Thomas who featured on the new TLC series, Long Lost Family, which helps reunite people with their biological relatives told New York Post that's she was shocked to discover that her former co-worker Nita Valdez was her birth mother.
She said:
'I had looked in so many faces for so many years, thinking.."Could that be her? Is she looking at me because she knows me?"
'All the while I had looked at the woman who once knew me as her daughter.'
Nita was the daughter of a minister who was ashamed by her pregnancy out of wedlock, and due to the threats and shame and lack of support, the expectant mom ended up giving up her daughter to social services
When Thomas was told who her biological mum was, she was shocked because she had worked with her for 2 years as a part time patient care technician.
Mother and daughter met up and tried to catch up on all the years they missed in each other's lives.
It's a thing of joy to discover one's root, God is our root and Jesus is the link
The resemblance is there.....
Oh nice
Eeeeeeeeeeeyah! Linda take note!
Touching story,
Good for them.
Good for them.
Even the mother didn't know!
Odiuwegu... Nice one
Eayaaah...Ppl should not always be concerned about what the society says... I wish them hest coming together
Waoh, am happy for her
Sounds like marketing pitch to me... eh, TLC?
What a world...
Tank God for dem
Smilin.......na wa ooooo
This is what you get when you born a child out of wedlock. Prostitution, simple as that.
Wow glad she found out...what a story
Wow!! That's the right expression
This news just made me Hv goose pimples...Thank u Lord for bringing them together.
Ok mo ti gbo oo
Coffer addicted
This is serious....thankGod they united atlast
So touching
Eiyah. Linda observe!
Good for them.
Them trial well well
Na wao.
That's ok
Am glad she found her mum.
LIB ADDICT#just passing#
You are very myopic in your view. People like you are the reason many people are afraid to admit their Mistakes.
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
This is touching...
Awwwwwwwww. Good reunion.
It's not the first time one will hear this kind of story
this is african magic oh. thats gud news for her.
This is d reason I don't like this idea of giving up children.
Thank God
This one na telenovela
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