1. With a tantalizing discount on airtime from all networks, you could call bae all weekend long.
2. Put yourself in the mood for the weekend with romantic songs thanks to Spinlet's FREE music all weekend.
3. Why not take care of your lover's internet - either Swift or Smile. PaywithCapture has your back at ZERO service charge.
4. You or bae is not really into going outdoors why not keep it simple and stay home and cuddle up to a movie on DStv. Don't worry you don't need to make that all too stressful trip to the DStvoffice, just pay your subscription fees via your mobile phone with PaywithCapture at ZERO service charge.
5. Order that delicious pizza bae loves from Dominos or Debonairs.
6. For the outdoor types, pamper yourself and bae with a chauffeur-driven ride from Uber around town.
7. You could organize a quick getaway surprise flight for you and your lover. No need for travel agents just PaywithCapture for your Air France, South African Airways, Ethiopia Airlines and Arik Air.
8. Don't forget to get that medical protection from Med Plus. Simply PaywithCapture.
Someone once said, 'You cannot love someone if you have not loved yourself.' So show a bit of that self-love by treating yourself good this weekend all from the touch of the lifestyle App.
9. Buy high-end clothes from up-scale stores. Debra’s Grace and Traclist has you covered, all you have to do is… you guessed right – PayWithCapture.
10. Get a new phone from Slot.
11. Buy your groceries. Bye-bye POS terminals, welcome PaywithCapture no more long queues at your favourite grocery stores: Ebaeno and SPAR.
12. Get some ice cream from Coldstone Creamery or you could get a nice cup of frozen yogurt from Sweet Kiwi.
13. Take a trip with Easy Taxi to a nice restaurant like Bungalow, Spice Route, The Arc Restaurant or Mail Room and pay via the App.
14. Remember, Valentine's on Sunday, so express love by paying your tithe and offerings at House on the Rock, The Elevation Church, and Harvesters International Christian Church via the PaywithCapture App.

Take your valentine adverts away from here pls
It shld provide d boo
...merited happiness
Linda mkn money snc 2000
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Ok seen
14 is good for me
Res ipsa loquitor
Love is in the air
nice one...life made easy.
Lovely initiative
Every where is valentine talk. Biko we the booless one's are tired.
Res ipsa loquitor
Ok seen
I'm loving... Access Bank you are just too much....
Abeg tomorrow shld come and pass make i hear word
Am temporary out of service
Pls try again later
Linda dont take note!
Val or no val..the heart knows were it belongs...don't get carried away.True love is not once in a year.
Wow! Dope dope dope...... @iam MR_Successful and i believe in destiny
Ok seen.
DON ~jazzycrush
Alwt.....tell me more
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