I spoke with Elshama's mum this morning and she said that P-Square's Paul Okoye is indeed the father of Elshama's son but didn't want to give more details. But contrary to earlier reports that Elshama is stranded in the hospital because she's unable to pay her bills, I can confirm that they are out of the hospital and chilling at home. The child's birth certificate bears Paul Okoye's name but only a DNA test can ultimately prove who the father really is.
The Okoyes are still not saying anything about the issue. In fact, someone from their camp said they do not plan to issue a statement or react to the story in any way.
1 – 200 of 327 Newer› Newest»God don catch am, you cant deny this poor girl,she is your responsibility, www.tatafonaija.blogspot.com
What will her mother say ?,b4 nko,posing with a celebrity now means he is f**king her
Beautiful small gurl.Congrat Dearie
Linda dat gurl is not 19years stop saying she's 19 pls....who cares if they r chilling @home or in d moon whatever pls. No shame @all..Ms Posh.
Na wao, all these musicians will be having children from many women, he better own up and go take responsibility for the child, when he was on top, he was enjoying it, result is out he is running
Lol meaning paul actual did it
Interesting! I will just keep watching the development of this issue...but all I can say is that this girl surely has a link with Paul. Celebs sef! Sometimes I would blame them and the people dying for them.
Linda, job wel done. Tnx so much for goin extra length to clear d air.
Paul shud just accept responsiblity 4 his child..
Dats after a DNA test ofcos!
Wat reason will dis woman have 2 lie abt sumtn as serious as dis?
Wen she knows she cud be proven wrong wif a DNA test!
Paul u have disgraced urself, and I suggest u accept ur wrong doings!
Take kea of ur child and 4get abt wat ppl will say!
Billie jean
Shame on P.Okoye. This saga has only revealed the extent and depth of irresponsibility of the Okoyes Brothers. Im so so disappointed in them. Infact I will never touch their album even with a 40 feet long pole anymore! Never Again!
No smoke witout fire. Paul come out and speak the truth and accept responsibilties lik a man.. Dats y i luv 2face he wil neva deny
Bunch of irresponsible pple
Ehen,is dat so? Hmmm chilin n waitin 4 more news on dis topic cos there is more 2 it...n Paul,don't 4get na dis 1 1st born 4 u 0ooo
They are all mad.
With the exception of the baby.
All the people involved in this drama are MAD
Oga Okoye accept responsibility b4 o draw curse come ur head.
stranded in aUK Hospital? thats a lie...there is enough government aid for housing n feeding. And in the UK NHS pays ur hospital bills unless she went private which wud stupid if u know the father doesnt want to b involved n u cant finance the delivery by urself. this story is bogus!
Paul, you need to man up and take responsibility of your kids. You can bang them but you can't cater abi? Smh
wats up wit d black bra nau, she no sabi dress? i tout she was a beauty queen.
Because its Naija!that can never happen anywhr else.pls Paul do d decent thing and be in ur son's life.u don't need to marry d girl or summat but be in ur son's life.don't let nothing tarnish d image u v been building for ages, pls sort this out,ok.d baby is from ur loin and he's innocent in all these so don't let him bear d grunt.
You backward Nigerians should stop attacking this little girl. It is this child molester, advantage taker and opportunist that should be attacked and shamed. He is over 30yrs old, in a committed relationship and he still stepped out and fooled around with a CHILD and the typical niggerish reaction from you monkeys is to blame the girl. Kai!!! Black people sha!!! Why do we allow our men to do this?
linda- Aproko of life.. . .sure dey did sumfin afta takin dis pics datz if she wasnt already preg,.#bigtummy
good we are getting the truth.. see more entertainment news and gists on www.tundetijani.blogspot.com
What kind of bra is she wearing in that pix? Na wah o.
all you stupid nigerians ,you na don hear the true story.paul okoye is a pervert sleeping with a 19 yrs old girl.what kind of society will cast blame on the young girl instead of the man,because he is a celeb.what a big shame
First to comment yeeeeeee
Linda get ur facts right! Paul has issued a statement as regards the paternity mess. He denied even knowing anyone with that name; a lie which ur picture has exposed. May God help us because these are indeed perilious times.
