Piers Morgan slams Kanye West in an open letter | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 13 February 2016

Piers Morgan slams Kanye West in an open letter

Piers Morgan took another jab at Kanye West who launched his fashion label yesterday. He wrote:
Dear Kanye,
You’ve got a new album out, and need to promote it by shouting off your legendarily loud mouth.I get it. Only this can possibly explain your recent behaviour, which has been ridiculously offensive even by your standards.

I’ve been a long-time admirer of yours. I think you’re a brilliantly talented musician and one of the great characters of the global entertainment industry'.
You’re controversial, polarising, and speak your mind. Nothing wrong with that, I’m exactly the same.
But there’s a fine line between being entertainingly outrageous, and just being repellent, and in the past two weeks you’ve not just crossed that line, you’ve smashed it to smithereens in your desperation to offend.
This bizarre process began with your ridiculous spat with fellow rapper Wiz Khalifa, where in a grotesque misunderstanding of something he’d tweeted, you went on a Twitter rampage in which you gratuitously insulted his wife, your former girlfriend Amber Rose, by calling her a gold-digging stripper.
Worse, you dragged his little son Sebastian into it too, in a quite despicable manner, inferring he wouldn’t even exist if you hadn’t ditched his mother.
I wrote then that you had behaved in a ‘pathetic, petty and woefully insensitive’ manner by using a man’s child to humiliate him.
But that, it turned out, was just the warm-up act to your main performance of quite breath-taking crassness.
Three days ago, you suddenly tweeted, for no apparent reason: ‘BILL COSBY IS INNOCENT!!!!!!’
Something that literally nobody else on Planet Earth believes.
In fact, I seriously doubt even Bill Cosby believes it.
By informing your 18.6 million followers of this sentiment, you also effectively informed them that the 50 women who have so far come forward to claim Cosby drugged, raped or abused them are all fakes.
You’re implying they’ve all made up their stories to smear a once revered national icon. Yes, every one of those 50 women is a liar apparently.
As so often, you offered no explanation for your incendiary comment.
You just stuck it out to ignite a media firestorm and help flog your new record.
I’m sure there must have been a more shameless, disgraceful exploitation of serious sexual assault in the history of the music industry, I just can’t off hand think of one.
Today, you shifted your line of attack to yet another woman, Taylor Swift.
A nice, decent young lady who’s done nothing to deserve your opprobrium other than the fact you once decided to charge the VMAs stage as Taylor accepted an award, furious that your friend Beyoncé hadn’t won it instead.
It emerged on Thursday that the lyric to Famous, one of the tracks on your new album, contains this line: ‘I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex. I made that b*tch famous.’
Aside from the obvious disrespect to your wife Kim Kardashian West, it’s a thoroughly unpleasant and sexist thing to say to Taylor Swift.
It was also untrue, she was already a hugely successful recording artist before you ruined her award-winning moment.
As news of this new vile slur spread, and anger erupted on social media led by Taylor’s brother, you decided that attack was the best form of defence.
You went on another Twitter rampage in which you declared that you’d cleared this lyric with Taylor. In fact, it was all HER idea.
Wow, really? That would change everything.
No, not really.
Taylor’s representatives quickly made it very clear that your claims are a pack of lies.
1) She hadn’t in fact approved any such lyric.
2) She didn’t even know about the ‘I made that b*tch famous’ part,.
3) She specifically ‘cautioned’ you about ‘releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message.’
As always when hoisted by your own petard, Kanye, you chose to blame everyone else for failing to understand you.
‘Stop trying to demonize real artist,’ you raged, ‘that’s why music’s so f***ing watered down right now. They want to control us with money and perception and mute the culture.’
No mate, with the greatest of respect, that’s a load of old c-rap.
Nobody’s demonizing any artist around here.
We just find your recent public behaviour towards women profoundly wrong.
You can say what you like in private, that’s your business.
But when you go on a global platform like Twitter and act like a slathering pig, it’s our right to say: ‘Shut the **** up Kanye.’ 
I’m astonished that your wife Kim doesn’t stop you doing this.
Despite all the mockery she gets, I’ve always admired her for being a hard-working, empowered, independent woman.
Why would she enjoy seeing her husband berating other hard-working, empowered, independent women in such a degrading way?
You insisted in one of your latest blizzard of tweets, ‘I asked my wife for her blessings and she was cool with it.’
Hmmm, I find that very hard to believe frankly.
Kim’s ‘cool’ with you suggesting you want to have sex with Taylor Swift? Kim’s ‘cool’ with you calling Taylor a ‘b*tch?’
In fact, Kim’s not just ‘cool’ with it, she offered her ‘blessings’?
If she did, then Kim’s let herself down almost as much as you have.
More to the point, you’ve both let your children down.
Why would you want them to think that’s how men should speak about women in public?
I’m disappointed in you, Kanye.
You’re better than this.
It’s not ‘cool’ to be so overtly offensive to women.
Not now you’re a husband and father.
Grow up.


Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Yeah! He really need to grow up

Babylawyer. said...

He should go and take a seat and deal with his home domestic violence. Guess he's bored.

@Lindaikeji No. I FAN

Unknown said...

Piers you said it all.

DashenDuch said...

kanye don suffer lol

LIB REP (中华人民共和国) said...

Drama King VS Drama King

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Kanye is a f*cked up nigga, constituting nuisance in the industry.

veralu said...

Nice write up, I think with dis Kanye would reason well. Veralucy8@gmail.com, I need a job

gab2shoes said...

Well said.....

The gods are wise

Unknown said...

Seen. * it's well*

Unknown said...

I wish he would listen. He is really acting like a kid.

Unknown said...

Pls tell the insane man
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

This man really hit the nail,Kanye is a fool

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

So on point


Waw nice write up Morgan tell em plss dis desperation to sell his new album is becoming too obvious

Unknown said...

Nna eh, finally someone gats to say some"n....dude be talking trash......

#iT wiLL oNLy geT beTTer
#It MuSt enD iN prAise

Prettybee said...

This guy needs to grow up
enough of this nonsense

Unknown said...

Real word..... sometime I wonder if kanye is a fan or a musician....

He really needs to grow up....

Unknown said...

Who is dis guy,i jst fell in loove with him.its as if e jst read my mind.kanye sud pls shut d fcuk up dis is not d best way to sell his album he is making a fool of himself.pier u said u re disappointed in Kim for giving him her blessing,wat do u expect b4?.she is jst a decoration wife.him calling ppl hoes nd e is married to d daugther to d godmother of hoes

Unknown said...

So true, dude has got serious growing up to do.

Aproko Queen said...

Thank you Piers..speak some sense into that lunatic and lousy Kanye!

Martha said...

Well said. Thank u.

Onobeze said...

That's a good moral lesson for Kanye.

Anonymous said...

Dissing people, are these really songs people listen to? I don't Gerrit! Tokunbo Cold room truck for sale. Bb pin 58BF8F56

kunta said...

Piers Morgan always speaks my mind #word.. Kanye is delusional....Nigga just don't wanna grow up...always talking and tweeting crap..no decorum or whatsoever..Bitch nigga can't u see how jay-z carrires himself?...Kanye is just a shameless asshole married to a whore.

Anonymous said...

Letter a pa weight

Unknown said...

Gbam kanye please grow up..

AMIJEZ said...

Kai,this man finished kanye.

Unknown said...


tosisochukwu said...

Yes! Blast the idiot

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

pearlyTee said...


ejike capable said...

I couldn't have said it better, kanye is becoming a nuisance!

Unknown said...

Nice one but will Kanye listen?Waiting for his rude reply to Pier cos he surely will...

Anonymous said...

Even this man get time, wetin him dey write?

Unknown said...

That's the word...Kanye grow up ur a husband n father now behave like one

Tunechi said...

