Unfortunately for Ms Sacco she couldn't take the tweet down for hours because she was on a long flight to Africa...by the time she landed several hours later, not only was there an outcry on Twitter, her job was also on the line. The company she works for quickly responded by releasing a statement
“This is an outrageous, offensive comment that does not reflect the views and values of IAC. Unfortunately, the employee in question is unreachable on an international flight, but this is a very serious matter and we are taking appropriate action.” the company said in a statement.The tweet was deleted late last night (American time) very early this morning (African time). Not only that, Ms Sacco's entire Twitter account has been deleted. There are also reports that she has been fired by IAC. What an ignorant and tasteless statement to make...even as a joke.
Let's just hope she comz out of Africa alive nt jst Aids.Stupid racist...Av submited ur name 2 BH n Janjaweed.
u are a bastard, u fool, so africa gives aids now, shebi, wo even want you ewu!!, didnt't aids started for ur ends, ewu mpama!!
Serves as a lesson, what do these guys take us for
WTF was she thinking?? Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Serves as a lesson, what do these guys take us for
Serves her right!
She is mad,foolish,stupid infct ma she get it IJN....idiot fellow,watsup wth al dis stupid white peepz?
I'm glad she got canned if she did!!! Asides been white, she's a PR professional, she should have known better than this. N when she gets to that country, wherever it is, she should call a press conference and apologize.
idiot we don suffer
Good for her! Hope she gets deported from the country too.
God punish her mama idiot
Stupid lady, how did AIDs get to Africa in the 1st place?!!!!! Mkat
Goood for her.......ppl be talking abt Africa like hell hole #BBM tongueout#
Serves her right
this girl is very stupid
Am sure she must b high on crack......mtcheeww.
Lili of life,wetin I do u? Why u dey sallow all my comments like shark lol,this woman is a racist and need to be checked .
Gud 4 her
She deserve wat she got. It's a lesson for all who think they can say anything about africa and go laughing.
Jdy last posted...When people love you enough... Poetic Ramble
F*****g racist!
very stupid comment
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Silly ignorant woman...for those that wanna make some lil money online for xmas tho go to this link...http://bigcashjob.com/?share=5555
Serves her ass right...dont jes feel u can joke with Africa
She's a Bastard to think like that. All her family will die of AIDS. Oponu oshi.
Vry well fr her, she did nt only aquire hiv but aids.white animal.
It's views & stupidity lyk hers dat makes sum ignorant pple tink d worst of Africans! Dat comment is so lame! Biased & an extreme case of racism 2 top it off; she had d nerve 2 say "just kidding"...... Hope she loses more dan her job Moron!!! Waste of space she is!!
by the time we africans eat her pussy in a manner so ferociously she aint never gon talk bad bout us again!!!
Serves her right,does she think every 1 in africa is infected wit d virus?more purnishment will cum her way,silly racist.
Na God catch Am
not her fault@all! U gonna get aids? Lol..when u r aids itself how wil u get it? Ur white? And xo fuckin what? Everytin u guys r proud of in d state all ve a blacks on it,sport? Music? Art? Movies? Name it bitch! She shud even be allowed to alight frm d plane..bundle her back onboard n fly her back to NYC!
Lmao@cringe -worthy statement.Lindiway u have a way with words,i loveeee...Well,for d lady,thats the most careless statement I have ever read!AIDS????like seriously?
Serves her ass right, dont jes feel you can make stupid comments. Dumbass
Amen oooo she should be fined too may be #300,000 USD. What a lame statement.
Serves her ass right, dont jes feel you can make stupid comments. Dumbass
If she's fired that serves her Right... that was very careless way of talking...
Very very very stupid. She looks like someone who has aids. Stay in your country nobody needs u in Africa. Fool
Amen oooo she should be fined too may be #300,000 USD. What a lame statement. U sure say she no carry the disease dey find where she go share am.
Lool....i guess she has learnt her lesson already
Good 4 her,how do dis stupid white pple see us sef.
there are many like her. this is just the one that got got caught.
Our intl image z bad...sadly dats wat majority of non africans tink of us...
She must b sick fm d anus.
Am in nid of money 4 ma house rent b4 sch resume any1 willing 2 help shuld let me know pls God bless.