The fact that they have left the hospital doesnt mean the bill has been cleared.......The hospital is not goin to detain her, she is free to leave and if not paid , a copy will be sent to the embassy .....
Goodluck to her, She was busy opening leg for her friend Boyfriend. Shameless thing
That’s good of you there Linda, and then you guys should learn to verifies issues before report next time by avoid blemishing someone’s image unnecessary. Greetings and Have a nice day.
Hian…….. Onto the next ojare according to Stella……….LOL
This is very very serious. Paul should pls try and make thing right here. If he's having any doubt, I belive DNA will clear all things.
akuko negwu!....(melodrama).lol....look b4 u carry belle!
lol.. I know the girl personally she's my sister's close friend n she told my sister that she's not sure who the baby daddy Is when she was 8months.... so this is no very strange....
Who paid their hospital bill or did they borrow the £5000. lol
OMG! the girl just looks dirty and she is straffing p-square.Is she a learner @ least he shld give her money 2 shop. she wan give birth for psquare 2 gain cheap popularity girl u need 2 get d looks for that or u wuld attract more insult. u look like u r suffering self.
Hmmmmmmm! For paul, I can understand, its very difficult to do away wif female admirers, I wonder how Anita would handle this.
The okoye family should better say something about the new baby. There is no big in going for a DNA test and let these long story end. It could be that Paul loves his Atlanta baby mama more than our beauty queen that's why he is keeping quite.
Hmmmmmmm! For paul, I can understand, its very difficult to do away wif female admirers, I wonder how Anita would handle this.
this girl sha greedie born 4 paul. with her sweaty pits, cheap costumes and weak bra. wish her the best sha
Good she's given birth safely and home.but mehn peter d babe no organise @all,is dis d best pic of dem??
Come oh Linda,dis story is getting complicated by d day,its possible d pix above is just a regular pix of a star n his fan.this babe shdnt spoil paul's name jare.dis is smtin dat wud have been sorted privately.I really don't like this.Paul shd comfront d issue once n for all.
My beautiful Elshama, do not lose ur self esteem because of his attitude. i even salute ur courage to have ds baby. Many of ur mates wld have it aborted. And u know something? U gave him his first born son! Whether he likes it or not. And I salute ur parents for standing behind u. Breastfeed and return to school. All d best dear!
Fame and irresponsibility!! I dnt jes undrstnd!!..*first time commenting*
Omo see gobe
hmmm.. perceive some drama in the offing.. congrats to Paul and El
Aunty Linda,ofofo is my hubby..U see birth certificate??Make we too see am naa, abi?
He's a punk
Like someone asked earlier, how much is a condom?
He should have been the responsible one cos he's older
Plus she's obviously star struck, like a rabbit in headlights!
-warriboi in London
Lin lin, am looking for a page o. MET ball blah blah blah.
Berra bring it back, after tagging it o.
@ least tubaba accepts all his children,pls paul go to london and do a Dna test and if that baby's urs accept him and own up to ur responsibility.I rlly don't care about paul or this Elshama girl,its just the innocent child caught in bbtw the stupidity of these two adults that bothers me.
Aunty Linda, olofofo adugbo..lol. U don see birth certificate?make we too see am naa...abi?
What popularity can cos, the guy is rich no doubt.I believe there is more to dis story. When the paternity of a baby is still in doubt,they went ahead with Paul Okoye as d baby's father...lol. I smell a rat. I Love U Paul Okoye, u Rock. No one can stop U from Shining.*Peace*
Awww....children are special gift from God. All the best.
Hmmmm... Linda iyaf come again oooo! *Lipseal'd*
This pic doesn't prove that they dated, could have been a picture of a star and his/her fan...#just my thought though#
2baba is done now paul is next!hehehe linda, me I like kokomaster don't mind......
I stil like u paul...but its na wa. ur life ur rules
let me break down dis story from both side n also conclude.
firstly oga paul sha na small small girls u don dey do bah, and to think she was anita's friend dts bad on ur side. there re lots of girls in nigeria n d highest disrespect u could give to anita is to start sleeping wth her friend,(am thinking she deserve better than such betrayer), u could hve done any one but not just her friend. anywaz now that d deal has been done,i think its time u contact dis family, knw how u will be taking care of ur child, weekly payment or monthly so dt u can get urself out of the news sooner.(honest advice,but first do DNA be4 dis babe cme out smart u).
now to the baby mama, when will u all baby mama learn to shut up after committing wat i dnt knw to call dis one dt u hve done. at ur young age(atleast anita is not such a kid like u) u re shameless now on the news nfor what'PITY' my dear i wont pity u for the following reasons.
