It’s finally happened! A female winner has emerged in the BIG Games Toyota Corolla
Giveaway! Miss Olachi Nkwoaba, a lawyer from Owerri is now the proud owner of a
brand new Toyota Corolla in the BIG Toyota Corolla Giveaway powered by MTN
Mobile Ads.
Four cars gone, EIGHT more Corollas are still up for grabs from now till the end
of January 2014. All you have to do is
text BIG to 5045 from an MTN line and you could
win this week. It’s that simple! This
could be your early Christmas Surprise Gift!

CHRISTMAS; A CHANCE TO WIN A COROLLA. Follow @biggamesngr on Twitter. Simply put both @biggamesngr and your friend
who has an MTN line’s handle in a tweet and we will give them a free entry to
win the Toyota Corolla. E.g.
"@biggamesngr please give @faith a free entry ticket”.
For all the latest news,
Roadshows and Giveaways Like us on Facebook and follow @biggamesngr
Big Congrats 2d winner.So dis tin is actually true! Whew
Congrats. Happy and dope Christmas for miss olachi.
WoW! Chineke nnimeh! I tot it was scam o! Congrats girl.... U r so lucky! Visit my blog for Nasty Gist 18+
I still dnt bliv. Mtn Ȋ̝̊̅§ full of scam.. Jonzing tinz!
I still dnt bliv. Mtn Ȋ̝̊̅§ full of scam.. Jonzing tinz!
Chimoooo.. Jesuuu. Olachi!! Olachi...this babe works at Bede I Ojimavu law firm for Owerri nah
Kai and she dey enter bus before. She will come dey Cruz for this car. Father in Heaven, please do your own for me
Please God. I just need one Corolla.
Na 2nd hand car ß dis jor....=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)) ...big congrates
Na wa oh. See as people are winning. Gosh. I saw the Emeka boy from Asaba. I saw him live
People were almost in tears. We were screaming because it was like why not us? I say, the guy no sabi drive. They live in a proper village and he just won like that. I really pray that I can win. It will really help my family
I'm going to keep playing and have faith because this is one promo that is real and I can't miss it.
Wow. Congratulations dear. I'm genuinely happy for you and pray the car is covered by the blood of Jesus but please. I tap into your blessing and stand in agreement with you and pray that by the Grace of God I will also win in Jesus' Name. Please pray for me. God bless dear.
HmMmm,nyc one ,congrat. 2 her
Is dis 4 real?woooow , hope say no be I play o#shines teeth
Hope this is real #bright bravo#
Ok na him be say I will try my luck.
Congrats to her!
Wowww olachi nkwoada.fggc owerri 2003 set.congratsgal
Congratz,am gona try mine n I tap in2 ur blessing 2 b d nxt winner Amen
Big congrat 2 her
only lawyers.i know they have paid for the car with their money.MTN want to use us the poor to regain the money
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