Dino Melaye releases statement regarding his divorce | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 19 December 2013

Dino Melaye releases statement regarding his divorce

The former House of Reps member and his wife of 10 years Tokunbo Melaye are currently going through a public divorce with accusations and counter accusations. Melaye has released a statement via his lawyer denying some allegations levied against him by his wife while throwing in accusations of his own. See the statement below...
It is with great sadness that this sordid situation has been brought into public domain. In an attempt to shield “the mother” of his children, Dino decided to “quietly” file for divorce and end this turbulent union. Unfortunately “this woman” has gone all out with wicked lies even to her detriment, to try to disorganize and tarnish Dino’s image. Continue...

Do we start with:
1) Violence:
I challenge her to produce the so called record of abuse in any police station in Nigeria where Dino was invited and his statement taken. Nothing ever took place so nothing to report.
2) Gun to the head:
Dino has no ammunition. The gun incident was the police search and report. Her intention (after accepting money from Dino’s political enemies) was to have him imprisoned under possession of illegal arms. Any reason to pin Dino down and have him jailed. This woman collected bribe to frame the father of her children. The police search in her presence revealed no possession of guns and interpreted her complaints as trivial and cleared Dino of possessing any weapon or incriminating material. The report was signed by the ACP CID, FCT command. She claimed gun was pointed at her in September but only reported a gun threat on 30th of October. Over 1month after a gun threat, laughable. This took place months ago when she no longer resided in his house. She is now presently even facing legal charges based on defamation of character and false criminal accusation.
3) Custody of kids:
Dino has always been in support of the empowerment of women both as mothers and even as entrepreneurs. He has never wanted or requested for full custody. He has always believed  young kids should be with their mothers. He is content though PAINED to see his kids only at visits fully controlled by her (Tokunbo Fabiyi). Strange as it is, this is a woman who abandoned her then ill child to go to India for cosmetic surgery on her nose,stomach and other parts. She told Dino she was on an official assignment, only to do surgery, fall into coma and fail to pay her bills. It was Dino that her family contacted and he rushed to her financial and medical aid. All these while she left her kids unattended to. Dino sent her packing after this Indian sacrilege only for her parents to run to Dino’s parents in the village begging for forgiveness. Dino’s father had to bring her to Abuja to beg his son who took her back. Is it her infidelity, having affairs with Dino’s friends, her ex’s and God knows who else? Is it the occasions she was caught by Dino giving his  possessions (watches, jewelry, etc) to her lovers?
Dino saw an ex actually wearing his watch that she claimed was stolen by the maid that led to say he was having an affair. Dino knew that Tokunbo had taken his possession to give as gifts to her boyfriends and that it was not the house girl/girls who stole. In his adamant defense of the maid/maids, Tokunbo concluded he must be having an affair. Tokunbo confessed it was only once
Dino caught her, she stole his possession to give her lovers. She even gave a brand new car Dino bought for her to her younger lover. Over the years, Dino severally removed her from their matrimonial home only for her to beg his family who insisted he forgive and taken her back especially for the kids sake.
It is public knowledge that in the recent past,she has spoken proudly and loudly of her husband’s loyalty and faithfulness,now she sings a different tune all because Dino quietly decided to file for divorce after her final display of loyalty to her young lovers and inability to stop engaging in meetings with his political opposition in government. Many times even collecting gifts in exchange of info from Dino, who was then still her husband. Three months ago she was still in Ghana for a corrective surgery of her collapsed nose,where her stomach was opened and one rib taken to construct a new bridge on her nose.
We have evidence. These are all ramblings of a woman who is in apparent shock by Dino’s final decision to dissolve their customary marriage. Which was never done in the Registry. Thereby legalized only by the Nigerian views of traditional and white wedding. He never took her to court to marry to her!
Toyin Akande (Esq),

Family Friend/Lawyer


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Classgist said...

i feel sad for the beautiful kids. i just hope their parents would not put their children's welfare and up bringing in jeopardy through their actions.

Anonymous said...

