"Why do you think some artistes come come up with hit songs and find it difficult to maintain it?"So they need a lot of money to remain relevant?
Iyanya "Music is very expensive. Most of them make money and its had to put it back in the same thing. Your next money is not guaranteed because there are lots of artistes. If you say you wouldn't do show A, they can take artiste B for that show. It doesn't mean that because you have a hit song, you would be performing at all shows. It doesn't work like that. So, some of these guys, its hard for them. Its hard for them to follow up. Follow up is the hardest thing to do. Many artistes make a hit but the money they make from that hit is not even enough for them to support or sponsor the next video. So don't blame them'. Continue...
Iyanya "Yes. Let me give you an instance. I had a show here in Lagos, I was in Dubai. They made a mistake and booked my flight for Monday and the show was on Sunday. We rushed to the airport, they said no that my ticket was for the next day. After much pleading and explaining that I had a show that night in Lagos, they said alright. I could board but not business class since it wasn't my flight. I had to fly economy class with my business class ticket. Sitting down there, people around where staring at me like what am I doing here. A woman even walked up to me and said "Iyanya, you no suppose dey here now, na the other side you suppose dey". What came to my mind next was that I can't just decide to fly economy today, it will become gist. I have to work hard, I have to make money, to live up to your expectations. It's not like am living my life for you but its the life I chose. So, I have to do it".
Oh Pleaaaaasssseeee! rme
Ok iyanya I seee
Yeah most of you entertainers are not real. Leave a real life be yourself and the world is yours. U guys should take a cure from Femi kuti. He is rich but one of the simplest musicians of this generation
Abeg jare,,,stop d hyping....
Yh he is right
his explanation doesn't really make sense.
Eyaaa' the explanation, makes sense, that's society for.
Living large True talk you work for your money enjoy life
Lame example. Too lame
Iyanya my guy,d day u'll propose to me is d day i'll say yes to a man. It's u or never.
Iyanya true talk my brother
Awww!! So sweet, #packaging is very crucial 4 we entertainers *wink*
Iyanya is true but biko what do u hv with waist.? All u music na abt waist. #lekwaukwumid9t.
What a flimsy excuse. can't find any rationality here.
I guess thats the same reason OJB married 3wives.
Same reason most celebrities buy cars worth millions but still hide from their landlords.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Iyanya don't live ur life for anybody or bcos of wat pple will say!
Do ur thing, be urself! Cos if u'r broke 2moro na d same pple go still talk about u.
Iyanya I like ur person sha! Free spirited! Shout out to Ubi Franklin!!!
One love.
I guess that explains why they hardly if ever invest
Do ur thing was important is that u are happy
Do ur thing what is important is dat u are happy
Well, you are correct. This is part of the problem with Nigerians. Everyone wants to imitates the other without caring about the source of wealth. We are are so full of ourselves, so full of the thought of what people would say if we do this or that. Many a times, we make people do what we know they are not capable of with our action and reaction.
He is very foolish, so celebs shud liv extravagantly bcos of dier fans ???does dat even mke sense ??liv ur life hw u want to,nt hw pple want uu...
Looooool. Look at this nigga! Are you the first celebrity to fly economy?
If you are indeed trying to live up to our expectations then you should not even be found on a commercial plane to begin with. Get your own damn jet!
If your work is good, it should speak volumes for you, not the class you fly on a damn plane.
No one asked you to live up to our expectations, just keep singing your "whine-your-waist" type of music with its over-repetitive tune and we would judge you by that.
What you talking about??? Gobbledygook!!!.....#SeunLondon
He just Nailed It... Work Hard, Play Hard, Live Larger!! #Ejanla!!
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Is anyone having the same problem? Abi na witches
Next please
Nawa finally ooooo,fake life is wat Nigerianz want frm artist.......plz if ur artist live ur life or u die poor
mehnnn tins dey hapn
Iyanya u spoke d truth.too whom mch is given mch is xpected
Dust! Absolute dust
Its true though'..nıgerıanz alwayz make up gıst frm every lıl thıng..
Æ”☺Ï… rite Iyanya cos D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ wll b †Ñ’ξ ones Τ̅☺ laugh @ É£☺Ï… wen É£☺Ï… finally flop,keep making Äžoº°˚°ÂºÏ‘ music keep making C̣̲̣̣̣̲̣̣☺̣̣̥̇☺̣̣̥̇ƪ̣̥.. Cash n keep living big.
Hmmmmm na u sabi. Amyluv
And if your entering economy class becomes gist nko...mtcheeeeew...so make we dey clap?...
