Did the Senate really pass a law which legalizes sex with an 11 year old? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 6 June 2015

Did the Senate really pass a law which legalizes sex with an 11 year old?

When I read the report online a few days ago, I didn't carry it because I didn't believe it. The report claimed that the Nigerian Senate had on Wednesday June 3rd passed a bill that approved prison terms for rapists and anyone who has sex with a child under 11 years old. That means if the child is above 11, men can have sex with them and face no consequences? Still hard to believe. FFK just reacted to it on Twitter


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www.glowyshoe.com said...

This is so shameful..is this the change nigerians are clamouring for?


mira cookie said...


Unknown said...

They dare not. New Nig indeed

@arkiss said...

NotGud @ all

ASHANKA said...


AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Ffk needs to be caged in the zoo.... empty stinky gabage can!

andre kelvin said...

Dah fuck? Don't believe

SANDRA said...

Shebi una vote Buhari, Change has really come get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Wait o, what is he talking about? Was it not his PDP-led senate that rushed through legislations last wk?

Unknown said...

If that's true then that's insane and our senators should look in2 dat law and amend it b4 it's too late.

SANDRA said...

Shebi una vote Buhari, Change has really come get used to it.

Unknown said...

Hard to believe

Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......

Anonymous said...

C.H.A.N.G.E. hahaha. This is d beginning of evil. Nigeria is doom

Anonymous said...

FFK should shut F***k up.!!!! Was it not a PDP led senate that passed that bill.!!!! Why equating it to the New governmet.its funny how people try to twist facts and pass blame to others,credibility lacking FFK

Unknown said...

More surprising change to come.....; waiting for when they will legalise gay/lesbian right in Nigeria.... You guys wanted change, you ll find it....

Anonymous said...

Mr FaniKayode is it not your so called PDP senators that are majority in the house then. Please keep quiet

Unknown said...

Well, he is definitely right about that. Any man who is literate enough to read can see that's exactly what that particular law says. Which is why before any law is passed, we should not be bothered about what the law says but be more bothered about what it doesn't say, cos only from there can such a law be scrutinised befor it is passed into law.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm! That I the change some blind. Nigerians want. This is still the index! The main book still gonna unfold....I sit down dey look. God help us....

Unknown said...

The Senate passing it does not mean the president will sign the bill.

APPLE said...

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……………TELL ME IT IS NOT TRUE O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…….CHINEKE O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…IS THIS THE CHANGE???!!!!!…HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!..


Lindiway when I heard of it initially, I just like many Nigerians reacted emotionally, but I finally saw a clearer version of the purported bill. And from what I saw its not like what was earlier reported.


9jahub.com said...

na so we see am oh..


Unknown said...

Hmmmm! That is the change some blind Nigerians want. This is still the index! The main book still gonna unfold....I sit down dey look. God help us....

Unknown said...

I can't believe this Biko nu

~make I go take one bottle of star beer~

Anonymous said...

The newly elected are not in yet so dos Bills were passed by the Last Administration Senators. Mr FFK watch ur mouth ur people passed d bills

Unknown said...

It wil only b accepted if, and when d President signed it into law if not it wil b discarded.

mimi j said...

U must be kidding...I doubt this

Anonymous said...

FFK is wrong the bill was passed by the 7th assembly and it had nothing to do with the PMB administration or the new legislators

Unknown said...

Ewu FFK, no be una Senate pass the Bill??? Abi are you not aware dat it was the just ended Senate dat came with Jona dat did it. Mumu man. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Ewu FFK, no be una Senate pass the Bill??? Abi are you not aware dat it was the just ended Senate dat came with Jona dat did it. Mumu man. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

Ffk sir,i thought u have quit misleading people sir?the Senate that passed the bill was the last one which had pdp as d majority and it was passed in hush tone just as the way koro was confirmed.the new senate has not even been inaugurated let alone passing a bill

Dj metrix said...

Buari abeg no b dis kind change we need o...lol

Anonymous said...

y blame it on buhari abi no b d national assembly of d former govt wey get pdp as big majority pass d law. d new assembly hav not bin innaugurated yet. u mst b sick in d head fani

Anonymous said...