1- if anita was ur friend or close friend wat were u doing sleeping wth her man.oh u wan do celeb, abi u want money,ok i get it,u want to be very smart
2-didnt u learn any lesson from all tuface baby mamas? if u and ur family like mak noise from now till next year, infact if u like born anoda one, u should knw he wont end up wth u for dt reason na, and now u hve made things worse by opening ur big mouth.(atleast all tuface baby mama kept quiet)
3- why aint u seeing anything wrong in what u did rather u re more interested in his attention,if at ur age u can sleep wth a man wthout protection, get pregnant n hve a baby u should be able to care for the baby.(meanwhile all dis celeb n not using condom is dt u pple hve juju for condom protection or what,pls introduce me na)
my dear get off cheap publicity b4 u nor go see man way go marry u again and concentrate on wat next to do,for now, mummy n daddy should take care of baby.
and dear mummy and daddy, pls u all should stop supporting this whole give birth out of wed lock thing.i don ture for the rate at which nigerians do things shamelessy n re not ashame.
And as for u PAUL. when u were doing u enjoy it, the result is out now.hve a DNA and go pay ur bills.
Anita dnt feel betray o, afterall he never marry u, but u can act smart now n get him to marry u quick. *wink*
lindiway oya post my comment cos i nor trust u.
Mrs Glory(mother of two)
Ok 1st things 1st- elshama I know @ 17 we all were naïve,buh I'm sure we all knew it was wrong to sleep with our friend's bf,@ 17 I was in d uni and still a virgin, so I don't know what they taught you,or if you do not hav older ones in ur life to advise you,at 19 a mother? Ur parents should be ashamed.. Secondly paul what kind of man are you,sleeping with your gf's friend,that just shows how ur irrensponsibilty has reached its peak,and now you want to deny the child and run, how foolish can u b, if you want a dna test go for one and own up,now I want to talk bout someone who no one has mentioned in all of this and that's the gf anita, babe how stupid can u b,u"ve been with this guy thru thick and thin and yet see the way he treats you,sleeps with ur friends,cheat on you,you don't even look good as you should knowing u r dating a billionaire and yet u went ahead to have a baby for him,and I'm sure if he wants to get married u will accept,and u think u have won,babe after d wedding,the marraige begins and if you think he'll change then u r not even matured enuf to b a mother. You should be ashamed,letting a man treat you this way,don't you come from a home,don't you have parents,kip humilating yourself,well now u and ur so cald friend and mothers for the same man,you should bow ur head in shame
Another Tuface in the making...serial baby producing machine with 3kids & counting! With the rate he's going, he will beat Tuface record soon enough. Getting them knocked-up without taking responsibility! What a man, NOT!!!!
He should just do a DNA and take care of the baby if he is the father jooor its not as if he doesn't have the resources to do so.
Nawa ooo *smh*
Lin Lin d finder of truth lol.
But Psquare are u another 2face? am disappointed sha
Paul!! linda!! Baby!!! Bottom belle. U are always in touch with okoye's family Shaa.
Linda!! Ukwu gi dikwa very risky oh!!
Like seriously!!
This Okoye brothers wont stick to one lady. The bible says go into the world and multiply but u guys r taking it 2 far. kai
Y is this guy denying this girl na?
2baba kum even beter pass cos he no deny him own
Lobatan.... He has now followed the footstep of his oga at the top. (2f)
ewe! wonders shal neva end, na so life don rubish rich, no shame again 4 pple, even her mama say she no about d father of d baby! dat mins she supported her al along. during d time of our father n 4 fathers, u dare nt hear such a tin like dis! aniwayz may God continue 2 hlp us.Dear linda post dis comment!!!
This is the consequence you must face when women have no dignity. Just because he's famous doesn't mean you should let him do you. She thought she was set for life by allegedly bearing P2's child. Well it looks like she'll be disappointed.
