Exclusive photos: Uche Jombo sizzles in new photos | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 19 October 2013

Exclusive photos: Uche Jombo sizzles in new photos

Actress and movie producer Uche Jombo Rodriguez looking like a million bucks in these new photos
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Anonymous said...

O boy, money good oooo, see how this girlll don pimp herself finish, nne emara mma

Anonymous said...

she is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Is dat really her in d 2nd pics?

Women's health said...

And she's soooo cute.

women's health

Unknown said...

She is cute tho

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Quite coruscating!!

MARY said...

She looks gud and dresses mature. Luv her!!!

Anonymous said...

Simply fabulous!Any one who thinks oda wise is a born hater...

Nneka said...

Make I hear say dis lady no do surgery. The uche I use to see on movies is very different from the one am seeing now. She looks good anyway.

Anonymous said...

Linda dear its bucks not box

Unknown said...

Uche u luk swit!

Unknown said...

Uche u luk swht

Unknown said...

Uche u luk swht

Anonymous said...

Madam don get belle ooooooo. Kisses!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful.she tried

Anonymous said...

First pix is cool but she luks too artficial in d rest***d photoshoping is excess***she doesn't luk herself

Anonymous said...

U luk luvly dear............sizzlin dats d word

Anonymous said...

I'm sure u mean bucks

jennifer said...

Dis girl sha...good for her though

ujunwa said...

beautiful woman

Anonymous said...

Ermm Uche it's either u have a bad shape or terrible dress sense. Can't click on yes.

Anonymous said...

Abeg who did her makeup, stunning. Linda u must get me the name of the makeup artist. Thanks

MAXIMUS™ said...

The pictures are aight, nothing spectacular. Marriage does agree with her though, she's been glowing these days.

Anonymous said...

Uche jumbo cool down with ds ur everyday picture, we knw u r happy becos u r married n we r happy for u buh u r becoming sumtn else wth ur pictures.... Dnt allow dos girls steal ur husband ooooo.

Anonymous said...

She looks very pretty...I love her eyes :D


Uche will always come in a Jumbo size.
Nice pix tho.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Idele Ukate Gabriella said...

Nice pictures. This her new nose sha!!!!


Aunty Linda, na million bucks not million box. lol

Anonymous said...

Those cloths obviously don't belong to her...OVER SIZE things!

Anonymous said...

Are these 4 differemt women? And to think none of them looks like Uche Jombo is .....

Anonymous said...

Linda, this doesn't sound like you at all; "a million box", you've never gbaguaned before.

Roselle said...

The pix with the very short hair is super hot. Me like!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!OMG!!!!total transformation...wow!!!So pretty....

Dindy_Gifted said...

Nyc,me likey

Anonymous said...

Luv me some uche, swt Babe

Zeus said...

I like the first picture, dont know about others.

Zodi Uduezue said...

Uche Jumbo looking soo sweet, I just hope her marriage will not crash like that of other celebrities.

onyinye said...

Nice but in the pic wit the pink shirt, she looks like she has just 1 nostril... to much make up effect

onyinye said...

Nice but in the pic wit the pink shirt, she looks like she has just 1 nostril... to much make up effect

African Sweetheart said...

She sure looks good. But by the way Linda it's a million bucks.


Aphrodite said...

Ii bet she had a Nose job done! She's kinda Lukn different Facially, I dnt knw if it bad kinda diff or Gud! She luks gud in dat No. 2 pix tho

Anonymous said...

Linda its a million bucks. Nice pix though.

Anonymous said...

Definitely one of the best she has ever taken.
Me Likey!
But plsss Uche Rodriguez next tym u wanna take, pls take alongside ur husband okay!!!

Anonymous said...

Uche is now looking plastic oo !!! See razzbie uche,after she'll come and deny it. Abeg,nose job,cheek job and a lil liposuction. Mrs R,I see u in 3D

chizy said...

I love dah long dress buh wait oº°˚ ˚°Âºo wic kain yeye long sleeve be dat.U tooo dey craze for movies shaa,kinda lyk dah

Anonymous said...

This nose job she did,helped her so a lot,she is sooooo beautiful now.

genune said...