Was it not d PDP courtesy David Mark dat approved it?is dis FFK MAD or something?or he is high on hot shit?

Unknown said...

Hausa culture at work.... that time when majority of those in power are Hausa....

Anonymous said...

No b ur PDp Pple plenty 4 senate dat pass d bill 7th assembly.dat Transformation Agenda 4 u courtesy David Mark.so oga Ffk park well.

Davido's driver said...

Really shameful. Won't believe until I hear it on NTA

~album drops 8th June~

ary said...

Nah still don't believe this! There is a mistake somewhere! I think it is 11 years for those found guilty of sex with minors! we can't really be that backward, can we?

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Only insane people follow FFK lead! Agbaya.com!


Is dis 4 real??? I don't believe it biko

Unknown said...

Well the new Senate hasn't been inaugurated. Soo what has this got to do with change. Prejudice really can impare objectivity.

Anonymous said...

If you can recall Sandra, it is the PDP led senate that passed the bill. The "new" National Assembly which will be led by the APC is yet to be inaugurated. Let us learn to get our facts right before making comment!

Amaka said...

The only thing u can see about this post is FFK. U shld be ashame of ursef. True true you r from the north, that sees nothing in unage defiling of girls.

motheroftwo said...

That is just plain wrong, God help us and protect our children.

Amaka said...

Mr Nnags, what's d clearer version? This d only version we saw.

Anonymous said...

FFK is a fool, was it not PDP led senate that rush and pass d bill...it is expected, when they pass over 40bills in 10minutes, definitely they won't read and go through the bills very well, just to implicate Mr President in the future

Anonymous said...

Where we all sleeping? How did this perversion pass through the eye of the needle?

Anonymous said...

FFK can sound brainless sha. Isn't it d old senate that is still there? Has the new ones been sworn in yet? Already he has used it to project d new govt in a bad light while its still GEJ's senate that supposedly passed this bill. And som of these LIB commenter will jus b yarning dust without reasoning.

@arkiss said...

Driver wud appreciate u reduce ur spacing

Unknown said...

The current Senate dat passed it is still Jonathan's senate. New senators have not been sworn it yet. Try to follow up

Anonymous said...

People are really confused even Fani-Kanoisedey. Isn't it the old GEJ senate? He should look for a new processor chip. So should all these shallow ones.

Anonymous said...

The real culprit here is Linda Ikeji, Linda I have said it many times and many times I do not get printed. You are fostering disunity in Nigeria, you are surely not a patriot

Oyetunde said...

This FFK never ceases to amuse somebody. Is it not your PDP-stuffed out-going senate that passed whatever was passed into law with their kangaroo process that saw tens of bills passed in just 10 minutes. Psheeeeeeeew! Oshisco. Has the new senate even started any work? Ode buruku.

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Anonymous said...

Muslims are allowed to marry 12 year old gils. How do we then say you can't have sex with a 12yo
without contradicting their religion.

People should try and understand this perspective. An alternative is to allow states create their own laws
on the right age for sex.

Unknown said...

Many people show their dumbness through their comments. They don't even know that the new senators are yet to be sworn in. David Mark with his dumb PDP senators passed this into law

Anonymous said...

FFK,the bills was passed by the David mark led senate.The senator who moved for it is a pdp senator.the pdp as at Thursday (before the new senators) had house majority.
Why are you trying to pass it off as an APC sponsored bill.

Anonymous said...

Na only you get brain for here. All these zombies following Linda and her stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Monkey like u aboki... I need to be put in a rat hole....fucktard

Austin said...

das if president buhari signs the bill!!.. and he might!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't expose your illiteracy.the new senators are yet to officially resume

Anonymous said...

If not that you're a clinical fool, you'll realise that it was the PDP led senate that passed it. Or have you forgotten they just handed over.
Well I trust Buhari not to sign that BS into law.

Unknown said...

thats can't be true.i hope it is not.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Juliet! I have been reading through comments to see someone point this out.

Anonymous said...

Are you all so stupid to realize that the new senate hasn't taken over? And it's still the old Senate working?! So blame it on gej and PDP

Anonymous said...

Igbo people truly no get sense. It's mostly igbo comments that can't see that this has nothing to do with the change led government.