Argh Paul Okoye u dey mad ni. This girl is 19 for Christ sake manup and take responsibility for your actions. When you were shagging u Sabi the gal well well abi now pikin come u wan run. Oloshi
Paul, Paul, Paul... u are guilty of this... accopt it and b lyk 2face, no worry na small yab dem Goldons go yab u, abi na i go dye yab u dey fear? no worry i go help u beg basket mouth.. hahahahahahhahahhah
this guy wants to rival tuface
Na wao, 2baba is really havng disciples here. But com o wetin dey shine 4 d girl ampit na? Lol! Anyways its survival of d fittest, Ann survivd 2face, let's c who's gonna laugh last wen paul finally says I do.
This story is twisted Elshama actually met this guy three years back at a club in Abuja and she famzed him! Knowing her record which isn't news to both her secondary and university mates she threw herself at him and started claiming they where dating, but all this is her mothers work to put her daughters in the spotlight, after forcing her in all areas she chose this to be the best medium, that woman is the author of this, am sired they schemed this into play with that shameless father of theirs smh at such desperadoes its never that serious oh!
Lmfaooooooooooooooo eyaaaaaaa
Wat a real life story from okoye's camp. Sis linda thanks for the good job.. More gist and news here at www.gistyinka.com
Only you can digg this pix up!! Recommending you to CNN!! They should deny this.
Am stop lying check our secondary school they will tell you this girl started sleeping around since her JSS2!!!!! Virginity lost at 17 fire!!!!!! I spit on fake people you and your family did this to yourself just retreat and go back to God you need him right now
Wait what is wrong with we gals, is she happy to be just a baby mama God smh. Why don't u go to skul and after that good job n husband that will respect u and knw ur worth. Honestly I don't get dis, I don't knw how some pple reason oh
Paul yyyyyy? *crying*
E no even fit dem @all... Anita is far more beautiful...
Hmmmmmmm Linda the jornalist>>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!
This story is weird, was the baby born in the uk, cos if its in the uk theres no way pauls name could be on the birth cerificate if he wasnt at the registrars office o, dont know how it works in naija but in the uk if the father of the baby is not married to the mother he has to be physically at the registrars office to have his name on the birth certificate
Well thats life for you. With time we will know the Father of the BABY. Trust Nigerians, people will dig to even know the exact location the deed was done with evidence. Cant wait...lol
So irresponsible of paul!The best you can do is to accept your responsibilty as the father of the child! nobody is forcing you to marry the girl! do a DNA test and accept responsibiltiy! silly boy! sleeping with 2 underaged girls at the same time! friends for that matter!!!
Goodness!! omaga o!! To think paul is the quiet one.. I have always said that its the quiet ones that people need to be scared of.. the outgoing ones have nothing to hide!
And he said he doesn't know her? Mschewwww
.. private jet, money , fame , pregnancy for different girl , moet , sex , tattoo , nude gills on all picture/video ....
Parents of these days are the ones promoting evil in our society these days. Because its P-square she would be proud to say hez responsible and am sure shez pampering her daughter right now. if it was to be the next door neighbor that was responsible, she would have killed her daughter by now. Pregnant at 19 and proud when there is no one claiming responsibility. This girl is a disgrace to the African culture. Wanting cheap fame when her mates are in school trying to secure a bright future. Am not trying to judge her ohhhh. Linda post my comment or else i would know u supporting the so called girl and her mum.
Lemme watch as d story unfolds
If he's d father of her baby he should say so. I knw d next tin dey'll say abt dat pic is dat she's a "fan". So much 4 bin a man. Oma Baby.
Hey Paul, If you did the do, claim the child. Accept your boy. Maybe you dont want her son to be your first son, but he is. It is what it is. Be a man!
Linda I lyf ur style of journalism, trying to speak wIth both parties, both guys nd girls should learn 1or2 things from this
Well, Money talks, bullshit walks! U see why i always say money is good. With money, a young girl can give up her modelling carrier just to be ur baby momma. With money, ur semen automatically becomes diamond. * puffs out smoke*
I guess the pic says it all ! Oga paul u beta take responsibility 4 ur actions
Gobe with fact . Everything na double double
Why use Paul Okoye`s name in d childs birth certificate when they are not married yet.Paul Okoye u want to follow Tuface`s footprint eeh?
