So why is it that when the table is turned around, y'all can't take it? When a woman cheats on you, it's like the world has ended. Most of the time you guys end the relationship. Some sick ones have resorted to brutally killing their cheating partners. Some use magun...while this ode man pictured above paraded his wife naked because she allegedly cheated on him. And the woman allowed herself to be humiliated in such a manner.
If it hurts so much to be cheated on, why don't y'all think about the pain you will be causing the woman in your life when next you're tempted to cheat? Obo is obo, so why the jagba jagba?
1 – 200 of 258 Newer› Newest»Confused .
Linda,i beg tell dem.
I hope that via Blackberry Nokia 3310 will not be the first to comment here. Leave your Bold 5 Nokia 3310 and answer Linda's question. Oya now.
So sad...wat a world we live in. # sigh#
As for me i dont cheat on my gurl but my school chicks always want me to take der okro soup and am fallin for it am a virgin.....and i need advice too pls(omo-iwo)says so...via his customized blackberrybold.5
Funny and wired....Dats bad her privacy is were her respect rest!Dats bad though men do cheat cos I cheat too...and Dats lead to my immediate x taking a poison dat almost making her to lost her life...I don't believe in luv cos it can't last forever...as for me i'll keep dating but not loving#Pharrell911
ONOME says......
Linda you got me cracking up I swear.lolllllll
Abeg next time for the sake of some of us whose Yoruba is wack kindly translate.I can't comment cos I did not fully get the gist of the point u are passing across.What is obo and jagba jagba???????
Linda dearie, r u sure of ur story? i actually read dis on Naija gossip n d story is diff. read dat d lady n a frend were striped naked by som boys cos they wore cloths dat exposed their privates, d oda lady managed to escape bt dis gurl was saved by d guy u c holding her in d pix..
That question is as old as time.
What would be interesting though is if more women start using magun on their men. Like a million men will be caught everyday.LOL.
True talk my sis vry correct must women always be at d receiving end??? Now my policy is if u can do it den y can't I??? Simple QED
Wow madness is dis realy ?
Nigerian men ehhh!I tire!so wats d aim of humiliating her now?divorce her if u feel dt terrible.I think dts humiliating enuf!most women have crayfish brain sef.u will allow a man to parade u like a lunatic jst like dt.talk abt hopeless n feeble ladies.mtschewwww
Lol Linda, dis tin dey pain u die..BTW did u mean toto is toto, or monkey is monkey??
Linda why are so furious?..
Pointless, pointless generalisation.
Awww feel sorry for her, if she has the strenght to fight the man, she would have and run away. Instead of been disgraced like this
I am not in support of either party cheating. But please stop comparing a man and a woman. Truth be told, der is no equality between the two.
She allowed him to humiliate her , oh my. Kick him in the groin and run. Haba. The relationship has already ended so why is she still hanging around? Or is she expecting a reconciliation? Eww! They can be so petty and immature, Haba!! I'm sure this man has cheated on her loads of times mchew. Either way he is worse in my eyes for this embarrassment.
Thats why we are men......We can cheat... But it is unacceptable for a woman to cheat......Cant explain but i am sure you understand
W T F ?
Michael says...
Not that I'm in support of what men do but the problem with us men cheating is we leave clues but a woman is very good at concealing it. And in some cases, even lie to the man that he is the father of the child. I guess it's also down to the nature of a man. He reacts totally different and sometimes violently when he has been cheated on.
If I girl cheats on me then it's over but if I cheat then please let her know it's the dawg in me as we men are the weaker sex and it's a matter of time before we are fully tamed.
this jes confirms d saying life is not fair. Instead of people to stop d man sef dem dey look. d kain funny things wey dey happen dis days.....
julie says so
inside range rover evoque
hahaha Linda you wont kill me o! Gbam! you have spoken for us women. The woman probably isnt empowered and depends on the man thats why she is being humiliated by this man. What she doesnt know is that after this public humiliation, he wont have her back, so she should have refused this humiliation and told the guys its over. Men are the reason women cheat while men cheat for fun.
Obo is not Obo oo! pls ask Djimon Honsou, didnt he call Kimora's bubble gum and called Kola Boff's the ish???
Obo is Obo....#dead#
Answer: Because Men are DOGS!!! Point blank period!
*dusts hand - walks away*
useless human being. And I wonder how the lady allowed herself to be so humiliated. Funny part is dat the idiot might be doing other girls even in the same area o. This act even shows how classless and frustrated d guy is. Katikati
I find that none has the right to cheat the other. No man or woman. But when it does happen, then it should be solved among themselves. I know that emotions are at the beginning very hard to control, but the man has gone too far. I wish them both luck, God bless them!
Are you talking generally or just been biased? So because men cheat naturally , that means women should cheat on their husbands , both the ones that cheat and dont ? What kind of nonsense did you just put up here now?
I'm sure this is not lagos. Market woman for gather gang rape the guy.the girl sef no try, sure he dragged her there!
linda tell me this nah play it can't be for real chei that is why we women would always be mugu amean come on woman this is not rocket science and in this 21st century a woman would follow a man to do this ehhh i think she must have mental prob my take!!!!