Omugo didirin ode fool
AIDS!!! Is she for real? Am yet to findout where the disease originated from but am sure it wasnt in africa. First recorded account was in san franscisco in the USA among the gay population. If they began early on it then maybe they would have dealt with it then and it wouldnt have morphed to what it is today, Except she's comimg here on sexual tourism, then she shouldnt be worried. she should be more worried of malaria or something more deadly like the ebola virus... b*tch
Serves her right
Linda, she has opened another account @JustineSacco6. She's busy apologising and all. She claims her former account was suspended by Twitter.
You will surely get AIDS!!! Just kiddind. I'm Black!
Chris Brown is the only American rapper that is a real g
She must be a sex hawker. Her statement tells volume about her trip. Sex is uppermost in her heart. She is a whore.
Thats how stupid and racial they are.. People tends to say stupid and provocative things just in the name of Joke.. People should watch what they say and also what they pass on to their generation. I have had an experience here in Asia.. a 2 year old racial kid giving me a questioning look..
shes was just telling the truth..aids is more rampant in Africa, i see nothing bad in her statement.
Eleribu oyinbo.May amadioha strike ur tongue.
She's a silly and sick racist, wat a lame and careless statement.sumfn dey worry all dese oyibo pple o. E gud as em sack her sef.mtcheew
Mr calli, you're our daddy, u shloudnt get back at pple like d, I expected a more matured response from u but am so dissapointed. She has already gotten her ans, so pls chill!
She must be INSANE!!! Awon Oloshi....
help me ask her oooooo
Callistus, you just put a suit on but you are so crude, calling someone a bastard just like that, you can make a valid point without resorting to low insults
Justine, Since you already have a lot of people to deal with,(Your boss, Africa, Some reasonable people in the world,and Libers) I can only say sorry in advance.#Sad face# You obviously have gotten more than the hiv/aids.. My chocolate ice cream,(Linda) I dreamt of you last night! LOLZ! I woke up and started laughing. Happy holidays Darling. SOMY
Serves d white fowl well. Mumu woman
We are tired of the Western World pushing Africa backwards, making it seem that we are stupid imbecile's. Africa is our home and if she thinks that she mustnt be allowed here. It is rubbish what we put up with from these white people, we try accomodate them but they try belittle us.
Im an African woman living in the US, ive never for one day stepped my foot in that forsaken continent called Africa. We chastise this Justine Sacco for speaking her mind but is she wrong? Know you not that it was Africans who brought aids into the world? are we not purveyors of malaria, ring worm, eczema and so many other deadly diseases? Please all y'all going against her should take several seats. The whites are better than us, we need to issue them an apology for bringing all these diseases into the world. Countries like Nigeria, South Africa, Togo where diseases are rife are the cause of doom for the world.
i sure hope that plane she boarded made a u-turn with her cuz else her name na sorry...
Serves her right, with haer sick looking face.
very expensive joke dt has terminated her job..woman learn your lesson ok?!
Idiot of d century!!!
The deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organisation (or individual) and its (or their) publics. That's the definition of what she does. Its just sad that she doesn't even know how to relate, hope they sack her for real
You got what you asked for..... Silly!!!!
Stupid woman!
Shut up guys! That's his opinion.
i sure hope that plane she boarded made a u-turn with her cuz else her name na sorry...
Thunder fire ur papa for downgrading Africa...ignorant
James titillating or wot ever u call ur self u must be very foolish nd stupid to make such comment am sure u are even a slave to them dts y u could alter dose senseless words
She actually no wat shez sayin,bcouz it ll b so hard 4 her to resist African men(dick),nd shez already tinkin of hw many black dick ll pass under her thigh,obviously she tout of d consequence. ode buruku
Ay sexymami
She''s very mad.... Nonsense fellow
How being lousy can turn ur life arnd.
~D great anonymous!
Ignorance is never an excuse for bad behavior or maybe she is a slut and plans to screw everything that walks. The fault is hers completely, as the western media has a habit of ALWAYS portraying bad images of Africa. You should hear stories of experiences of Africans abroad and you'd be surprised at how many westerners percieve Africa.
May God in His Infinite mecies ponish you for that worrd you just said now IJN....Amen ,weda joke or real,better white People come to Africa ,Presidents,Bilonias ,Millonias,good Musicians,Actors and Actresses etc.Good/reach/pritty/ansome and nice white Men ,Boys Women and Girls get Mariede to Africans,you GOAT u are here saying robish.Am an African but am Mariede Whiteman we dont have Problem you Adorf Hitler Anti christ na my God go punish you.