Women can lie eeeeeeeeeeh........i know all d insults on dino re from women...so u want d man to keep quiet...anu mpama like una....she went public FIRST...so why u guys blamin d Young man for coming Out to defend him Self...D question u people be asking now is weda she çut her nose or not...nd d wrist watch make she carry am come back .

The Official Portablechic said...

Even at that and all this,we don't nEed them.Divorce silently and. Spare us the dirty water frrom your dirty linens.
P.S:una dey do politics for inside house too abi wetin concern opposition concern your private matters.Wonders shall never end

Anonymous said...

Solicitor ni solicitor koor......do u write better Than chimamanda? U re not even a san yet....so how we wan take help u?

Anonymous said...

I don't know why we people like ranting about issues that does not concern us. Imaging bringing anti-gej into this matter. Dino does not even need to explain to anybody reasons for seperating from his 'wife'.

Gaia said...

Anonymous @4:16 PM Sorry to burst ur bubble but money does not equal love..

Unknown said...

Hahahahahaha,who do we belive?........

Anonymous said...

Common shut your brain! Go and rinse it in Osun river before your madness kills you!
How can a woman gift a new car to a 'lover' what rubbish? We need to always learn to remember! Same tale of him beating up his wife time and again and she denying! Shey when he would have killed her, she will be happy? You will be happy? I tell ladies, go for self defence classes! Its a retard that will beat a woman he is supposed to protect! Isn't this the same dumb fart that got that actress pregnant? And the wife stood by him? She needs rehabilitation and come to tell her story herself!

Anonymous said...

Dino is a shameless liar. Saw him wit my own eyes a few yrs back parading himself wit 2 different set of girls at Hilton lounge, making noise all over the place. Yeye man

Anonymous said...

Kai! I wish guys like this are in the USA. The system will fix, correct and rearrange his misplaced priorities permanently for LIFE!

Anonymous said...

Problem in Nigeria.So a lawyer wrote this thrash as a statement? what university did he attend? The law school authorities would need to review his call to bar .Whao

Anonymous said...

Oga Dino, Your mother should have aborted you. I'm sure in your twisted mind, you have told yourself you will 'show'her, but unfortunately for you, your days of happiness are now numbered.
Yoir kids will grow up and deal mercilessly with you for what you have done to their mother. People like you who don't learn from history fall into the same trap again and again. Your myopic reasoning will eventually be your downfall, when 20 years from now, you will beg from the littlest sympathy from your kids. what goes around will definitely come around.

Emmanuel said...

And the thing called Dina lost it all.

Anonymous said...

Which kind charge and bail lawyer be this? You are obviously not practising law even if you have a degree.
Oga Dino, we have evidence say you no be am. All these allegations against your wife is your word against hers. That she didn't report you to the police doesn't mean it didbt happen. Majority of Nigerian women don't. Are you still relevant in politics? Who are the opponents that paid her to frame you?
Your ways are not pure Mr Dino. Better repent

Anonymous said...

i really feel 4 d kids,i went tru sumtin lyk dx,i cried nd cried al nyt 4 ma parents.bt i tank God dey partd ways atlist 4 peace to rain.m skard of da tin kald mariage al ma lyf.

Uloma said...

IF THE ABOVE ALLEGATIONS ARE TRUE then this wife shld be ashamed of herslf... Rhinoplasty and plastic surgeryfor wat?! Dts an expensive life for her to maintain... To d extent of leaving her kids?! Dis woman must b crazy and she doesn't evn deserve custody of d kids cos I cnt imagine wat moral standards she wld set for these kids if she continues to flirt with her husband's frnds and political opponent not to mention her exs..... Yeye dey smell! Mschewwww

yombo said...

U have to make up ur mind about keeping ur home,both parties need God,love,sex,communication and must be ready to 4give at all. times.may God visit every home passing through challenges

akpos said...

I haff died of laffta o! So una de believe dino? Dino?! Okay o.....*walking off n smh while ROTFL*

Unknown said...

Good radiance to bad rubbish. Mtchweeeee.

Theknight said...

