Lol. Nigerians have no chill | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 7 January 2017

Lol. Nigerians have no chill

After President Buhari tweeted the above message, twitter user Mr. Matchmaker had this to say to him. Read what he wrote after the cut...


Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Lol, imagine.

junia said...

Lol! Yet not funny, this is a serious issue

Unknown said...

Mr matchmaker couldn't av say it better... Nigerian are too gentle to fault....

...........Liber meniac..........

Unknown said...

You can go to war,but did not witness any war when your past leaders were sharing and spending all our earnings.

OLIMA said...

Very good!

Unknown said...

Lol... dee

Unknown said...

Rightly said

Anonymous said...

Mr. Matchmaker well said!! You hit the nail on the head. + no plans to save the economy or the people. Buhari is congratulating someone for statesmanship but has nine himself. Do we remember clearly " the monkey and baboon will be soaked with blood" in Buhari's "rivers of blood" threat to Nigerians if he lost elections?

Anonymous said...

Well said jare

Unknown said...

I think u r just a little bit stupid

Anonymous said...

Over to you.

Billionaire Prof said...

We may not all agree with him or his leadership style... fact remains he's still our president

Unknown said...

Mr matchmaker i'm with you on this.

Anonymous said...

He is a hypocrite

Unknown said...

Well said

Anonymous said...

Olisa John,its either you are brain dead or just in a mental home!to refer to anything to try and justify the present hellfire Buhari brought is just pure incurable madness!

Unknown said...

So true, it's high time oo

Unknown said...

So true, it's high time something is done oo.....

Anderson FOX said...

@Olisa,its your type that this country nolonger needs.
I don't even know how to tell you what really qualifies you and your buharists.

Ify said...

Lol.well said

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmm,he's absolutely right

lib addict#just passing#

Unknown said...

haha trust
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Tell ham oo..

Anonymous said...

people who think the economy of this our country about the pass leaders are only dreaming and being as clueless, suffering dead brain as the present government.

what have this government done to better any sector for it to function well and generate fund? they are still hope on oil money right?

match maker is very right in what he said, this government has nothing to offer, what did they do with the money GEJ left in office?

let them stop this their blame game and work.....and stop stirring up grievance by the way Buari is busy causing division and pretending to cement Nigerians

Esther Dangana said...

Very true Mr matchmaker.

Ebuka said...

mehn naija don tire me. nah wah oo

buhari no kill person

Anonymous said...

U r just a fool like ur president

keke driver said...

I kinda agree.

Anonymous said...

Olisa u gave an epic response. When Jonathan and his administration looted all out money, Jonathan did not thank us for our maturity because we didnt go to war. Why should Buhari that came to fix Jonathan's mess thank us?

Anonymous said...

But Jonathan did not congratulate us for our maturity when his administration looted all our money. Why should Buhari that came to fix Jonathan's mess do so?

Unknown said...

He's right na

Unknown said...

I think u just like arguing or u are backward. Probably us brain is slow.

Unknown said...

I think u just like arguing or u are backward. Probably us brain is slow.

Anonymous said...

Very correct. A useless president presiding over bunch of useless people supporting his visionless administration. Not my president!

FRESH said...

A lot of you just display your ignorance. What has Olisa typed here that is wrong? Was our treasury not shared by politicians?

Anonymous said... is well with Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

Sense is free. . Olisa or whatever, please get some... nzuzu..

jurnalist said...

Na wow

jurnalist said...

It shall be well take note: 2017

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