Because he is a celebrity does not mean u have to open ur leg wide for him
What more can I say??? celebrities with their reckless lifestyle......i think dis young lady has learnt her lesson d hard way......and as for d Okoyes(Peter,Paul and Jude),,God is watching u guyz ooo!!!
Wonders shall never end, in dis our generation....God help d innocent child frm wat he is goin thru, AMEN!!
Twins from Heaven, please accept, let the devil Shame! Children are bundle of Joy, and a blessing. Not one of ur funitures u can dispose off. Anyway as it is, this ur first Son, Dont make a big mistake because of fame and publicity,
Linda post my comment oooooo.
notin hidden 4rm God an notin new onder sun by Tp9
What a world??another tuface_who will he take to the alter ????who will be the next annie macaulay???how I wish his mom was alive,she must force him to take responsibility of the baby cos she's a woman of God and won't like anytin not fair.lindaloskiki,one boy say him wan marry u but na d ring he dey find since for paris_
Hmm! Wonders shall never cease! What's this generation turning into with bad role models like this! Couldn't be bothered to protect himself and the young lady who seems to have lost direction! I wonder how she came across him.
You can,t put a man's name on your child's birth certificate in the uk if the man is not present.
I thought igbo boys don't do this kinda thing?
These guys are confirmed airheads who are just favoured by God! Damn! Replicating the trends of the older generation musicians? But they had no condoms then, HIV wasn't common then. What excuse do these guys have? Loads of information and preventive measures abound now. This is the 21st Century for crying out loud! You guys are no role models. So sorry to have such a bad taste in my mouth about you guys, i loved you from the very day i heard "this na temptation", i have rooted for you over the years. Issokay, at least we still have Dare, Paul Play, etc to look up to.
Shimoooooooo....see katafo don burst...I always believed the story
Despite all the evidences, I still think both parties need some medical closure(dna), so the baby don't suffer for their foolishness
She could have tried using some nice rollon
Just a few points:-
- Girl should have realized that P1,would not be participating in the raising of the child, I mean she had 9 months!
-The photo looks like a 'I'm a fan' photo!
-My dear if she is a UK citizen, she would not need to pay hospital bills. NHS and all dat!
-You can put anyone's name on a birth certificate does not make them the daddy.
-She should have taken the hint by now and simply forget about P1.
this is obviously a picture taken at an event sooo it doesnt count
So many sides to dis story, don't know which to believe again.
Una see am!Bonario and co?
serious Gobe.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Linda where my comment,abi I no advice Paul rich?
How do you put the name of a man who is not your husband as the father of your Hilda without his concent. Legally not possible because it is unknown, unless the father is married to the mother. See how foolish people make themselves look. What happens if he is not the biological father? So any animal can now list anyone as there child's father. When you answer the legal questions, I rest my case.
Ngwanu, Paul Okoye has sown a seed and it has germinated, harvest has yielded. He should be willing to accept the harvest thereof!
Y naaaaa and I rili like dis one more dan peter now dis scandal :(
Na sooo. Pls they should take care of their baby and forget the okoye's. Let her go back to school andd face her studies. Paul might come back for her who knows.
This girl hot die! See boobs! And she is so beautiful! This guy's name is not Saint Paul Okoye.
Birth Certificate Information
Your baby needs a birth certificate before you can leave the hospital. You must bring certain documents with you when you give birth.
If you (the mother) are married to your baby's father, you both must bring your:
driver's license or official ID
marriage license
If your husband is not with you, you need this:
full name
birth date
city and state of birth
highest grade completed in school
social security number
If you (the mother) are not married, but want your baby's father on the birth certificate:
you both must bring your IDs to the hospital
The baby's father must come to the hospital and sign the birth certificate.
If you (the mother) are legally married to someone other than your baby's father:
you must bring your ID
Your husband is legally the father of your child. He must be listed on the birth certificate unless he and the baby's biological father come to the hospital and sign a 3-party paternity form.
If you (the mother) are divorced from someone other than your baby's father:
you must bring your final divorce papers with you to prove you have been divorced at least 300 days
If you do not have your divorce papers with you, or if you have been divorced less than 300 days, your ex-husband is legally the father of your child. He must be listed on the birth certificate unless he and the biological father come to the hospital and sign a 3-party paternity form.