Rubbish...do women consider men when they cheat?My ex-girlfriend is married with a child to a very comfortable guy,she has a very good job.The only reason why she hasn't cheated on her husband over and over again with me is because I refused shikena.Doesn't he have feelings too?Abeg make we hear word...I don't in anyway agree with the idiot in the picture though,if your wife or girlfriend cheats you either forgive her or move on,cheating is not justified not matter what.Abeg Linda stop whining like only women are on the receiving side.
Does it mean that a man who doesn't cheat and caught his wife cheating should be silent because other men cheat on their wives and girlfriends? This your argument is illogical. If a man cheats, he is to be blamed for it and vice versa. So do not justify the position of a woman cheating on her husband because other men do the same thing.
Although I don't appreciate the way the man brought the woman out naked in the public. There are better ways of doing things. I am very sorry for her but she bit the hand first.
A typical Nigerian girl wouldn't allow that... thanks to the number plate, it verifies that!
lmao@ obo is obo.. Linda!
She must be stupid for allowing some idiot do that to her,i will rather die.nonsense
My dear Linda ask them o! When a woman cheats on them, all hell breaks loose. But when they do it, its a normal thing. They brag about it to friends and some even to their wives/girlfriends. Personally,I believe if a guy cheats on u, do same back to him. Guys cheat then. The woman is meant to accept it but when she does, every1 turns against her and call her a whore. If she's a whore, what's d man to be called??
Pussy sweet pass pussy I'm sure yours wil be sweeter dan d ones i've tasted so far. Naughty girl! But seriously i'll sure like 2 ve a taste of u.
so despicable. divorce her na if you cant forgive. why disgrace yourself like this? you might think you were ridicling the woman but trust me, the stain is on you too.
and why anyone will allow herself to be treated this way is beyond me.
This guy is crazy , how can he do that to his wife , very shameful.instead of him to divorce her he is parading her nakedness, the woman should have run away
Na waa oh. It has now become a man thing abi. Isorai.
Happens all the time. When things like this happen, the other sex is blamed generically as being inhuman and selfish. Na today?
The man is foolish; ABSOLUTELY.
The woman has no self-confidence cause of the guilt, maybe.
They both have problems big problems.
God help them.
Silly ass, the man that is. She wasn't bought now. Ode Obirin too. She needs to la igi mo ori e.
I saw dis picture last week and d first thing dat came to my mind was " what a stupid man n an even more foolish woman".. What message is d guy trying to pass on? That he's a "bad guy" buy making a ridicule of his wife or babe or wat? N y wud d lady allow such disgrace to be meted on her? Anyway dis is Nigeria n d ladies still don't know wen to stand up for demsleves..cos I'm sure dis man is no saint.
He is even wearing Man U Jersy see o, hehehe! Why do u have to censore it Lindastic Linda?## Straight to Google to check the goods via Galaxy S316G
Trust Nigerians to stand by and do nothing!! what if she cheated on him. That does not give him the right to humiliate any human being like this.
D man is such a very stupid,senseless thing!!Fyn,the wife cheated,r der no better ways to handle it??how cld u do dt to d moda of ur kids????how cld u?dnt misunderstnd me oh..buh,come on,der r betta ways to handle such..Nywyz,if na me,u no fit parade me dt way,xcept u kill me,first..rubbish!!Meanwhyl,I'm sure dis xcuse of a man cheats too..ANUOFIA!
The men usually forgets we re all human with needs. Like M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ husband will say that its okay for a man to cheat but he can't imagine Another man toasting his wife not to talk of me agreeing to do such. Is that not selfish? What is good for d goose.........
Hes a foolish man, its only men tha cheat that does stuff lik dis, stupid irresponsible man tha has no regards for women. I was married 2 a fool tha keeps spyin on me neva knew he was d one messin around wif all hes x girlfriends wen i found out i cheated in revenge n it feels so good, he almost committed suicide! Revenge is a bitch! Foolish men
mami chula says the woman is stupid gan y d hell wld she allow a man degrade her so.if he is mad about her cheating on him there is a better option like walking away.people need to realize that u can't force any1 to be with u.okay he has shamed her,wat has it solved?does it change d fact that she cheated n committed an abominable act?misplaced priorities
ITS A MAN'S WORLD...both genders can never be held to the same standard
May God have mercy on men. So in this idiot's mind now this is the best way to handle his wife's supposed "infidelity".
Why did this woman allow herself to be humiliated like this. if na me i go fight am till he kills me but he wont drag me out naked. Never.
I simply blame the woman for allowing him treat her this way!if they are married then the woman is wrong but at that not publicly humiliating ur wife outside!but if they're just bf n gf then the guy is mad for doing that n the woman is crazy for allowing a man disgrace n humiliate her dis way!
This woman is an absolute, total and complete idiot!!!! WTF!!!!