Gorgeous. She looks like she's carrying a lowcut in the third pix, it's lovely on her

Anonymous said...


tamar said...

D pix are fynoo but doesn't look like her

Anonymous said...

It should be titled: "The different faces of Uche"

Don Peror Francis said...

Cute in one word

Anonymous said...

I think u mean "bucks" not "box".

Anonymous said...

We can barely recognise her sef...too much photoshop! Love her hair in d first pix tho!

Anonymous said...

Not a fan....she walks like daushe in hausa movies

Anonymous said...

Do dey take dese pics n send directly to u?


Pls which kind million box?u go fear na.Aunty uche biko this pictures are not all that.u look like every normal 'uches' I see on daily basis.

Anonymous said...

hahaha, i almost bought that red dress from oasis some days back,its 10pounds on sale now... seeing d dress on another person, dont like d fitting and im happy i dint buy it

Mrs E said...

Its not always I say this,"Stunning!"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All na package.If you carry her go house wan nack you go dey fedup.stretch mark,body odour,multicolour skin from bleachng,wooz puss,sag boobs.you go fear na

Adaorah said...

Linda Onyekachi Effiongam Modupe Ikeji! Million box ko,million carton ni."bucks" not "box"

Gossiper said...

These pictures no make am at all..

Anonymous said...

Bucks, Trog! ...a million bucks.

Anonymous said...

Love the second pix.She is simply stunning

Adaorah said...

Pls who is her stylist bikonu? Which kain bubblegum colored top she wear for the 2nd pic. It looks like something borrowed from a clown

Anonymous said...

Simply lovely... #FiNEWiNe#

Unknown said...

She is lookin full,chick nd classy
Go Ms Rodriguez

Anonymous said...

Sweet babe

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! she looks so amazing in this new size.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


ruthzy said...

Love her hair style..tinking of doing it..

Unknown said...

These Naija yeyebrities and fat shaa! They always thing money equates food, food, food, dresses, promo pictures (what they are promoting, only heaven knows) and food. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeez. And hello, pls I dnt wanna hear "everyone must not be slim" hell yes, buh everyone must not donate money, pity and moral support when they start suffering from diseases that are associated with obesity!
My 2pence ; PUT THE DAMN FORK DOWN AND HIT THE GYM! If can't hit the gym, make Jillian Michael your companion.

Unknown said...

She has lost some weights. Looking more pretty.

Jolie G said...

Elle est très belle (she is beautiful)

kim kelvin said...

Wetin million bucks for dis pix.

ruthzy said...

OMG where is ur ring mrs rodriguez?

Unknown said...

Liar liar, pants on fire!!! Uche u definitely had work done on ur face. It looks good but Jez stop lying. It isn't a crime to improve on one's self. Nice pix by d way. U will make heaven. Amen

Anonymous said...

Pretty Lady...I love u sooo much.

Whitefalcon said...

You rock Mrs.Roderick.....what? Aunty Linda,wetin be the name again?

Anyway,Uche Jumbo is my love. She dey make me go gaga.

Go girl.#thumbup#

Unknown said...

So executive!!!

Unknown said...

Nice picks uch baby

Anonymous said...

Uche jumbo is a very pretty woman
These photos were slightly photoshopped, her arms have been touched... Her face and head as well.

Unknown said...

Nice picks uch baby

Anonymous said...

She looks goods tho!

Anonymous said...

Nice pics overall but the sleeves on the pink shirt are just not doing it for me.

freebike7 said...

Missy Elliott.

Anonymous said...

Omg! She is lovely in the outfit. Uche please keep it up.

Rabeeyat said...

Waow! Uche looking so sweet and happy!

Anonymous said...

Lord Jesus! Uche is pregg wow....look harder u will see wah am seeing!

Unknown said...

By sizzle, you mean like bacon right? So you're calling her a pig right?
It's like enty saying a bearded jake gyllenhaal....
Linda, you're learning....

Anonymous said...

Lord Jesus! Uche is pregg wow....look harder u will see wah am seeing!

Anonymous said...

Outdoor pictures pls! I'm just tired of seeing all these studio pictures of the dark ages already! She's got no hips! Sad truth! Oya, LIBers, swallow me...pffft!