Ogechi@ afakos@yahoo.com said...

This is really change. maybe more will come later. This is a shame.

Anonymous said...

All these people calling Buhari do you think through your brain at all? Mscheeeew....is it not Jona's assembly that passed the bill?

Anonymous said...

No mind the stupid ppl wey dey talk....including the blogger

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God bless you for this comment.

Anonymous said...

And usually gullible nigerians will swallow the news hook line and sinker....no wonder we are the way we are.....stupid ppl everywhere

Unknown said...

I am not a fan!!

Linda Cogitate

Anonymous said...

Na you make sense pass all this people wey dey type here since joor!

Anonymous said...

IDIOT its the PDP senators responsible for the bill

Anonymous said...

IDIOT its the PDP senators bill

Anonymous said...

sharrap its the PDP bill idiot...

Unknown said...

The bill was passed by d 7th assembly under senator David Mark.... so FFK is just being mischievous and trust Nigerians that don't read they believe anything..... mscheew

Anonymous said...

IDIOT its a PDP bill ask GEJ and PDP what they were thinking...

Unknown said...

I doubt this news abeg....

Unknown said...

It wil only b accepted if, and when d President signed it into law if not it wil b discarded.

Unknown said...

It wil only b accepted if, and when d President signed it into law if not it wil b discarded.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Obaji u be real Ogbanjé frm ur pic!

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Obaji u be real Ogbanjé frm ur pic!

olusamjide said...

this Kayode of a guy really needs a psychiatrist help. Who passed the law? Is it 7th or 8th assembly. This guy's madness is germinating into something else. He is graduating from madness to something of o name. It's Jonathan assembly that laid the booby trap for Buhari presidency. and they have already failed

Unknown said...

As in.... I tire for pple oo

Unknown said...

I second your opinion jare

Unknown said...

I am with u ooo...hehehe

Anonymous said...

Lol but David mark is still the Sen president and was the one passing 46 bill in how many minutes

talk2frankky said...

Ode its PDP led senate who passed the bill.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm thats not really cool though

Unknown said...

I hope it ain't true
Dis aboki pple eeerhh so retarded! Mtch...

Anonymous said...


future is now. said...

Sex is a consensual act,do those old fools believes a child of 16 understand Sex to consent.shame on David mark and his Sex crazy collaborators.

Unknown said...

Leave dat mumu Sandra jor..she is lookin 4 cheap attention..

Anonymous said...

Kinda shameful

Nigerian Guy Proposes to Girlfriend after Sex(SEE HERE)

Anonymous said...

Don't be a fool! Get your facts right! That bill was among the 46 bills passed in 10 mins by the 7th Senate led by PDP.

Unknown said...

change is here!!!

Anonymous said...

Prejudice truly clouds objectivity. Don't be a lame Igbo person and learn the facts! PDP was still in charge of the Senate, until 5th June. That bill was passed on 3rd. Moron!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I mean "pretense"

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

I dnt believe it

Chynell said...

Yesso we are changing, ntooo unu

OJIMAN said...

The Senate that passed that law had a PDP President and a PDP Majority. Noise maker!!

OJIMAN said...

The Senate that passed that law had a PDP President and a PDP Majority. Noise maker!!

OJIMAN said...

The Senate that passed that law had a PDP President and a PDP Majority. Noise maker!!

Unknown said...

Lolz is now I understand d change there talkng about dis is one of dam. New nigeria. God pls come to our help

Unknown said...

Total madness
...NA ZO

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:24am What has Igbo got to do with this?. Was it not FFK that mentioned this? You are a stupid tribalist bigot. FOOL.

Unknown said...

Where is bring back our girls

Akin said...

FFK is just full of deceit.... this was done in the last Senate under David Mark ie their last working day where they also passed 46bills in 10 minutes. The new Senate in which the APC has a majority will only be inaugurated next tuesday so has nothing to do with change.

Anonymous said...

Lies!! Lies lies!

Anonymous said...

dis just child abuse, wat the hail is wrong with our senate? how could they pass such bill. may God help us

Anonymous said...

