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Friday, 18 October 2013

Photo of the day

Lol. This Cossy eh...but how does she manage to show off so much of her boobs without the nipples showing? Pic taken at Elegushi beach last Sunday...with Denrele and Bassey from BBA The Chase.


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Chinny M said...

Razz girl. I wonder how she sleeps at night.

pixiedust said...

Dis is so wrong....if i were the parents of cossy and denrele,i will ask God to forgive me for bringing these creatures to his beautiful world.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm cossy na u be breast oooooo!!! Yeah first 2 comment.

Anonymous said...

Na wa oh!!!!!dis babe sef i dnt undatsnd again oh...........see denrele wants to suck i tot he was gay?

Cynthia said...

cossy of life! this lady is just something else!!!

Anonymous said...

She's got none.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Hahaha! Denrele is acting like his life depends on those boobs! Cossy's enormous boobs are her major point for gaining attention so she makes use of them well. She can have fun, I have no right to judge her.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Hahaha! Denrele is acting like his life depends on those boobs! Cossy's enormous boobs are her major point for gaining attention so she makes use of them well. She can have fun, I have no right to judge her.

seunLondon said...

Boobi of life....Even without the face i no who those tits belongs to,,,,,#SeunLondon

Cynthia said...

Cossy!!! This woman is something else...

Unknown said...

Omo see trouble ooo so na bobby we go come dey look for here na some be like water bottle some be like calabash come linda warn this gul b4 I go slap her spirit ooOO

seunLondon said...

Boobi of life....Even without the face i no who those tits belongs to,,,,,#SeunLondon

Anonymous said...

Are you sure that this babe get nipples? If at all she has, then they will be to small. I love huge and pointed nipples

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bassey, u never go?? Hmmm. I dey watch u and Denrele in 3D. Gay things

Anonymous said...

Dis, Girl cosy is a embrasement to woman see as her breast is showing to many mens... Mary

gabz said...

Breasts fallen, nipples under. Forget d corset( all na packaging). Does that answer u.

Anonymous said...

Cossy!! Redemption!!!

Unknown said...

What's this now? This is just crazy.

Anonymous said...

And Denrele must show d world that He' s GAY!!!!!!!!!!


I don't think this girl has dem nipples. Check am na.

Anonymous said...

Omo c breast like pikin head... She is prolly or na detachable nipple

Anonymous said...

And Denrele must show d world that He' s GAY!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I see stupid!

Anonymous said...

Well..........she probably doesn't have nipples........pls put these things away, honestly its really not appealing, you are a far cry from sexy or decent....Lord pls help her.....u definitely need help cossy.....get it PLEASE???????

Anonymous said...

Dear Cossy, Tell me, How won't you keep getting heart broken when your most valuable asset is also for the public gallery. Even this gay dude, Denrele gets his own share? By the way, Did I just notice a hard on? #OkBye ~Freezie

osama said...

boby kindom

Anonymous said...

Linda u dnt get to see her nipples cos she doesn't have any. Look @dat pix, its nt possible 4 a lady who has nipples 2 show so much boobs without her nipples showing. As 4 Cossy u need JESUS.

Anonymous said...

Where is the nipples.. Does she have nipples..? I can't get why the nipples are not showing .. Smh funny..

Anonymous said...

GueSs d nipples er Unda-nit d Breast Itself...1st 2Commmmmentooooo.

Rough Diamond said...

Cossy cossy!

Anonymous said...

So na person pikin be dis wah o

osama said...

lindo she fit no get niples ooh

laurine said...

because the breast don fall so the nipples dey dwn dwn

Anonymous said...

Probably because she has no nipples...dunno...just saying

laurine said...

because the breast don fall so nipples dey down stairs and with push up bra the rest pop up

Anonymous said...

first to comment;passive income: here's how to make cool cash daily;

Anonymous said...

Hahhahahahahahahhahhahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahhahhahahahahhahahah@ showing boobs without nipple,linda u no well ni #Angel#

Princess Dee said...