Anonymous said...

So the 'NOSE' is it contour or nose job?

Anonymous said...

Lovely!!! Didn't knw she was dis gud looking

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm..... Uche! Looking S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ different. Abeg post ma comment ooh

Anonymous said...

Lovely pix

Anonymous said...

Nice picz

Mischievous said...


Anonymous said...

Cutie head! but that tummy is still big #suckbelle

Anonymous said...

Nice.....very nice buh d 2nd pic ah ah.....she looks like a madam! Mma mmadu....


All pics on point. Fine gerh uche!

Anonymous said...

D 2nd n 3rd pics isnt her

Anonymous said...

Jst d last. 1st dats ok

marcee said said...

aside photo-shop she is really glowing. happy for her

Anonymous said...

My diva u look fabulous.

Anonymous said...

She looks so cute,how I love her..abeg enjoy urself o my lover,big kisses 4 u...yh yh,I love famzing her I knw...Stephy says so

Anonymous said...

She luks fat

Janelicious said...

nice poses

Anonymous said...

Uche Jombo is gorgeous but her accent is a no no for me.

JOJO said...

Too much effects n photoshop,it doesn't even look like her frm the 2nd pix all d way,down! Nt bad sha!

Jenyfah said...

Horrible horrible horrible as usual"..... d only thn is that the make up is very pretty and JST defines her face.
UChe up your dressing up game plssssssss.

Anonymous said...

Chai,see d pwr of makeup! She looks alluring though

Esta said...

she looks lovely.

Anonymous said...

U luk gud Uche,carry on Dear.

Anonymous said...

Is it me or does she look like missy elliot in d last pic

Anonymous said...

Wairo, eeemm, Linbaby, is this news? I no even understand sef. Hian, odiegwu, it is egwued.

Anonymous said...

Wow she really looks good

BelLaBomba said...

Baby laa hot,I've alwayssss love dis woman. Loving d pink shirt too"lovestruck*

Bonita Bislam said...

Terrific Uche

Anonymous said...

Na waoh!u re really doing everything to stay in d limelight.

Eby said...

Nice pictures.

Anonymous said...

Can be likened to Missy Elliott.
Marriage suits her.

Jerome Etim said...

The pix doesnt luk lik Uche Jumbo... #overphotoshop xcept she has undergo a plastic surgery... so lukin different

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and lovely babe

Anonymous said...

Descent dressing, me gusta, i like no flesh on display ,this is how responsible women should dress....CLASSY NOT TRASHY!!

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that shez not going nude like some other actress u rock girl

Anonymous said...

1st and 3rd pic, very nice.....

Anonymous said...

Nice outfit uche

Anonymous said...

American goodooo!!!!

Anonymous said...

Linda...I'm gradually gettin fed up of this ur unnecessary focus on a selected few! If its not uche jumbo, its rita dominic or cossy! Wetin...are you on their payroll??

Anonymous said...

Babe la hot. So freaking hot.

Anonymous said...

Ah jez luv jumbo..if I wr a guy I wuda wife her #didi

Anonymous said...

Go girl u looking fly.

Anonymous said...

Which kind Mary-Amaka blouse is this???? Whoever made her up did a great job!

omasecret said...

looki glow girl

ng good always u

Desire said...

She looks like missy elliot..cute

Anonymous said...

Is she adding her weight back again? Looks good :-)

Anonymous said...

My babe u look FABULOUS. Mrs C

Anonymous said...

Awwww! Uche looks SUPER AMAZING, lovly pink dressy shirt, I lov lov dat pix.

OMG!WOMAN said...


Anonymous said...

Fyn woman!

Anonymous said...

I agree she dey shine. D pictures fine. But linda abeg find out for me dis her nose has been touched by drs abi. Cos dis was not d nose she had wen she started acting

Anonymous said...

Hehehhehehhehehehehhehehehhehehhehhehehehehhehehehehehhehhhehhehehehehehehhehhehehehheheehhehheheheheh.....:hehehe mistress

Anonymous said...

luvly pics..luv ha hair n d ist pix

wemimo said...


Anonymous said...

Too much editing! Why is she always getting it wrong? Trying too hard,I guess!

