From Life & Style:
All moms think their kid's the cutest - but most don't go as far a s saying unkind things about other children! Yet when Kim Kardashian, 33, praises North, 1, it sometimes comes at the expense of Beyonce's mini-me.
"She brags that Nori is cuter than Blue Ivy," dishes an insider. 'She loves it.'They are both too cute! But if you were to pick the cutest, who would you pick? Blue Ivy or North?
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Both are cute
Why is Kim feeling so inferior! Kids r kids they r beautiful in their own way.
Dey shld put a better pix of blue ivy.. shes nt smiling in d pix.. besides d both kids ar nt soo fyn.. deir mum ar more beautiful dan dem. U knw media can talk trash.. ar we really sure kim said dose tins
Why is she so obsessed with Beyoncé ?
Na wa oh, no need for dis na. They re cute
Baby north is cuter than baby blue. Blue looks like an iya agbalagba....Lmao.
North is cuter. Blue. Is cute too
Kim, Beyoncé doesn't care about you or your daughter get a life.
Its like asking who's more handsome between JayZ and Kanye cos both of them be their Papa replica.
Both of them are cute sha..but Kim is right.
Kim is so shallow, why comparing children
North all the way
North is way cuter, but wat Kim said if true is wrong.
These babies sha resemble dia papa o...
Why would Kim make blue ivy a yardstick to measure cuteness?
Doing that shows that deep inside of her, she believes blue is cuter, so she has to 'keep saying it ' and 'don't stop talking it' like a christ embassy member to make it happen
Nori anyday. Bt kim should grab a seat if its true. Gat a feeling shez next on Solange's list
Nawa oo kim an bey fight don reach wia dia kids dey nobi small tin pls kim shld stp all dis 2me both kids re pretty oo nt sidin anybody.
Hahaha! Both of these little angels are a cup cake of overflowing sweetness, picking one over the other is what I can never do! Lovely babies!
Mrs DAvido
North noni!
They are both cute n both of èm look lik deir dad...
Baby ivy biko * rollingeyes *
Nori. ....the name na wa....she is cuter though...
North all the way,!! She is damn cute than ivy
North is obviously cuter... blue ivy looks like a boy lol
Senseless comment from a fool, how can you boast of such things? Children are gift from God so dont boast of it cos the owner which Is God can take it back any time.
Don't you think this is extremely petty of you? Why would you think it is okay to compare the looks of babies? #daft
kim k's.she's reali cute.
She is correct ! North is very much cuter than Ivy.
Lies.... blue ivy is more cute.... dis Kim k self.......
ivy hon
Definetely nori. Lol
Evryday sha we kuwtk's on lib.
Blue ivy
I don't believe kim would say that, she's way too calm for shit like dat, kanye can tho. Morever what if she says so is dat not the obvious fact? Abeg make una leave matter for mathias jare... Moving on!
Blue Ivy...that hair though... makes her super cute
Of course , Nori is cuter!
I pick north....so cute...
She saying the truth jhur.She is more cute than blue ivy in my ways
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North is finer
Well, it's true..kinda. And that means it ai t no brag. North is cuter. Gosh I hate Kim!
*** forst to comment ***
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What a stupid comparison.All babies are cute and are gifts from above.why compare!
North of course, but Linda who told u? Where u there wen she said, ? Anyway my dota is cuter dan 2 of dem shaa
Blue lvy is more cuter dan North
Lol... Ndia enwee kwanu aka oru... Always rubbing shoulders. Jisinu ike.
North is cuter dan blue ivy!
North West is cuter
Blue ivy is cute but I'll go for Nori. She is just too cute
North 4 sure
I would pick my unborn twins CHIMAMANDA and CHISIMDI.
North West
BLUE is prettier joor
people are just trying to create beef between kim and beyonce, i bet she never said that..anyway i think north is cuter
Pls let the truth be told,north is far more beautiful dan blue
Lol.....na wa ooo ontop pikin matter anywayz...I wud go for north west
Blue ivy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comparing two people, you can't have cutest. It is cuter... cute, cuter, cutest.
None,wil pick my sparkle dannie!!!!shez da prettiest
The both of them are cute...
No need for comparison or outrageous comments but to my own candid opinion,North West is more cute and pretty wen compare to Blue Ivy
Blue Ivy
None!!wil pick my sparkle dannie!!!shez da cutest...kisses 2 u
Northwest of course
Well, dauther of a porn star is cuter. But they are kids do. I hope Blue Ivy will not take over her mum's profession sha. I like the two kids
I pick myself am the mst cuttest and mst sweetest girl in the whl wide world.
north west
Linda mst everything be news to you? Ar u dry already??
I wuld pick Kim K's baby biko.c blue's mouth
I think blue looks alot more natural,north look powdered up but they're both cute
That's childish tho... but to me, Blue Ivy looks cuter. @linda, u r comparing 2 kids. Use d word cuter n not cutest.
They're 2 cute babies. Let's still watch and see. Majority of the time a cute baby don't always grow to be as cute anymore and vice versa. I would say the insider is the judgmental one.
