Ndubuisi was a student of Economics and Development Studies of Covenant University and was a budding photographer. May his soul rest in peace. Amen. Continue...
Some are insisting he committed suicide but after asking around, most people are saying he drowned Sunday night. RIP, young man!
RIP bro :(
OMG!!! This drowning thing is becoming too much. Please people should go to pools to swim not the beach. #sad much
rip btw am first to comment , i beat PC this time yaaaayyyy
Linda nice one for clearing the air on that...may his soul rest in peace!
May his soul rest in peace.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
This is soooo sad.. May his soul rip
he ws definitely drowned. 9jarians r not used 2 sucide coz we r tough. r i p
good a thingu found out the real news.....
please try as mch as possible to get the real gist later.before posting.
Rip 2 him...
so unfortunate...
So sad..may his soul rest in peace
Elegushi beach again????,nawa o...RIP
He drowned,he commited suicide...bottomline is he's dead. RIP
may his soul rest in peace.that beach has claimed so many lifes.
He drowned, d sender of that mail is just a conniving manipulating person. Brown was a buddy of mine so please stop all this nonsense bout him committing suicide. Thanks :D
Rip Ndubuisi.what a great loss of a great youth that has got a bright future.
foooooolish people be blogging what u dont know!! plus they are trying to proect his name cant u just let it be amebo
linda better post my comment..
Mysterious circumstances!!
RIP ex-hebronite
please people should stop mentioning suicide in nigeria...Nigeria is not USA. This is not a movie. RIP Ndubuisi.
Choi!!! May his soul RIPP. I'm an alumni of CU and I remember the last time we lost someone - Femi. Was really a teary and painful time for the CU community. May God grant his family and friends the fortitude to bear the loss.
What is happening to our youth. I tire o.
Why would he want to commit sucide? I agree with the family? He probably drowned. U know naija is full of shit. No live guards at the beach. Craze.God Help Our Families and loved ones. Amen
still not getting it right
I don't know o!
Omg!! Ds cutie.. RIP!!! My heart goes out 2 ur folks nd frnds. May God grant y'all d fortitude to bear d loss.. Ts so unfortunate..
Ds is nt d tym 2 deliberate d cause of his death abeg.. Let d poor boy rest..
Ps: Linda pls post ds..
Linda dnt mind them,well wether he committed suicide or drowned,the long and short of the story is dat he died,and also if u want to know d truth u can verify from life savers or d pple dat own bars in Elegushi if any young man drowned at d beach recently,and also if he drowned then his body wasn't recovered so it means his family will bury an empty coffin.May his soul rest in peace,What a loss!!!
Why Do You Keep Insisting That He Killed Himself? Were You There? If He Commited Suicide Why Hide It... For Gods Sake The Last Thing A Sane Person Would Do Is Lie About A Dead Person & Most Of All Not Our Home Boy Brown... R.I.P Chidi Brown...
still not getting it right
who are those saying the boy committed suicide, were they there with him? d boy drowned @ elegushi beach.
May his soul rest in peace. Amen!
Omg!!! Dis cute boy? Wow! May his soul rest in peace! Amen!
Too Fine To Die,Sad
which kind suicide and drown story. The young boy died prematurely. Painful - that's all!
So sad!!! Rip!!!
Chei Gawd ooooo....somebodyz bf/husband...sad stuff...werrin e go find fo elegushi...see d fyn boi ooooo...Rip sha...#QuietMuch#
linda prove dis tin now....
omg! hes in my school!... RIP
omg! hes in my school!... RIP
Hmmmmm! What do we Even believe? Such a handsome boy gone just like that..it really hurts me to see young blood wasting...God rest his soul :(
Pretty Girl
Linda, this is where I will give you kudos, his family and ours are close friends.The rumour about suicide is FALSE, what we know so far is that he drowned and investigations are on going, there is a memorial mass for him later today by 6.30pm at St Peter Claver church.
linda I tink u should contact ur sources, this guy cudnt have committed suicide now..ahn! ahn!.
#paul# #b203#..cu..
