Liza Morales denies getting back with Lamar | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 19 December 2013

Liza Morales denies getting back with Lamar

Lamar Odom's ex and mother of his two children Liza Morales has denied reports that she's getting back with Lamar following his split from Khloe Kardashian.

It was reported earlier this week that Lamar was leaning on Liza for emotional support in the wake of his divorce from Khloe after four years together. Reacting to the news, Liza said while they'll always be friends they're definitely not getting back together...

Liza tells Jocks and Stiletto Jills
"No…no…no… but I have known him for 20 yrs and have his I will always try to be a friend."
If you were Liza, would you get back with Lamar?


Anonymous said...

Good for her!

Unknown said...

The chick resemble Khloe die.../get back together,who cares??? I dont

Toronto Finest said...

Better. Lamar is useless

Bootylycious diva said...

They should just leave my kloe alone

Unknown said...

Hmmmm...Except U are Annie Macurlay I doubt..Maybe she needs a pep talk frm our own annie idibia.hehehe..#jstsayin

Mrs E said...


Slimy said...

Will def nt get back wit him, He's a jerk 4 leaving a gal he has knwn 4 10yrs n marrying d one he met in jst a mnth....

Anonymous said...

No....first to comment..yaaaaaaaaahhhh.l.0

trendylooks said...

get back ko, get back ni

Buchi said...

If I was liza, I wuld gv lamar 60 strokes of cane bfore accepting him bk. Dts if I will accept him shaa. Lol. So dt nxt tym he will knw hw to treat a lady wit caution.

Unknown said...

She looks a bit like khloe...I think

Mrs Ajala said...

I think we can tell lamar's spec by lookin at d 2 ladies,they look alike with same body structure. I wish khloe had opened I eyes better,I like her most of d Kardashians..

Unknown said...

Ha! Enough of all dis jor. Next story pls. VIA 3249E543

Anonymous said...

That one concern them. But have yhu read this yet! Have you read this yet???


I just don't like hearing break up stories like This. Good for them thoughsugar boy leaks nu-de pic of popular young woman online

kaizerba said...

Definately not! I'm not always available!! Mbah!

AMY said...

Get back to him my ass! Mtchew. He shld face the music.

that girl said...

Backers! If I hear....Kmt now he remembers her huh? Abeg Lamar shud rest and free d woman, let her be wit someone dat truely deserves her. Y Wud any girl get back wit someone who dumped u after 10yrs of being togeda and den wants to get bk afta a failed marriage? Dat is ogbanje something ryt Der.

Anonymous said...

Hell no...after 20yrs no ring..I'm sure he will run off 2 anoda girl again...he always go back 2 her wen he's rejected

Anonymous said...

Nope, God forbid

Igor said...

Liza,please do it for the sake of the kids.They need a father figure,especially now that they are teens.

Anonymous said...

I won't get back to him!! Bcos he wants to find solace in his Ex to hide from da shame. I tout khloe was so in love with Lamar hehehe. I hate the kardarshian's way of handling issues.


That's their cup of coffee.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

SCANDAL said...

Has anybdy noticed d semblance between liza nd khloe or maybe am seeing things.

Hopefulhope said...

Get back? Except I am 'madding'...That guy is just a user!

Alloy Chikezie said...

I think she should get back with him, she is the mother of his kids, so at least the children will enjoy the privilege of growing with the love of their parent and have a home to grow up in love parental guidance

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Anonymous said...

You have known him for 20yrs? How old is Liza Morales puhlease?

mr kadi said...

I would

Fammie said...

Lamar shouldn't expect to be accepted back easily, warm your into heart man, you did hurt that lady...

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Unknown said...

Would cos his d father of my kids,buh only if his ready 2 change..

Anonymous said...

If i still love him......@ewuziekristiana

Anonymous said...