If u join this deluded FFK to equate d passage of d unfortunate bill with CHANGE/PMB leadership, then u must in no doubt be a MORON (in d words of Wole Soyinka). Is it not d wasteful & sleeping PDP-led senate headed by David Mark during GEJ's era that rushed d 46 bills into law on discovering 24 hrs to handing over that they've virtually done little or nothing over 4 years?

Anonymous said...

I am yet to understand why people are terming this and asking questions about the change they voted for because most people are forgetting that it is the outgoing PDP dominated Senate that passed the Law. Don't start putting everything on buhari please.

Anonymous said...

PDP dominated senate still in action. can somebody correct me, have they inaugurated the newly elected senators.

Unknown said...

Lmaoo. U guys are attacking ffk bt do worse in reality..let me keep quiet.

Unknown said...

Thank you...na beta clinical fool and idiot dem no understand something....they will jst carry there phones and b typing nonsense. .... it is a David Mark led PDP senate dat passed the bill nothing abt APC or Buhari is involved here

Anonymous said...

False. See the bill in the link http://nass.gov.ng/nass/legislation.php?id=2040

Unknown said...

Truly most igbo pple here ar jst myopic... most of dem here are illiterate.... can't dey jst understand that the new senate wud b inaugurated on the 9th of june

Anonymous said...

Dumb girl....dat was passed by the 7th National Assembly, the same one controlled by ur pdp! Fool

Anonymous said...

Linda pls always try to pass the right info to public... U and I knw very well that it was the outgoing senators under the Pdp leadership that passed this ridiculous bill... Pls try to give a more detailed info next tym.

Anonymous said...

I personally think FFK is deliberately being crafty with all these mischievious posts he has been posting of late. He can not claim ignorance that it was the 7th assembly which is still the one of PDP/GEJ who passed this bill along with its record-breaking 46bills in 10mins. How then can this be blamed on "Change"? When opposition is started with false accusations, prejudice and hate , how can they be credible when they come up with valid points in future? Truly the PDP don't understand politics let alone knowing what it means to be a viable opposition. With the way they are behaving , they'll end up pitching themselves in a protracted fight with the Nigerian masses who now sees them as enemies of progress. If campaign of blackmail and calumny didn't fetch victory during the elections it certainly will not fetch victory after the election, but will rather alienate the PDP the more from Nigerian masses. This is one big lesson the PDP and its apologists have failed to learn.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Abokis r naturally pervs. Sick oversexualized natural killers claiming holy. Na dem like sex pass

Anonymous said...

Anonymous shut the hell up! Acc right now has more majority cos some money mo gets from pep joined your party apc, right now apc has 55 senators while pdp has 40 and the pdp senator dat moved for the motion is from u a core North!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous shut the hell up! Acc right now has more majority cos some money mo gets from pep joined your party apc, right now apc has 55 senators while pdp has 40 and the pdp senator dat moved for the motion is from u a core North!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous shut the hell up! Acc right now has more majority cos some money mo gets from pep joined your party apc, right now apc has 55 senators while pdp has 40 and the pdp senator dat moved for the motion is from u a core North!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous shut the hell up! Acc right now has more majority cos some money mo gets from pep joined your party apc, right now apc has 55 senators while pdp has 40 and the pdp senator dat moved for the motion is from u a core North!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous shut the hell up! Acc right now has more majority cos some money mo gets from pep joined your party apc, right now apc has 55 senators while pdp has 40 and the pdp senator dat moved for the motion is from u a core North!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous shut the hell up! Acc right now has more majority cos some money mo gets from pep joined your party apc, right now apc has 55 senators while pdp has 40 and the pdp senator dat moved for the motion is from u a core North!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous shut the hell up! Acc right now has more majority cos some money mo gets from pep joined your party apc, right now apc has 55 senators while pdp has 40 and the pdp senator dat moved for the motion is from u a core North!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous shut the hell up! Acc right now has more majority cos some money mo gets from pep joined your party apc, right now apc has 55 senators while pdp has 40 and the pdp senator dat moved for the motion is from u a core North!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous shut the hell up! Acc right now has more majority cos some money mo gets from pep joined your party apc, right now apc has 55 senators while pdp has 40 and the pdp senator dat moved for the motion is from u a core North!! Igbo's condemn it if you must know, we do not check if it's an Igbo party or not before we condemn wat is morally wrong!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous shut the hell up! Acc right now has more majority cos some money mo gets from pep joined your party apc, right now apc has 55 senators while pdp has 40 and the pdp senator dat moved for the motion is from u a core North!!