If you (the mother) and your baby's father are from a country other than the country and are not married:
Your baby must have a name for the birth certificate, law does not recognize the naming practices of other cultures.
Paul better own up to ur responsibility.
That armpit
Birth Certificates Don't Mean Everything: An unmarried woman can no longer put a man's name on the birth certificate without his signature. It is now common for no father's name to appear on the birth certificate. That does not mean that a father cannot be determined later. If a man's name is on the birth certificate, that man was either the woman's husband, signed to acknowledge the child, or a Court found him to be the legal father.
Birth Certificates Don't Mean Everything: An unmarried woman can no longer put a man's name on the birth certificate without his signature. It is now common for no father's name to appear on the birth certificate. That does not mean that a father cannot be determined later. If a man's name is on the birth certificate, that man was either the woman's husband, signed to acknowledge the child, or a Court found him to be the legal father.
No Child is Illegitimate: Children are no longer declared to be illegitimate. The marital status of the mother can affect paternity, but it does not stigmatize the child legally.
for once lindu post ma comment na!!!!!!!!#a very angry naija babe#
Not possible in the UK.....see mugu
Mothers hav a lot of responsibility in deir children's upbringing. Dat girlsmother shld hide her face in shame,she has no business speaking 2 d press!
Yh 1st 2 comment...Dis is srz oooo
Did he promise to marry her or she is one of his numerous groupies. Well take care of the baby and don't expect much from Paul Okoye. Your mates are in school while u are looking for a musician to sleep around with. Ntor it has caught up with you. At least u have a certificate(baby) to show. Foolish girl
To think that paul is cooler than peter. Nawa oh
Lol....He Done Did it lol....he shud Man up nd go 4 a DNA test na, nd if d baby is his, he shud take responsibility. He shud Take lessons frm 2baba (Father Abraham) na, Do ur duty paul nd shoulder ur fatherhood responsibility.
Sigh....only God knows d truth and paul if u are d father take responsibilty...dont bring scandals to ur family
He ought to be ASHAMED of himself.
Girl, take him to court in the UK and get your money for your child!
Continue flashing your Jet there Mr P-Square, and all your luxuries. Once this girl finishes you with £30,000 a month or more for child support - you'll know about it.
Werray ni. About you're abandoning odindi baby! Kmt. Kuro joh!
Wow. Tuface is really a mentor to so many.
I don't believe this story. Paul is very responsible dat am sure of. ....... Bt d only p is dat he likes young girls plenty. Bt dnt think he would do dat to Anita.
Well they shud settle their diff, rude boi
He should just do a DNA test and not deceiving himself. Childish he goat
Children Born to an Unmarried Woman
Acting Like the Daddy Can Make An Unmarried Man the Legal Daddy: Just like with married people, a man can be held legally responsible for a child by the way he acts. If it can be clearly shown that a man has held the child out to be his biological child, and either received the child into his home or provided support for the child, then he can be held to be the child's legal father, where no other legal father has been established.
Acknowledgments of Paternity: The most common way to determine to father of the child when he is not the husband, is either to have DNA testing, or for he and the mother to both sign a document declaring that the he is the father. This document is called an Acknowledgment of Paternity and can be signed at the birth or later.
Paternity at the Hospital and Later: When a child is born to an unmarried woman, hospitals are required to provide information to her and the man with her who is identified as the father about the benefits of establishing paternity and the opportunity to sign an Acknowledgment. Both mother and father must consent to the Acknowledgment. If signed, the hospital provides the Acknowledgment to the Department of Public Welfare. After the baby's birth, the parents can also submit the same Acknowledgment form to the Department of Public Welfare or it can be signed as part of a Court action, such as child support.
Mothers Do Not Have to Identify a Father: Although most women want to identify the father of their baby for cultural, social and financial reasons, there are times when a woman may not want to do so, such as in cases of domestic violence or sexual assault. A woman cannot be forced to name a father. Even to get welfare, if a woman is afraid, she can ask to be excused from this requirement by filing out a form. However, a man can still try to determine if he the father of a child. If a man believes that he is the father of a child, but the mother is unwilling to sign an Acknowledgment or give him information about the child, he can still file an Acknowledgment as a claim of paternity. This does not give a man any rights regarding the child, but entitles him to notice if the woman tries to put the child up for adoption. Men can also file a Petition To Determine Paternity with the Family Court.