Lol, I will pick north. Abeg shez cuter than blue ivy
True that, Nori is far more prettier than Blue Ivy
People are really bad and vindictive.why continuously pitch this people against each other.most mothers feel their own kids are the best.
I think my kids are the best and not only do I think it,I brag about it.I'm in awe of Gods gift to me so why won't I shout about it.
The okoyes just uploaded car pics.davido always uploading jewelry.lindas sister boasted about the cost of this and that which Linda splashed out on,etc etc....now who wouldn't boast about a whole child especially someone who the doctor said had a less than 50% chance of getting pregnant.
I doubt if she said this things but jayz supposedly said Rihanna should emulate bey.
So media guys,buzz off.u too Linda.
None,wil pick my sparkle dannie!!!!shez da prettiest
North is too pretty abeg.
Definitely north west. She is actually cuter
Its true na. North is too cute. But she didn't tell the mag directly so its wrong for them to print that kinda stuff or use it against her
To be candid,north west is cuter...Blue ivy too resemble jay Z
They are both cute but if I shld choose I will choose North.
And lets not lie,there is no Armenian specie that is genetically not beautiful or handsome.its in the DNA.
Kim finer than bey
Kanye finer than jayz
Do the math.
Who cares! There are more important things happening around the world. Kim should be grateful for having the privilege to be a mother than comparing.
Linda linda!! Sitting on a fence, I'll really love 2 knw your opinion on dis oo I like ur polities here thou! Oya, over to badt moutht libers.
Definitely baby North. Is that really a question? Beyonce shd go and seat her arse down. I love Kim and Kanye more for loving her unconditionally.
Mummy O.
I don't give a shit about who's baby is cute or not, as it doesn't put food on my table. Kim is just being childish. Infact, both of them can scream on top of their voices,be at each other's throat( just to make their points) for all I care.
And pls Linda, enough of this Kim virus. We are already bored with it.
blue ivy for sure...dats my opinion nd i hop ya respect dat
B4 nko? M jez beginin to hate Beyonce ov a gal...ha baby z ugly,too bad Blue Ivy tuk d face ov ha ugly fada...bur c fyn Kanye nd butiful Kim..hw North wan tk ugly? Bee pack well oo,nd comb ha hair!!!
Both cute! Dnt knw Wch to pick tho
Before I do that, please tell both mum to give those cuties real names! *North? Blue iv?*
Richard was here.
north west is becoming pretty
North west
D truth still remains, North z much more cute than Blue.
Pls North wins this one hands down.
Baby north all d way o
They r both cute, but diz blue ivy na wa o, she suppose fyn pass dz, but as she go get her papa d*** suckin' lipz, na f up o
Its tru na she fyn pass blue ivy
gaskiya i will pick northwest
She is still pained from the Marriage issues I think she and kanye needs to grow up. Bcos trouble sleep yanga wan wake am
Baby North ((Gbam)))
I think north west is more prettier... Double G says so!!!!
Hmmmm! *scratches head* Nori is the cutest ☺
But she no lie naaa
Am picking NORTH anytime anyday...
North North North West
Nt a kim fan bt mehn dt baby fine die, see bleu mouth like her papa mouth, abegi baby west al d way
Aww it's hard to decide, but I think Blue Ivy is cutier!
Kim K is one of those top celebs without talent. Her KANYE cannot match JAY Z. Even Kim K is not in the same league with Beyonce. Kim K with Ray J.......Kanye! You're blind.
Don't believe everything u read especially when it's from an "inside source".
Of course it's blue ivy... it's shocking that north isn't even as cute as her cousins pee and mason,thot she would be cuter buh was shocked
no contest jare look at the parents and get your answer!
My pick is North West...she's sooo CUTE!!
She is stupid 4 dat,dat apari(bald) baby of hers ain't cute @all I prefer blu ivy 100percent ,nonsense don't knw wat d bragging is 4,make she go use am collect money 4 bank
Blue ivy
They both looked adorable.
Linda, are u kidding me? Isn't it obvious that Nori is far cuter? Na wa 4 u oh, u just want hear talk sha. All kim Haters keep hating o, like she cares, mtchewwwwwww. #Team Kim#4Lyf.
North west is way cuter dan blue ivy. Blue ivy look like all those yourba sabbath children no hating pls jst saying d fact
u shud av added BlueIvy's pix whc will help more in picking our choices aunty Linda but all d same, Blue is cuter
Both ar cute but if to choose as u said ill go 4 north
Blue Ivy of course...North is cute too thou bt Kim's own is still much jor Linda...
It is obvious that kim and kanye are still upset with jayz and bey. Hnmm, I think north is really more cute than blue ivy but I must say that the two cutties have ugly names.
North for real.
Kim is pathetic if it's true, why does one need to compare children. There is more to life than how beautiful a child is.
D both are cute no discriminations on minors until they r fully grown
They are both cute but ivy is not been takin gud care of.
North is the cutest...but there's no need for bragging
Na their names dey vex me sef. I no fit choose.
Nori of kimye
Monkey no fine , but him mama like am.
