Model blasts Kanye's fashion show, says they weren't paid a dime | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 13 February 2016

Model blasts Kanye's fashion show, says they weren't paid a dime

Model claims Kanye West didn't pay them a dime to model at his Yeezy Season 3 fashion show..what he shared after the cut...

I was one of the 1200 “models” that Kanye selected to be apart of his Yeezy Season 3 show at MSG and my experience was horrible! First of all, Ye’ didn’t even give us the real Yeezy collection to model! He sent us out to Jersey and put our azzes in clothes from the Salvation Army! My shirt was from American Apparel and pants were Carhartt. Talk about misleading your audience. That’s not even the worst part, he didn’t PAY US! Yes, he didn’t tell us that we were working for free until 6am. We were supposed to be paid between $50-80 for our services but got NOTHING!


Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Asiri ti n tu small small. Kanye, what do u have to say?


keke driver said...

O Dear!

Unknown said...

This got me kiki-ing so hard...

Unknown said...

Eyah ndo, but what are we to do with this ur complain now?

Nenyechi said...


Unknown said...

Boosted..bad market for kenya..Linda observe carefully

STERN said...

That model is only jealous...Models envy each other esp when they know you're a competition

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Kanye why na? Odiro kwa mma oo

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

Kanye just falling hand right left and centre, mtcheww... Kim will soon give him the boot!

Anonymous said...

Lmao. All na wash. Even in yankee. Those his clothes do like clothes that homeless people wear. So is it any surprise theyer were from salvation army of all places!! Only a fools will endorse yeezys fashion line let alonebuy it. Ur better off ripping your khaki colored clothes and wearing it like a were

LIB REP (中华人民共和国) said...

Kanye is just a fuck boy

Unknown said...

Kanye drama king


Unknown said...

Choi.. Nawa oo
Dis is bad
U gota pay somebody for hez services

Enugu's second shoe designer

Muna said...


Adaobilinda her sexcellency said...

I tot as much..lolz. Kenya why?

Unknown said...


Okloho Spenzo said...

Lols @ salvation army cloths..zombies

Unknown said...

Obama once called him a 'Jackass'.

Unknown said...

Obama once called him a 'Jackass'.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm ok thanks 4d charity work u can all have a nice day...bye...make I hear word.


Anonymous said...


Amaram ogechi

Unknown said...

Wow eeyah it does happen like that

Unknown said...

you worked for a star naa. If true then his new name must be AdeKanye OshoFree.

Unknown said...

It's gud u opened up my don lyke users

tosisochukwu said...

That's 2 bad of him

!brightosman aka fake phyno .#gerarahere

Unknown said...

Na wa oo

Unknown said...

Seen. * it's well*

Unknown said...

Lol...the same Kanye that CLAIMED he made Taylor famous? Sh*t just got real!

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Deir wahala

...merited happiness

Engee said...

Ha ha ha ha kenya bad gan, those model no wise at all. How can you not discuss your payment before working? He pulled a fast one on them

Sipping my hennessy

Unknown said...

but some people are crazy ooo they didn't discuss an amount before doing their jobs.smh


junia said...

How is dat possible? Story story, all for Kanye n cos he's married 2 a Kard.

Unknown said...

Are dey sure?


Unknown said...

Na wa oooo... After working and no pay, its can be painful


For every rumour,.....

la sexy said...

Too bad

junia said...

Only a fools? Lol! All bcos of ur hate,

junia said...

Sharraapp fool, who u be? He's Kanye. Save ur hate Kanye know you not n he n d Kards re wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than you. Fuck gal

junia said...

Sharraappp, who are u? He's Kanye! Save ur hate, he n d Kards/Jenner re wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than you. Fuck gal lol

Unknown said...

Hard to belive

Unknown said...

Too bad please pay them

Anonymous said...

Not possible, they r looking for cheap publicity

Unknown said...

Those clothes looks like rag sense fashion!!!

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

Junia, are you not ashamed of yourself, I've never read any meaningful comment from you, all you do is troll on people who comment on the freaking Kardashians, jeez.

Anonymous said...

Teenage Zombie fan@ junia

Unknown said...

D guy is ryt. Wht kinda fashion concept is yeezy? Luks lk beggars' wears. Crap

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Posh Queen said...

There we go

chyyy said...

Hahahahha pls look at those pictures again. They all look like THE WITCHES. Hahahah. Died people cloth, Kenye West na ekokwa eko oooo. Who gave him this fashion ideas hahah

junia said...

Is dat all u gat?

junia said...

Ashamed? U can't be serious!

Unknown said...

Is gud for kanye

Cuz he can make mouth


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