Don't Sign If You Aren't Sure!: Once an Acknowledgment has been signed it is legally binding. However, it may be "rescinded" or undone by either person within 60 days. After 60 days, the Acknowledgment may only be challenged in Court by proving that someone was forced to sign or that one side only signed due to a mistake or fraud on the part of the other party. If a man, or the mother, wishes to make such a claim, he or she would file a Petition to Contest Paternity. While it is possible to do this, it is usually very difficult to question paternity, especially if a long time has passed.
Mr Paul, if you are the father of the child, acknowledge it. That boy might be a super star, bigger than P.Square.
Na wa o brother Paul......U actually sowed 2 seeds within some days interval and now d baby is born u don't wanna claim responsibility as the father, come on man up o because u guys are role models to lots of youth and they look up to you and what you do and besides, nah you do the work so why you dey run from the result of your hard work? Lol
19yrs old gurl?r u sure??..haba u guys r morethan dis na.. ontop of dat ur even denyin her child d ryt 2grow up wit a father..oya if ur sure of ursef ask 4 paternity test..
I just want to say that its a shame. A real shame, both for paul and the Elishamma girl. Pregnancy is 9 months, how can this issue not be resolved b4 now? so did she think public opinion will push paul into accepting? well i wish her luck. After one oshi.
Thanks for clarifying this
Celebs and their ways of life...PS just do what is ryt and respect ursef
All dis movie turn
reality stories that is
juz going on 4 some month
now na wa ooooo...
From dino to akinyesi to
Mercy aigbe to stalla to
Paul and so on
This is just nonsense. These ladies better protect themselves. It is obvious that this rich fool does not use any protection. Does he think money keeps out STI. It doesn't. It's just common sense that this rich fool has non off. Ladies beware.
hmmmmmm interesting,i wonder y our naija celebs will not respect their selves.....mehn these dudes has guts,dey no even dey fear HIV sef. well they should keep breeding but be man enough to own up to ur responsibilities. shame on the girls sef
Na wa o. This 1 na real serious issues. Let him do a DNA test and get it over with. Go Paul. 2 kids in a month no b beans.
O ti gomo
Hmmm, I comment yesterday dat 2ruth ll soon come out. I belief dis girl story and I know paul is responsible 4 her baby. But dude is afraid of his current status with his first baby mama. Let\'s give him small time he must say something, because he knows something.
ok nah.
Linda Igbanoi mum didn't want to go to the details and u didn't persuaded her for more details? I think you are trying to help them so they should be open.
Congratulations Paul
wow , another 2 baba is here.I think its now obvious dat d baby is paul's congrats to him for d job well done. buh it baffles me how these guys sleep with babes without protection. what happens to HIV/AIDS or do they think it shows at d face. Ppl got to b careful ooo.
There is something crazy about this baby-mama of a thing. Two baby mamas for him. Hmmm I de laugh oh! Women what is wrong with you people? Wise up and be reasonable for once.
Why is paul like this, he don forget wen he dey enjoy the pussy. Not nice.
Oh! Before Anita born sef,y dem no come tell Paul since then,the girl doesn't know who is responsible for her pregnancy by the way i hav xo many pics of me n Paul in ma house xo that one no be issue
D gurl shud jux go n raise her kid oh,obviousli he is nt interestd ni......nxt tym she shud bcareful b4 sleepin wt anoda person.
The conscience renders a guilty man speechless. I honestly believe this girl, if all these news were lies, Paul and his group would have been going to news places, making all manners of noise, threatening this girl and suing her. But they are silent now...It is well.
Tnx Linda.gud job.Paul should b man enough to claim responsibility of d child.for God sake na today we know say dis artists r unfaithful?
Paul, u better accept ur son, have a dna to be sure. no one is saying u sud marry d cheap girl that apparently straffs her frnd's promiscuous boo(by this i mean u). take full responsibility for him if he is urs. Anita should encourage u to do this if she intends to continue with u. Ehnehn Anita, dnt let him "peter okoye" u o, if he isnt ready to marry u&be faithful 2u, pls move on
Why is he denying the paternity of the child. Own up and take responsibility after all, you enjoyed it while you were ON TOP.
