Radio is in a period where only the ‘blings’ and ‘blingers’ are getting all the attention. This must be the worst time to listen to radio in Nigeria. Consider some of the on-air-personalities, all they do is talk about what their favourite celebrities are wearing.
How easily manipulated and distracted can they be? A fake accent has never been more glorified than today.
With on-air-personalities chasing celebrity status themselves, radio listeners are never going to get any unbiased assessment of issues. Continue...
The few independent thinkers amongst them
who provide this unbiased assessment are being mocked and called boring
people. How do you listen to an OAP on radio who only talks about cars,
money and women for hours?
It is becoming a consensus on the streets that naija radio stations are becoming more boring with each passing day.
And I find it really sickening hearing
the cry from radio station owners about how more and more people are
turning to Alaba mix and blogs for their music these days. Even the
local tea sellers on the street prefer their MP3 compilation of songs
than listening to any FM station. Most songs played on the radio today
do not excite listeners.
No one turns on the radio anymore hoping to hear great songs he heard some days before.
People love moods, melodies and lyrics that mean something and you can’t get those on radio anymore.
Nigerian on-air-personalities have become so lazy for their own good. They don’t go in search of new sound anymore. All they do now is sit and wait for songs
to be brought to them, subjecting their listeners to the same old songs
played over and over.
Yes we know that the radio industry is
run by corporate sponsors who play it safe so as not to offend the
listeners. However, what they have ended up doing is offending tasteful
Most artistes on the radio have better
songs on their album but radio stations decide what is “radio friendly”
and keep serving the same song over and over because it works for them.
Few days ago, while returning to the mainland with a friend, we heard one of the new naija dance songs playing on the radio.
My friend turned and said to me, “The music just keeps getting worse and worse, doesn’t it?”
I totally agreed. I understand enough
about music to know that if a song receives a lot of spins on the radio,
it becomes boring.
This makes me wonder most times why a lot
of great naija songs we hear on the streets on a daily basis are not
getting played on the radio. Listeners are really getting fed up with
the repetitive songs played on the radio these days.
The playlist of most OAPs has become so
predictable that someone told me the sequence of songs to expect on the
drive on one of our popular radio stations. The songs were played
exactly as predicted.
Though, radio has always played crappy
songs, the problem is today’s songs smell the same across the stations.
What we are mostly fed with are mostly noisy songs with over-processed
vocals. Greed has permeated every aspect of radio. Now, it is just about
looking to latch on to mega bucks and in turn promote the same
tried-and-trusted mediocrity.
And the more mediocre the song, the better and the more guaranteed return for the OAP.
Some music stakeholders I spoke with are
of the opinion that the lack of musical imagination in Nigeria is solely
the fault of the homogenised mainstream radio stations.
I feel sad for the so many gifted unknown
artistes out there who are writing and making great music, but our
radio stations are too busy to care about them. It’s like the radio
stations are bent on moulding us all into some kind of morphed audio
mind, jammed into an external cycle of repetition. I am also an OAP and I
truly don’t know how to talk about this with being perceived as
sounding biased.
It saddens my heart seeing that the
talented young artistes put so much effort into making quality songs
only to struggle through all the crap we are fed with everyday on the
radio. I guess they just have to look for other ways of channelling
their good stuff to those who appreciate it. It is really becoming more
difficult to find a radio station that won’t bend to popular demand,
money or play the music for any other reason than what it truly is. I
used to enjoy listening to the radio so much a few years back but can’t
tell now whether I am just growing older or today’s music is sounding
worse. The problem is that most OAPs hold themselves in one single
genre. To be honest, some on-air-personalities need to stop forcing
everyone to live in their own world.
Get off your weird accent swing and give
other songs a chance and stop repeating the same songs all the time. In
conclusion, if today’s Nigerian music is a mess, artistes are not
totally to blame.
The radio stations and OAPs are equally culpable. We may not necessarily need to demand more from the popular artistes.
There is still plenty of good music being
made everyday by not so popular artistes. The problem is the radio
stations will only play the songs that fits into their very narrow
parameters. Even if an artiste creates a brilliant album with emotion
and depth, they can only get airplay with only the so-called “radio
friendly” single. We need to demand more from radio. Thanks to Alaba
market DJ mixes, Nigerians can always find new artistes and music they
I love dis guy! D truth is bitter but better told
“The playlist of most OAPs has become so predictable that someone told me the sequence of songs to expect on the drive on one of our popular radio stations. The songs were played exactly as predicted.”....I second dt..overhypd dj exlusive's playlist now sounds stale n borin day in day out..if u lyk dnt post my comment linda
Phewww! Dat was quite long but so very true!!!!! Tell 'em bro! Idiats!!!!!
He's right sha bt nevertheless I smell jealousy!
Funny enough he always makes a point but wonder it it's been up to practise !!!
Hes really makin sense. . Nice write up.. Bt pls etcetera stp makin references. . Stp callin names.. if u wan to criticise make it general else ur busy creatin enemies
I agree with him on this one. This guy dey make sense always.I don't know why you people dislike him cos he speaks the truth.
dnt know exactly wqt this guy is looking for........ "We av know u, it has do, u can stop bugging us now with ur speech"
But gist guy can write sha...