Anonymous said...

It was passed by the 7th assembly and the last time I checked, PDP was still in charge of the 7th assembly. Even if u re not current to know that pdp was still in charge wen the bill was passed, wat stops u from carrying out a little research? And this is one major reason why I don't blame this set of old men that has refused to back down from government because our youths are still not mentally and intellectually ready to take charge.

Anonymous said...

@Asoge Olukemi, @FFK and other miserable HATERS. the bill was passed by GEJ and David Mark led govt. No amount of mixing up the facts can take that away goons. the apc led senate will come alive next.

Roche said...

Linda Nwa Ikeji....There're subtle ways to pass information without creating disunity.
However,FFK is an expensive fool because he's kind of foolishness is designers & cannot be readily available.He's just out to misguide people & create attention.
For the FFK protege on this blog,Continue exhibiting your foolishness.
Buhari's lawmakers are going to be inaugurated on Tuesday.
The perversities who passed this bill are senators in the 7th Assembly.
Conclusively,it cannot be a law until Buhari signs it into law.Not until then,U can't blame the 7th Assembly foolishness of FFK's stupidity on "Change"

Unknown said...

Yes, the PDP Senators are still at the Senate not APC. APC Senators will resume next week. So the PDP Senators passed it and that is the PDP Change. Mr. Trumpet with no sense. Think before you tweet.

Roche said...

Tomorrow is Sunday;FFK must be on his way to Ghana for his Sunday Sunday psychiatric check up.
The Afo anu is just looking for relevance.

Roche said...

Tomorrow is Sunday;FFK must be on his way to Ghana for his Sunday Sunday psychiatric check up.
The Afo anu is just looking for relevance.

Unknown said...

Nonsense! The 7th national assembly under PDP leadership passed the bill, that is if it is true. FFK should know better... Don't blame it on APC's change.

Anonymous said...

Two of u are "very intelligent" oh. She u knw the senators for this administration are yet to be inaugurated. Abeg try n be watching news. stop blaming the wrong pple. And you this my fellow anon commentator u are even hailing her. Na u intelligent pass.

Anonymous said...

See this dirty looking aboki with his smelly robe, throwing insults at someone for writing the truth.

Why in the world do y'll derive pleasure in raping under age girls, in the name of marriage?

Kids should be allowed to be kids, they should be given time to enjoy their innocence and develop into women.

But you promiscuous aboki and your likes will never support this.

dirty pervs!

<< LIB Addict >>

Anonymous said...

Stupid people, especially hausas and yorubas who voted for buhari will want to cover for this islamic law been passed.

Welcome to Sharia Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

What matters most is not who passed the bill.
We should be more concerned about what this new law can bring about in Northern Nigeria.

An 11yr old girl is a baby, do not rape her in the name of marriage.

This is what we should be talking about, and not playing politics with the safety of our daughters.

<< LIB Addict >>

Anonymous said...

It is possible FFK is doing all these to futher destroy the PDP's image and the party itself. The earlier PDP expels this FFK guy the better for them, if they still want to remain relevant in Nigeria's political landscape.

Mr 47 said...

Fani Really!!! u must be high on ur substance when ur posted dat nonsense ??? Linda even u too??? Oh dear!! The bill was passed by the present senate with majority of PDP. The new senate are yet to resume. I wonder where u get ur certificate from Fani.. Why is that most Libers are so dumb n stupid??? Na wa ooo.

sweetie said...

Ffk shut up, David mark pass d bill, PDP pass it, our confirm change ll surely change it

Anonymous said...

My friend, this bill wasn't passed by senators under Buhari's administration, y'll should take a chill pill.

must we play politics with everything?
This is not about change or continuity, PDP or APC, Buhari or GEJ... this is about the safety of our daughters.

Let's drop sentiments for once.

<< LIB Addict >>

Unknown said...