Well if a woman wants to cheat without any dire consequence let her:
1. Marry the man with her money ie pay the dowry
2. Feed the man with her hard earned money
3. Put the man in a house with her had earned money
4. Pay the mans childrens school fees with her money
5. Take care of the mans parents and siblings with her money
6. Buy clothes,shoes,jewelries,cars etc for the man with her money
Dat woman is a numu to allow dat man drag her around naked. He doesn't know he is also embrassing himslf has he's draggin his wife ard naked. Nawa for ppl
linda i lyk dat,obo is obo so y d jagbs jagba
dis is totally unacceptable,its an insult 2 womanhood n am sorry dis guy makes bein a man a shame.wen he dint buy d woman from her parents n even if he did, he must be daft 2 treat her wit so much disdain.CAPITAL BUFFOON(i don provoke sef)
linda dearie, u said it all, the guy is sick, am sure someone like this must have cheated on his wife countless times without number...smh, as for the woman, if she is still alive, she had better run for her dear life, becos a man dat can do this would def do worst!!!
btw linda, this story aint complete tho, or werent u in on the details of the couple, the location of dis events and all?? jes saying thoo.. keep up the good work..much love
This is just sick ! Please wasn't there any correct guy on the road to stop him from doing this ? Or were they just bothered about taking a picture to use as Blackberry dp !!! For goodness sake !!!
Linda u said it all, why will d woman allow herself to be humiliated in such a manner.
lwkmd..linlin..u dy vex gan o! but serzly is ds for ril? d geh na mumu shey d man tie rope for her neck ni??...and d man na confirm goat...he come wear MAN U jersey...Lesson learnt: neva date a MAN U fan...
Well, I wld say cheating is wrng...frm both sides, bt understnding d fact dt d wire both sexes r wired diffrently wld really help in dese issues. The same way d female hormones make dem av mood swings and deir weird behaviors also make male av d higher preponderance to cheat as its more physical for we than d females...its no excuse tho. But in truth, it takes a holy dude, disciplined dude, dude with issues on his mind or a dude dt cnt chase or isn't gud enuf to chase, nt to cheat on his woman.
OMG....this is really sick nd inhumane
What's Obo is Obo and Jagba is Jagba
Omg,Lmfao @ obo is obo
if the woman had not consented to being paraded like this, no body will. As for the guy, the wrath of God awaits him,except he has not slept with another woman ever since he married her.
What rubbish???
Saw this some weeks back!But d story in d article was not based on cheating. They wrote that she was indecently dressed in cameroun or serria leone can't remember d location.And dat this is now d norm! So d writer sort of wrote a petition........ Anyways, watevr it is, mk dem sorry for women small.haba!
Am a man but for real, this guy is the to say the least...SUB-HUMAN. How could any sane man humiliate a woman this way? For what now?
Immanuel Odeyemi
imma@the beat99.com
This guy nd most guys out dere are jus f***ing retards,how d hell culd dis lady even allow dis imbecilic thing 2 disgrace her like dis.Gosh guys ar jus unbelieveably sick in d head.f***up.
He is the bigger fool, that is probably why she cheated. I still do not understand why some women relinquish all their powers to a man or anyone for that matter.
damn, this is crazy. He is actually an asshole and she obviously has no self esteem for her to allow this be done to her. Even if I was caught on top of another man, HABA!
Lmao! Linda, we have a love-hate relationship. Sometimes I feel like strangling you, other times (like now) I just feel like giving you a million kisses. Lmao @ Obo is obo.
Don't mind the men o jare.Cheating is an inherent trait in the male gender but they fail to realize that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If they can't handle a cheating partner,they should "comport" themselves properly in the presence of other women.
Women, cheating is just distasteful. The fact that your man was primitive and retarded enough to poke his rod in another woman, does not give you the license to make your legs third mainland bridge, so that every dick, dick and harry can pass though.
Fidelity is priceless. If you've got it, you've got it. If you lack it.... #OYO.
This is so depressing
Gbam correct linda you are so on point.ngee
i think every situation is different.. not all men are the same.. u dont no what this man has sacrificed to be with his wife.. only for her to repay him with betrayal.. that being said.. his reaction was too extreme.. he no be gentleman at all!!(Fela)
Madness in the highest order
And what's d purpose of this? Even in the bible,Eve was the 1st to decieve Adam so?..as if two wrongs make a right..mscheeeww!
I think this the real reason our country will never move forward no matter how we rant and scream about our government. Our society is largely made of up of people like the man in the picture. We as individuals do not have respect for other individuals as long as they don’t have more money than we do. How do people stand and watch with glee while another person is being dehumanized.
What right does that man have to do that just because he ‘paid’ a bride price? If she cheated on him he should go seek redress in court and divorce her. It seems the mantra of our society is to oppress anyone you think you have more power over.