I won't Cos he coming bk 2me lyk chaff. He's nau a left over food. Kardiashans v eaten his flesh na only his bone dey remain. Bt khole was gud 2him. Na him mess up.#JC

Anonymous said...

Never!men like Lamar will always flirt around............celebrity men dont exist in my dictionary,cant date or marry them.There cool and easy going guys everywhere.

GorgeousG said...

She will definitely get back with Lamar, thats all she has ever wanted. Her first love and father of her two children. Maybe her dreams of getting married to him will finally come true.
Khloe was just his victim *sobs*

Fuck your opinion said...

They all say don't go back to our vomit, but in dis case, children re involved. if I still love a girl that left me for another man, and she comes back, I will take her back. But I will so give her a tough time, so that next time, leaving me will b the last tin on her mind.

love said...

YES If he will take me to the alter then I don't mind and for the happiness of my kids.

dollyjossycakes said...

Capital NO

Anonymous said...

NEVER! Except offcourse I am dumb.

Anonymous said...

I think I would he may appreciate mi better now 20years is a long time, I'm sure she knows him well. BBB

ojimsclaxic said...

NEVER,cos he wil stil leave her to someone else,dated smbdy 4 10 G̲̣̣ood years and had kids 4d ingrate,all he could do was 2marry anoda lady he just met,nt even dat d lady is betr than U̶̲̥̅̊ r.....abeg!,Infidelity speaks!

Ann Marie said...

well I really don't blame her for not getting back with him cos when he gets another girl he'll run off again

Ariesbabe said...

Hell no! If I wia Liza, I wouldn't even contemplate gettn back wit Lamar. Its beta †̥☺ b just frnds

Tiana said...

NO way........... Am soooo mt an OPTION!

Anonymous said...

I hear Genny is partnering with Kinabuti for a clothing line. Do ur research n get back @ us Lin lin

Anonymous said...

Lai lai! 4 what Naah . She should let him be,her spirit is strong and God has vindicated him thats why khloe couldn't have a child despite trying too hard.

MRAY said...


Unknown said...

No I wouldn't...not in this state that he's in..and since he decided not to marry her before I don't think she should do so now

Unknown said...

Never.d man is a dick.

Unknown said...

Never.d man is a dick.

ikwemosi said...

Hell no!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Not even a friend.

Anonymous said...

She looks like khloe guess he has a type

Anonymous said...

I don hear...Next

Beautiful says so

Anonymous said...

Hell No

Unknown said...

Anti lilin na ther pro b d@ o..

Anonymous said...

Nope. The words 'dog' and 'vomit' come to mind...

Unknown said...

No I won't. Lamar and Khloe were almost perfect together.

Anonymous said...

yea...only for marriage!


Unknown said...

No I don't think so. Lamar and Khloe were almost perfect together.

Anonymous said...

Both women look alike sef

Unknown said...

No I won't. Lamar and Khloe were almost perfect together.

bravest hrt said...

Lie lie she a side kick or wot?

Anonymous said...

hehehehehehe as expected

they deny

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bravest hrt said...

Lie lie she a side kick or wot?

donnyperry said...

That is normal,they deny initially and thereon they admit to being in a hot romance,let's wait and see as event unfolds.

vickybabe said...

Yes I will ay least becos of our children, but dis time around staight to d alter nothing like coutship anymore, nd also With strict conditions nd terms so he will kw my worth nd value me more

Unknown said...

Don't know why he would go back and eat his vomit...she's beautiful tho

Anonymous said...

Say wetin happen?

Unknown said...

Na their case and not mine

ary said...

Rumors can sabi spread! Chai!!!! Looking for news where it doesn't exist.

ary said...

Rumors can sabi spread! Chai!!!! Looking for news where it doesn't exist.

Anonymous said...

No way! Let him go, u will defiantly meet a better guy dat will treat u like a queen.

Anonymous said...

Its a No No for me,get back for ΨђαƮ? Afta he left me for a maried to her just in a mth.....Nopes

Unknown said...