It's appalling. Anyways, good insight from FFK. Thanks for drawing our attention to this cos I didn't perceive it from that perspective.

Unknown said...

Stupidity bcos u want to comment. They hardly read d post but very quick to comment bcos dey always follow the trend. I tire for them irritating comments every time as if their 6th sense is not functioning

The venerable one said...

Chai linda you no dey try oh, you dey get news from Ffk of all people??? The senate passed the law for life imprisonment for any one who rapes a child below 11. I think if above 11 the person will get a lighter sentence. Please o your research before posting such report. FFK is still hurt over jonathan losing and I think that has affected his brain for him not to know that the senate is still that of the 7th assembly ( under the former administration) the new one is to be inaugurated on tuesday. Ignorance is bad oh

Anonymous said...

They won't see it until one of the people they abuse most say something...I knw some Sai Buhari idiots will still curse out FFK ... Like use ur head,is this normal ?take a cue from advanced world

Anonymous said...

The APC senate are still elects. The current bill was passed by FFK's PDP so what is his point about striking a blow to opposition when he is striking to himself.

Unknown said...

and it was said that senator chris anyanwu pioneered it all. it is not funny at all.
11 years? that is very very paedophilic . god help us all in this country of ours.

Anonymous said...

FFK should not link "change" as in the APC change or new Nigeria with this bill. This bill was passed by the old Senate not the new one coming in next week. Its the old PDP majority senate so FFK should ask his fellow PDP senate members.

Unknown said...

After reading some responses here,i just felt depressed. The matter at hand isnt who passed the bill...its abt the bill itself. why are we so divided that we fail to see the problem but our selfish myopic opinions. We are in Nigeria where an innocent child can be abused or raped or slept with and its fine. Pls lets stop being divided and see wht is happening na wa o! Change has to start from us not some government. Its sad

Unknown said...

Anyway I have nothing to say yet... Am still watching the senate with my 9D lens camera.. I will comment more later.

Linda Fashion Blog said...

And am wondering why David Mark will even consider such thing yo be passed. Well, I pray the president dsnt sign it, that's the only thread of hope I see right now.

Ankara styles@Lindahrisfashion.blogspot. com

Anonymous said...

So where the hell is the senate president Ben Bruce?He should come and tell us how he let this happen right under his nose?!!!

Unknown said...

FFK's post..Another good example of an 'Ode talk' ...Linda observe that!

Anonymous said...

Old senate at work with David Mark in charge

Anonymous said...

Nigeria always bending over backwards to accommodate muslims and the north. How can an 11 year old be considered to be an adult? Am yet to see the falanas,agbakobas civil rights group, labour unions and change youths criticise this demonic legislation

Anonymous said...

pls let us verify facts before speaking. Ethnic bias has clouded logical reasoning here. The new senate is yet to be sworn in. This is a PDP led senate. Stop Goofing!

David Onokop said...

This nuisance talking rubbish without facts. Yes the senate passed bills I guess including what this fool is saying but the idiot has forgotten its a PDP led Senate who hurriedly passed 46 bill in less than 10mins. So blame your People Deceiving Party NOT APC.


That's a bad one. One day even same sex marriage will be legalized. End times wind is blowing already. Please repent and believe in Jesus Christ the saviour of mankind. Also believe in God. THE VOICE OF THE PROPHETESS

Anonymous said...

Please do you know the population of the Igbo. Don't insult great people. And generalize please. Don't insult a great people like the Igbos. Please Linda block this fellow

Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for some folks here. PDP is a sore loser looking for cheap points too score. Which senate passed such bill? I don't believe but even if it is true, at my last check the 8th assembly hasn't been inaugurated. So it was passed by the PDP led senate to indict the coming one. That's so low. Chai!!!!!

Unknown said...

Whether it is new or old senate the bill was passed in buhari's led govt and will soon be assented by him passing bill without assent is useless na it has not yet been assented by the president

Anonymous said...

I really dont know how you guys turn this issue into a party issue we are talking about rape here. Sigh

Anonymous said...

I don't know why some of you can not understand common sense, at last time i check the the Nigeria senate it was PDP that was still incharge, how come is it the change that you are talking about, if you don't have any thing to talk go and sit down

Anonymous said...