What sort of rubbish is dis? Dis guy should be stoned to death.oloshi
Linda you are too sick! "Obo" as in pussy or "obo" as in monkey??? muhahahahah. They can't handle it o. They like their own significant's others pussy to belong to only them but they can fuck as much as 10 girls or more in a year and think nothing of it. But to be a bit sincere guy, a LOT of guys I know have stopped ending relationships with cheating spouses. They make it work. Naija is changing small small
obo is nt obo oooo Linda....dem get different flavours...wink*
Kai, dis life na wa o. So she wud actually alow him parade her like dis n people are just standing there watching, who is he, is he God? Am sure he has done worse things.
the woman shldnt hv let him display her nakedness... it is beta 2 die than dz.
Hmmm, what a disgrace! Nakeding ur woman in public, I think dis is d time women entirly have to wake up n say toi dis such of embarassment
Generalization is very annoying. Linda, please take note. What in God's name is "You ALL?" Ha'an!
loool madame, Obo ju obo lo..:D
Dont mind them Linda! My fiancee of 5 years cheated on me recently and i had to end the engagement. when i asked why he did it ? he could not give me a sensible answer and was blaming the devil!
Men are dogs! Period!They are heartbreaking, ignorant, devilish, wicked, inconsiderate pieces of hot shit!They can dish it, but cant take it! Bastards!!!!
I forgot to add: At times, a good number of women do vengeful acts to repay their husbands for cheating. It's just not as publicized. Good Grief!
Simply because men cannot think and they've been trained to cheat. Society accepts it. Obviously, the woman already feels helpless that she's being caught. Only a foolish man thinks he is only embarrassing her. The bastard is also embarrassing himself.
Besides lacking the ability to think, I also believe that it is the useless pride that men have. The pride that makes a man see a problem with his wife making more money than him.
am a woman but i wouod say i dont blame men Nigerian men infact African men have been spoilt by us {women}we have made it ok for them to hit,lie, talk down n cheat on us 85% of women have settled for less and accepted their place as rag n plan b......we cant control how ppl treat us but u can contole how u respond to it.
e.g i still cant understand how a gal would say " every guy cheats my own is let me b number one" or " bby am not saying dnt cheat o but just dnt let me see it" or "until he hits me i think he's pretending" like serioisly wtf even if d guy no plan to cheat b4 u done already gv am green card u call it bn realistic i call it complex "am sorry bby but i plan on keeping my legs closed in this rel so if u no ur not gona b fateful pls walk cos am not gona jeopadize my health e.g Aids an all sorts of shit or my life e.g jazz or some drunk bitch pouring acid on me or yelling accross d road @ me or going on like Kola Boff on me and many more other nyt mare stuffs cheating might expose me to".......dnt make it ok for guys to cheat we no they wud but hold ur own mk them no dat its a No No believe it or not there re still some guys who dnt cheat....now as for that exuces of a humanbegin dat paraded his wife nude i think he can kindly excuse us frm this life cos quite frankly i think his a waste of space.
You can be unbelievably sexist at times. Nothing justifies cheating whether you can take or give it. I barely even know what to say.
this man is an animal no matter what she may have done doesn't warrant this humiliation ...i blame the woman for allowing him to parade her like this...if u don't trust her please divorce her don't behave like a wild he goat
women lets raise our heads up what is dat,why shld a woman allow a man treat her in such shameful manner.no matter what she must have done.our bodies are nt meant for public view.
Sorry Linda I did not see any naked woman on the picture. The man and the woman seen above seems to be enjoying what ever they were doing, are u sure they were not acting film.
obara God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In the first place y shld d woman allow dis man 2 humilate her in dis manner? Its nt by force if u can handle it then leav it, ist not his fault anyway, i blame d lady 4 allowin d man parade and disgrace her like that.
just look at how these people are just looking and that one at the corner wearing a red shirt is even smiling !!!! God ooo !!!
She should have tot of it before opening her rotten legs to perform this shameful act. Whatever he does to his wife is not my business, she deserves it, and he's gonna go scot free. Some women are just useless.
Dnt mind dem men. Yeye! Kai! And ds 1 paraded his wife naked. Do they have kids? He must be a shameless man! Smh
Linda haff vex oo, hehehehehe. but on a more serious note,this is serious degradation. d man took it too far no matter what. y not end d relationship or marriage peacefully. i mean did he have to disgrace her like that? and o ye woman that is cheating on ur partner,what has it profited u? mscheeeeew
Lol. Linda. you crazy girl! Obo is obo, abi? I hear you. Have you considered doing comedy part time? You're too funny!
'Obo is obo' ewww linda
u nor make sense on dis one oh stil tryin to understand well , ur intentions .
Hey Linda, jie break there. Who told you say..OBO IS OBO. So you no no say difference dey ? Just go ask Kola Boof the difference between tight pussy and loosed one. Tight one sweet pass now eh....e dey hold prick like say they gum am.
Oloriburuku ni man yi mehn!hmmnn
Lol!naughty gurl! Yh some guys find it easy to cheat on their partners bt nt all of them...tho if u r still in doubt u can try me out...lmao
Lindaaaaa, "obo is obo"?....leaps sealed!
I think cheating is really bad, doesn't matter man or woman, the important thing here is that people have lost their sense of dignity and respect, this guy should be arrested and thrown in jail. If a woman cheats and you are aware, the wise thing to do is move on if you can't understand or live with it, nobody has the right to treat any human being this way and go free...