Kanye no get sense...useless animal.

Mrs said...

Nice talk. Mr Morgan. Kanye West is a dick head.

Anonymous said...

A million kisses peirce morgan

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up, Piers Morgan. Who made U judge over Israel???

Anonymous said...

Shut the fuck up, Piers Morgan. Who made U judge over Israel???

Anonymous said...

Shut the f**k up, Piers Morgan. Who made U judge over Israel???

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

My point exactly....grow up joor

Nenyechi said...

True talk,d guy just said it all..kanye is sick he really needs help

IB said...

I'm absolutely awed by Piers Morgan....and Yes, Kanye needs to throw those diapers away. He's absolutely irritating

Unknown said...

1st time I read from start to finish he finished kanyed and so served him right

De British said...

This is a real big time blast. This man has got the right head on his huge shoulder. Thumbs up dude.
Kanye, get this straight into your thick skull

bhaire said...

True talk "kanye grow up already "

Anonymous said...

No be small thing oooh....This morgan guy finish this small boy "kanye" =8-0

Sir Ruby said...

That was a superb response from Piers Morgan. Can believe Kanye is doing this just to promote his album. Kanye, you need to grow up as you are now a father.

Vixen said...

I love Piers Morgan!!! Took Kanye to the cleaners without raising a fist. Went in as if he had curfew! Lol... I respect him so much. If women had slammed him this way we would have been tagged feminist, but I am so happy its coming from a man.... Whoever idolises Kanye really needs to see a doc.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Na dem sabi

...merited happiness

Unknown said...

abeg Piers Morgan,why are you always after Kanye???...

IB said...

Stupid Kanye.....grow up Joor

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Punk-ass, you've made kanye an extra more popular with this your open letter by pointing almost all of his madness on social media in his bid to lauch an album. You just let him know now, that you really follow his rants too. If you ask me, piers morgan's open letter is as foolish as kanye's ideas n madness in his bid to launch an album! It shouldn't have come up at all, if he was disappointed in kanye.

Unknown said...

P Morgan has guts and was very precise with everything, I just can help but think he just started a war, Let's wait for Kanye, he doesn't know how to keep quiet. He must rant 4 sure

Unknown said...

P Morgan has guts and was very precise with everything, I just can help but think he just started a war, Let's wait for Kanye, he doesn't know how to keep quiet. He must rant 4 sure

Anonymous said...

Piers Morgan, you don't have work. What did you do to your ex wife? What happened at CNN before you were asked to leave? You keep attacking the Kardashians as if you're interested in one of them.

Anonymous said...

Piers Morgan, you don't have work. What did you do to your ex wife? What happened at CNN before you were asked to leave? You keep attacking the Kardashians as if you're interested in one of them.

Unknown said...

I really feel for you Kanye!, this must really touch him..! That's some pack of advice tho, he hid nothing, just like a father would advice a son, Peirs Morgan u av done what u have to do, earn ur lessons West, if u wana keep a legacy, U can't be up there forever.

Unknown said...

God bless you Piers. Someone really need to talk some sense into Kanye. The boy Kanye should grow up.

Busy Fingers.

Anonymous said...

Gbam!!! I think Kanye is way too cocky. And let's expect another round of Kanye's "epic" reply. Oshi

Unknown said...

This Piers is just a big fool. Why can't he mind his business and leave Kanye alone

Unknown said...

A Dope Piece 4rom Dude Morgan.

michael George (the Fulani Prince) said...

Kanye is just an attention hie seeker

michael George (the Fulani Prince) said...

Kanye is just an attention hoe seeker

BUT MAKA WHY said...

Someone need to get him in line.
Kanye West is Bipolar.

Anonymous said...

Love me some Piers...

Unknown said...

Word!!! Kanye been bitching

Unknown said...

Linda pls tell me how I can like this message pls...kanye onibaje

Unknown said...

True talk

dudette said...

Well f**king said

Tochibaby said...