You are dam rit bro. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Linda Adokiye say she wan give her virginity to Boko Haram men. I was shocked today in a news paper stand people gathered and was reading her paper. Read Vanguard online
Nice writeup.He is controversial,no doubt.but this writeup is d plain truth.I used to be a radio lover.bt nw,wen u turn on ur radio,u hear same songs frm diff stations and d on air personalities wit dia fake accents telling boring stories.kudos Etcetera.I love this one.keep writing
Preach it brother, preach it!
Many OAP have ran out of ideas, some will be like "call 080*** and tell us the colour of your fart.
Nice piece brother as usual.
He should go and rest jor........
Need friends from Nigeria, I am good user of Linda Ikeji's blog
Dis guy is frustrated,his angry dat radio stations finished his dead career by not playing is song.it a pity 4 a pity boy
Etc no lie 4 dis 1 @all
you could have just turned off the radio and listen to your own songs nah...no need for all this rubuta rubutu oga etcetera
Apart from d annoying Accent most of dem form dis days, Every oda thing in dis article is crap!!! Etcetera, pls chew on dis "K".
Fake accent, i agree. But e be like say this guy never hear him own song played on radio b4. He sounds bitter somehow.
I agree with every single thing he has said. This goes to people like gbemi of beat fm. Forming yeye accent. Dey do follow follow up and down. I don't even listen to d radio anymore cos it has become extremely boring.
I totally agree with him.
TOKE, TOOLZ, MARIA, FREEZE etc... You guys should betterread this and let it sink!
Most of you all go into radio by chance, connection, fakery and certaingly for the wrong reason, which obviously is to be social media famous...lol
First Toke: I'm indeed happy u have cooled down, I always wondered why u hopped to every social gathering given the opportunity, one would think u were the artist and not the oap. Please concentrate on radio, stop talking about the same old thing MEN! we don hear and we haff tire...lol. Also please loose the accent, its kinda inconsistent :)
Toolz, hahaha, you basically used ur size 18 body to sell radio show. Indeed you are a hustler. You have a great voice, you carry your audience along but PLEASEEEEEEE STOP REPEATING song! shish! ur show is so predictable, also try to play what can satisfy diverse listeners and not what u like ok.
Maria o Maria! one advise... please lose that accent, infact drop am sharp sharp... na only u go UK? Nobody cares ok hun. ive lived in the UK for 15 years and baby i still speak like a nigerian if and when i want to... WE ALL CAN IF WE WANT TO. The issue is, urs just doesnt sound gook ok hun. Plus i think u should try to work on ur voice before scaring people off TV with ur acting ok.
Freeze, u u u u ...you cry like a baby, infact like a woman. we dont care about the stuffs u own because they were probably on sale, fake, hand me downs or used. so stop bragging on air. please just play songs, read news and go home after the hour ok. you probably don't have as much as IK or others and i don't see them bragging!
I just really miss the times of Dan Foster, JAJ, and other cool dudes. IK, Gbemi and some others are doing pretty well and they dont seem to over do with social gatherings!
Nigerian radio OAP'S should also stop collecting large amount of money just because you want your song to be played... i know quite a number of them do that... they will play even if it is trash. Plus i also know a male presenter at the Beat FM (name start with O and his show is at night on the radio)who squats with a dude in ikoyi and therefore plays he's nonsense tracks... this country sha...
Pardon any typo ok... typed in a hurry! have a lovely day people
'Excetera' abi 'Exempli gratia', ok we have heard you, we also agree with you. Please be the change we need kwanu. This your new attention catching strategy is classic o.
He is a veri correct guy fr dis piece,I neva liked him but now I do, he is sayin d truth,look at moet fake accent fr christ sake,it seemz to become an on air personality or even a vj u must fake an accent or must ve travld out of d country,naija seemz to b gettn worse wif d fake accent tingy
I couldn't agree more, very well said. Nice Job
This dude got ma attention this time,he's definitely right,I stopped listening to some radio stations cause it not as it use to be, they don't play good music anymore,I love Classic fm I'm always in a brighter mood whenever I listen to classic, I so much prefer songs from the 80's and 90's be it hip-hop,soul,country,r n b etc most of these stations always playing crappy club songs it not everytime someone's in the mood to dance and buggy sometimes you might be having a bad day or you sober and you want something relaxing,most especially monday mornings when you on your way to work and you tune in to the radio the next thing you hear is wine your waist,doro bucci etc it a work day you need a relaxation mix....UGH!
Hmmmm.. Very Well Said. I totally agree with you. Nice Job
I bet he has never listened to Splash 105.5FM. Great Music cutting across all genres and awesome true to life OAPs.
thank God for Alaba mixes? r u serious. this dude lacks insight and intelligence. As a radio station, the objective is to enlighten and entertain people. Any radio station that puts aside the majority to pease backward and lacklustre music overs like etcwaheva has clearly missed its goal. What do the people want to listen to is the playlist. If u don't like it, I'm sure Keshi's balls are awaiting your attention seeking mouth in Brazil. go suck on it and relieve us of you biased reviews and commrnts
Dis idiot..u want to revive ur dead career by dissing evri body..stupid man..ur opinion doesn't count at all..since u like writing n talking plenty why nt go get a teaching job..idiot.......................................#KingOfKings
Some people may not like dis man n his articulated write-ups but I must commend him cos he's actually right. I used to be so attached to listening to radio stations years back(the days of plantashun boys, remedies etc) but now I just don't find it interesting anymore. I'd rather listen to d songs on my MP3 just like he has said cos there I av varieties other than listening to d same songs on radio stations. I also wonder y some female OAPs twist n form too much porsh when broadcasting as if they r from another planet. Abeg jor.
