In their LIST of Best of 2013: The top 10 books, BBC Culture placed Chimamanda Adichie's book, Americanah at No.1 beating best sellers like Mary Coin by Marisa Silver, The Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner, The Good Nurse by Charles Graeber, This woman is such an inspiration.
We're proud of her
Jdy last posted...Success Secrets: Why Your ‘Good Enough’ Isn’t Good Enough
Great work,beautiful story line,sure deserves d no.1 spot
This woman is making us proud but where can one possibly get the book to buy?
Woooooowwwwww. Keep flying girl. Congrats
U inspire us all in so many ways. Well done Chimamanda.
OOps thanks to Queen Bey that brought her out from the shade!
Now she is been celebrated.
D best is always d best
Indeed she's good
I love Chimamanda die! Good jobs. Baby keep up the good work.
Nice one more grace **kudos**
Wow! Nice one.hping to get the book soon.
Congrats to her!!! She's indeed a wonderful inspiration
I need a site where I can download book in pdf files to my phone! Pls who can help?
She's truly an inspiration, another restoration to Nigeria's dwindling glory. God bless her.
Tnk God 4 dat at least a little gud news 1nc in a while will do
Whao.dats gr8..Nigerians r representing
Ngozi chukwuka,proudly nwada igbo
Congrats 2 her
Go gal. Keep repping us well. Am inspired. Linda gm. #watching in 3D LED#
whot is the write up all about!!
Woooow...igbo women going places :) #thatigbogal
Dats my Literary Icon, am happy studying her works esp Half of a Yellow Sun. She is a great writer. She is Achebe of our Time.
a Hollywood movie,a song wit bey,nw dis !!!she was born 2b great !!jst like meee !!!
I want to be like her when i grow up.
A real inspiration. Carry on miss chimamanda.
That's so good....we will get dia.
She is indeed an inspiration! God bless and keep her for us.
She is really slaying,she gained more fame and recognition since beyonce featured her on her new album
Despite the reviews she just keeps making it. I love u endlessly. Such an inspiration.
I noticed that people now have their real names and picture attached to their comments,no too much anonymous anymore,why? Can somebody answer me please!
Beautiful story line, read a lil online, would get 2 d stores 2 pick up mine. BBB
Another product of my school. Great lioness keep roaring.
wow! what a great feat.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Eyah! Arise africa and hail diz indigenous diva... She makes her dubut in an inspiring way nt by stripping on social medias... i lov diz woman so much... Shez got dat fin. Datz got me tripping
Whatever....been there...done it before! ....Toodles
Bye Suckers!
I am happy for her.
She get featured on Beyonce's album and her book is No.1 in BBC's Top 10, wonderful year I would say...
What do u expect,her dad a professor of statistics UNN,her mum the first female registra at the same university..
Wow to be originnale is always de best, a big insipiration for de young. Big shouts hurray! To the Champion
wow, this Lady try oooo...Who says blacks are minors??...
Another Scooby snacks for our underrated nation.
Chimamanda is always my model
See Girl “Breastfeeding” Her Boyfriend Inside Public Swimming Pool (PHOTO)
She's just amazing!! A very talented writer
COnGrAt 2 Her...DaJaX
Inspiration to the youth..kudos
ooohhhhh.....chimaaaa,yes she is truly a strong inspiration. may you live long, keep inspiring our young women. God Bless
Chaiiii bigups urself gurrrrl, e no easy.
Yes, she is an inspiration.
Omg.! I am so proud of her. Congrats ma. More strength to ur elbow. U made us so proud. Kisses
Not to burst your bubble ma'am but the list is sorted alphabetically.
Good job 2 female nigerian authors! Also came across "runs girls" by Chinelo okparanta, an American based author n was soo impressed.
Kudos to Chimamanda Adichie!! U've made us soo proud, more grease to ur elbow...
That's gudnews,our own is best
In Chimamanda,Chinua Achebe has found a worthy succesor.Keep doing Nigeria and the Igbo nation proud.
So proud of this astute icon.
This is something to learn from.It will encourage Nigerian writers
I knew it. That book na die i tell u. I have never read any novel that held my attention as Americanah. That book is awesome . If u re yet to read, don't hesitate.
I knew it. That book na die i tell u. I have never read any novel that held my attention as Americanah. That book is awesome . If u re yet to read, don't hesitate.
Amazin writter anytime any day. It'd be good to see if she's finally left Chinua's shadow..can't wait to read da book tho.
Go girl...u always make me proud...u ar the best..post my comment
Beautiful say so
Kudoz!!! Positive news about Naija for 1's
wow! Dat was great. Think I will get a copy now. A friend told me abt dat book. Its about time I get a copy.