Tiana said...

Shez change

Petro... T said...

U're running out of time gal.....

Anonymous said...

Looking beautiful Mrs Rodriguez! 3rd pic was over photoshopped though. And she looks a lot like Waje in the pink top.

Anonymous said...

What happened to her nose? Someone pls explain to me this is not what her nose looks like before. It long and straight now abi eye dey pain me ni?

Anonymous said...

What happened to her nose? Someone pls explain to me this is not what her nose looks like before. It long and straight now abi eye dey pain me ni?

Anonymous said...

She's looking wow esp d 1 in d long gown


Quit surgery oooo. Heeeeeeeh!! Ur money go finish one day and Rod go run.Heeeeeh!

Princess Dee said...

Nice pics....

diamond said...

Beautiful pix

Anonymous said...

That hair though. She's glowing

Anonymous said...

I luv jumbo's hair

G. Emmanuel said...

this pics is a woow! This woman is beautiful, linda more of this pls!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who said this lady didn't get her nose done? She looks fine but different-IMO

Anonymous said...

I am loving Uche's look. I think she looks better, she has added a few pounds. U rock girl

Anonymous said...

Uche you look lovely. The short hair suits you.....stick to that style!

Marilyn Oge(Sumtin) said...

Bold and Beautiful

etochi21 said...

The 3rd one is the best for me, perfect for her shape.

Anonymous said...

Million bucks#

Anonymous said...

Odiegwu! Nne idi Hawt! America good for ur body o.

Unknown said...

Stunnin..dint expose ha boobs α̲̅Å‹Ï‘ still looks lovly.

Anonymous said...

I ve always loved dis babe

Anonymous said...

1st to comment....cool

Anonymous said...

Nice pix!

Anonymous said...

She looks so so dıfferent...tho cute.ı gues money talks

OmoAkin said...

Nice pix,I love dem all....#thumpsUp!

Unknown said...

Good for her hubby

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Uche.. N Whعrع z her weddin ring??

Anonymous said...

She's not wearing her wedding ring!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are really beautiful tho..

Anonymous said...

Dis is a transformed uche!am loving u jare..frm sefina

Anonymous said...

Pls what did uche do that made her loose so much weight plssssssss guys answer if any1 knws, I need 2 lose dis weight b4 my husband will start running away 4rm me, linda pls post so I can hear wat LIB readers have 2 say

Anonymous said...

I like d 1st one best. Is it that these pple just go to studio, snap and send it to linda to post? #confused

Anonymous said...

D 1st n 3rd pix 4 me looks glamorous

Anonymous said...

Looks like she's done a face lift and nose job. Pretty but gradually becoming plastic.

cz said...

Uche, keep it rolling. You have been wowing me since u married. Go girl.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I luv d 1st n last pics....she kinda luk lik one black american female musician...mmh..hv forgotten her name.

Anonymous said...

This relocation fine for her body.

TangoTangoAlpha said...

Her face is okay as far as Nigerian standards go, but the figure is a huge mess on any standard. She needs to stay off starch.

Nini said...

She's so pregas

Anonymous said...

Uche and contour thou...Contour of life...me likeyyy

Unknown said...

Auntyy Lin, you should have posted the first one alone. Now the other pictures got me thinking the first one was photo-shopped.

Unknown said...

She looks fabulous! I like the one with the brown dress.

Kel said...

She looks good.... Especially the first pic

Anonymous said...

Her official make up artist is chichi of faceville (08020888987) thank me NOW

Anonymous said...

Kul anyway, but lukin a bit plastic(fake)

PAVOUR said...

Just watched one of her movie she produced in united airline now. Its really nice. The only africa movie there. .congrat gal but her noise is like mj now..hope nothing happened to it. Hehehe

Anonymous said...

You need to have your eyes checked

Anonymous said...

U don ugly finish,,u wan cover am up with make up abi..#smh

Anonymous said...

Where didn't u see box? Abi u jus do eye surgery? Or ur phone is mal functional, abi na chinko u de use? She wrote bucks, tak several seats o jare.

Anonymous said...

Shut up abeg, hw is ur own dress sense? Talking rubbish.

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