I see
If your entering economy class becomes gist nko...mtcheeeeew....so make we dey clap...
That's life when you make money, people expect you to live a life that is commensurate with the kind of money you are making..
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A piece of useful advice for Inyaya:
Sir, like most entertainers, it is evident that u have difficulties in establishing priorities and knowing what is useful for u in the long run.
Most of u are living way beyond your means, faking it till you "hopefully" make it. What if u don't in the long run?
Please, seek good financial advice or better still find a good, trutsworthy financial adviser who will help u manage the financial aspect of your profession so that you can live frugally yet efficiently. Yes sir, it is possible, you just have to be astute instead of faking which will eventually catch up with u in the long run.
One Little tip:
When u go to the bank to collect your salary, 10% of it u reinvest, 10% tithe (you can donate to orphans or build a classroom in your village if u fear pastors will chop it all. I challenge u to put the Lord to the test here and see if HE will not bless u), the rest, well try to divide it on what u and mr financial adviser deem appropriate and which has long lasting value.
Thanks for at least putting some light into this fake entertainment industry.
All the best in your endeavours.
P.S: Till date, i still dance to the "Your Waist" song.
hahahaha at the part when the woman said iyanya u no suppose dey here lol. lmao! trust nigerians to have such big mouths, like whats seriously your business lol. *dies
That does not even answer the question according to what the headline read.
Living a fake life dats wat it is. Be real nicur...
Okay next
abeg dis explanation no make sense jare,
What he said is so true,I will ask the same question if I see him fly economy cos most of them artist are always putting themselves in our faces showing us hw much dollars,hw many cars they av in their garage and so on........ Tintini.
Always be yourselves, fake life dose'nt pay. In the end you are only fooling yourselves .
I agree with you Chris, they should take a "cure" from Femi Kuti....lol
I used to wonder.what would make a celebrity who lived big yesterday to start complaining of neglect today ? Nyyanya,please don't live your life to please people .that woman that queried you for using economy class,would she assist you tomorrow if you run ino financial problems? Enjoy yourself but but Ty and invest against tomorrow.
Good luck. Love.
We don hear you...Next pls
Next please!
Cool story bro
That's true @ Chris
Doesn't make sense to me. You consider what people would say about you and you try to live up to it yet you say you're not living your life for them? Confusing #Mr Lucky
Itz stupidity, itz more like he is saying dat he doesn't Av power ova himself, d world r pple influence his decisions. Datz lame, I know very rich pple yet dey live a very simple life
That's true @ chris
Lips sealed 4 now.
Next news....
which one be una own na?let them live their lives however they want it joor!
I think dis guy is confused, what's dis jargons he is saying, I'm sure he was high on sumtin before dis interview
I just hope he's saving some money for the rainy day. Most of these new musicians waste all their money on cars and clothes only. Don't live up to our expectation Iyanya, live up to a money saving expectation. I don't see you applying to join Glo Customer Care when all this is over. Learn from Majek Fashek. B.A.
What he said is the truth #bright bravo#
I dont see any meaning to what he said.......but one thing for sure when you have money enjoy your life!
Mak sur u release anoda songoooo....cos sexy mama don de fade 4 ear.it ur tym 2day njoy ur mony.EBY
That is the pressure the society put on this entertainers.
Mscheewwww Iranu..lmao
U ryt bro let haters go to hell
Makes no sense at all. Sit your ass down sir, it ain't even correlating..that woman prolly said so cos of the way you always run your mouth in interviews like yu are some Bill gates. I'm sure they will see some other people and ignore because they haven't put themselves extremely higher than they are. Yes, expectations can be high, but you have over done yours.
Enjoy no skin pain..
O! Yes wit his lousy music?but l like am sha. Anyway make meaningful music like MJ so that it will precede u.
His explanation makes a whole lotta sense! Society is part of d reason pple do waht dey do! Yu tell pple to be demself yet yu jdge dem!!
His explanation makes a whole lotta sense! Society is part of d reason pple do waht dey do! Yu tell pple to be demself yet yu judge dem!!
Come again!
Ok ooooh! You all should continue living large and don't save money when you now have kidney disease you will come to us who you were posing for to donate surgery money! No worry,we are keeping our fingers crossed so keep living large. Ode
You don see small money now you don forget what poverty is! I pity all you celebrities who waste money all in the name of showing off!
Fool... u will also fly first class to hell...
Boring explanation
Not a say....
#That happy sister!
Real talk though..