This guy is truly gunning for the most hated person in the entertainment industry, doesn't he know that some truths are best left caked in lies or pleasantries?
Yes he is very correct on this,mostly on the accent tin its really boring
Yea he is very correct on this,mostly the accent tin.its super boring
I totally agree with him.
Hhmmmm... We don hear o
First of all "lol".. Are you telling us the challenges you are facing in the OAP company or you are just telling a story? Honestly I don't get it. You are part of the OAP and here you are, complaining about it.okay I get it. (Guilty conscience), you alone out of OAP, you are trying to pull yourself out of the issue..you are already a member, just face it, we the listeners are suppose to be the one to complain and not you. @ linda, abeg help me post this message to his email..abeg..mtsewww
@ etcetra, sheet dey worry me
Ds Etc guy is really controversial buh @same time e dey talk d truth sha
What the guy is saying is so true,u need to hear the STUPID things people like Toke Makinwa of 937 fm and Maria Okan of Beat Fm say on real time Radio,total rubbish,Linda,do u know all Toke does it to come read ur site for us on Radio?
Wonder what the NBC is doing about all these.
I completely agree with this...tooooooo many fake accents and stories of how when they lived here and there. The ones with the real accents are very few and don't push it. Believe even in public restrooms...everyone feels the need to have an accent, even if it sounds terrible.
Its never that serious...especially the ladies...C'mon now!!!
This guy self what's his problem. Or is this his own way of seeking for attention. Let him park well joor.
@ Linda, I too dey gbadun Etcetera's write up!!! Keep posting them, abeg...
#VerySensibleGuy #Way2GoETC!
Everybody want dah "15 mins"...he just goh his. Attention seeker
His articles are always provocative...always using pple 2 support his claims "my friend turned and said to me, the music jst kip gettin worse nd worse doesn't it?"
Nicely written. Much respect for you each day.
For the first time,i agree with Etcetera. While I was growing up,i didn't know any OAP. I couldn't tell even if I saw them on TV. Now everyone is forming celeb...OAPs are not suppose to be celebrities. I think they should me like every normal worker. Eg telecoms customer care reps. Not to be jumping up and down like Toke and Co. If they want to be celebs they know what to do.
I totally agree with him, radio is becoming boring now a days
... ok we hear. Next
this guy is bitter,no doubt!he's now subjected to blasphemy.
Please try classic fm.
They re not as bad as most stations
Very apt I must say, as controversial as he may seem I totally share the same sentiments with him. I loved listening to thradio while in secondary so much that I sleep with it on till dawn. But now i'ld rather surf the Internet and download any music of my choice.. Everyone be forming British.. #Nobeef but the fact.
Gbam! Well said... the beat fm with that maria in the morning irritates to no end... Biko I now stick to wazobia, at least the oaps there are relatable and chilled
100% right..i agree with comma sorry Etcetera on this one..radio stations are very boring these days,no interesting programs,they keep repeating songs,the presenters are so annoying..
For once, I agree with him. No beef! But he is saying the truth. How nigerian radios promote fake acnts is so anoying! And employing pple that hv foriegn acnts too is annoying. I used to be a radio lover! But now I hate it. I have to check blogs/ twitter for news when I can't hv any access to tv. They even crack boring jokes and bore was with the silliest things. Most of them (not all) lack originality!. No doubt this ectcetera guy likes trouble, but he is being honest about this case.
Tank u Etcetere. N b4 any minion come here to yarn dust about Etcetera he equally had great songs in his two albums but never got air play.Deep songs like Hello, Photographs of my tots, Miss H's iv, love should last, ring the alarm, fungus among us and the rest of them. Thank God I have d 2 albums. I recently got Brymo's new album Merchant Dealers n Slaves n every track makes awesome sense but it'll never get air play. When I say every track I mean every track makes awesome sense wit great messages. I really feel for us.
He got it right here bt jst dt he take tins too personal
###############GOD punish##################devil
The guy is on point. Cool FM/Beat FM is a terrible radio station . OAPs forcing you to listen to the music they enjoy. You even hear them saying it. Oh I feel like listening to so & so. After dealing and managing their fake accent, poorly pronounced english words, we still deal with their own playlist everyday. I got tired of them and I now listen to Smooth FM/Rainbow especially D Don show (always making me laugh).
This guy again? True talk sha.
U neva posr my comments n I dnt knw why linda! Thought we r meant to express ourselves here na wa oo.
