A bank/banks were robbed today in Ikurun, Osun State by dare devil armed men. I don't have much details...eyewitnesses are giving conflicting stories but the unfortunate thing from the incident is that two people lost their lives. The photos are graphic and was sent in by a LIB reader who got to the scene after the robbery. See the photos after the cut...
Armed robbers from where? Investigations MUST BE made ASAP. No police or whatsoever during the incident..? VERY BARBARIC.
Still hatin armed robbers.
So sad
Oh!my God,save your people in Jesus name amen.jumbo
Noooooooooo! Wat's goin on?
...merited happiness
Noooooooooo! Wat's goin on?
...merited happiness
Jesus wept
Holy Mary, all these robbery Na valentine cause am? RIP to dem
May God keep us..
Which bank is that?? Sorry 4 d lose. No rubbers hv ever escape robbery in OSun State, thEy may just run away but later they ll still be caught bcos of d juju of idu Osu. They can run but can't hide.
Omg tears rolling
God help us in dis country... dee
Lord have mercy on ur children oo
Oh dear Lord!!! Soo sad
Chei! What's al dis?#Lindangwanu#
RIP to d dead! May those responsible for dia untimely death neva know peace again.
God see how ddey just wasted this pple
God arm robbery everywhere. innocent people are been killed.. may God help his children
May dia soul rest in peace
This is a terrible ogodomigodo
Jesus what is this na!
Gosh!, may dey Rest in peace!
Ewo ooo
Na wa oo,this bad
RIP to the dead,God pls always protect us from this wicked generation.
Evil men,Everywhere...
This arm robbers are more wicked than the devil him self...Believe
This is terrible.
God is great.
Enter your comment...even Here in ijede in ikorodu,there was a rumour of the robbers coming here.na so police dey patrol the area since ooo
Na wah o..where all the police men run enta now? RIP TO THE dead
Heartless human beings. God will expose them
God pls save us
Lord av mercy oooo..
Wait linda, is The Game eggplant real? You just have to look it up on IG. Damn.. so sexy!! Lol
Sad, May their soul rest in peace, Amen
No works , valentine is around the corner and they must impress their spouse . those guys that were kill may hv refuse to cooperate ....
Chai wicked!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Jesu! Life wasted just like that.
Whatever a man sows, that he shall reap. The time is wrapping up for all these blood thirsty animals parading in human form. May they be at peace. Dear Lord, have Mercy.
Jesu! Life wasted just like that?
Whatever man sows, that he shall reap. Time is wrapping up for all these blood thirsty animals parading in human form. May the dead be at peace. Dear Lord, have Mercy.
may they rest in peace
So sad mehn
So sad... RIP to dey dead..... @iam MR_Successful and i believe in destiny
RIP to the departed
Linda which bank ....nuel
Madam Linda... Do you know if the next of kin have been contacted? Before posting graphic pictures of dead people, remember they have families that might not approve of what you are doing!
I give God all the Glory, my Mum was inside the banking hall when the robbers attacked. Thank God some of the robbers were killed.
People dying. And am Alive and healthy! LORD thank you for ur grace.
This insatiable and avaricious appetite of necrophilia exhibited by the average Nigerian is unbecoming of sane members of the citizenry. The unabated quest and sadistic voyeurism for the visual morbid consumption of and infatuation with moribund occurrences is dehumanising and degrading to say the least. Surely there are dignified ways of conveying a loss of life without cadavers of loved ones being exposed for all and sundry.
Nawao, they really must be daredevils, the security persons assigned to the banks must have gone into hiding.
So all those police men run....buh whn robars no dey dem go wear mofty dey harass bike men we dey near bank...all those mumu police wey dem park full ikirun #MMC
Subuanallai! What a tragic loss? I pray Allah SWT grants them eternal rest.
Alhamdulilai! The robbers were caught and others killed, unable to escape with their loot.
Allah will continue his protection over us - amin.
Thanks to the Policemen and valiant people of Ikirun. The armed robbers were caught (2) and others killed, surprisingly people were fighting over the money left! Is it poverty or what?
Kudos to d gallant police officers that responded swiftly and killed some of the robbers as well as arresting others alive,at least they deserve commendation
This one is serious o abeg Linda give us more info
RIP,god guide our goingout and comingin Amen.
The answer to your question is 103
May God continue to order our foot steps and keep us
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