She is white and stupid! Archetypal dumb blond
@soledayo..you should be ashamed of yourself, you filty animal, you're nothing but a pervert using picture of a penis as DP is despicable, I called Ms Ikeji to yank you off but unfortunately she does not see DP when she uploads comment. This is a very civil forum not for INSANE creature like you. Shameless moron!
Another racist in the building hiding under an African name. See display of ignorance mtcheww
E no go better for u as u open your gutter mouth dey yarn dust,was it not u people that started bestiality?exporting d diseases out to African continent by importing our girls for prostitution (italy).shut the fuck up and take several seats in the morgue!
SMH, these whites will not stop, what do they think Africa is by the way....
Kim Jong Un,North Korean leader threatened South Korea through a Fax machine,are we in 1980?
Serves her rigth. Not only should she be sacked, she should be made to on Extinction. This kinda person shouldnt be living in our modern world. White mumu.
Leave the man alone let him express himself. That woman is a disgrace to the white race. She should be stoned and hung from a tree by her clit.
U must b a clown..claming to b an african woman nd not step ur feet in d continent...I laugh at u woman.
Titilayo u r sufferng frm self hate. Rita says
Was she traveling to Africa on a sex rampage or on an official assignment...Oni Kati Kati!!!
I always read the news on LIB and never commented but I have to comment on this one.. Because @JustineSacco.. Is a BIG FOOL and Racist.. She better loose her Job. Bastard and Ugly white Witch.. They steal from us and still give us bad Name.
What I cannot understand with these white people that spew such rubbish on the internet is...dont they watch TV to see what happens to their mates in the business whenever they do such things? I mean for instance everyone is talking of that duck dynasty guy and Alec Baldwin although their comments were more homophobic...but down there these days there is absolutely no differnce between a racist and a homophobic slur. It is sad in 2014 we still have people (I am talking of popular people now that have many following them) that could muster the guts to make such statements on social media. I mean, we understand you can be racist or homophobic as much as you want, but do it indoors without cameras and internet access! No one would judge you there and you certainly would not lose your job!
I always read the news on LIB and never commented but I have to comment on this one.. Because @JustineSacco.. Is a BIG FOOL and Racist.. She better loose her Job. Bastard and Ugly white Witch.. They steal from us and still give us bad Name.
I always read the news on LIB and never commented but I have to comment on this one.. Because @JustineSacco.. Is a BIG FOOL and Racist.. She better loose her Job. Bastard and Ugly white Witch.. They steal from us and still give us bad Name.
Hahaha! She better change her name and disguise herself too if not no be only aids she go carry go back. Silly!
Pele Titi, O ma se o...
Linda the IDIOT wasn't joking, she has just shown the whole world how STUPID she is.
Someone's wife
And please for all of you making comments here, stop contradicting your selves. If you are insulting her, you are equally as stupid yourselves. Her comments were racist but I have read half of you here spew the worst kind of homophobic slurs on here too. What is the difference between you and her, You are in no moral position to judge or castigate her! Yes, many of you here are worse equivalents to her especially you Nigerians. If you were in her shoes you would probably tweet a very homophobic comment and stand by it because you believe it is right. Yes, you are certainly that ignorant yourselves! So I suggest you quit with the name calling and wonder why you too make such hateful comments and think you are perfectly right. Applying that same logic to her, if you believe spewing homophobic comments on blogs is right, then she too has a right to her own racist beliefs. Either ways, I am very sorry for all of you and her for being so hateful and ignorant for absolutely no reason at all!
My sister they take us Africans as low, dirty, disease infested fools. Where they invest n give aids n make more out of us. It's sad but we Africans help them rain these insults on us. We should fight these diseases, we should use our brain to develop our land. The Asians are doing it n now they control the world's economy.
@James titilayo, you are one uneducated sick biach... what are you doing on this blog if you think that ill of africa.... I bet you one illegal immigrate living in America.. Anyway we have heard your view about African, you can crawl back into fantasy cage..
I hope they put her in the next plane back to where she is coming from once she lands.
@James Titilayo
I am glad you have never stepped foot in Africa, you suffer from an even worse disease.. IGNORANCE!
