibi ti eyan o si, Olorun wa nibe. You've just behaved like a classic Omo Ale.
All of you are criminals! All of you. angry angry Bunch of clowns. E kosi kuro jare
Lemme comment before reading d letter!vry gud of her!d truth nid to be said!
Tem just resemble self
Lemme comment before reading d letter!vry gud of her!d truth nid to be said!
i read it earlier, twas barbaric! Guess its political, its gonna be denied afterall!
She should shut up abeg!
Her father's letter to GEJ was in the best interest on Nigeria.
Go and settle your family issues at home. Spoilt little brat pretending to be poor!!!!
This is serious
How believe say she write that thing? No fall your hand o.
I managed to read this "LETTER" from top to boTtom *smh* guess iyabo has said it all... Only God knows the truth,the truth that can set Nigeria free *sighs*
Obj and d daughter get time! I mean d whole time on earth? See pages! Wow! Buh wat will make me say all dis to ma own fada? Gosh! Anyways yoruba tinz! No mata what it is, why nt trash it secretly wit him? Why public? Anyways na position 4 2014 she de find......wan please GEJ! All na politics! As d two of dem ugly reach na so dia heart ugly. Am outta here! No mata what I cnt diss my fada in public like dis! God 4bid!!!!!!
Wow that was very DEEP from Iyabo
Lobatan...father vs daughter
She couldn't call or e-mail her dad for a chat? With a daughter like her, who needs enemies. I hope selling him out was worth the payoff. That money will get spent, but it'll always be one dad, one life forever.
Na wa ooooo.......
i''m weak. this is too deep. no words. just WOW!
Wow!!!! I vowed never to post a comment on this blog but this has got me going....
I can sincerely relate with some of the things this woman is sayin cuz I have one of those self serving lunatic for a dad. I don't rily like getting myself involved in naija politics but if what thos woman is sayin has any merit...I think it's ryt that the govt gets to the bottom of this and even ordinary nigerians. Sumone has got to ans for these crimes.
I hope she finds peace and fulfillment whr she is.
I hope pple will actually think before they comment on this post
Wow! I'm speechless!
Wow!!! this is an eye opener, i salute her courage and i noe see through another eye........i will always ask" Nigeria what is the wya forward?"
lin iyabo has denied it o,she said ha fada his d best dad in d world...but which one we go belive now?.Xty.
hmmm! this is deep!!!
Truly, Nigeria needs God's intervention..dis country has been destroyed by politicians bcox of their greed & lust for power....d poor continues to suffer while d politicians ignores their cries.. God judge dem!
Wow. Nigerians you have the truth now. Thank you Iyabo. May God help us
ummm this is a really long letter...whew!
this is disaster between father and yoruba adage says funrawon ni won ma funrawon loogun je.oga o nawa o
stories that touch!abeg park well joor
Bad daughter. Wow.. I reserve my comment.. Linda post my comment..
Hmmm..... Oma go o.... Nigeria in the hands of the high and mighty... Una dey see so my people? Where are we headed? this is more than meets the eye o. I'm telling you!
Thats a proof of self confidant, she only told the dad whot he hates to hear and thats the truth,>>
U know whot!! truth is bitter and it hurts.
Now tank me later.
#yawns#...too long...iyabo na today u just dey realise am abi...enough of dis jare...
iyabo did not write this letter, she did not.
Wow! Dat great..... Stupid family.
Like daughter like father... N̶̲̥̅̊A̷̷̴̐͠ђ wating be different btween dem?? #mtcheew#
~ALATISHE say so~
So much hate in the country, even for our own parents?! I can only pray that God helps us since we can not help yourselves!
Bia Linda how are you doing? Hope you're getting ready to run away and start blogging from my home town when you eventually become my wife hopefully when I get to meet you... There is fire on the mountain this country will soon get so funny, alot of things will be exposed. So everyone should be on the look out...
so long a letter,did you remember the literature book?
OH BABY JESUS, i love this woman for this!
OBJ cover your face now!
u are a retard
Lwkmd...funny tho! Wonderz will neva go on strike sha! Kinda weird fr her 2 openly write diz buh i still admire her cnfidence. i'm nt 2 surprised as 2 wah she said 2 her father nd if they were 2 b true. Means shez had enough of his mess. But linda! Wait Oº°˚˚ ... Diz babe ȋ̝̊̅§ her father's image. Shez damn ugly. Buh frankly. i fink shez neutral nd non-sentimental.. Lov her guts big tym! ....*changes direction* My dear Iyabo *lol. Funny name* biko! Ejoor! Pls! Run fr ur life bcos d 'adjectives' U̶̲̥̅̊ used in modifying diz 'dad' of urz ȋ̝̊̅§ damn drastic nd if itz true. Then i bet he cn murder U̶̲̥̅̊ coz itz obvious he doesnt av time F̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇я̩̥̊ his family. So taking d life of 1 means no shit 2 him! Mehn! She wz damn lucid/explicit. She really nailed OBJ. Now! Let d battle begin *bell rings* hehehehheheheheheheh. Linda pls shez right. She soundz pained sef. Dah 'ape' of A̶̲̥̅̊ guy named OBJ deserves A̶̲̥̅̊ bite frm me. Yea! Me! *Praizkid* sayz so! Next! Biko! *I-Y-A-B-0*... Some yoruba names calls F̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇я̩̥̊ alarm... R0TF!