#Throws up#

Anonymous said...

Nawo oh for her oh

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If u have sagging boobs it is easy to manoeuvre them.

ChyChy said...

Tot Denrele is gay?

Anonymous said...

She tell u say she get nipples?

Anonymous said...

ah thought she was loosing it jst realized she has lost it..get a life cossy

Anonymous said...

Nawo oh for her oh

CU said...

Lol I've been wondering the same thing! Inverted nipple tinz

Unknown said...

Useless cossy,who cares if she like let her go naked cos we hav seen it all. Her boob is not sexy,but swollen

Anonymous said...

what is this world turning into?

Anonymous said...

I dnt think she even has nipples.

Anonymous said...

Bassey love, please do not fall for that ok? Lol Cossy biko try and put everything out...the boobs are already on the street.

Anonymous said...

Dis gurl is from d pit of hell! Lol!!! Kilode ke. She is mad in short

Anonymous said...

Dis gurl is from d pit of hell! Lol!!! Kilode ke. She is mad in short

Anonymous said...

breast milk of life... hehehe yeye gyal

Anonymous said...

Don't think she get nipples, dats why its not flipping out. Na small nipple she get. LWKMD

Anonymous said...

Dis gurl is from d pit of hell! Lol!!! Kilode ke. She is mad in short

Unknown said...

mehn,dat cossy chic has got it in quantum ohoo.....she should just put on skirts instead of dis

tima said...

Bassy u won't go back to ur country? Abi you have found a boyfriend in Denrele.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hope she has nipple oooo, only God will judge.....

Anonymous said...

Cossy is a disgrace 2 womanhood


looks disgusting,very dirty thing.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Because her boobs are sagging and her nipples are facing down!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Unnecessary attention!!!.abeg linda go nd sleep jore,if not attend a vigil or a club.ds useless girl,cossy,isn't worth wasting tym on.

Unknown said...

mehn,dat cossy chic has got it in quantum ohoo.....she should just put on skirts instead of dis

Anonymous said...

Those her Boobs are one in town o kia.....I can die for them wallahi allah

Anonymous said...

U sure say cossy get nipple.well mayb its beneath this her mighty boobs.hahah naughty girl.

Anonymous said...

U sure say cossy get nipple.well mayb its beneath this her mighty boobs.hahah naughty girl.

Anonymous said...

Any body in dire need of original shea butter, call me 08183042108 for dark and chocolate complexion only.

rockycrush said...

Linda just post ds coment.... angry face#

rockycrush said...

okay abg... Linda tell dat girl t gt a life.. wetin denrele wan do dere def.... wia my fork, bfr ds rice cold...

Ugonma said...

Sisi linda,wat do u want to do wid her nipples? Anyways,na too much breasts dey cause am,dats why u can't see d mipples,lol! Oh! Nipples.

Anonymous said...

nawa oh does shame even exist in this gal abi woman's dictionary abi is this one too kim wannabe

Anonymous said...

Well you can't show nipples if you aint got them.Always knew there ws somthin wrong with her boobies.cossy da nippleless titied babe

Anonymous said...

aunty linda post my comment oh

Anonymous said...

The babe nor get nipple

Anonymous said...

Swear, what's been on ma mind, FOST 2 comment, yes beetchayyss

Anonymous said...

Lindz dat na over load!
~D great anonymous!

Christopher Ogun said...

the boobs no even fresh at all dirty bitch SILICON BREAST

Unknown said...

Boobs dey!!

Ms.Precious Bonario Nnags said...

Denrele wat ȧȓё Ɣ☻ϋ looking at u wan suck ni

Don Peror Francis said...

Anty Linda, its tru bcos u can't be satisfied by a breast without seeing d so touched by dose boobs to be sincere n hw come Denrele is not awakened....Dis gal eh,I think she shud open a milk industry...I like it big boobs!!!

Unknown said...

In the presence of all those men, shame no catch am.
Anyway na Cossy.