Which sadly is prevalent in the country you live in as a third class citizen
U r so so very foolish. Bringing u up abroad is a wasted effort by ur parents. Please neva comment on this blog again. Ur stupidity is alarming
To even see d name n know u r nigerian. Please b true to urself n change d name. We africans r proud. You dont walk on d streets of africa n catch eczema, ringworm or evn aids. Ignorant n foolish peeps like you are d ones dat fink so
They r better dan u, dnt say us dnt include we inteligent, beutiful,hansome,and wonderfull people in ur self destructive comment. We all know u r a proud slave and slave shall u remain all ur life. Cus for me n other proud Africans we are equall to any race in d world, if not better cus we r strong people. We dnt depend on our Goverment we make our own opportunities. I am highly dissapointed with u, am ashamed of u. I hate it wen people hv low sef esteem
James Titilayo you are an Idiot. If you dont have Money to buy Ticket stay and Die their because you you want it so.,Am an African living in Europe Germany to be precisely I dou go tomy Lovely Nigeria every Year,you dont know were you come from how can you go Home? Titilayo my Footttt.You just look for that name a real Yorubas born want say a thing like this.Please look for ur Root Oloshi.
Hope she is not coming with one deadlier than aids. They secretly create and export diseases to Afrika n then make the drugs n export for money.
@james titilayo, u are the most ignorant, foolish and uneducated person on this planet. That's all i have to say.
@James Titilayo, devil block ur yansh there. Apologise wat? U are the one dat is forsaken, in fact, U are God forsaken. May Amadioha tear dat ur stupid mouth there and may leprosy delete that ur hand u used to type this rubbish. Useless miss road wanna be.........idiot....
Stupid ass cunt!!
Stupid ass cunt!!
And Linda abeg post my comment to that useless James Titilayo oo.......Post it o
You're a total imbecile...a disgrace to the africans....am white and I can't even agree with J Sacco..such an outburst is racial n discriminating. People like are what we whites use against your own kinda. You will never be white. ..bettet accept your kinda. Stupid Mofo!!
Your fada!! I no blame you nah. Its d slabe work u do their that has made u become mentally enslaved. ..radical nincompoo.
Correction Titilayo ;ames the whites are better than YOU and not us nne inugo o? Sheeeez
Fuck it, Don't come! you ugly looking creature
Your fada!! I no blame you nah. Its d slabe work u do their that has made u become mentally enslaved. ..radical nincompoo.
@ titilayo james bitch why are you setting forth your arm to type comments in an african blog when you have vowed never to set foot on what you call god forsaken continent??? And pls read a book and know that exczema is not a deadly diseae but black ob black hates such as yours is
Linda, she was on her way to South Africa. And her name has being removed from the company website contact list.
errr Madam James Inferior-uninformed Titilayo, Please take several seats attention seeker. 1st of do some research on the origins of AIDS and the likes of dengue fever b4 u start spewing ignorance everywhere and please stop referring to urself as an African woman, we don't acknowledge such. timoni2001@yahoo.com if u dare
JƱڪτ̲̅ shut d fuck up...u stupid idiot..if u D☹и̲̮̣̥̅̊'†̥ have anytin good 2 say den D☹и̲̮̣̥̅̊'†̥ comment @all..some pple JƱڪτ̲̅ run der fingers lyk typist n update stupid tinz..u n her both u guyz re tinking from ur anus..ewu..anofia..anu mpama
@James titilayo; may God continue to strike u n ur generation with incurable diseases. Idiot who needs u in Africa. U will die of Aids. Is it bcoz d whites know how to manage d disease beta Dan us dat u re der talking nonsense.
Titilayo go on...u re a stupid idiot..I'm sure dey must have sold ur parents into slavery cos u tink lyk a fish...linda pls y re u posting some comment ℓ̊ swear dis titilayo is brain wash...obviously she hate herself..
Yeah right, james or titi which is ur first name. Ignorance is a disease, worst than AIDS, you've never been to africa, so just the F up. I'm sure all d white people live without AIDS right? Well, peeps I think justine is trying to say she's dreamed of fucking our men, and she hopes she doesn't fuck so much and forget to use protection. Cos that will cause her HIV to braek her down finally. And as for you, slave titilayo, clean my arse. That's what you are fit for. Ignoramo!!
Linda, this is the best news for 2013. My year is ending just fine. I feel like Iyanya who bought 3 cars to celebrate the end of year. Dancing skelewu now. twitter@amfestus
i can categorically tell u she was not and will never be fired.