Lindooski!! u don come again oo! Which 1 is Obo naaa n Jagba????
Except the guy is holding a gun or acid or something, how dare she follow him? She must be a fool or something.I'll def disown her if am linked to her in anyway. The stupid guy mite not even be a saint. Infact its so annoying.
Well, in a relationship, there is no basis for cheating, no matter the case, you must never cheat, but let me take it from two angles
1. Look at lions for instance, a male lion can have as many females within his pride, but none of those lionesses can dare sleep with anoda lion, if anoda lion enters the pride, the owner will engage him in battle until he is either defeated or he drives the intruder out, the same goes for humans too.. our women constitute our pride, and as such no one can come and take our kele, only one man can own the kele.
2. A man can sleep with one million women, but he can only have deep emotions for one, but for women, it seems they can have such emotions for more than one. That is why you will see women saying, I don't know who to choose between these two men, i love them both. Actually, it is known within scientific circles that when woman have sex, breastfeed their babies and she is giving birth, (due to the distension of the uterus & cervix and the stimulation of d nipples) a hormone called oxytocin is produced, this hormone makes the woman feel empathy for the baby or man.
Now you understand why a woman will end up having feelings if she keeps making sweet love to a particular guy, usually after orgasms.
So next time when u say it is just cheating, know well that ur man knows that just do something physical, but u did something deep and emotional.
And for all the babes out there, well I've always thought of marrying a woman like my mother, who is very virtuous, because it is that virtue that makes me who I am, not the beauty or her money or whatever.. So when babes start thinking like virtuous women, then they'll start having men that would treat them right.
1 Pet 3:1-4 (NIV): Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, 2 when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. 3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. 4 Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.
The Plate Number shows this isnt Nigeria
Thanks lida tell tham oh i still dnt understand why people say its normal 4 a guy 2 cheat while if a woman does it, she has commited a great crime......dat woman is very stupid 4 leting dat useless husband of hers parade her like dat......as far as am concerned, they are both am excuse for a human being...
the man is a big idiot! he just disgraced even the mother that gave birth to him!...big fool
haha linda ya just razz
Stupid man by dragging her nake will dt solve the problem if you say you hv no sin first tro the stone
I have a story on my blog today about infidelity. Men just feel entitled. the truth is they do not know that most women will cheat when they are cheated on. Here is the link to my story
I wonder why this world is so unfair to the women race. I just wish their could be a restructuring. People are going insane and people are subjecting themselves to insanity. Still want to be a woman in my next world but this time with a d***k
Na wa what d hell
Point of correction, obo is not obo. Obo pass obo, ask your bf.
Na waa oh. It has now become a man thing abi. Isorai.
Happens all the time. When things like this happen, the other sex is blamed generically as being inhumane and selfish. Na today?
The man is foolish; ABSOLUTELY.
The woman has no self-confidence cause of the guilt, maybe.
They both have problems, big problems.
God help them.
My friend Linda. No one supports cheating. No sane person will support what the guy in your picture did. So just condemn the act and stop Pitching women against men in an unending debate. The act is bad period.
This is really sad, why anyone would allow themselves to be treated in this manner for any reason at all in this time and age eludes me.
wicked men . . . . . . mschtew useless men.... that's y i hate dem. it's right for dem to cheat but it isnt right for us women tooo. . . . . nonsens. mschtew.
God bless u Linda. I hate hearing dat "men will be men" phrase, actually as far as i'm concerned, a real man is one who, wn faced with d temptation to cheat, will be strong enof to say "NO!". Biblical Joseph is my man anyday, anytime!!!
BTW, i think d lady in dat pic is very dumb for allowing herself to be paraded like dat afterall it's clear dat d marriage is over so y go thru d extra humiliation? D man himself doesn't realise dat he is disgracing himself as well by going dat far!
Hmmmm. Dis man doesn't know dat he's not only disgracing his wife but also himself.smh. To the woman,don't you av a will of your own,dat you allow yourself to be carried round lyk a lamb to the slaughter?
Hey Linda you got me a lil upset with your 'y'all' 'y'all'. It's not all men who cheat & infact true God fearing men like me don't cheat. It's true though that this one's a real Ode of the highest order.
I like d "Obo is obo" lols.Lindaaaaaaaa! U knw dis!
So wats ur point linda,we should all b cheatin on each other...
Thanks Linda for blotting out her nakedness. Some men can be so inhumane. I get the raggamuffin of a husband does not have clean hands himself. This is the rubbish womenfolk have to bear at the hands of some brutish men.Very disheartening.
Can u imagine d humilation done to d woman,nd i wonder y she wud allow herself go tru dis disgrace.d funni part is dt he is goin to beg her nd she d mumu wil 4giv him nd continue d affair.too bad.men wil neva change.i wish d presenter of cheaters wud com to nija nd we wud see hw men wil b disgraced.nonsense.dreadii
Linda u no get sense... even if u wan cover the body, u for at least do am with style... this one wey u use pencil abi na charcoal cover the body show say u still get a long way to go....
linda,why u no show the picture na and attach the viewer discretion advice.