~~Success Has No Limitation~~
gud story...but nt wel explaned
Bounce of rubbish.
U're working for your money so please enjoy it, it's ur sweat jare.
But they all claim they bought buggatti worth $50m.so all na for showoff?
Societal problems
Take a cure ko take an illness ni... Its take a cue sweetie....Iyanya we av heard u o! To b a celeb is sure not easy. Na person Wey wear shoe Sabi were e dey pain....
Yeah most of them are forming
Iyanya is ryt
Ehen, nd wat is so wrong in taking economy class?...On a gud day,Airlines mess up pple's flight nd seating arrangement all d time.....are u saying u nid to work hard so u won't av to do shows or to buy ur own private jet?....
Femi Kuti's the most consistent,most successful and by a mile the richest Nigerian musician today...you can take that to the bank with you!
2013 saw an unprecedented sense of poorly prioritized investments in frivolities by the Nigerian entertainer. Garages looking like exotic car shops while the front door still gets the annual knock from the landlord for his rent.
Blings, accessories and globetrotting for the sake of Instagram etc.
Getting high off the attention being a major factor that makes blowing money fast a sweet road to travel for them.
Perception may be pivotal in this business but the rainy day is an overriding reality
Lagbaja has never flaunted nothing. Not even his face, Yet the likes of him, Ebenizer Obey, Charley Boy, Alibaba, Tuface, Onyeka, RMD, Femi Kuti, Adewale Ayuba, Nkem Owoh are super multimillionaires who’s lack of a desire to advertise wealth has not negatively impacted on in flow of business or public perception. None of the above mentioned is using the kind of wonder on wheels bought by Sean Tizzle. “Sean Tizzle of yesterday”........ Emma Ugolee
Mc Hammer is a case study that all the guys that make it rain should read about. http://emmaugolee.com/when-i-hammer-first-thing-na-hummer/
Take a what?! Abeg no take laff tear my belle.
Hmmm realyyyy,lyk criously.......
Ok didn't knw inyanya was smart but he said is true and I like that he admits its his choice nd not blaming society or what not like everyone does these days.
Wetin? Who be u?
lolzzzzz... na so ooooo... dahs hw ppl relate with celebrities like me when found in an unwanted place...
At least someone is been sincere!
LMAO @flying first class to hell.... Tintini.
Iyanya NEVER EVER has anything sensible to say in interviews, I mean NEVER EVER..Always coming across as naive as being naive gets. Now do us all a favour and reject every single interview that comes your way !
End of discussion.
Is it how I read it, cus me sef no understand.
Help a sister pls.
Oyibo na ahia zi ahu.
It answered d question, duo indirectly. When u live 2 impress or please ur fans u will hav little or nothing 2 put back(reinvest). C, d guy is real. I like him. He does not beg question(s)! Ogamba Chuks
Hmmm, hes not even intelligent. #iknowwhatudonigga#
And drug trafficking...?
U might be single a loooooong time
Yeah right! That's being stupid. Seen very simple ppl dat ordinary I won't say hi to buh when I got close to them, I was humbled. To be honest, that's the best way sef. Just live ur life. No1 givs a shit buh will laff later if tins go wrong.
Thank God am not nigerian that I have to live in a society where I HAVE TO LIVE TO NON ENTITIES expectations to feel validated and respected. Materialistic nation who put materials before God. Mschewwwwwww. #GodForbid
True dat
I also think he spoke a lot of sense. Kudus iyanya
This response is lame and corny
Ridiculous. Tomorrow now he will need kidney and be looking for the public for help because they don't invest to maintain their own hype. I wouldn't even recognizes him anyway.
Phoenix am sorry to say dis but i am very sure u failed english during when u were in school. Iyanya was not complaining about flying economy he was talking about wat and how people expect stars to live der lives. d woman in d plane was shocked to see him sitting in economy class. stop d beef please and get a life
Phoenix am sorry to say dis but i am very sure u failed english during when u were in school. Iyanya was not complaining about flying economy he was talking about wat and how people expect stars to live der lives. d woman in d plane was shocked to see him sitting in economy class. stop d beef please and get a life
Iyanya is saying the truth on this. I was on that flight from Dubai to Lagos and I was telling my wife it was Iyanya.He was wearing huge sunglasses and a face cap( to cover up IMO). My wife didn't agree with me that he was Iyanya just cos he was in economy side. We just decided to let it go cos I really dont follow all these artists. In the 1st place, I managed to know him cos of his Kurukere that my wife liked.
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