Loooool,this guy no dey ever hide mouth

TheRealAkon said...

I said on this blog that Kanye 's rants were scripted to push his records sale. Pierce Morgan has said it all!

Nwajiulo said...

Nice one.
Kanye is off the rails.

Anonymous said...

While Kanye is growing up, this piers dude needs to get a life. He got it right partly but a couple of points he's making are just biased.
1. Bill Cosby wouldn't even be in this such a mess if he was white.
2.kanye is an a*hole yes we know, but Eminem said worse sh* but hey Kanye is crazy sha
3.What the hell has his wife got to do with his creative direction. He's a rapper...Snoop dogg has always been married and raped a whole lotta crazy things... Lol.. Why is Kanye's different.
Sighs.. This is actually the problem of the world, people keep telling people what to do.
And just for the record, Kanye is an a-hole and Piers isn't any different. They just operate on different lanes so kids, don't be like either of them

Unknown said...

This guy is the Best
Kanye shut the fuck up. And stop embarrassing your family.

Unknown said...

Na dem sabi...too long!

Anonymous said...

Enter your comment...i hope kayne reads this...

Unknown said...

Thank u piers Morgan I hope Kanye grows up

*737*1*amt*acct# to transfer to your sister's gtb acct

Anonymous said...

Gbam...right on the money

Unknown said...

True Talk!

Anonymous said...

Thanks morgan,big time truth.kanye needs 2 see a therapist he's depressed.

Anonymous said...

Yea, that is true talk.kanye I love u bro,both right about now s**t u need learn how to sepret your private talk from your media publicity.mehhnn u are acting like f**k bro

Unknown said...

piers Morgan jst said my mind...kanye is really going overboard with d lyrics all in d name of promoting his album, he's trying too hard, since this one is like this I wonder what the next album will be like, probably he will might drag his daughter into it too....

Cookie'sFan said...

Piers Morgan, live music brohaha for the musician; that's the culture. By the way why bring Kanye's wife and children into this?
U advice on one thing and do the exact opposite.

Unknown said...


Osarhieme Owen Eze said...

I couldn't agree more! Kanye has metamorphosed into the lowest form of degradation. And to think he's one I used to admire. His cheap antics just leave me speechless!
Na by force to remain relevant? And of what relevance is it when it's all shades of disgust?

Anonymous said...

Amen. Grow up kanye.

junia said...

Piers shut up! What's ur biz? He said he wanna ve sex wit Taylor doesn't mean he actually will, what abt Eminem n other rappers dat says shady things in their rap songs. Abeg una free Kanye abi it is bcos he's married 2 Kim?

Unknown said...

Nawa ooh,dis one na finish d boy ooh.

JOYOUS said...

thats cool

Pearlie said...


Unknown said...



Unknown said...

You won't believe what this Small boy was doing with this Big Lady(18+)

Seem really Crazy! Adult Ladies dances Naked in Public Eye all in the name of tradition

Anonymous said...

Wow, God bless you Piers.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I enjoyed every piece of word that piers wrote! I just hope kanye can read this but he is bipolar so that hope is sunk.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I enjoyed every piece of word that piers wrote! I just hope kanye can read this but he is bipolar so that hope is sunk.

Unknown said...

Kanye a Pig?????????? OMG. Bt seriously he deserved every word. Dude does d thinking after talking.

rednaxela said...

All these just to stay relevant. If you're good you're good, no need trying too hard to be.

Valentine Mmaju said...

That hurts.

Edith Chukwuma said...

I share your tots Piers

Anonymous said...

Thank you piers. You spoke our minds.

Unknown said...

lol and the drama continues waiting for Kanye response

Unknown said...

big blow ,

Unknown said...

See naked truth! Kanye U better rearrange ur steps b4 ur wife dump U!!!

Troubleshooter® said...

Chen ghen

Unknown said...

Truth be told...Kanye is a mad man.

mousa mie-mie

chommy said...