Anonymous said...

Ewoooooooo cosy may God have mercy on u ooooooooooooo

Unknown said...

Chai!see as mad pple gather 4 1 place!She's nippleleSs linda...her jugs are sooo saggy she's got a way of hidin em.. Such boobs coses suffocation n not erection! *ONYX GODWIN*

Anonymous said...

Dats very simple.... She ain't gat no nipples

Anonymous said...

Cos d breast has fallen! So the nipples are too far down in d wrong direction!! 3trice

Unknown said...

check for all your latest sport news

chizy said...

Dts if she has nipples,mscheeew END TIME,Next!!!!!

Unknown said...



i think we should just ignore dis bitchy ugly little freak,she's nothing but an attention seeker.stupid fellow.a big disgrace to woman hood.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Only God knows what goes through that lady's mind daily!!! #grabsipod

Unknown said...

Hmmmm @dat b**bs

Anonymous said...

Linda, I swear u read what was just on my mind when I first saw the pic. As in does she hav nipples at all? Cos I don't get, almost all her boobs are out already and no nipples visible. Btw, Denrele na fool, I swear. See as him squeeze Cossy then come do mouth like he wants to suck an orange.

Anonymous said...

In as much thos things are sincerely tempting to mal-handle,I think people no longer pay attention to this babe (she's 'oldies). There are younger blood & more busty babes jaree.

Unknown said...

Stupid girl and wot was danrele trying to do wif cossy's boobs?

Anonymous said...

EASY!! She doesn't have nipples!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder too oooo, very fake tho!

Anonymous said...

ahn ahn..this is Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

She as tried so much..carrying two big grapes aint easy job

Anonymous said...

Rubbish. Dirty thing! I wonder the kind of guys wey dey dig this bullshit...

NoskyJay said...

that girl is somethin else i tell u

Anonymous said...

That is just plain gross.

Anonymous said...

Omg wah sort of crap is dah

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Dis grl ehhhhh,God go hlp her ly....SMH

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who cares about the nipple..? Or does anyone here care about the nipple..? Anyone..? Hm..? Bonario..?(Bonario: makes me wanna puke on my vaseline. No thanks, i'll stick to my lovely vaseline), Prince Charming..?(PC: i can't just comprehend how and why she shows a gigantic huge of shame), *scratching my head* o.k! How about you Anonymous..?(As people don't know my name, i'm confused to who this woman is.. Pls who is she again?)... Lolzzz... Now Lin, i think what you should wonder or ask is how does she manage to carry the whole world on her chest...

Unknown said...

H̲̅m̶̲̥̅̊m̶̲̥̅̊m̶̲̥̅̊m̶̲̥̅̊m̲̅, nah wah Oo°˚˚˚°!, Denrele take am easy Oo°˚˚˚°!, dis mite choke U̶̲̥̅̊. Boobs of liyf!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Fake boob job! Smh!

blackgold said...

Probably inverted nipples or wrongly placed like inbtwn her cleavage. Or the doctor forgot to reattach them.

Anonymous said...

Linda she jst released new video ft durella. Menhhhh u guys need to see dat video me likey..

Unknown said...

She probably doesn't have nipples. Silly girl.

Anonymous said...

Dirty girl! Did I say girl? Dirty woman

Anonymous said...

Linda, lol at your question....maybe she doesn't have nipples!!!

Anonymous said...

Linda I don't think she has nipples,if ma girl get this kind breast na tea we go just dey drink frm morning til 9t,somtimes use it 2drink garri nd ogi

Anonymous said...

Why nobody gree post comment?

Anonymous said...

Hian!! WTF...tot Denrenle was gay why iz he attracted to dat "tingy"

Anonymous said...

Dem for carry her boobs go nafdac for proper check up....cos som parasite fit hide

Anonymous said...

Nawa 4 dis girl oh,I don't understand how her lady lumps are sef.....

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy

Unknown said...