Since is nobody and so so jobless he has nothing else to do rather looking for things to mk him famous! Etc *yuck*
Linda u are just like me. We love this GUY and wot he writes please keep updaing me every saturday wit his write up. Ciao#kissesoflife# have u eva had dat?
he is making so much sense!my Dad like listening to Radio,one of d days,he switched on the Radio,one funny song was playing,he looked at me n i felt ashamed sitting with him in the same car listening to that kind rubbish song.sometimes an elderly person will put on her radio to hear news,but shortly will doze off bc d kind Brittico or Americana accent,all dis one yr n 6months programme crashers wl be oozing out will send him/her to untimely sleep!so anybody sayin ths guy is beefing wt ths writeup,na u sabi!
It's the funny European and American accent that gets me irritated and bored...and yes all they talk about is celebrities especially cool fm
Are there people that still listen to radio stations apart from Northerners??? For real? You still listen to fms? That's ultra shocKing!!#cheEzyjayne
Interesting article, a bit longwinded but driving home a point. However Mr. Etcetera it is one I don’t completely agree with. More so because your reasons are oversimplified. The true cause of the death of the radio was personal music (Walkmans, mp3 players, etc) and the internet (especially social media).
I remember as a kid in the 90s and early 2000 being glued to my radio because it was my ONLY source for new music, info and gist. But with the advent of music players and the internet why should I wait till weekends to hear new music on Rick Dees' Weekly Top Forty when I can go directly to his website and listen to it for free and download? Why wait for Freeze to tell me the latest on Beyonce and Jigga when I can do a search on Twitter for that exact info?
No sir. While fake accents and musical discrimination may be a problem in the radio industry it is certainly not its killer.
Sad to say it but radio is just going the way of print media. Internet has taken over newspapers, personal music over radio and YouTube over TV.
It is just evolution.
Hahahahah@color of your fart.
Loooooooooooool! Hard facts.... knock 'em dead! hehehehehhehehehe. I love IK though. Still the best ever. Been listening for over 10years, back when he was known as the wild child and he has NEVER disappointed me. Much love...
Add up the CEO of Torch Media Group, publisher of Torch Magazine on BBM- 21ac1b31 nw, he is ready to chat with you! #yoruwood_edition
Bros please, no need to get overly emotional over this. He has a right to his opinion. Even the "majority" would surely get bored of the same ol' playlist.
You lack insight. Truth is scary and bitter, if you listen to radio in thé 90's and early 00's you will understand what he is saying. Radio isn't as it used to be. Every OAP has his or her own music protège, so no matter how hard you criticize them they will take their sides an play their music till you feel they are on a murder mission. The case of tiwa savage wanted, gbemi almost bored me to death with the song because she is a fan of tiwa. All the same radio these days lacks originality thanks to the OAPs.
What he said is true but not applicable to my darling station classic FM 97.3, playing every song you know, that's absolutely the best station where you will listen to classic music of 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's and today, if you are also looking for an educative station, then tune in to classic FM 97.3
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Oh wow, I love love. Made some sense. Hope they listen...
its d truth e has spit it all..
Once again, he's talking about one thing when he means another. Radio is corporatized everywhere, and the last person responsible for what we hear is on-air personalities. They're cogs in the wheel who shift to brand building when they're behind the mic bc success us fleeting. Music that gets the most airplay is usually paid for by artist management. Money drives the playlist. Talent becomes secondary.
You were not forced to read it . Idiat. .
He's actually soooooo right, hope his motive is right as well
The reason we listen to radio then was bcos we used Nokia 1100 and d hosts...naw we use music powered phones...
On point!pls tell dem!
He writes a column for Punch Newspaper. He's not seeking attention, u guys r just reading his column posts.
You have issues. Was this comment necessary? U sound ignorant. Listeners want a balance...not just the popular songs but also upcoming artists with new sounds. Listen to foreign radio programs and compare to ours
U have issues and you sound ignorant! He is columnist for Punch Newspaper. At least he has/had a career. Wht do u have? You sound pained
Dnt be bitter ok?he said d truth n nofin buh d truth
I agree with him a 100%. Some OAPs of nowadays are just simply boring, especially the female ones. They form this very annoying British/America accent wen they have not even stepped out of Nig. And they always play songs that suit themselves when they are meant to play diff genres of music.....radio stations have become sooo boring to listen to...........gosh!!
well if you say OAP's are not celebs then you really have a problem with how your career has not grown..abroad OAP's are idolized by there listners go do your research, Howard Stern is a radio idol he's worshiped so OAP's are celebs,second point Yes songs could be crappy but i think the crowd carries the airplay,bro make you song sound like trey songs or chris and see if OAP's will not rush you..u cry when you sing try laughing and also your kind of music needs a new touch..well thats for accent stations but for me Naija FM kills it all day all week the Likes of Ushbebe and Godwin and sabina will always say the truth yab the govts/politicians bad actions,musicians and actors that's radio,we have opj also in wazobia,these guys dont spare..i heard dem hit you too asking where you are?afterall onyeka and sunny ade are more noticed than you are.