Uhmm, Until another man's hunger become an individual responsibility, no way forward in Nigeria.
Nigerians we need to wake up. We have lost our values. The kind of Nigeria we are looking for is not on the map, is in our hearts of heart.
A piece from a Former President Seed... Need not say more. I weep for the Nigeria Nation, I weep for individuals even at our local levels pretending to be leaders.
No matter what it is, I still believe in the survival of Nigeria, and WE ARE THE NEEDED CHANGE.
Hmmmmm .wats really happening .all I see hear is a man who has failed in his primary assignment to his children #things are really falling apart
Wooooooooooooow this letter is sooooooo personal but reads true to the its up to Nigeria to decide. But as usual,here we go again "how do u say all this to ur own father"...instead of leaning on the truth, which is why Africa is where its at right now.
Hi Linda, please update. Iyabo has come out to say she did not write the letter. It apparently originated from the presidency.
Uhmm, Until another man's hunger become an individual responsibility, no way forward in Nigeria.
Nigerians we need to wake up. We have lost our values. The kind of Nigeria we are looking for is not on the map, is in our hearts of heart.
A piece from a Former President Seed... Need not say more. I weep for the Nigeria Nation, I weep for individuals even at our local levels pretending to be leaders.
No matter what it is, I still believe in the survival of Nigeria, and WE ARE THE NEEDED CHANGE.
Lol!seems like the latest trend nw is open letter!its just funny how ones shadow can be equally against him!iyabo don vex
Iyabo has publicly denied having knowledge about this letter, game of politics at play. GEJ silence is producing result now. But I will like to say, OBJ has one of the few people who understands the terrain of govt in Nigeria has spoken and in all circumstances his utterances should not be completely neglected rather the people concerned most especially the masses should hold the people in authority responsible, as govt ordered the arrest of Muhammad Junaid for his statements, nothing should have stopped a genuine, sincere and corruption free government which has no skeleton in its cupboard to order the arrest of OBJ because this letter could degenerate to chaos if not properly managed and handled.
Goosh this letter is so real, I can relate to.....same personality as my dad
Linda pls dnt get me angry, wat do u mean by "how can u say such tins bou ur father?" When u have a less dan useful father, it's hard to hold ur utterances! Especially for so long! I know wat I'm saying! She must be so relieved after the outburst! Can't wait to feel dat way! Soon! Very soon!
It's the season to air your dirty laundry in the open falalalala falala. It's the open letter season. Can't but think someone put her up to this to discredit OBJ. Na them sabi sha!
Everything Iyabo Obasanjo wrote here is nothing but the truth! Obasanjo has failed as a husband, a father and a president. Who else can knw him beta dan his own wife and children? He lives in a glass house and still throw stones. Thank God his own child is d one tackling him, let's see wat his response will be.
Holy lord! Na for this life we go reap everything wey we sow.....OB by now you should know the game is over...when the fruit of your loins is saying all this to you then you should know the game is up for you....there's still time for you to repent and forsake your ways...after death na judgement!
Na open letter de reign now?
Lindastic, sit tight! Expect my open letter to you.
Make sure you publish am for this blog o! Freedom of speech o! After all I be LIB Honourable.
Open letter from BLOGLORD to Linda Ikeji on the way.....
I SALUTE YOU , IYABO! Ver very well said..proud is an understatement. The Bible says remove the log in ur eyes first before u remove that in another mans. U are a born guru. We, Nigerians are proud of u. .and anyone who isn't,is definitely a born demon ,who likes to suffer. Iyabo, I wish I could see you right now, u deserve everythin good from God.. Iyabo,once again We Nigerians are so proud of you. This isn't abt washing linens in the public,sometimes this is just the way forward , I hope and pray that Obj will be able to check himself properly for his own good. He has caused every harm in Nigeria,he is a major dissappointment, he is the obstacle blocking Nigerians success. Haba Obj, fear God. You are so heartless but still God in His infinite mercy will forgv u and create a newheart in you. Aurevoir, a pained Nigerian.
I dunno if she did but if she did its jst too wrong to bite the hands that fed you. He's still your father and no oneis perfect but i might be biased cosI love my dad so much. He cares 4 us all. I dunno what she might have gone through----C21
Very interesting
Its a only d likes of Femi Fani Kayode dat ll bliv Obasanjo's stories.