...More stories coming up,,,well God alone will see them through all of this,.
P Square takes pride to a whole new level. I can't deal mehn....They don't plan to react in any kind of way...these boys just don't care...smh
Celebrities Aids is no respecter of persons
Do we have another 2face in the making?
EWELE!!! The truth is coming out small small now. This pikin had no business making babies at her age in the first place but Paul has really disappointed me,why is he behaving like a small boy na? He dey try copy tuface,he no go copy am finish? Has he ever heard tuface denying any of his very many children? I am too sure dis baby will look exactly like Paul so he can't escape it. Na wa o,Anita(Annie for short)on begin the kind her namesake journey. Good luck o!
My pleasure to comment 1st.is only God dat can help solve d mata nd to b factua end tym is near
I have a photo of me and 50cent he is my father!!!!!! Bitch please naa bad market....
the fact that they have been pictured together does not mean that they have had sexual intercourse but makes the probability high.
To you Paul, silence can mean admission. If someone tells you to your face that you stole his goat and you keep quiet. All things being equal the law will assume that you are guilty of the allegation.
Heaven only knows the truth.
All this girls living in plateau that can die for P2.anyway. hmmn five days apart. na threesome them do to born pikin five days apart? happy family things. so bobo dey shag d girls at abt the same time. strong man...
I really want to belive this girl and her folks had a game plane u can't tell me after conciving and probally telling d guy about the pregnacy and he denied it and u still went ahead to give birth to the baby even if the guy slept with u without contraceptive if u really don't have motives why didn't you take preventive pills you now waited for nine month to give birth to the baby and think u can lure him to take responsibility and now ur folks have gone to the media about the issue now ur family name is in every blog u played the music so u better dance to the rythem.
Dunno why paul's runin, maybe she's a jinx, anywaz why wud a teenager whose suppose 2 be in skul bekum an high class tramp
There is noting 2 react e don happen e don happen chikeena
Should I fry beans?
Is she realy a model? Gosh look at her under arm, her bra showing from a tank top ewww
na wa o.19yr old girl.child abuse for dat old paul
For your minr abi? Mtscheww
See how ugly he looks with his wide nose! if not for money what will a girl like this be doing with a igbotic illiterate like that?
Linda post my comment o!
Lol @ 40 feet long pole
pity the child @least!
See his ugly face and wide nose! what will a girl like this be going with an ugly monkey like this if not for money?
do u luv ur sister at all? Idiot
do u luv ur sister at all? Idiot
do u luv ur sister at all? Idiot
This dirty life outside. Thought he was denying her knowing her. Nonsense.
U r soooooooo on point
Congrate to Ʊ dear, paul pls don't even try to deny d baby I beg of Ʊ!!! Cos babies are gift 4rm G̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅.such a beautiful girl.
Side-chicks becoming problems, Lol
Ladies have self worth, if he isnt giving you all of him move on.
Guys, are side chicks necessary? Grow the hell up and stick with one! Haba! May God save your daughters from the heartbreak you cause in so many girls by leading them on.
*drops mic*
LinLin, Props on the investigation.
I googled her name and searched FB for 'evidence' but I only saw the story repeated over and over. She's famous all of a sudden, she should cash in on her internet fame.
Anyway, nice job Linda. :D
You are so stupid , what has her apparels got to do with the issue of her pregnancy? If the guy was not so cheap and irresponsible, why was he sleeping with a teanager
I totally disagree wit u calling d girl "poor girl". When she was giving her virginity to a man @17 (dts if her age is real) n "being faithful" to him till 19 according to her father, she didnt know dt pregnancy is a possibility? Also, ds brings to mind d fact dt Moral Decadence in d Society cannot die down wit d kind of parents ds girl has. If not how can a father be in full support of his daughter sleeping around just bcos Paul is a celeb? Its very obvious dt Promiscuity is largely supported by d same parents who shld show their wards the right way to go. Am sorry, i dont pity d girl neither am i a fan of Paul. They shld go n sort out their mess so dt d innocent child can be brought up properly
if truly dis girl is friends with paul's gfrd,hmmmm....meaning the gfrd conceived prolly a week before dis side chick.....re u thinking what i'm thining?
so lemme understand something, this woman is 19? Ok
Paul, put your dick in your pants.
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