Well most of his points are true, I was so disappointed one of those long drive home, listening 2 a lady I think abt r/ships on 3ml, sm1 called, apologised 4 bringing an update abt a robbery incident dey just encountered, d guy begged dis lady over and over 2 let pple on 3ml wind up cos some guys just attacked them, 10mins in2 dis show dis babe no talk anything, I literally winded down and was announcing 2 ccars beside me especially ladies what I just heard on 92.9 abi 92.1 sef. That was SAD cos she wld have saved sm1 4m being a victim, 3days ago some FAKE chick on inspiration fm news update came up with some news, d VOICE was so so so annoying and d way she spoke abt d late Kafee was so SAD, faking d accent and not making d news serious, abeg if is not Rick dees or Charles B, d rest na just jare!!! Make I no sleep off! Oh yea Wazobia is good 2
The guy too yarn too many.... Which way na
Bunch of fakers in the radio stations, Beat FM - FADE, MARIA and the likes... THE REAL G'S are GBEMI AND DAMI, NAIJA FM CREW AND WAZOBIA CREW, CLASSIC FM CREW, SMOOTH FM CREW...
I don't know where the Accent is from, can't they just be real? And sup with repeating same songs.. The Answer is -- They've been paid heavily... Anytime i listen to radio stations, i keep changing from one to another especially when hearing same songs and also when they are cracking their Unreal, Unfunny, Unimaginable jokes with their whack accents. Sometimes you gon be wondering why are they laughing? Crazy
Well, Wouldn't blame the OAPs alone but also Nigerians demanding for the so called Commercial songs that has turned to Noise.. No good content anymore.. And i will also blame those Companies Endorsing Those Artistes with the whack-est songs... the thing is.. Not everytime i want to listen to fast songs. Early Monday morning, Radio stations Playing #DOROBUCCI #WHINE YOUR WAIST #GINGER O.. it is really annoying
The VJ's too -- SOUNDCITY ESPECIALLY... to be honest, you guys are losing it.. #OLAMIDE - That's the dumbest dude controlling the whole show on SOUNDCITY... he lacks vision.. HIPTV now having more contents than them.. they are sleeping and i will only advise them to keep it up as they are no more favorites.
TOKE MAKINWA --- YOU SO FAKE... PLEASE GET REAL.. JUST AN ADVISE BE REAL.. I wish you should be on that sit on #TRENDING and you gon read the nasty tweets Nigerians gon be tweeting at you.. then you know, i am not Hating...
AND to all radio stations, stop collecting money just for a song to be played. you all are killing the dream of those upcoming artistes doing good music. They don't have that funds a Dbanj, Don Jazzy would pay before their songs can be played. Please be reasonable... I think it is the radio stations that should be paying the Artistes for playing their songs but in Nigeria.. it is the other way round.
Enough said, I really hope things start changing in Nigeria, starting from US.. Cos right now, i don't see the OAP's different from GEJ or the Nigeria Govts..
Well.. LINDA! thanks for posting this and kindly post my comment. Thanks
Oh then me na rhythm with correct diverse songs evn old blues nd latest songs..nd my JAJ bt nw radio na dsame song over nd over again imgaine on ur radio in d aftrnoon wen d song is at ts climax u will be hearing dancing songs haba by dat tym ts supose to be cool songs na..with corect nd lively jokes nd talks nt hypn celebs here nd ther..repent or linda nd bella will strt doin ur work dats if they avnt strtd
y'all agreeing with this nigga are pathetic. consider various factors before you agree. And to the guy i feel he should lock up
y'all agreeing with this nigga are pathetic. consider various factors before you agree. And to the guy i feel he should lock up
Ecetera this your friend you always asking will soon put you in trouble. But truth be told d american/british accent vexes me even in this nsukka o! I don't know who they think they are deceiving
Mr whatever is your name ! it is funny you are out now ranting and saying all sorts on blogs and social media. you have forgotten that some time ago you visited a particular radio station begging for promo for one of your "sick and God-forsaken" songs but before you were put on air for interview the particular female OAP advised you to change your style of music because you wont sell in Nigeria and very soon you would fade of the market. Now her predictions and warnings have come to past. instead of you to go back to your drawing board and think of how to re-brand your music so that you can see the light in music career YOU ARE HERE CRYING LIKE A BABY WHO IS ASKING FOR BISCUITS. Guy hide your tail in between your legs like a dog,run under the bed and stay there until you decided whether to continue with your music career or not !
True that! I know I'll sound corny but, Classic FM is Classic! I love Beat FM as well but their "fune"/ accents can be tiring sometimes! No beef but I have to ask, whr did Olisa grow up? Or did he buy his accent? And also Cool FM's Frozen, not to lie him I dislike, too fake & full of it! "The celebs should put up a pic of the receipt when they buy stuff so we know it's original" Really?! Who says that???!!! Mr frozen that's absolutely sad & pathetic, as shallow as they come...
this man like attention die haba
straight face
I agree with him. The queen of fake disgusting accents is Vicky from the Beat ibadan. She makes that radio station totally unbearable! Ish!
Mtch..dis guy talks a lot of trash..nd he is 2 much of a critic wen he him self is not any better..mayb cos he aiint makin waves in nigeria again..go get a life man
I totally agree with him on this one.....can't remember when last i tuned into a radio channel
Example or ecsetra or wat eva u are called..is that U?? U are a bastard..Is it cos I comment here ,I'm sure I can feed ur family imp..u dnt knw me so dnt talk sh*t..anonyLame.....................................#KingOfKings
I agree with some of his points, the accents,( they are quite inconsistent, so many slip up's sometimes they forget themselves and they loose the accent) and the repeated songs. Anon 9.16 Gbemi doesn't have an accent. She's actually good. If you wanna talk about people with accents, the likes of Toke, Maria, Dotun, Osi, e.t.c they're are quite a number. The good ones are good and the others are just well...... They lack content they only talk about entertainment and fashion, someone like Osi of beat fm who only talks about sex related topics, what do you think about one night stands, sex on the first date, is size a problem. They are so predictable they don't leave you wanting more.