Linda,obo is Obo ke?
That's too explicit kwa!
Men say its nt the same oh!
But the truth is that its nt fair to cheat,it goes beyond jealousy,it just feels like somebody has taken over ur importance/substance in ur man's life,physically,mentally and sexually.
It goes beyond the act,u keep asking urself what she did right to get ur man without him thinking she's nt enough to make him forget u for a split second!
Its just painful and heart breaking!
i tire for these kind of stupid men dey are the only ones dat cheating is healthy for, if u catch the woman cheating and the thing pain you then break up wit her na, which be to patrol her naked for street e don increase him manhood mtchewwwww...Women self na we dey give man dis kind guts.... i am cheating obviously cause u r not man enuf ...step up you game....hallmarc sarcasm
As for this inconsequential idiot,his behaviour is really bad!
Why parade ur wife naked?for all u know,he maybe wrong!
He's an ass.....a sick, moron. Wish wen he's cheating on his wife and I'm certain he is, his dick falls off
Do you mean the woman is naked? that is rubbish, though am not supporting infidelity, but is totally wrong.
ONE SAID: Wow! this can't be happening. He actually did that? why did the woman allow herself to be humiliated? what a cruel world we live in! Men cheat all the time yet we never drag them down the streets naked. I just ended my relationship with my boyfriend because i caught him pants down with another girl.I know there are good guys out there and my own will locate me soon. Ladies pls lets be wise with the choices of guys we choose to date. This is soooo sad. poor lady. wisdom is profitable to direct.
The painful truth is that men will most times get away with cheating even if they are caught redhanded but for women, its a totally different ball game. Have you asked yourself.
Why wasn't the man she cheated with paraded?
But seriously is this necessary? *SMH*
Are u f**king kidding me????*shocked beyond words*.wat is wif women sef,hw can u allow a man humiliate u in dis manner,all 4 wat;marriage or money??am extremely disappointed cos she shld knw beta.nobody is worth dying 4,and trust me dis is worse dan death. Am crying in ma hrt rytnw.
Women plssssssss work 4 ur money oh,cos only a totally dependent woman wld let a man treat ha in dis manner,
that's awful, but am surprised she allowed herself to be treated that way!
Men should be allowed to cheat because it is part of life but the bible says that a Virtuous woman is more precious than rubies. Women should definitely be held to a higher standard than men. Men are historical fuck ups so it is allowed. Jacob married sisters, Abraham had a concubine, Solomon had almost 700 wives (Baddest guy ever).
If all these great men of Bible could not make it, what are the chances of us men of today.
God Knows if i catch my wife cheating on me, I will make her suffer for the rest of her life.
Dis guy is sick. To me, he shud b ashamed of himself. Watz d essence of making her go tru such humiliation? Win some point or ђã†̥? Illetracy @ its peak. No respect for d female gender @ all & wonder ђã†̥ will now happen after d whl fin is settled. Ǎ̜̣̍м out
Na d gurl be mumu na, she for jst bite d guy 'john thomas'. Mak he sef knw as dis thng dey pain person. But LINDACIOUS why u blur d pix na? jst askn. lol. ebony say so via nokia n8
It's like you don't know the differences between singular and plural. I really hate when women generalizes everything. NOT ALL MEN CHEAT... JUST LIKE NOT ALL WOMEN CHEAT. And not all men would do the type of thing the man on the visual did.
You made your point clear my dear but this post I must say is good for people who live outside Africa not for Africans.
Answer this question before I can Comment further on your topic.
Can a woman marry More than one man in the same roof or even outside her roof? Hey I am not saying the reverse is good.
Yes you and I have seen it happen in Africa Nigeria where men will marry more than one wife and have them all in the same roof,mind you I am not saying its right but am saying it happens and we all smile at it even when some women marry a man with more than one wife already the women still happily say they found love eg funky akindele, but hell no the reverse can't be the case just for one reason "Africans feel women are marginalized" ,again I am not supporting it. The culture in African/ Nigeria has made It look normal to people but we all know it's a cultural thing which again I am not in support for a man to marry more than one wife or to cheat.
Now my advise is don't cheat because your man cheated on you bcos the society would not take it likely with you incase you live in Africa/Nigeria . Cheating is bad whether on a man or on a woman. What is bad is bad simple.
Linda abeg gerrout! You are just too feminist and sexist for my liking abeg. It's women like you that generalize men and stigmatize them based simply on stories you have heard and not your personal experience. Im married to a good man and he reads your blog and wonders why you never have anything positive to say about men except they pay you to advertise. Its really bad.You that is too good a woman I'm wondering why you have not found mr right abi na prince charming sef ...oh I forgot, you can't find him cos all men are useless. Pls stop this notion in your mind. I thought at first you used to do it as a joke to spite ur readers and flare up arguments here but I now realize your just down right sexist abeg!!! I know say you no go post but at least you read it. Men cheat , women cheat and this has been so since the beginning of time. A little objectivity would do you some good when you put mouth for husband and wife matter. AGAIN POST OR NO POST NA YOUR BIZ!!!