U r an imbecille!!!
No doubt you are a slave there. Please never step your slave feet into Africa_dont even your slave mouth to say you are African living in U.S, better say you are a slave living in U.S. And please apologise to de whites for dirtying their home with your slave disease. Slave slave slave
James titilyo, I'm a nigerian, and i make bold to tell u that u ® d scum of D̸̸̮̮̃ earth, a bloody fool. If u like never step ur foot into africa, it doesn't change d fact dat u ® an african! Its people like u dat suffer from low self esteem.
She's big fool, is she planning to have sex in africa or what?
Point of correction titilayo,eczema originated from greece.ring worms was discovered first in austin texas and later paris..malaria was first discovered in china...stupid u titi..nxt time do research before u open dat gutter u call a mouth 2 talk..#Charming Kay
by their name you shall know them....justine "PSYCHO"
The comment has a racial undertone "I am white"! superiority complex. But I think it is time we African's get over this shit. and we should also improve on our technology so as soon as she landed in the country she is going they will gladly board her on the next available flight back to her country.
by their name you shall know them....justine "PSYCHO"
by their name you shall know them....justine "PSYCHO"
Imaging the way the girl dey see us for her mind
She must be planning on having unprotected sex while away and looking for where to get AIDS. Prostitute.......looking for some 12 inche black dicks
This woman is a white piece of trash.by the way scientists say hiv was from africa. A hunter killed a chimpanzee infected with hiv and the infected blood got into the hunter's system and so on. But you know white people they can say anything. Whites have caused so much hurt in this world. Rubbish
Either you're a white or you are an incredibly stupid black man or woman. Either way I think you're the most imbecilic idiot that I have ever come across on this blog. Uchu gba gi there, gba ndi ezi na ulo gi. Nwamkpi dika gi.
See this useless yoruba girl who is a waiter at Mcdonald's. Your father is a she-goat. Nonsense
he the gods wants to kill..they first of all run mad..her cup is filled up..lol
Hahahahahahah! So funny,ND that serves her right. Imagine that? All these incorrigible personalities. Mtchweeeee! I wish she doesn't even get employed anywhere else.
Chei! Chinasa lmao! U mean shaaa ohh!
Cus u no de make sense...
ashawo woman! She want to come and sleep with men in africa, dont worry i am sure she will get d aid by inhale african air
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Anon 11:29 u're a pathetic fool, your type should be thrown into a 5000feet hole where no 1 would even think of bringing u out. Miserable fellow.
Some of this ignorant white fools keep on tweeting rubish about Africa that gets on my nerve and sometimes i feel like punching someone's nose inside his face(i don't punch ladies just guys)
i stay in New York and i can tell you most african nations are much better than what you see here. they have a lot of slums, homeless people and so many ravaged by aids. you will be shocked by what you see here.
To avoid AIDS she should avoid infected dicks, AIDS does not respect colour, religion, tribe ...!
Na wa o chinasa, ur own ash oo. Lmao. Na God catch d lady,which kind joke be tht
She just called herself a fucker! She shouldn't worry, she will certainly meet people like herself who will bless her wth her desire of contactin AIDS!
Serves her right
So na only for Africa AIDS de abi?
Mtshew Good Riddance!
Lol wat do u expect?Nigeria,Rivers state wr I say I reported to be d world leadin in HIV den SA
She's stupid!
Bitch am sorry!!!where did AIDS originate from???...foolish white lady...better get your head together..