Don't mind that fool that was showing wristwatch on Instagram, forming celeb I use to like cool fm those days of Ebele vicky,Ejike, Dan foster and the likes but now we all listen to fake presenters on Coolfm forming American +English accent like a mixed breed dog, the only person I still respect there is Dotun that ur Co presenter that will just be laughing like a moron
Thumbs up DOTUN and ECXETRA
Mr lyca
I quite agree with Him on thos, our OAP are becoming boring, fake accent etc, imagine listening to Cool Fm and all you hear is Ferrari, Foruma 1 etc, its annoying these days. Nice one dude...
I havent quite understood y people come on here to insult other people for no reason when we all av d space to leave our own thoughts n learn from other people. I was once an avid listener of d beat 99.9 fm but I'd tell u categorically I av stoped listening to that and any radio station for more than a year ,Gbemi is prolly d worse of em OAP's I dnt understand how such an ugly female doesn't see d need to find a man n settle down from her fake lifestyle ,Toolzo is prolly another fake personality I av never percieved realness from her either by listenin to her on d radio or watching her on d juice or The Spot on ebony life TV. Osi is prolly d realest of em all. The truth has to be said about their playlists tho usually very predictable absolutely all of em .this has absolutely nothing to do with hate only stating facts fter listening to em for a long time now days I don't even listen to radio anymore . I like moet abebe buh her accent is extremely fake ,toke makinwa needs a life she isn't happy with where she is today even with her been married,I remember d Uba end of d year prty. D former auto lounge where she had to be bounced with a friend of her's from d venue cos they were avin like a business brunch but they weren't invited. Gbemi needs to find a man simple n plain . Toolz needs to loose d insecurity issues she has with herself while Maria needs to wake up from her slumber u aint d only one who has lived in d UK.I focused on d beat mainly cos dats d only radio station I listened to for more than. Year constantly till I got tired.
Pls u guys should listen to joyce of cool fm.. She rilly has sumfin upstairs nd she doesn't sound fake
U guys shld listen to joyce of coolfm.. She rilly has something upstairs.. + she doesn't sound fake
Which names did he mention @DOBY DOBY? Ofcourse he was generalising n didn't mention anyone's name. He kept saying "some OAP" we wouldn't know d some he is reffering to. True talk @Ecetera, I'm beginning to like u jare, u re basically speaking my mind concerning this.
Hahahahaha. ..I like to read your comments Bonario
Correct,i get irritated listening to radio this days,all I hear is people trying to speak to impress people,I could remember those day when I am on traffic radio keeps me entertain but now it all about speaking like an American,or country I can't identify,some even as far as insulting callers claiming they are joking, please let's keep it real.
Nigerians have serious inferiority complex, you are all a bunch of hypocrites!!! The only radio station I would regard highly is wazobia fm, because it is raw, the music played is very diverse, and the OAPs are very funny, and they definitely know their onions!!! As for etc, seriously nothing is more annoying and irritating, like a grown man that loves to bitch, you bitch about your colleagues 24/7, and if you are not careful, one of these days, when you write your so called condescending articles, you would provoke the wrong person, and get dealt with mercilessly and brutally!!! In nearly all your articles you always mentions names, and that is very wrong, you are a snitch and a grass!!! And as for accents, can people live and let live, if people talk in their Nigerian accent, you would all complain, and some of these OAPs schooled abroad and lived abroad, so they picked up some accents, so what is wrong with that!!! How do you know if someone's accent is fake, if you yourself are not fake!!! Whatever you do in life, people would always have something to say, and majority of the time, it is negative, fucking losers!!! As for Linda, stop promoting this useless etc, or is he paying you smh!!! Better post my comment o!!!Whizman
Surprised no one has mentioned the likes of sope and her crew, the guys who do freshly pressed. I personally stopped listening to radio. Alot of unintelligent discussion, making loads of noise. Fantastic write up and very apt
@Francis Okoduwa- Very on point comment! Thank u! And Toolz is extremely FAKE not probably abeg! Trying soo hard with that fake accent! Puhlease!Nothing real about her!
With Time Things Will Change. www.facebook.com/mcday001
Truth must be told no matter how bitter.
To the anonymous citing Howard Stern. you don't see Howard Stern on every red carpet, neither do you see Charlamagne or Ebro or big boi. When You are an OAP you should definitely stay clear of that because you automatically become biased by becoming too close to celebrities... What made the difference between Charlamagne's and Sway interview of Kanye? Charlamagne did not care whether at the end Kanye would leave happy or angry with him. When Toke and Tool hangout with the Tiwas, inyanya & Co it becomes very hard for them to say "this tune is garbage" if it is when it comes from them or to evenask the tough questions during interviews... Most people did not know what Wendy Williams looked like until she poped on TV. An OAP should stay clear from the spotlight.
tank you etcetera.... In morning beat fm oap will be playin dorobucci and dose trash songs from olamide... Those fake accent don tire miii.... Wazobia fm and raypower, rainbow still okkk... Madam toke i tire for u and ur fake accent....