This man is an idiot! A very foolish one at Dat! Wat rubbish! Mscheewwww. Abeg I no wan vex dis afternoon! Nonsense!! And nobody cud stop him, dey were all standing n watching! He has no such right 2 parade her like Dat!! None!!! He shud try dis in ph 1st, he'd be dead in 20seconds! Nonsense!!
Help me ask them ooo. But its the women that cause the nonsense most of the time. Your husband comes back from his mistresses place and you the wife you know for a fact that's where he is coming from, yet you tell him "welcome honey, I'll serve your food this minite" and worship him like a god...SMH. Why wouldn't he continue like nothing happened and expect you to sit at home like a slave. Well thank God women are not dulling anymore. Go out at night on the streets of lagos and see what married women are doing all because of frustration. All you men, cherish your wives ooo, if not another man will help you. Shekinah.... You can discuss and abuse from now till next year, the fact is there is a fundamental problem in our society, and until its addressed, point no fingers. Oya... Fire down
Na wa for us Linda. Maybe it's something in us. Right now am battling not to cheat on my wife. It's so tempting and so not right.
Linda you are becoming too feminist for comfort. Women have also done despicable things to their men and some times to the women they catch their men cheating on them with. It is also true that some men have borne the realization that their women cheat on them quietly. I think you should focus on a person's action and forget about the dichotomy of women and men the generalisation therefrom.
The truth of the matter is what the man did was wrong and he should be dealt with by the law. Infidelity is wrong no matter who does it.
* And please post my cooment.
Lol!!!! Dat akwardmoment# ZINA gH
Okay....just to clarify...Obo in this context means Monkey or the first thing that comes to mind I can't mention? Just asking......
Shioor! The woman did not just play her game well jere! She even allowed herself to be humiliated. Not in support of cheating, but this is to the extreme! Rubbish! I say so via BB bold 4, glo network
Lmao! @ obo is obo... Linda don kill me wit laugh ooooo.
Back to the topic... Really sha, it's crazy if it's dat painful why cheat on your woman? If u can give, then u should be able to take it. That said, I don't ever support for any patner to cheat whether male or female. But if she does, u should be able to forgive her, like u expect her forgive u...
Linda u surprise me ...So because 1 man cheats dat means all men cheat... And from experience all women dat I have been with have cheated on me and I have never cheated on them ... So u explain that to me ... I believe women cheat more than men
You make sense joor lmao
The man is a disgrace for crying out loud if your wife or girlfriend cheated on you chase her slutty ass away. Linda for your info obo is not obo, ain't the same at all there is classy decent obo that is still tight/intact and there is dirty smelly obo. Lol
You must be rubbish on bed thats why women cheat on you. Pele o
My oluwaseun never cheated and he would cheat on me but he loves girls sha lol
not only has he disgraced himself but his wife too why parade her around like that smh may he get stuck inside another man's wife!!! Dr.G will you marry me that is if you are not taken already lol
I'm married to a good man too but I see no reason for the ranting! Linda did say "some" men besides you did not comment on the picture above. What exactly is sexist about what she said? Pls do tell.
FYI, this happened in Republic of Benin!
Mind you worse things happen in Naija
Plssssssss.... Y are u guys atackin linda? She's so damn ryt! Men are all cheats.. No xception! Its in dia blood! Dey can neva b wid 1 gurl! Funniest part is,d society doznt see anyfin wrong in dis! D society is soooo unfair 2d women folk! Even religion is soo unfair 2 d women folk! Cus religion emphasizes d subjectivity of a woman 2 a man..thereby hypin d male entity as a superior being 2d fmale.. Even nature is unfair 2 feminity! C wot a woman goes tru b4 givin birth 2a child! Yet a bloody 3rd rate domestic circus wil stil av d confidence 2 cheat on his wife??? Men are despicably heartless.. Allllll of emmmmm ,no xceptn!..wen a man cheats, es jus bin a man! Buh wen a woman cheats,she's a slut,a disgrace 2 womanhood???? Mchewwwwww
As 4 dis idiot dat is foolin imsef ,finkin es teachin his wife a lesson.. i dnt blame im! Its d woman i blame! She allowin hasef 2b ridiculed cus she's consumed by guilt.. Am not supportin infidelity.. Buh common..dis is xtreme! Wohrefa mehnnn..
As for why did the woman followed him out like that, it's obvious, can't you all see he has beaten her??? Her face is swollen. I bet she fought tooth and nail, before he dragged her out like that.
The only part that wld be crazy is if she goes back to him after the ordeal, personally I feel she wld be better off with the lover!!!!!!
na who dem catch dem dey call thief
the man is a fucking bastard and should be locked up for the rest of his miserable life. how dare he try that well even if i sleep with his father best friend and brother join will NEVER I SAY NEVER LET A MAN TREAT ME THIS WAY. HE IS A BLOODY LOSER I HE SHOULD BURN IN HELL
Anon 5.36 I love you!!!!!