All of these comments here are pointless and stupid which is how we are viewed by white people. Africa and its people exist just for profit for western businesses and capitalism. Why not? When we constantly want to be like them; they have American Idol, we want Nigerian Idol,they wear Louis Vuitton, Ferragamo, Hilfiger, Burberry etc, we want to be dressed in the same...weirdly thinking it endears us to them or somehow make them more respectful of us. Oh how very wrong we are. Guess she's coming to sell us some more bullshit to confuse us and we are ready eat up like idiots. People like Jay-z, Beyonce and worthless piece of shit like Kardashian visit, we come out in droves like sheep without shepherd including our grossly unintelligible, teenage-struck, pot-bellied, politicians to see them and you turn around ask and that they respect you?! YOU ARE A JOKE. We are killing(Christian this, Muslim that, none is an African Religion,culture or tradition) that each other whilst our real enemies are digging up all our mineral wealth with the connivance of the same politicians and taking it home. YOU ARE THERE CHEERING OBAMA AS IF HE REPRESENTS THE INTEREST OF THE AFRICAN. OH I WEEP FOR YOU. I'VE NEVER MET A MORE NAIVE AND GULLIBLE PEOPLE IN MY LIFE!!! I PROMISE YOU IN 30YRS, WE WILL BE TREATED WITH THE SAME DISDAIN BY THE CHINESE AND AFTER THAT THE INDIANS. IT'S PROBABLY HAPPENING ALREADY. AFRICANS DO NOT KNOW THEY OUGHT TO LOOK INWARDS AND TO HISTORY BEFORE THE ARRIVAL OF THE EUROPEANS TO REGAIN THERE DIGNITY. AND THESE KIND OF BLOGS THAT IS FOCUSED NOT ON IMPORTANT NEWSWORTHY ARTICLES BUT ON INANE AND BANAL ITEMS THAT WHICH DOES NOT SUPPORT THE AFRICAN TO REGAIN HIS DIGNITY DOES NOT HELP MATTERS TOO
Da hell! I don't blame him,after shipping down that dre*dful disease down to us,he's now scared....mtcheeew
Her dad is a south African billionaire Google the name Desmond Sacco he was on Forbes list for richest africans the poor man is distraught at his daughters behaviuor
The not kidding there implies that she can't get aids as a white person. Adding salt to injury. Only blacks can hav AIDS??!! What rubbish
Anyone born abroad or has migratesd and resents home is lost! Titilayo, pls change your name, and ask God to forgive you as you have blamed ur existence as His creation! I live abroad too, but love my country and all my loving parent and parents inlaw sisters and brothers . I save monthly and plan a trip home yearly for the holidays. there's no place like home, if you are Nigerian and u dnt knw your roots, i'm sorry but u are LOST! Born throway!
people no dey fear face o always talking rubbish about Africa as if they know anything about it, i hope she got fired
Love from Miami
@ chinasa- calli could still express himself without being crass . Culture and class are worked and not acquired
Zainab , we beg for them to invest in our society and not the other way around. Act on what you have said that is what we all need . What you said ain't new
Africans let us ñ✽t be like dis woman, we can't let her hate and bitterness get 2 us..WE re d BIGGER ONEs here...let learn 2 love even wen pple hate Us, accept dem even wen dey Reject us, pity dem and pray 4 dem even wen dey re threaten by the Color of our Skin..insulting her makes us JƱڪτ̲̅ lyk her..WE should learn and live by example JƱڪτ̲̅ like Jesus..nelson mandela lived by example too..WE RE D NEXT GENERATION and dis is a test where we re suppose 2 pass after all african hve been tru.# CHARMING Kay...kip preaching
This is what I am always advocating that we should be projecting good image and positive aspects in our own media. To the western world, everything bad is always attached to Africa meanwhile the resources that enrich the world are from Africa.
Dis should go on world's dumbest employees statement.
Lol @ "stoned and hung from a tree by her clit"
That ωïll be female circumcision won't it???? Hahahhaah
Does she sleep around? Ehen nka akaliziam aka chineke.....
Titi wake up its 21st century,all the disease came from Africa abi?Just sorry for u, where was the first case of aids reported? Ask urself queations.And ppl like u think they see u as equals in American my dear u are still a slave,and a slave will u remain in their eyes. U knw there are countys u can stay as a black person cos they see an anathema. So will u remain.u r not part of us. Pls don't come to or forsaken continent. U think when u say u leave in America we go shake,ppl that are far better than u are here. Africa know their problem aids is not our problem. Statistics of aids patient in america can we have it .sorry for u.
Pls do nt come.we do not like you.ugly scarecrow.
Seriously!!!! U can say the whites are better than u cause u talk without knowledge. My dear, research on diseases n know their origin b4 talking.
bitch got served
Real life Uncle Ruckus. Lmaoo
Who knows maybe her planning sleeping around.
so on point. I trust Oddee blog to make it their number one "Dumbest Statements Ever Made".
@Chinasa.......... are you for real? Wow!!!
She is an obvious ignorant fool....she should not worry..she won't get AIDs because she is white...time to have unprotected sex....
Zain you made a very valid point there my dear, it's a shame that all I have to say.
So she was planning to have unprotected sex in Africa. What does she mean by saying she is white.