If u see d girl ehn...u no go fit match am with the voice.some ugly something
In this democratic Era, one can't blame Etc or Comma for exercising his right of free speech, but all this bashing of artists and Oap's from a failed musician who has now found his calling as a column writer stinks of jealousy!.
There is so much going in in Nigeria right now, so many social issues, I think Mr Full stop or Etc should pay attention and write about them!
King, you sound immature and very petty! Nobody insulted you so why insult others?
I really wish we had more people like him. This days I only listen to 99.3 or 92.3. All the other stations are crap. No real substance. All they talk about is crappy music women sex etc. Not topical issues that would cause our youths to think. God bless this man
i so so agree with etc so much..dats y classic fm or smooth fm re jst d best..but classic fm too does not promote new artists n dia song. Wazobia does much in dat aspect n i giv dem bigups for it.dem dey try.
this accent thingy makes me remember Vicky of BEAT FM 97.9...
the staton doesnt disappoint as in music... but the Vicky chic? ha...a classic know-it-all plus this annoying voice that just grates on you....
there's this way she says 'oh-kay' that makes you feel like slapping her through the radio...lol...
she doesnt even allow her co-presenters put in a word, always yapping on and on..meanwhile all the gist na from LIB she de carry am...
someone help me beg her to drop the accent and the tone!!
this is true.
This guy is so right. I prefer downloading songd and listening to them on my phone than to tune on d radio. All d on air personalties are fake except mark the soulja.
Mrs .A.
Anon 11:06 caveman idiot.
Idiot. Do you know what blasphemy is?
Many reasons why this artiste wud keep dropping junk music and stupid OAP wud keep killin us with recycled songs bcos we the masses always hear d truth and shy away from it. Ect just wrote a good piece yet we think hes using for attention instead of us to demand for originality from d ppl speaking to million of Nigerians everyday. God help this nation cos we re never ready for change we like junk so much.
I am an OAP and sadly this guy is so right. I think the reason is that we OAPs are chasing superstardom and copying everyone else that we forget our true jobs and calling. Dont also forget that many of the so-called OAPs are untrained. they just got the job cos they are flashy and have a good voice. Being born into a family of broadcasters and with small exposure i have an accent that got me bullied since childhood. But a certain bigtime international broadcaster approached me and offered to show me how to use my voice to empower and educate people,ad it worked like crazy.
However, 9 years later I realize that the plenty english is no longer conveying the message so i do both my yankified english and Ibo on air just so i can carry people along.
This guy is right OAPs have forgotten the job (or some never new the job at all) and i thank him for reminding me of my true calling cos i saw some of my flaws in his write up.
Meanwhile excuse the typos in my comment. Wrote in a hurry
No jealously at all, gosh naijas, its so very true.. about d accent thing e.g gloria of 92.3, why cant she just speak normally n clearly? She keeps mumbling her words cos she is torn between saying the words and keeping up with her fake accent. Linda better post my comment o
LMAO!! Uncle have pressed P sha, but come to think of it sha,hes right oh, i used to listen to nija raio radio stations but damn,na so so yeye fone i dey hear. i actually downloaded the app so i can listen to Nija accent as i dey live for obodo oyinbo,but Noo oh,our OAPS wld be forming AJebo oshi,mchew
I live in the US and I listen to joyce sometimes. She speaks well apart from that she acts like she is a know it all. She acts like she is aware of all things Italian. N6 is the only person I have listen to and I genuinely enjoy him. When it comes to music, the radio plays what sells.
True talk.
For me, radio in ?Nigeria is Inspiration FM. I can bank on it in terms of content and sensible music.
Ok. I personally do not like etcetera but I kinda agree with what he's said in his artcle. I love music, but on my way to work and back nowadays, I just use my mp3 player. Had to cos all I hear on the radio is either shitty music, ads or the oap just running his/her mouth. very annoyin!
This guy is 110% on point! It's amazing honestly, how boring these radio stations are. I used to love wazobia but even they have joined the rubbish. I find myself tuning to Classic FM nowadays. I'd rather listen to good old music than bad and crappy so-called 'new' jams. And when I'm not in the mood for radio, I play my CDs or listen to songs saved on my phone. Another truth which he probably forgot to mention is that these stations are money-driven. Again, Wazobia DJs and OAPs are guilty of this, from experience. A DJ will sit down waiting for a wack newbie artiste to come and pay him 50-100k to play his song 3 times a day for 5 days in a week. Meanwhile another artiste will take good music to them to play and they will refuse to play it just because he 'can't afford their fee'. The DJ forgets to build up a playlist that his listeners will genuinely enjoy. If you even throw in the wack song in between a list of good songs, I won't mind. But to hear 'pangolo' music straight for 30 minutes is disheartening.