Proudly Nigerian! Big ups to Ng
i swear!she is...i just love the woman
Yeah!proud to be a nigerian!I celebrate dis woman!true ispiration.. my own wud soon cme!
It is a wonderful thing to see writers from this end rub shoulders with those from the other end. If this book were to be written up there, it sure should be number one. One gets better with writing as one practices. It is a wonderful thing that many young people are taking to blogging.
If only they would keep at it, and do it right, the future is promising. This is one of the reasons WorkWithEyram.com was established.
Really? Congrats to her.
Go girl...At last something positive Nigerians are poud of you
It is sad that a post about books receives not as many comments as a post to give 100k. What is happening to our country?
So love dis lady,Lord in 2 ur hands.she is such an inspiration n an icon.
Wow!!!!!!......She's like the best thing that went out of Nigeria.......I'm really inspired. She deserves a National Honour walahi. This Woman gives me Hope............
May God keep giving her more inspiration.Thumbs up girl.
Hard work brings success,nt luck,chimamanda u go gurl.,wuld follow ur steps most def,later dem go say na illuminati,dere papa.lindodao gud mrnin,lols
She deserves it chimamanda is gifted
I love her so much!keeping going higher
Mmmmm, very commendable!!!!!
Contemporarily very cool.......Thumbs up to chimamanda, shes made Africa proud!
Never theless still a fan of "Timeless Authors" eg..... James clavell, ..James mitchener, ...Anne rice, thomas harris,
Go Chimamanda!!! Ur jst a star...beauty n brains...am happy ur Nigerian!!put us in d limelight gurrlll Iphie
Congrats to her
Nice 1 gal.... #thumpup# just luv dis woman...
~ALATISHE say so~
The book is awesome,funny ,realistic..
.and deserves a best seller...
In short all of her books do.I just love the IBO feel
So so proud of her!Infact it was as if she was talkin about u in her novel “americanah“ aunty Lily.
G̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴͡.̮Æ ̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ for her!!!!
U go girl
Beyonce tins
That's so wonderful.
yeah she is . so proud of her. Igbo sisters representing.....
Ifemelu and the Zed. true love, I must say.
Chimamanda is a Gem
The only Nigerian novel known to me that surpasses expectations....read and be overwhelmed
Good news. Congratulations to a wonderful friend. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Cheers to Chimamanda. She deserves it. Linda, go and read that book. If you had read it, you would have understood where Ebuka was coming from when he made that statement. IAI
Nigeria is rising back to her former glory.Kudoz to Chimamnda
Wooooow! Super cooooool.
If you read that book ...i swear you will fall inlove with chimamanda....she is a brillant storyteller.
Wow, that woman is something else... Always stunning!
Legendary Chimamanda Adichie...Big ups to you.
dis woman na NIGERIAN.?
Congratulations to my twin sister in my mind..... Heheheheheh..... Luv u.. Fifi
A dream come true for her
Lets be truthful. The book is not as good as her other novel. It did not sell as expected so the hype by her publishers to gain enough interest for sales to happen. Linda, you know I speak the truth because I also know they contacted you to help hype it. All the hype and the marketing genius of her publishers got the book on the best list. It will help drive up sales that didn't happen before now. If her other books which made more sense didn't make bbcs best as at then ,why this that really doesn't cut it? Sales need to go up. All the same, she is good but, not this particular work.
Weldone gurl! *cagey*
Ave nt read d novel buh congrats to her
So so Proud of Her, weldone Sis, keep represnting Us.
She is a role model
Congrats gurl...well deserved!
Making History!!!!!!
Am so inspired! Wow!
Google is ur friend. Must u say shit?
Gbam! someone who is speaking the truth. All the people hyping her have not read her book cos if they have, they will know the book falls short of expectation. Good marketing takes you every where. Hope her next book lives up to xpectation.
Now, I don't know who's my best writer between Grisham and Adichie! In the words of Achebe, ' Adichie came, almost made'.
Nyc job well done....proud of her,Nigerians ar goin places..
really havent read any of her books,but sure i ve read alot about her..Goodnews and daz great..#make she no go bleach o turn americanah..lol kiddin o
Nice one but not deserving of top ten best books. Half of a yellow sun maybe, Americana, definitely not! I have read it .
Thank God it's not news about Nigeria being fraud and kidnapping centre of d World
nne as your name implies "your GOD can neva fail" chimamanda so he is working in ur life congrats ma
Where can i buy the book?
Hope you know he said that because he was related to her.Would he have said that about some other writer? No!
Simple Logic!! She unexpectedly apprears on a track with Beyonce, who wouldn't want to buy book.