I ain't scared of d future.
Spiritually, am a climber (In Kellz voice), cant b affected by dis political crickum crackum
Na wa o
naija single girl site is funny sha. Weyrey
OMG,Obasanjo? so devilish..Oh Lord Save us all .
Ghen Ghen. Trouble In paradise. Watching in 3D LED
OMG***dis is serious
The words of bitterness from an angered daughter! God save us oooh.
Thought she already denied writing this
Well... Obasanjo was never fair to Iyabo, Gbenga etc & their Mum. Read their Mum's book Bitter Sweet and see how nasty OBJ was to them. Not surprised? Even Gbenga Obasanjo did not have pleasant things to say about his Dad
Hmmmmm *no comments*
Lindiway she has said she didnt write any letter ohhh. abeg look for dat gist and post.The nollywood movie starring GEJ,OBY and IYABO continues.
I must commend her for this courage. Donkey family Choi!
Thank you for.........
Waoh!!!!!! Dis is an eye Opener......Nigerians where are we heading?
Wahala wa o!hmmmm too much to say.but keep my comment.
Nicely said aunty iyabo..
Jenny king who will tnk u? Obj abi d daughter? Abeg park well (witty lady)
OMG!!!!!!!!! Iyabo sorry don't vex oh! Have similar issues with my family but ur own pass my own.
Una neva c nor hear anything
There's more 2 all dis political shiit
I hope FFK reads dis
Idikwa very risky.... I'm not sure she the one that wrote this.
This letter was forged,and its obvious.the federal Govt has forged this letter in retaliation to the lettter obasanjo wrote about jonathan and the state of the nation.iyabo didn't write this. And I'm sure obasanjo wlnt be bothered.#politics is indeed a dirty game# damn!
I love whatever is going on. Whether Iyabo wrote this or not is not important. It's good Obasanjo is getting a taste of his own medicine. The sooner he realizes he doesn't own Nigeria, d better for all of us.
D people dat has d power 2 change d country isn't d government bt d Children of God,we shud alwyz pray 4 Nigeria. It is well
Oro sunnunkun!...God will push you all †Φ reveal all your secrets!...As for you Linda, if Obasanjo were †Φ be your Dad, u'll do more than write a letter...obviously, you know nothing about politics...just being anti-Jonathan Ȋ̝̊̅§ what you know! ♏v̶̲̥̅ comment o!
this letter is going to be the most comment about on LIB.THE EVIL THAT MEN'S DO LIVES WITH THEM.
"This is Super Story - a life of strife and sorrows/ This is Super Story...."
Na wa oh!..dia family pix beautiful!...Hmmm true confessions of a.... #mattersoftheheart!..well sha may God continue 2expose all d bad eggs in d society.dis is a handfull n quite appalling after reading.*clappinghandsandwalkingaway*
Iyabo Obasanjo is a bastard, in yoruba land a child does not insult their father. When the man die, she will want to share out of his property. She is so annoying and an ungrateful child, its only a mother that sees to the every need of a child,fathers only provides and ignore the rest.
linda, pls verify.Iyabo said she didnt write d letter and she will get 2 d root of the matter and take legal action agaainst whoever is behind it.i heard there was a disclaimer by her on Rainbow FM
Whao! Dis is deep!!! Some parents can fight for power wiv out hin sensitive to deir children's feelings and needs but den again, wht do u expect frm some1 wiv more dan one wife.....
I luv and admire her guts..wish u well iyabo bt try to stil reconcile wiv him...
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!! She knows her father well! Itz jst very sad that nigeria is still at risk! And if truly all what she stated in her letter is true concerning the way he treats his family then am nt surprise with the public issues because *charity begins at home*.
Hmmm....really took my time to read this. Now thats hitting the hammer on the Nail. God Help Us Nigerians.
Hmmmm....Obasanjo wat a pity...ur wrld against ur daughter's....i knew it right from the start that you are a Useless person.."Kettle calling Pot Black"...'Mr Know it All" should be ashamed of urself right now....Your own daughter called u a fool,i guess she's right u are such a fool to always think u are right...STUPID OLD DIRTY BASTARD!!!.....Iyabo nice one..may God bless u.
"Oro pesi je o, oro di un"-- Fela Anikulapo-Kuti
Obj is a pig Nigeria will be a better place if he's not alive
She has already come out to declare this letter is a fabrication! She said she loves her father and she is nothing without him! I don't believe that iyabo would write this! Obasanjo likes women but he is not a totally bad father like this abeg.
Respect your father and mother so that your days may be long! Ah! Iyabo! This is too deep! I'm not saying she lied but there's obviously a serious issue between them that brought this out. She knew all these before and she didn't talk since o + she ended the letter by saying its her last communication with her father that is still alive! Haba! Something is actually very wrong!