Dey re both cute, north is cutest
Kim must be having eye problem...blue Ivy love all the way,this Kim is too noisy
Well,kims baby fine pass sha cos both mum n dad r good looking. Jayz no fine n hz genes r strong soo......but regardless a child z Gods gift.
Kim's daughter is cuter
They r both cute
Abeg she shd go and sit down,wats wit all dis nonsense ? She n her husband are just making noise everywhere
Can't choose,they are both too cute in their own diff ways
Judging with dis pictures,,,,,,,north is cuter,
Both kids are cute. We wait till dey grow.
linda why are you asking stay out of this one you just want to drag it out just cos a magazine said so does not make it true
Blue ivy looks possessed.
This people are just trying to creating news story, I don't believe the gist. Anyways nori is cuter than blue ivy. The ivy girl looks too much like jayz, yam head.
Blue Ivy is Super cute. Love it when she has an attitude
The two baby are cute but nori Is more cute and fine than blue ivy,
Can't really say cos dey are both cute to me but seems dis Nori is going to be very cute o. Besides I think she's well taken care of than Blue ivy.
I tink North West is the cutest. But Kim doesn't have to brag about dat
Ivy blue of cuz!..She's royal..a product of a great couple nt dt of a drunk n a whore...m usually nt like ds,bt since Kim wana swing ds way,ma sleeves r rolled up.Bitch!
North is cuter dan blue ivy. Blue ivy look more of all dis yourba sabbath children
Please don't ask people to compare other people's children. Every child is unique in his or her own way and parents love their kids just the way they are.
north south west is far beautiful than red yellows blue lvy. what a rubbish name. illuminati children.
I will pick Blue Ivy
Kim take several seats pls \_\_
Nori is d. Cutest, go Nori
North West
I go for North biko..
Linda abeg na lie
Not a fan of either family but.....Blue is cuter!! way way cuter...
Nori ofcourse! They are both cute though. Blue is a spitting image of Jay Z, even the way he squeezes his lips. My goodness!!! Lol, Fine baby.
Kim K's daughter is cuter than blue Ivy
If she said horrible things about blue, then she's not fit to be a mum but If she didn't, It's better. I'll choose North.
north na
Yeah, dats true.
Up up up north west!shes far cutest than blue!Also is kim is cutest than beyonce,kanye is cutest than jayz.haters go chop shit!
I'll pick blue ivy.north is always looking scared and loat.bia Linda whats the difference between what the mag is doing and what u r doing here?if u like no post my comment
I don't believe this story........but I'd pick North anytime, anyday. And pick North again.
I'll pick blue ivy.north is always looking scared and loat.bia Linda whats the difference between what the mag is doing and what u r doing here?if u like no post my comment
Absolute "North"
I think Kim K is still kinda pissed at Beyonce and her boo not attending her wedding. Visit: www.kevindjakpor.com
North West is a baby with an attitude and yet super cute
She's an idiot, what do want to do wif α̲̅ dawta of α̲̅. Porn stay? She always like to compare hersef wif Bey, Bey have talent, she work hard for her name, can she be able to keep α̲̅ relationship for 12yrs? Cheap slot, Luv U̶̲̥̅̊ Blue Ivy
Who again wan cute pass? Na blue ivy na..North's head is too wide,lmaooo
Blue ivy has got the cutest face ever..Mrs beyonce carter you rock jor..much love
North west
North west is d cutest!
I will pick Kim baby she Cute.
Don Jazzy *Friend* (wish)
Of cos North is cuter. Blue Ivy looks angry.
North west is cute,though babies r usually cute....Nelly
None of dem as @nw.....oyibo babies no dey fine wen dem small....letz see as dey grow,,, buh dis blue ivy tho! Lol
North is d cutest n healthest. Buh among d moms kim aint even close to beyonce's beauty.
North west pls!
I think I'would go for IVY ni oooo..#Tslicky
Kim k should go n sleep, useless 150% surgery mama, will pick blue ivy anytime anyday. Beyonce is natural and is far beautiful than Kim k. As for nori I won't b surprised she has started receiving surgery 2 b beautiful in her age cos her mama is a surgery qween. DSB
For starters,d name North abi na middle is not funny, both of dem r cute,beautiful kids, since I don't v d power to creat 1,I don't see any reason to condemn, Linda,u shouldn't v done dis, Kim u r Mad!
Na waitn concern me nau .....linda na which one be dis... Abegie
North! No contest!
I choose kim K child she is so cute
North west
Kims baby is cuter than beyonces baby.
Linda, please leave the kids alone and behave like adult!
Actually 4rm wat am seening here bt dnt knw weather is foto shootooo,ll take d Two bt North kanye@ 1st pick.
They are both adorable....Blue is cute but North to me is super cute.
Nori is cuter
no doubt. North is more beautiful...i love kids, i can go for any of d two dependin on hw often dey smile
Nori is kinda cuter tho but the way I love Bey- I will take blue ivy nytime ---C21
I will go fr north
Baby Nori is obviously very cute...
North..... !!!! I love her mother too. Really obsessed with her and I will make sure my future wife has almost all the features she has....... I love you KIM !!!! Muah!!!!!@#$(%**$($()$\kjs?!";'
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