Voice of reason, absolutely spot on.
What do you expect, when women turn their men into Orishas!!!worshipping them and giving respect when none is due. This is what happens.
For the record I'm married, hubby used to cheat on me and I used to condone it. I look bak and despise myself so much for my actions. Now that he has stopped (well I think he has lol) I feel absolutely nothing for him, in fact I hate him!!!!! All I remember are those dark days. Amazing thing was back then he did all the cheating, meanwhile he was so suspicious of me, checking my phone texts, watching me movements!!!! Absolutely crazy. The guilty are afraid
I will not be surprised if this woman goes back to him after this disgrace. I hate when a man feels like they own a woman like a property
Let him who has no sin cast the first stone!!!
GOSH A WOMAN IS ABUSED EMOTIONALLY,SEXUALLY AND PHYSICALLY AND NOTHING Happens no help line nothing is it a crime to be a woman in nigeria
1st, why is the pic altered? 2nd, the man is a nincompoop. 3rd, QUERY:So why is it that when the table is turned around, y'all can't take it? ANSWER: its a known fact.. most men can easily cheat without thinking. yes it's still a bad thing to do. But when most women cheat, they have thought and analyzed it with their body, mind and soul :-).. Meaning, she's fed up.. and when a woman is fed up,.........
The guy is deranged as in mental problems so nobody dey near am.except the stupid woman who saw tendencies and decided to stick with him.
looking at this picture just made me feel depressed, women, especially in third world countries dont know how to defend themselves, women feel they need a man at all cost and its normal for a man to treat women as they choose, until women know how powerful they are, things will always remain the same, i am almost in tears, because i feel women need to know how strong they are...
Busayo Otegbeye.
Is that all it takes for you to recommend divorce?
@Anonymous June 18, 2012 2:00 PM
ABEG OO! That is Bayern Munich's jersey not Manchester United! They're not the only ones who wear red. Such laughable ignorance!
So becos a man does this he is supposed to cheat? What really is ur point?
Obo is NOT obo. While some still pulsate or breathe. others are like dead fish, open wound if I may.
Anon June 18, 2012 2:33 PM stop justifying your cheating ways plain bullshit women can cheat if they want to cheat the way men do. Keep telling yourself its physical, you are gaining your sexual partners spirit it is caLled soul tie.
Let's look at this way, if you have a key that opens all doors, that key would be seen as something spectacular. On the other hand, if you have a door that can be opened by every key, then that door is quite useless.
Do the Math.
Anon June 18, 2012 3:16 PM no nigerian society accepts it. And more than half of the girls/women here will tell you they will accept cheating. This s why men will continue to be dirty, bt wen GOD decides enough is enough is coming
Anon June 18, 2012 3:19 PM thank you my sister. This is what I have been saying. Nigerian women (most) are desperate for any man, have low self esteem are too dependent on men that is why these men act this way. When GOD says adultery is adultery a man will tell u a woman commiting adultery is worse. Please men go educate yourselves real men do not cheat!
Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!
It so easy to judge whereas so of yu might even pull a trigger and kill yur wife.
Hence,if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! Judge careful!!!
Eh yah! I feel sorry for her been humilated bt @ the same tym y wld she allow that. Alot of men cheat ds days and wen u threaten to break up with them dts wen they ll tink ur cheatn on them. @ times i wish getting married isnt compulsory nor necessary bt like yoruba ll say ' when dey give birth to u ,u need to give birth to anoda"
@ Deola deczy
If both Nature and Religion are "unfair" to women, doesn't that tell you something?
#FoodForThought ;)
Deola deczy
Might I add, your misandry is laughable! Something must've really traumatized you. Take care. Don't kill yourself.
Misandry at its finest. If men are dogs, then it's pathetic that dogs are needed in society.
Ewu maximus why are you dusting hand? Did linda pour sand in it? You and Lilspicer shld get married. Lol
cynthia ugochukwu
Your comment makes no sense. A woman with a penis? Really? That's a monster. Don't be swayed.
Hope our Girlfriends and wives can learn from Kim K on how to treat a man right! Naija girls take note! pin:2332AAC2. E no mean say I no hold money wella! Money too much!
This is absolutely nonsense!!I sEe no reason y a man shld treat his woman like dis..puttinm what belonged to u on display for public viewing..the man mst b dumb..if ur wife cheats y nt behind closed doors pack her things,snd her bak to where u got her,resolve it,or whateva instead of disgracing d both of u.its a disgrace to him too.
People like you are just confused only one emotional feeling for one woman. Men just like to deceive themselves. Please if any man has not thought abt or have the women he has slept with once cross their mind randomly come back and tell me there is no soul tie or emotional connection. Read your bible very well before you start quoting virtuous woman. Are you even deserving of a virtuous woman.
ok linda is feminist before she for be mascunist?see me see kwanta.if na ur loved 1 dem drag lyk dt u go lyk am?marriage no b by force.der r other measures than dt.no be d man create her body,its hers.
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