I wonder what leads a man to hit his wife or any woman for that matter?Although some women have the ability to push us men to the wall menh!!! But what makes us real men is our ability to manage the women folk. If its true that Dino really hit his wife (and girlfriends) as has been said, then my brother you really do need counselling. I have observed that the men who beat their wives at home are sissies when they are in the midst of other men. Youths of Nigeria, take to blogs and other platforms to talk about your leaders! We need to take our country back!

BoxStereo said...

The wind has blown and the anus of the fowl is exposed.

lisnan said...


Anonymous said...

Dino is such a MORON!

Unknown said...

Yes, it looks like the write up for one of these gossip magazines. It's painful that they don't know this will affect their kids.

lisnan said...


Anonymous said...

What's shocking in the LIES?

Anonymous said...

Your head no correct! Hungry goat

Anonymous said...

Uloma the dumb FOOL!!! Its only a fool like you that believes such lies!!!

Anonymous said...

Dino just proved himself guilty...all thanks to his charge-and-bail lawyer

Anonymous said...

Your head no correct! Hungry goat

Anonymous said...

What's shocking in the LIES?

Anonymous said...

Dino is such a MORON!

Anonymous said...

Who told you she cares about the female child or females in general?


Anonymous said...

GBAM! I know a lawyer's writeup as well when I see one! Heheheee

Anonymous said...

Bless you

Anonymous said...

Because family issues were kept private is the reason he was able to break her nose during his one of his violent outbursts and she needed surgery and kept quiet about it only for him to bring it up later trying to make her look vain/like an irresponsible mother.....gerrit?

Anonymous said...

Wat do u xpect from a man like dis? Dis big men/ politicians tink tru their balls, They ve no brains. I laf in igbo....2013 Nov/ Dec is my best.

Bedazzled said...

This is why 9ja is what it is today. Too much sentiments and no reasoning. Fact is, only the two of them know what happened in their marriage for things to degenerate to violence. Nobody sets out to maltreat their spouse. However, how difficult situations are handled determines if the relationship lives or dies. Those cursing Dino are ignorant cos it takes two to have a good or bad marriage. Also, when one person is no longer interested in the marriage, the one holding on by force is subjecting themselves to untold misery and torment. No be by force. Divorce is end of relationship/marriage not end of life.

Anonymous said...

I always knew he was a low life

Dominic Golden said...

He that is without sin should cast the first stone. Dino is a chronic flirt. Anyway, show me any Nigerian politician who do not flirt outside their marriage and I will show you a prostitute who has never had sex.

Anonymous said...

Dino u r a big fool & immature. Ds is d motherof ur children u r talking abt here, i dnt. Knw u or ur wife but d por woman must hv gone tru hell wit u. U r an irresponsible man/idiot. Even its a shame on u dt ur wife is cheating on u bcos if u make her hapi in d first she has no reason moving around wit guys. U cant giv her hapiness and she finds it out there. I bliv d nxt thing u wil say is d children r not urs again lik dt of BISI. she stood by u whn u hv ur numerous gfrnds & now u hv anoda lady dt is makin ur head biggin ur wife is not good again- i wish dt lady gudluck bcos urs is comin still.

As for d wife i wish u gudluck but open ur eyes well. And pray for God's mercy.

Mr. Dino f**k u & go to hell wit ur life. U r a bulldog wit no sense.
U r such a liar bcos i bliv nothin u hv sais

As for d lawyer ur turn is comin soon frm Dino bcos what u r eating has taking ur senses & advice to ur wife- she shld b watchful and careful wit u bcos u wl do d same to her.


Anonymous said...

Dts correct but irresponsible & immature men does dt. Thank God he is not in overseas, taperule wil b used to measure his term in jail bcos i will deal wit him mercilessly

Anonymous said...

Thunder fire your mouth! Idiot!

Anonymous said...

Good men? Go marry am na

Unknown said...

Dot jst conclude he may be innocent, he may not.

Thatta gal said...

Linda, in order not to be one sided in this report, you need to publish the proof of abuse Dino asked for. I know a couple of sites carried it yesterday. Be complete in your report too.