Kanye nawa o. Linda observe!

keke driver said...


Unknown said...

Food for thought Kanye

John Raul said...


Anonymous said...

When an English writer remembers u....doomed!

Anonymous said...

When an English writer remembers u....doomed!

Chi+ said...

Ummmm..... I got bored from the point of ("I’m disappointed in you, Kanye."). *rolling my eyes so hard* y d patronizing switch in tone? He should have just continued slamming till the end.

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

Thanks Morgan. I'm really disappointed in kanye. He should watch it, the Kim that I know is no nonsense, if he keeps embarrassing her like this, she will file for a divorce and not even feel remorseful about it!

Anonymous said...

Correct,he needs 2 change

Anonymous said...

Omo see clearing. The guy clear my guy lol

Unknown said...

God bless Piers Morgan,kanye is retarded.

Unknown said...

I'm counting patiently to d day Kim wil file a divorce. Otherwise dis f*+l will ruin her career

Chuks Bruno said...

Na den sabi

Anonymous said...

Kanye West has crossed the line. Piers said it all. U disrespect women;his wife via adultery claim, calling d girls who were drugged n raped liars, n insulting Taylor. Ur messiah complex has left u delusional. Pity! #d curious1#

Anonymous said...

Kanye West has crossed the line. Piers said it all. U disrespect women;his wife via adultery claim, calling d girls who were drugged n raped liars, n insulting Taylor. Ur messiah complex has left u delusional. Pity! #d curious1#

Unknown said...

He is just so full of him self.... No respect for en not even his wife

Anonymous said...

There cup of palm wine

Amaram ogechi


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Kanye's ADHD would not let him read all of that.

Unknown said...

A man that doesn't respect a woman is seriously digging his grave with his own hands....and to think Kim supported this? Why ain't I surprised tho.....Taylor and I repeat it again is the woman no Kardash will ever be!!

Unknown said...

True talk abeg! Kanye own don de too much! Just seekinq for uncessary attention! Mtcheeeew!

Unknown said...

Well written..just said my mind with well constructed English and criticism...hehe Kim u just got served smhw too.


Anonymous said...

Peire Morgan stop invading black people culture and how they react to things, you did this I. America they wanted you out immediately, do you know for four hundred years this people was stripped of all so they re rebuilding the culture get it please

Unknown said...

Asin Kanye is just stupid... I'm disappointed in him

Linda pays - Blessed are the meek

Unknown said...

Kanye West is Pathetic...

Unknown said...

Someone should tell him to stop doing drugs..... Its not good for his other side of the brain. You called amber a gold- digging stripper and your wife has a sex tape that has been see by the world. Lol

Unknown said...

Free Kanye! He's the greatest artist alive, he's going beyond limits to be the greatest in history and that's how it should be. Piers just wants attention and using Kanye's name is the quickest way to get that.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

So right. He needs to grow up

Unknown said...

Piers should go and get a life. What is his business in the way other people choose to leave their lives

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

I agree with piers Morgan. Childish Kanye.


Unknown said...

Na dem sabi

Don Smith said...

Kanye is a man who behaves like a boy. He doesn't think before making his utterances.

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mistress no.1 said...

Piers just stole thoosse words right outta my mouth.really.i thought Kanye had a lil bit off sense.but he clearly doesnt.o ma se o.

Anonymous said...

Kanye suffers from low sperm count. Simple.

SolangeD said...

i tink kanye has to be checked out mentally,d guy brain no dy complete or has shifted....i just pity kim(not really)she has to bear d shame and enbrassment everytime.

Unknown said...

And he has 2 kids?? Dude are ur senses complete?

Posh Queen said...

I seriously blame the kardashians for this

Unknown said...

Na D'BANJ I feel sorry for

east west said...

his album is gabbage to add to his despicable remarks he said 2 pac was overated yeezy u a mediocre dont let large followers deceive him better shuts up deal with his wives nudity guess its hunting him

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