To all ya out there tryna form swimming things when u g to the beach by copying what they see on bay watch and what not, y'all better stay on the sand when u go to the beach, that shit drowns even professional swimmers. Also, most of our beaches in 9ja dont even have well trained stand-by life guards incase of an emergency, no boat, nothing. In all the times i have gone to the beach, madness hasnt entered my head up to the extent that i would dare venture to where the water would reach my ankle.. ankle level is even rough play in my books..Even the sight, sound and might of that ocean scares the crap outta me.. Wether he drowned or committed suicide, may his soul RIP. But i believe he drowned, if he really wanted to commit suicide, he need not go all the way to Elegushi when he cuda just stopped at 3rd mainland to do the deed. Ya know what i mean? #mytake
All the people saying he comited sucide ar fucking liers, he drowned at elegushi beach on sunday, they later found his body, indubisi was a very nice guy, he was my class mate in command day second oshodi..may his gentle soul RIP, u would forever live in our hearts....
my condolences to his family....RIP
Soo Sad. :( See the cutie...
Linda, shey u didn't post my comment on the other post, anyhoo
I STILL LOVE YOU even if you don't reciprocate!
Well as Linda said, RIP young man.
that should be the 6th or 7th guy dying in CU alone....whats going on
drown or died, the truth is d young man is dead. RIP
May his soul rest in peace...
May his soul rest in peace..
drown or died, the truth is d young man is dead. RIP
Elegusi again. Abeg oooo
The author of the message you posted is SENSELESS. How will all the students AT THE SAME time lie that he drowned? You really need to be educated. . .Linda, if u like dont post dis. Na u know! #Truth
Such a handsome guy. One of those u see and say the sky is the limit. May he rest in perfect peace. I pray for strength for his loved ones :(
Am a student of covenant university. The boy actually drowned. He went out of school without exeat. Abeg pple should get their facts right before they spread rubbish news.
As for me I rly dnt av to know wat killed him....jez felt sober wen I saw dis..I cee a promising yung dude..I dnt wana end up lyk dis tho...RIP BRUVAH
DANNY repping #teamCSI
Ehya rip 1st to comment
OMG!! Nd? i know him dis is really shocking to me cuz am just hearing now!! ;(
RIP Young Warlock!
RIP Brown, God is in control
So sad....rip bro...
Chai!may his soul rest in d bossom of thy Lord
oh dear! another loss at the beach? rip
R.I.P brown we all miss u.
So sad....RIP Brown ,missing u badly,
I have known Ndubuisi Ihuoma from birth till his death and judging from his family background, the kind of education he's got, friends and much more a happy and quiet fellow, it will be a lie to say he committed suicide. May his gentle soul RIPP
try and to the bottom of a gist b4 posting
RIP may GOD grant ur family and frnds the fortitude to bear this loss
such a cute young man!
Oh my God!RIP
ode post my comment
Linda Linda Linda,I dey vex with u seriously.post my comment oooo.hmmmmm
RIP fine man
Follow my weight loss blog
1st his body was discovered! Dey were 5 hu drowned,3 were saved but 2 died.it was @ takwa bay!....no 1 should talk shit about this plz we that live with him kno wats going on.even wen I was in CU this boi was 2 calm so no1 should talk trash.just say RIP or smtn n STFU!!!
well i wnt say R.I.P bcos he has not been confirmed dead....nd linda i used 2 respect ur blog but u ve jst shown me dat ur stories r all lies....
May his soul rest in peace
'Barbie gurl'
R.I.P cutie. :(
R.I.P cutie. :(
Ndubisi! Why??? Why did you have to leave us so soon?? Its too soon for GOD sake!!
Why are u insisting?abi na u kill am?gosh!
May his soul rest in peace ,ion think he commited suicide nd btw he was such a fine boy so guys stop saying shit that he commitd suicide over sme bitch..he could have any girl
brown!!!!!! gone too soon.. rip
*sigh* RIP
may his soul rest in peace, amen!
Lindaikeji pls get ur facts right next time k, this is a very sensitive issue. good thng u corrected it. ur frnds be getn false info tho.
We miss u Brown, CU studnts.
Rip man,may ur soul rest in perfect peace
RIP Nndubuisi..
brown was a classmate of ours and he drowned not suicide.....pls respect d dead:(
Brown was a friend and a coursemate of mine. He didnt commmit suicide. Was a cheerful budding photographer. Its a good thing the news was corrected. Linda please do be more professional when getting and posting stuff. R.I.P Brown. I miss you sooo much :'(
So sad about this young man full of potential, one his colleague confirmed..