Kay said...

Dino? Mschewww......didn't even bother reading the thrash. Can any truth come out of his mouth! Pls don't waste our time Linda

Mischievous said...

Dino, the fake political activist, I heard you LOUD and CLEAR through your dumb solicitor. Go and fuck Bisi, the road is open for you!

Chop Chop said...

Ladies, make sure u marry ur oga at REGISTRY. I sorry for her!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dino with this ä♍ seeing or is it ä♍ reading, u&ur lawyer or whatever are idiots&i think somefin is wrong with your head cos if she really did that to Ɣ☺u, Ɣ☺u'll never in ur useless life take her back! Stupid lier, idiot, fool! Go out&continue flirting I just pity the poor woman&kids! An animal in human clothing!
Abeg post ä♍ º°˚˚°ºoo!

Janelicious said...

Dirty laundary. Mr dino u re so not it.

Anonymous said...

The lawyer that wrote or publicized this is unprofessional. No western lawyer,even the worst of the worst would stoop that low
It is nothing but an attemt at xter assasination. Fortunately most people would see it for what it is. Ful of conjectures and unsubstantiated allegatios. I guess he did not have it in him to take the high rd. She should throw a party after this is done to celebrate her divorce. Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

That's the irony in this country, those that CANNOT KEEP THEIR HOMES, parade themselves as messiahs in this country. His house was on fire and he was busy parading his carnal self at eagle square in protest. #Ridiculous

Deby said...

Any body that knows Dino, knows that he is a cheat. A womanizer to the core. He does not mind even married old women. Any woman that has lived with him for 10years must have suffered a lot from him. Whatever he is saying are all lies. No body should listen to him.

JOYCHY said...

Dino is a big disgrace & a big fool.
Did he say *quietly divorce* & he ran 2 twitter 2 rant. U are an idiot.

Iyabo's kind of letter wld be written about u in d nearest future. Annoying fowl. *so pissed*

Anonymous said...

This guy has failed in all ramification. Politically morally

Anonymous said...

This guy has failed in all ramification. Politically morally

machara said...

Abstract term of an erroneous statements.Amateur couple so to say.

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!! It's about time we took a cue from the western world concerning the type of men they let rule them. We copy everything western but their insistence on a leader with some morals, dignity and honour. We let whoremongers and dishonourable men who can't even keep a promise made to their own wives rule us. How much more the promises made to an entire nation?! Two faced liars, pretenders. Yet we cry and wonder everyday why our nation can't move forward. How can a man who isn't loyal to his own wife be loyal to an entire nation? God will deliver us from the hands of all those miscreants. Useless people! So sad that marriage is now a thing to be toyed with. Something that is supposed to be so beautiful being fed to the dogs! May God judge Dino and every man like him.

Anonymous said...

I love your comment!

Anonymous said...

Dino is a stubborn man.... may God help U

Anonymous said...

What wife?.....anybody would know dino is only fabricating all these.The poor lady has enough evidences against him.Its so obvious d lady tried her best to keep her home even when it involved another woman(Bisi ibidapo).it takes true love for a woman to defend her man even if its obvious dat he had something wit her.I respect d tokunbo lady.it's just sad that it has to end dis way.She's endured for too long.....all for d sake of d kids. Dino is an ANIMAL!

Anonymous said...

We know his type......he sure will meet his match soonest.Dey dong appreciate what dey have until it becomes unreachable

Anonymous said...

Toyin Akande,if I were Dino,I will fire you ASAP. This statement lacks credibility. It is so obvious that this is nothing but a bunch of lies. You are a disgrace to the legal profession. You could not even make any valid point as even my 12 year old son will not buy these cheap lies of yours.
Dino,try harder to launder your dirty smelling image. Everybody that has come in contact with you knows that you are no good. You are nothing but a biological accident. Cursed be the day you were conceived

slideharga said...

Thank you for your information :)

S-Man.Org said...

ini blog luar biasa, tampilannya sederhana tetapi nilai jualnya tinggi

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