Nawo oooooooo see breast 2moro person go marry this one keep for house naja gals

Unknown said...

Nawo oooooooo see breast 2moro person go marry this one keep for house naja gals

Anonymous said...

Omo dis her bossom no be here oo, kai.. Smh

Unknown said...

Omg !!are this natural too. Huh??? WTH

Anonymous said...

Rubbish! Wia s ur decency gurl. U can as well pull d remains of d nonsense u wearing. U r a disgrace 2 womanhood. I guess ur moda will be so proud of u cos I am. Lol bt nt funny. #yack#

Anonymous said...

Dose boobs r gonna drop on d floor if she removes d support of her hands.

Anonymous said...

she gat the manual.

Nneka said...

Uwa mmebi

Anonymous said...

Oloriburuku somebody ni omo cossy yi sha...Minus Derele my unfortunate Derele no fit suck tht wasted bobby....Iranu...Hisssss.

Anonymous said...

I don't think she has nipples,,,lol

Anonymous said...

O boy see breast ooo,but linda cum o dis one wen u jst dey post post breast,ebi like say u like breast o

Anonymous said...

Lol,c d guy behind trying 2 squeeze inside picture.r d boobs abt 2 fall ni?

Anonymous said...

One word. DISGUSTING!!!

Anonymous said...

This girl is sick!

Anonymous said...

Hehehehehe see oganigwe!!!!

Anonymous said...

That her face tho....She Old!

Unknown said...

this is just terrible

Anonymous said...

Weirdos feel like pucking Yuck

Anonymous said...

Mtchuuuuuuu? Oshi oda

Anonymous said...

The owner of the saggy boobs knows her hotspur...Im sure Denrele was confused @ dat moment.Cossy gather shaaaa

Anonymous said...

Cossy and Afro Candy bring shame to the Igbos. Tufiakwa!

Anonymous said...

She has no nipples na.....linda 1st to comment

Anonymous said...

Cossy boobs no get nipple jor, unless her breast is deformed.

Anonymous said...

2 mad pple! Is derenle tryin 2 suck de boobs vis blutooth or what? Lol his mouth luks funny.

Unknown said...

1st to comment! Cossy is such a mess! Saw her @ d place once n she was just wasted! Nonsense!

Anonymous said...

Natural boobs,diz iz wat some pple spend millions to get,I knw dt lots of pple wiil start insulting her as iff d dnt xpose dere boobs too...diz iz one of d features of an afican woman bt cossy u 2 flaunt d boobs nau

Anonymous said...

I thought Derenle was gay!!!???😳

Anonymous said...

She 1s acted a sex scene wit a dog, mayb it has bin bitten off.

Anonymous said...

With an apple Eve caused the fall of one man, with two giant water melons Cossy will cause the fall of thousands of men.Somebody stop her.


Cossy the whore on the loose again! Mtchewwwwwwwww!

Anonymous said...

Maybe she has no nipple.

TangoTangoAlpha said...

She's looking more and more washed out by the day.

Anonymous said...

Haven't you heard? Her breast don't have nipples. She was born abnormal.
That's her problem with her mother Till today. Fred say so...

Anonymous said...

I dey wonder since. This geh no get nipples?

Anonymous said...

Disgusting...hisssssss,linda we have told u b4 this breastful thing is no news, use the space for something meaningful if Not leave it Blank

Martins (GlossyMart Tech Gadgets 07037317400 or 08116202737) said...

She manages to show it off without the nipples showing cos she is a pro and a graduate in terms of flaunting boobs

Anonymous said...

This woman is sick......

Anonymous said...

The madness wey dey worry this gal get Ph.d. Her lifestyle get double colon. Morals-0,courtesy-0,modesty/decency-000000. How this 1 take affect my life? Abeg cover that apere ajase wey u carry put 4 chest....#WereOmo. Pikin wey dem suppose use cook Isiewu wen dem born am *hisses and walks away*

Anonymous said...

Useless pickin,an only she get breast?