Hahahaha!!!! Now d joke is on u!!! Stupidity @ its peak!
she already lost her job
why are all of you pained?? she didnt say anytin differet from the homophobic commnts we see on lindas blog everyday or is it bcos what she said affeccted us all??? everyone of you wana crucify her... haye speech is a hate speech though it comes in many forms.. pls white afin why re u scared of HIV do u intend fuckng all the men in africa???
Though I'm vexed wif the outrageous comment buh I kinda pity the poor lady 'cos the joke is on her and I'm sure she's now a shadow of herself! She never anticipated that the joke will be costlier than what she could afford. This will serve as a lesson to other foreigners with such unprofessional and barbaric mindsets. They should just leave her alone 'cos she has already punished herself.
ignoramus. ewu. stupid non-entity
James Titilayo, you obviously did not benefit from an education. Sigh. Which one do I pick? Malaria is a parasitic disease that is everywhere in the world that is warm and has rain forests - from south America to southeast asia. Used to be in the US and was a common ailment of Indians until the early part of last century. The only difference between these places and Africa is that through true public health, they have it under control. Okay, which one again should I tackle? AIDs. HIV was spread through Hepatitis B vaccines tested in a gay cohort in San Francisco (because they had high prevalence of the disease) and in another cohort at the same time in Central Africa. The vaccines were tainted by HIV from the monkeys that were used to grow the vaccine. This is why HIV started with two epicenters in Central Africa and San Francisco. Chai, ignorance is a terrible brain consuming disease. Why cant we read and educate ourselves? Ringworm?? Go to Appalachia and other poverty stricken communities where black people dare not thread and you will see ringworm and other skin dermatoses and in fact some wey wey we have never seen in Nigeria. Ringworm in case your frozen brain has not deciphered this is a fungal infection. Fungi are everywhere humans and the earth's crust exists. No fungi and you should assume life forms cannot exist. What causes manifestation of the disease in contact with the fungi and lowered immunity. You have fungi on your skin as commensals and in your stinky vagina. Yes, they exist in controlled numbers because of drumroll bacteria that keep them under control. Yes, you have bacteria in your vijayjay ad in your butt and gut. It was after I entered oyibo land that I started seeing skin and other diseases that nobody has ever heard of. Where did herpes originate from? What about syphilis? These are diseases of neither black or white. THey are diseases associated with our so called advancement as humans. In the course of advancing humanity, we have twisted nature and created monsters. Now where Africa has failed itself is to continue to suppress the advancement of its citizens by denying them access to health care. Does not help that our so called leaders continue to allow people to participate in drug trials without due diligence and oversight from those that are supposed to protect us. GO to all the Niger Delta communities. Who brought AIDS to the young girls who not too long ago did not know Dark and Lovely? Fucking oyibo people...the so called engineers. many of whom live in Bangkok engaged in the sex trade and paedophilia. They come to the rig and they stay for six months and feast on these girls, passing along their never do well genes through their fatherless offspring and debilitating and life changing diseases that some of these villages have never seen. Go and educate yourself. Leave that roach infested one room mouldy rent controlled cave you call home in New York city and fucking enlighten yourself. It is because we have people like you in leadership positions in Africa that the whole world thinks we are fucking retarded. Fucking idiot.
And yes, that woman was probably thinking of having sex in Africa. Of all the diseases that came to her mind - HIV! You'd be surprised how much some of them appreciate the black experience in secret. I am sure if she was thinking of only going to work and doing what she was paid to do in Africa, she would have worried about things like diarrhea and flu. Not HIV. She had sex on her agenda.
She's crazy.
Seriously?????? Did you actually write that?
Sacking justice for Justine Sacco!
Let him xpress his mind. He does not suffer frm inferiority complex like you all
She is very stupid
She's a pro, why person go just carry reason aids? Nt even hiv for that matter, bt the chronic one. She sure has planned her way of sleepin wit as many pple as possible. Her mouth deserves to be stripped#if at all she ws jokin..
Nigerians and the way they treat white people, See some of the nice comments they are writing on this. if na black person talk am una for yab the person. I sorry for some of una.if you see as some of them are racist towards africans eh......May God forgive her, cos she's implying Aids came from Africa.
be a human . do not discriminate. and please dont go to africa. africans are loving people. ther eis poverty yes, but they are loving. do not simply be racist. yes, they may have hiv cause more prostiotution no money thats a social cause
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