Hell no!

Unknown said...

Neva God4bid too hell with his fame money and personality• After suffering with him for 15years of his life• I had his baby 3times .he now realised am not worthy of marriage.he jumps to a gal he knew 4 weeks marries her and dump me I can neva take him back

Nneka said...

next story plsss

Anonymous said...

Tnk God.i fear oo,get back for wat?after breaking up wit her,d he goat refuse to marry her bt marry khloe in less dan a month dey dated.make he go marry his drugs.bastard lamar.@opsy

Bonita Bislam said...

Hell no Lin,I aint no 2nd option

Unknown said...

No because life is not Nigerian film

Mzz Becky Wright said...

Getting back is not an option.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha initial gra gra she will still take him back she just wan form first .three children e easy?

Anonymous said...

Not at all

makasteve said...

For the sake of the children....YES

wemimo said...

Hmmm depends sha..i fit get back and I fit no get back..linda u nko?

Unknown said...

Capital letter NO.... And that's dere problem!

Unknown said...

Rubbish, Lamar deserves whatever position he is in now, most guys have good girlfriends who suffer with them and when money comes, he runs after another woman who he perceives to be much more beautiful, smarter but when he falls, his suposed perfect lover leaves him n he runs back to his ex. Such a loser, she shud not accept him back

BLISS said...

The 2 ladies look so much alike. When he gets back on d NBA team. I'd get back with him. Till then. #watching in 3D LED#

Unknown said...

Well,after four years of lamar being married to khloe, i think thats long enough for liza to have gotten over him completely. She must have moved on with her own life. And in my mind,I'm thinking there's no getting back together. Except if she decides to do it for the kids sake. But the kids are grown up already and have handled it all these years so its no biggie for them. If i am the one tho' i wont go back but will remain friends and supportive.

Unknown said...

Well,she is already over lamar. So i think they won't be getting back together again. Plus the kids are both grown up already and they handled it for years already. If I'm liza tho',ain't getting back with lamar. We'll remain friends but thats bout it

Anonymous said...

Am I mad? No way! *flips hair*

Unknown said...

Nope, don't make sense.

Unknown said...

I dot think so.

Anonymous said...

LiNdA uR waHaLa sEf dOn 2mUcH wiT diZ LamAr anD hiZ P...aBBeG sUnCh uS neW gIsT anD stOp diS goSSiP abeG e Don taYa mE...DaJaX

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No. He should be in rehab. Getting back together will confuse the kids. Be supportive co-parents. No rekindling, no mixed messages.

Unknown said...

This is khloe now?? Or are my eyes deceiving me?? Khloe shld go jor, husband snatcher.

Anonymous said...

Get back 2geda koh, after being with him for more dan a decade, he leaves to marry sum1 he knw 4 just 2mnths, like for real? I praise her for even still being his friend... signed Cocolicious

Janelicious said...

Getting back to him will only be cos of the children. Men i their wick"d ways u left the monther of your children for ova ten years to marry a lady u met just one month. Men u nah wicked.

hmmmm said...

If I were liza, correct urself buchi...

Ash baby said...

Pls Get ur facts straight she neva snatched him from any Body

Unknown said...

He is the father of her children except if she is married,some pple learn the hard way to become better pple,so there nothing wrong if she still likes him.

Anonymous said...

Certainly not! Go back to him for wah shii? An ex is an example,u don't go back to him!! It is just what it is! Kabish!!!

Oxygen. said...

He is stil gonna go off lik a mad dog so wots d point acceptin him! Unless Liza is willin to cry ova him again wen he eventuali does she berra move on...

Anonymous said...

Ajanaku,husband means married to.lamar never married the mother of his kids.atleast not then.get your facts right.

Anonymous said...

Even if that father figure is a no gooder?!!abegi

Anonymous said...

Only Annie Macaulay-Idibia can take his ass back

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