Ndubuisi Brown Actually drowned Here
yhu remain brown chidie to me mehn and you d best photographer CU ever gat mehn......RIP #black
I LOVED HIM, still do in his death, I love you so much Brown you'll be missed
Dey r all drownin...such A̶̲̥̅ pity..RIP bro
Dey r all drownin...such A̶̲̥̅ pity..RIP bro
You are a standard bastard. Someone died and you are screaming first to comment. You can see how pointless your life is. Idiot!
too sad..a bright young man like this? RIP man.
May his soul RIP
Click HERE to read Paul Okoye of P'Square slept with 2 Best friends in 4 days
Linda u don make me say sumtin else,R.I.P bro,pls our beach here is wild stay off d water pls
pls stop d rumours about brown committing suicide...he drowned...#my classmate #eco200lvl
Abeg All You Do Is Lie !!!! You Don't Know Anything About Brown Or Covenant University Please Leave His case alone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(:'(
BADDEST BOY BROWN.... u's the baddest for life mehn..... RIP BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!
R.I.P Brown...u were fun! we loved u...
@ akinbanjo akanbi are you sure you know him because you could not even get the name right. Pls stop trying to claim people.
Cutie! whatta waste... RIP, God knows best!
When will nearing d beach be a No No?
Another rumour!!! Lindalies :)) Na wa o, u to dey lie... ur so fake nd misleading people wit ur unconfirmed news
I share the pains of the parents of this morning star that has switched off in his prime. He may have been the President we will never have. Youths, always be careful. Your loss is an irretrievable, regrettable and painful waste to this country.
If Azikiwe, Awolowo, Ikoku, Sarduana of Sokoto, Gowon, Shagari, Obasanjo, Jonathan and many other notables had died in their youth, would they have made these developmental contributions to Nigeria?
Please Police, investigate this drowning fable.
To the government: where were coastal guards when he was drowning
To Linda Ikeji: nt all publicity is gud publicity u shuld sht ur ass and get a story straight b4 u release it...
RIP Brown
To the government: where were the coastal guards when he was drowning
To Linda Ikeji: Not every publicity is gud publicity...u shuld shut ur ass and get a story straight b4 u publish.
RIP Brown
There must be something wrong with you. Something seriously wrong
Will you please educate yourself and stop spreading your ignorance of Nigerians are tough. What special material are Nigerians made of? Mental health is a serious issue, its becoming an epidemic worldwide, one that is concentrating on young people. We need to educate ourselves on symptoms of mental instability. Stark naked men and women are not the only mentally imbalance pple. Parents, siblings, friends, colleagues, neighbors, we all should be each others keeper and know symptoms to watch out for.
The internet service on your phone/laptop should not be to monitor LIB, gossip on bbm and facebook alone. Google : symptoms of depression, psychotic behaviour etc. Parents spend time with your children, no matter how grown they are, ask questions if they are withdrawn, too quiet or uninterested....learn to listen not just hear, listen actively....drop ur problem for a minute and be a listening ear, a crying shoulder, an encouragement, a praying partner....go back, check on that person after a few hours, a few days. make sure he/she is doing better.......
Pls STOP dis ignorant statement : Nigerians dont commit suicide...its so untrue
how will you say it doesnt mata whether he drowned or he committed suicide... ppl are trying to clear this up that he drown, to protect the image of him that those who rili knew him had... and you are here saying it doesnt mata...God help you... RIP Brown
Ogboni tinz
You need help! Insensitive fool
Chai! Foolishness!
My departmental mate died when he drowned in covenant university pool back then in 2009. May their souls rip
whoever says Nigerians don't commit suicide is a functional illiterate..meanwhile CU students are understandably mad buh everyone seems to be making it about themselves and their stupid ego's maybe we shld focus on whats important(BROWN!)...R.I.P Brown...one of those that made my Press nd Media days memorable..cool dude!
Your comment's probably the one with the most depth and truth that i've ever had the privilege of reading on LIB.
However i do believe this fine young man drowned,may his soul find easy rest in God.
I'm deeply unhappy with this news..a NESA student gone!! I'm sooooo sad..I speak Life to all my NESA peeps still in CU nd ever oda CU student..RiP Brown..NESA CU chapter mourns you!!fin sec. 2011
Linda, this is not good at all. You seem to be in a hurry to post stories. Just imagine if I didn't come back to read the story, I would have assumed that this handsome boy actually committed suicide. I'm not happy about this at all cos your initial post has done some damage to the young man's image. I'm glad CU people fought to correct this blunder. RIP Young soul.