What do u mean by bad daughter? Its people like u she is referring, nigerians keep throwing tantrums, but are very comfortable with leaders who oppress them, mtchewww.
She is crazy if she is actually the one that wrote that. I support OBJ, Nigeria is going down, noticed since fuel subsidy. And also see ASUU. GLJ is just too stubborn to be the President of Nigeria.
Whheeeeeeeeeeeeew! Dat was really long a z well wit my country sha
She is crazy if she is actually the one that wrote that. I support OBJ, Nigeria is going down, noticed since fuel subsidy. And also see ASUU. GLJ is just too stubborn to be the President of Nigeria.
Hmmmmmmmmmn!!!!!! God bless Nigeria.
I read this from beginning to end. I love ur courage iyabo
So Yar'adua died b4 he left naija for treatment?!
this is the ranting of a frustrated child to a father. We all get frustrated with our parents. Sort it out indoors. Clearly, like most fathers, he doesn't listen to you but you should have sent an email instead. All this talk and story has nothing to do with the allegations he leveled against Mr. President. and it doesn't diminish any of the questions he asked. So, please sort your domestic issues inside the house you hear? thank u
Hmmm, this is indeed deep, Obasanjo is an oppressor n a womaniser, everybody knows that. He will always ditch out things he can't take from anyone, iyabo I admire ur courage, despite d fact that he is ur father, I'm happy u stood up 2 him, thumbs up.
All Iyabo did was remind you foregetful, or rather low insight nigerians the kind of person her scornful dad is. GEJ has been vindicated
Wht a revelation abt the self-acclaim mr Nigeria! Don't do to others wht u will not tolorate.
Mandela done change every Oo. Governor is calling 4 them 2 b stoned 4 corruption, daughter is challenging power hungry dad on an open letter he sent 2 Mr president. A letter which can b termed "kettle calling pot black". Baba has seen that not all the money he has can bring 100 world leaders 2 his funeral that's approaching soon. So he devised a strategy to portray him self as a man who thinks nigerians will fall for his tricks of openely criticizing Mr president on how he is running the country. Baba u had power in 2 different eras what did u do with it. In osofias voice " baba ur tactics will not work"
I love whatever is going on. Whether Iyabo wrote this or not is not important. It's good Obasanjo is getting a taste of his own medicine. The sooner he realizes he doesn't own Nigeria, d better for all of us.
Linda how do you know that Iyabo wrote this letter?
Anyone could have written it.
Although I didn't read d hole letter, but I knw d msg she wants to send across
Am nt in support of OBJ bt am sure ds letter 4 nt 4rm iyabo,am pwetty sure its 4rm d presidency/pdp camp jes to bring out d bad side of obj usn d daughter...I fink Nigerians shud ignore d messenger (obj)nd focus on d msg....let's dem kip hunting demselves to our favour
Did you even read the letter???? Which one is bad daughter again? Na waa o. Please now that you have hurriedly posted your comment, settle down and read it.
Iyabo obasanjo denied writing the letter.The truth is whoever wrote the letter is an insider that knows them too well or a family member.Good work.POLITICKSSSS!
Iyabo really poured her mind o.but come to fink of it did she really write dis or its jst a way to divert our attention from d letter baba wrote to mr President.let's wait and see.
I like you girl and i like ur blog...i read it almost everyday but i think you should be smart enough to know that it's not everything u should post on ur blog, u should be more focus on quality and how genuine is the news u feeding ur readers, common gone are those days when u re hustling and u av to put every crap that comes ur way on ur blog to get traffics's different now , u av to set a standard for urself will only take a fool to consider the letter was from her, not even when it doesn't carry her signature .... u know better than that babe!
Am one of the very many people that believes the death of many bad people will lead to the rise of this country. Thank God someone is talking!! Smiles*
Am one of the very many people that believes the death of many bad people will lead to the rise of this country. Thank God someone is talking!! Smiles*
cant believe i read it all.
Very interesting.
Only God knows
U dz babe ehn......ur grammar & comments na die!!!....self confidant??? & who shd thank u? Iyabo or d father or linda or d readers?
All this for 2015. None of una hands clean, so none of u should try justifying yourselves in public. We know wetin D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥.
Only God knows!!
Am one of the very many people that believes many bad people has to leave the earth for the country to grow, glad sm1 is talking. Smiles*
Wow,she had al ds bottled insyd her 4 a long tym.So long a letter 4rm a frustrated daughter 2 a manipulative n absentee father #*karlishah*
Such a very long interesting letter, the truth can't be hidden for every.
Honestly our country is in continuous jeopardy because we(govt) do not love our country and secondly because we are a reflection of our candid advice is that every ill politicians be killed, let there be revolution for once in our generation,it may be very bloody,many good ones may die but there must be a change.I just wish we can kill our govt for good and then there will be a better tomorrow.cheers.
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