My QUESTION is this....... what is this article biased on.... did he carry out a survey? did he go beyond Lagos? before you tongue lash radio station in Nigeria ..... pls carry out a proper survey and quit stating your personal opinion like they are facts.... based on this write up if radio was that bad... i guess it would have been extinct........ since its not i guess OAPs are not doing badly.......... i respect OAPs cos its not beans for someone to come up with fresh ideas everyday, agreed we have some of them that need a lot of work ...... that said ...... looking at the songs if these songs are not repeatedly asked for by listeners they would be off the airwaves as soon as they dropped ..... Plus if a song is great you dont need to pay for it to be a hit with the internet now people just need to download it nd start asking for it to be played... and the radio station has no choice but to get it..... OAPs can only play songs that are out there.... if the songs are crappy how is that the OAP's fault....... we live in a time where we need to put the blame on someone how bout we all share the blame.... musicians, listeners,OAPs, radio station owners, radio regulatory bodies e.t.c.
Oga Etcetera if you are an On Air Personality research shouldn't be strange to you..... I'd rather that you said this was your personal opinion and not make it sound like a matter of fact.
Sup Linda..... Keep up the good work!!!
Please what is this guy turning into?A hypocrite or a God?Cos he seems to judge anything and everything..I love his music but if hes not selling then he should look for something else to do..And stop branding things bad or poor.
Mr Hunter Bills
On this one I give it to etcetera. Professionalism has been corrupted by love for profit. It's not only on radio, everywhere you turn to now. Etcetera be careful because you smell like jealousy most of the time even when you are actually stating the obvious.
Etcetera,thank you very much for speaking out you are on point!!.
FAKE ACCENT IS KILLING THE RADIO .If If i wann hear Oyibo fm i can access one online not my 9ja stations abeg...
Nobody reach u for fake phonetics o. Glo.
Wake up m stop sounding like ur not one of d accused
And this Nigga makes sense at last. God bless you for this,I'm truly tired. The OAPs have even made the shallow minded Nigerians not understand what a real accent is.
One olodo came to my blog. Listened to my podcast and started talking rubbish. Sigh.
Everything is going wrong in this country. God please help us
This man says so much shit, It's irritating. When i was reading his article, all i thought about was one particular station, Beat Fm. If he intends to insult the radio station how about thinking that the station is all about playing hit songs and what not, keeping up with the trends. It's meant for young people and so not much depth is expected from it. Generalizing that radio itself is boring is very stupid. The article just makes him look like a coward taking shots at Beat FM and using "radio" as a cover up. If you want to listen to music that'll make you remember the good days, please listen to classic fm, if you want to listen to inspirational music,please listen to inspiration fm. f you're feeling versatile, listen to rhythm. Or if you'd rather prefer something traditional, listen to WAZOBIA or TOP FM or FAAJI FM Or BOND FM. These radio stations are suited to the different tastes of people all over Lagos and so are the OAPs, they know their jobs. It makes no sense for him to generalize, if he has a problem with the order of the playlist, listen to another station, there are ample!. Most of the OAPs in other stations have no accent at all, he should remember that there is always a target audience and Beat fm is definitely not targeting him but young people. He should remember that it is a different generation now, one who would prefer to hear proper english, and listen to afrobeat music. And the OAPs do not even fake accents, they have lived abroad, no doubt it can be annoying but he is overdoing it. How about Olisa who speaks proper english? is that one faking accent? It just seems like he has a bone to pick with them. He's just washed out and angry.
This man says so much shit, It's irritating. When i was reading his article, all i thought about was one particular station, Beat Fm. If he intends to insult the radio station how about thinking that the station is all about playing hit songs and what not, keeping up with the trends. It's meant for young people and so not much depth is expected from it. Generalizing that radio itself is boring is very stupid. The article just makes him look like a coward taking shots at Beat FM and using "radio" as a cover up. If you want to listen to music that'll make you remember the good days, please listen to classic fm, if you want to listen to inspirational music,please listen to inspiration fm. f you're feeling versatile, listen to rhythm. Or if you'd rather prefer something traditional, listen to WAZOBIA or TOP FM or FAAJI FM Or BOND FM. These radio stations are suited to the different tastes of people all over Lagos and so are the OAPs, they know their jobs. It makes no sense for him to generalize, if he has a problem with the order of the playlist, listen to another station, there are ample!. Most of the OAPs in other stations have no accent at all, he should remember that there is always a target audience and Beat fm is definitely not targeting him but young people. He should remember that it is a different generation now, one who would prefer to hear proper english, and listen to afrobeat music. And the OAPs do not even fake accents, they have lived abroad, no doubt it can be annoying but he is overdoing it. How about Olisa who speaks proper english? is that one faking accent? It just seems like he has a bone to pick with them. He's just washed out and angry.
What of those noise makers in the morning before the 7am news on Inspiration FM? I can't for the life of me understand how Inspiration FM can put those jokers on air in the morning. Their laughter grates on the ears and they just make noise, imagine, in the morning?
Radio is so boring these days. I don't have a favorite station anymore as they are all the same.
Wellington Olaiya of rainbow 94.1 fm still the best. He very intelligent and naturally gifted. Articulate and always on point. Try listen on weekdays 7:30am to 10:00 am
My broda u correct no b lie
So true...a. Profound musician has spoken#gbam
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