U must be a big fool idoit tell us how much has entered ur account
r u consoling or fueling their tears?
This is so sad.... RIP bro...
OMG...ds kind fine boi. RIP. I pray God comforts his family
OMG...ds kind fine boi. RIP. I pray God comforts his family
Der must b an evil spirit in dat beach, ppl beware. RIP brown!
RIP Brown...we will miss u ex-hebronite....minus one from our set...u will always be remembered...
RIP Brown...we will miss u ex-hebronite....minus one from our set...u will always be remembered...
RIP Brown...we will miss u ex-hebronite....minus one from our set...u will always be remembered...
May he's soul rest in peace,all dis insults and arguements won't bring him back and are uncalled for,all we have to do is pray for him and keep ourselves safe
Such a cutie.
I don't know how he died. I wasn't with him. I pray that his soul finds peace. But suicide is on the rise among our youth and is a frequently denied cause of death because of the stigma and the denial of burial rites. why does it matter? we need to know why people at their most vibrant peak in a culture where suicide is abhorred and uncommon are opting out this way. Something is off and if we don't tackle it head on we wont ever proffer solutions. If not suicide, what else could a kid this age have done to let out frustration? Just a thought.
This is so said. He was the class rep for his programme in school; with such a bright future.
I don't think he may have committed suicide, kai, this life was too precious.
My condolences to parents and siblings
Aawwwnnn!!! Fine boy like dis...RIP (☉͡ ̯☉͡)
R.I.P Brown, we love u buh God loves u more.
he drowned at takwa bay not elegushi
we sat down on the same sit last week for mkt class n now i cant find u anywhere..all i can do is cry..I wish I was alot more friendly..
He was a good young man, an altar server in our Ajao Estate parish. may God rest your soul Brown. *sad stuff
Sumthing's not rite with dat place considering a medilag student drowned there as recent as a couple of weeks ago about d same time of day,one'd expect dat security measures've been put in place to prevent it from happening again.
may dey not play with d cause of ur death oooo! useless amebo
may his soul rest in peace O:(
even if i didnt get 2 meet u in adams tutorial,i only got 2 hear abt u frm a commercial student lyk u,a frnd of urs,i cn tell u were a gud and fun lovin person 2 be wit.RIP BROWN,we are surely gonna miss u.
soo sad..... RIP NDUBUISI
he did not kill him self ohhhh! linda! you and your gist sef! always get real info before posting your gossip..... he went to the beach with some friends to have fun and he drowned.
RIP Guy, Linda pls post my comment,or i will report you to mum and the only woman.
Dis boi z in my department. He Jumped exeat wit anoda boi went 2 d beach, got drunk , jumped into d sea nd drowned... Such a sad death as he wz d only child of his parents.. Really feel for them
This last comment at 6:57pm. May the Lord forgive you for the lies you just wrote. The boy is in your department and so? Did you get ur facts right b4 saying he got drunk and jumped into the sea? For your information Ndubuisi Ihuoma does not drink alcohol so he wouldn't have gotten drunk. 2ndly, Ndubuisi is not the only child of his parents, he has three sisters. Don't just say watever comes to ur head, b4 the dead comes to hunt you for telling lies against them.
Ndu why can remember al your azonto steps we wil all mis u evn baby muna .....cousin i cnt bliv ur gone who wil jist us lyk u did who wil we use his lapi to snap crazy pix well Gos knws y i love u so much nd still do ...he's body wil b buried tmrw 10/05/2012 r.i.p
RIP BROWN NDU....till we meet to part no more....we will miss u here in C.U...u will always be remembered...
SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is just tooo sad! RIP
Chai see fine boy.his death is very annoyin cuz fine boys like him should not die now
No hard feelings tho,buh b4 u post a stry on ur blog u shuld b sure of it.....R.I.P brown,u'll always b an EAGLE cuz dats wot we r.....
hmmmmm.... wat a world nah so d boi go.may his soul rest in peace
Rip dear
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This is cool!
Though its been months since u died,buh I can't find myself forgetting how sweet u were brown...I wish u had a choice,I wish u didn't have to die...I will always remember u brown,I will always remember aw close we were at adams tutorials,I will always remember aw u tease me at classes,I will always remember aw we both dressed up in cool attires for mr adams birthday 2012....aw u halped me become a better and more determined student..Brown,I miss u..may u continue to RIP
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