Anonymous said...

D boob yaf fall naaa
xo what is d need


Anonymous said...

OK, ati ri (seen). kini kawa se bayi? (Wat shld we do about it). Next pls???? *flips hair and walks away* ~Debby~

Anonymous said...

Her breast and denrele's head are the same size. The breast even yellow like denrele's hais. Hehehehe!!!

Anonymous said...

Omo forget o .. She dey talented o and she carry die .. Buh how she hide dah nipples gun sef .. Omo dis gial na winch!

Anonymous said...

Like seriously, this woman is possesed. I pity d man dat will fall into her trap as a husband

Unknown said...

This idiot has completely lost it.

Whitefalcon said...

Mama Cossy,we don tire to dey see this rotten pawpaw u call boobs.

Besides,u won't attract any decent guy with all these show-off. Only carcass attracts vultures.

Anonymous said...

Useless girl. A disgrace to the igbos!!

Anonymous said...

Upon say u be graduate, u no get anything meaningful to do with your life. Shio!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyment τ̅☺ T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ fullest. Cossy of ΨђåƮ ever U̶̲̥̅̊ ☎ ♈ōϋя self, do U̶̲̥̅̊ ever think of ♈ōϋя last ∂ª¥​​ on earth? T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ devil Ĩƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ really dancing jaiye jaiye al read. G̶̲̥̅ợ̣̣̇̇̇D̶̲̥̅ av mercy.

Zonkh'a said...

Lol @ Denrele!! The power of boobies!!

Anonymous said...

This babe boobs will fall one day

shenemy said...

en?? Wah's this??#spits#nxt pwis

italknaija said...

Na God sabi ooo,if I catch dose boobs peren.

Unknown said...

like does she have nipples???

Unknown said...

like does she have nipples??? i get it.

Anonymous said...

Denrele & Bassey definitely smashing.

Anonymous said...

Denrele will just kill himself over dis Malu boobs issh

Emeka said...

Hmmmm dis girl is just so slutty...smh... and to think that her mother must have been very proud when she was born...

Unknown said...

see denrele o him won suck boobs,cossy's boob no get niple.

chyko said...

Speechless,i don't ustd what she is putting on


Linda you sure say Cossy get nipples???
I once knew a babe like that...
You only get to know say she get nipples when she is aroused...
Nature tuck in her nipples inside the hefty mound of her breasts...
But when you begin massage and caress and suck the blom blom, na so the nipples go just pop out sha!
Cossy's might just be same!

Anonymous said...

Linda , it is about time u begin to show things that would educate and benefit the public. Than showing pictures that depict that you have no class. I do believe you can do better. change your course now or become dry after sometime.people would soon get fed up.

its here said...

Linda U sef wan show plenty boobs without the nipples? Hehe.

Unknown said...

Hm! I can't shout sha.

Mihearty said...

Are u kidding me? Wht is this? Hmmm na wa o!

thomas Jr said...

shes a pro na

Anonymous said...

linda my dear.theres no nipples to show off in d first place

Anonymous said...

Laugh don kii me here, wth Ȋ̝̊̅§ wrong with cosy? N u denrenle u r also one crazy balls. Cosy + Denrele = madness @ its Zenith.

cheezy carter said...

hmmm her boobs are so huge...

buks said...

Dis babe ehn, hmmmmmm I comment my reserv

Anonymous said...

Massive boobs wit small top.later ladies like her will b wondering why dey aint married yet.

Anonymous said...

Y she carry am up wit her hand nhaa? Sagd tin

Unknown said...

I long for the day when I'll see Cossy covered up decently like a classy lady.... The boobs show is distasteful.

dj majek said...

Only God knws where she inherited that boobs frm cos she dosnt deserve it when some moderate boobs r fightin against breast cancer....she jez dey flaunt boobs everywhere like say na kite

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Chai, where was I when God was sharing boobs? #cover face

Anonymous said...

God will really v mercy on her soul,first to comment *winks*

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