-Person pikin(sue me if ur papa get d moni)
Her name is what people are hailing. The novel is Crap! Save your money o. I read a few chapters and the book is packing dust somewhere. Heer name is selling the book not the book selling itself. She needs to sit up and stop listening to sycophants like you before a new writer takes over. My one cent.
Making d 'women' folks proud...dis woman is jez an inspiration!
Am so proud of her.I wish I can com bk 2dis wrld d 2nd tym,wud luv 2b lik her
Yes, proud of her and her earlier works not Americana. Where did her flawless writing skill go to ?Its almost like she's letting her editors dictate to her on a change of her writing skills. The story was stale and devoid of imagination.
Honestly, save your money. All na wash. Come carry my own...
Naija exploding lik bombs all over d world... Am proud of her.
For ya mind...
-person pikin(sue me if ur papa get d moni)
Dumb ass bitch! But when it comes to dating,u know all the sites without asking for help.
Go to www.dumbassbitches.com
Thank me later!
She is a true Nigerian intellect.she is a rare gem. I love this chic.
Simple Logic!! She unexpectedly apprears on a track with Beyonce, who wouldn't want to buy book.
-Person pikin(sue me if ur papa get d moni)
dts who we r...keep makin us proud..God bless u
couldn't resist the temptation of posting a comment...I love chimamanda"s works absolutely...She is a breath of fresh air.....Can't wait for her next book. Meanwhile....Congrats to her.
So Young yet so full of Inspiration!!!Americanah lovely book! Wld also lik 2 read "Half of a yellow sun"and see hw it is!we ar proud of u!!!!@least let's be known for smetin good cum year 2014...
Wow, I must read this book.
#linda 100,000 naira giveaway
u sef follow dey put name and pisure. ..ahhh money sweet oh!!!
God's work in progress! I love Chimamanda! Her literary works are inspiring.
U mean UNN?
One day ur book will be translated to more than 50 world languages as chinua achebe's. Just pray some tribalistic bigots don't try to bring you down as they always see when they see pple of ur tribe excelling. They tried to do that to emeagwali,they also tried same to chinua achebe etc. Wish u best of luck babyluv
Are u stupid?
A love story
Congrats gurl... Really proud of u!
Illuminati things! Remember Boyonce is involved
Jane na Mrs oooo, she s married
Jane na Mrs oooo, she s married
Awesome. I just ordered 'Half of A Yellow Sun' and can't wait to read it.
My dear I thank God fot lifting you up. May you always walk beside Him to stay lifted up.
My dear I thank God fot lifting you up. May you always walk beside Him to stay lifted up.
Congratulations to her, that's a positive to 9ja
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Chiamanda is my role model,wish I can be like her,God bless Amanda
I love her books, her books are unbelievable...
First time i knew about her was during an Interview on CNN and she was insulting the "whites" and they all clapped.
She is a gem!
The ibos are just too talented from Linda ikeji to chimamanda to kelechi iheanacho.
Asin!!!! I couldn't drop the book till I finished. Half of a yellow sun is another beautiful book. Thumbs up Chimamanda, keep making us proud :)
Jenyking, one thing is clear - u don't read.that, however, wldnt v been so obvious if u had just kept quiet...
She is a Nigerian making Africans proud, more power to your elbow.
Jenyking, one thing is clear - u don't read. That, however, would not have been so obvious if you had kept quiet...
She has made Nigeria proud.May God bless her.THis is what we fellow Nigerians should be doing;making our nation proud.God bless y'all.
Hw cud u say dat? U dnt know her so go read abt her. Google is ur friend. If she was in a shade, ur queen bee wudnt see her.
I ve read all her books. Chimamanda is an awesome storyteller. Once you pick her books its always difficult to drop it. Americanah inspired my wife to start going all natural, which I love. Congrats Miss Adichie
Proud of her. Even if it's not her best work. Politely told her that when I met her while getting my book signed. Grab a copy of "half of a yellow sun". Now that's a GREAT read.
Ms "eye saw",you're not intelligent.
@ rekiyat
So true, I couldn't believe she wrote the book. Was more of what you would expect a white man to write so I am not surprised they love it. It still remains the most depressing book I have read in a while. I have all her books and her next novel will help me decide if I will remain a fan or not. Currently sitting on the fence.
Really??? Different stroke for different folks. Was scattered and depressing.
Hahahahahahaha people like identifying with success. She left UNN in her 2nd year for Yankee.
A film adaptation has bn made from one of her books(half of a yellow sun) starring Thandie Newton and Chiwetel Ejiofor. She's been making waves since purple hibiscus.
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