Apc is majority in d house.u get ur facts right pls!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

True talk @ Godwin

Order for your beautiful bedspread @ 79AEFD3B. Delivery available nationwide.

Anonymous said...

You and evrione else is d zombie! Who is d majority in d house? ????? Is it not APC?????? Wake up from ur slumber pple!!!!! Hisssssss

Anonymous said...

Uncle anonymous who is d majority in d house? Its Apc.stop being stupid

peter pan said...

Mr Fanikayode if its true, its d srnate that ur pdp put there. Not the new senate cos the new senate has not been inaugurated cos David mark is still d senate president. Lindaobserve. (cant believe I just said that) hahahaha.

Unknown said...

Nation of pedophiles!, while someone nearly got a life sentence for having sexual knowledge of an 11year old, we are here making same offence legal...

Unknown said...

Oga calm down. The new senate is her to resume fully. The old members passed that bill

Anonymous said...

we shuted for CHANGE now we have seen change


Anonymous said...

For a bill to become law it must have the consent of the president. So if the senators were stupid enough to pass it what about our president?

Anonymous said...

Anon. 10:24 it your hatred for the igbos that will kill you! Anumpama. Ewu Gambia.

Anonymous said...

Makz O note that the senate led by David Mark ( still pdp) passed the bill. Buhari has nothing to do with this.
rushing to pass bills that has been piling without understanding it. Smh.

Anonymous said...

Nigerians stop wit d embarrassment already.....lets concentrate on d bill passed,not d party......I tot dis party craze has ended.....

Golda Awosika said...

Hhmmmm, waiting longing for the change

Anonymous said...

Ohh chim

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Anonymous said...

About you're a big fool. A biggggggg one, I mean a big fat foooooooool

Anonymous said...

Until you stop selfish politicians from fooling and ruling you...what do you expect...? Already doing eye service and all for Buhari who is fully in support of his fellow bros.

APPLE said...

Since a mallam is in office now it is possible.

Anonymous said...

Stupid boy won't u leave igbo people alone?

Unknown said...

This had better be lies, 'cos I don't believe it. In fact, I refuse to believe it.


Anonymous said...

It is PDP Senate that passed the bill ooooooo (from GEJ Goernment>the new members are yet to take over...DO NOT LET FFK DECEIVE uS

Anonymous said...

I pity Nigerian youth how gullible n daft some are.. they dont ever read but just wait for blogs to post a story and bam!! They share their thotless opinion. The senate that passed 40bills in 10mins, bills that has been on their table for yrs so just bcos they wanna leave they approved it without reading. Jonathan led Senate. The new one hasn't resumed office.

Olamide Jnr. said...

Fool of a took!!!the senile young man would not retire in peace...just trying to cause trouble.the bill was passed by jonathan's senate.

Innocentia Annie said...

I just hope this
Doesn't end up to be real

that girl said...

Um...You guys know that the house of Senate that passed this law are from the GEJ admin? Rem? The people that passed 40bills in 10mins. So who is the fucktard now??? Mindless goons

Anonymous said...

linda ikeji, all it takes is a few minutes research to crosscheck facts before you publish, all that has been changed is the punishment that will be awarded to people who have sex with minors under the age of 11, a brand of people known as paedophiles. it does not mean that people who have sexual relations with people under the age of 16 would not face any criminal liability. Some being scandalous and do some research, it only takes a couple of minutes

Okowright Balaxy said...

I'm not surprised, what do you expect when a paedophile is the new President. A man that married his wife Aisha Buhari at the age of 9, I don't expect anything better from him. Besides he's planning of getting married to another under age girl. APC and their evil change.

Anonymous said...

What a pity...is it to blame Gej or buhari that matters or to investigate and confirm what ffk just said. This is a terrible law because Nigeria will now become attractive to pedophiles all over the World. I really hope its just a rumour.

Okowright Balaxy said...

MUGU!!! If you are sensible enough you will know that the legalisation of under age marriage was passed into law in favour of Buhari. The law makers were persuaded Buhari to make sure the pass that bill into law so he can marry a new 11years old wife.

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