Scene of the blast last night
A bomb exploded outside the popular Krystal Lounge in the Wuse II district of Abuja around 11:25pm last night, but fortunately no one was injured.
The bomb was suspected to be planted on a tree opposite the lounge and exploded as people gathered around the area to have fun. Windows of buildings around the lounge were shattered and at least six cars were badly damaged in the blast.
They said it wasn't in the night club. It was a building nearby.
I heard it was a transformer o
via curve2
Hhmm nawa oo, u sure say ds one na bokoharam abi na rivary club, anyway God's intervention is needed asap in ds our country, or else...
Thnk God say na outside,coz all the ashewos nd our husbands would hv been history by now.Abuja is no longer safe oo
Nigeria turning into something else. The government is taking this too lightly this is how osama started o
thank God na only cars...
that's d kinda stories they'll be giving us... #GodIsWatching
This is a lesson for nite crawlers. They shd learn hw to stay in their houses and pray midnite prayers and not party hard. The country needs serious prayers nw. It is better fun being on ur knees and communicating
wit ur creator. Just too awesome. Nt dancing to worldly music all nite that glorifies worldliness and d devil.
this country own don finish o!
we are no longer safe, we live now by the mercy of God.
God will help us. Amen.
Naoooh, we ar not safe in nigeria our country at all, wat is all this bomb blast!!!! Wetin they wan mak we do?? Ȋ̝̊̅$ oga jojo back????
linda it wasnt a bomb. a transformer blew
Aiya so these. People have become so jobless that they've started tying bombs to trees. Mscccthhhheeewwwww. Yeye
That night club must be 'da bomb'! Hence the reason a bomb was planted there
*tongue out - hehehehehehe*
What happened to no more talking about boko haram.... Mtschw.. Practise what you preach Linda
Thank God no one was hurt!
People shuld not gather on a place for long kuz dis d plan of suice bombers...NAIJA WE HAIL THEE(OMO-IWO)SAYS SO..VIA BALVKBERRYBOLD.5
Is only GOD dat we save us ooo.
It keeps getting closer n closer each day... Thank God no one was hurt dis time around.. May God continue to keep us away from evil ones.
BH should stop wasting ammo and reserve all der resources for aso rock b4 gej exile himself permanently
Well dis shows dis bombers r still learnin or cud b some kinda distraction. All iz well.
It was a Julius berger Land cruiser that blew up last nite. Apparently, the guy had some dynamite packed in his car all day and still had it in his car while he went to hang out, and the stuff blew up on its own. The driver was then beaten u by the mob around, before security agents stormed the location just outside the popular Beer Barn/Kryxtal lounge. The JB engineers have beer picked up by the SSS and the vehicle remains impounded. Quite unfortunate.I stay 2 streets away.
Lilispicer ode! Until dey gada 4 long dts wen dey can b attacked abi? U just dey waste ur data bundle dey comment. Y not try downloading mojo cos am so sure u'd b gud at wankin urself as per omo yoruba wey u be. Am anti-lilspicer
You are pharaesh, judgemental and ignorant. What has night have to do with it. The evil people operate more during the day. If u have nothing to say just keep quiet and stop all the judgement. Its fanatics like you that are causing us problems in this country. People who don't mind their biz.
I live close by to the scene and it wasn't a bomb, a transformer exploded.
@juganut, what is wrong with u? If u have a personal problm wit lilspicer take it sm where else nd nt on sm1 else's blog,u r immature!
Linda, I witnessed it. it was a julius berger landcruiser that blew up. The driver and some other engineers were also at Beer Barn drinking when it happened. They were arrested by SSS. There was no fire anywhere at all and the picture of the vehicle burning here is false. Also the small car pictured here was behind the Jeep that blew.
It was a transformer that bleww ooo. no bombs
Which do we agree to,transformer blast or bomb blast? Pls get ur facts straight peeps
na wa o. Which one of the stories do we believe, Someone said he/she lived by there and it was a transformer that blew up nearby. The other person said some guy in a land cruiser was driving around with dynamites all day and it blew up. Who is telling the truth
So only yoruba boys wank abi?I'm getting you........
I was also in the area when the explosion went off. Trust me, it was a bomb. Apparently, notice had earlier been given to the authorities but as usual, was ignored.
9jadeltapikin... Una don hear d truth gist now na person wey D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ next Τ̅☺ d place say na transformer explode people don say na bomb oh lord help us.
True talk
@anon. 12;33 u are certainly a night crawler. U dnt like hearing Good news of the gospel. That's why my comment seems like fanaticism to you. Jesus loves you. Stay off worldly cravings!
Winning your soul
To God is my business
Stop lying, it was a bomb that exploded not a transformer. I guess the security people are trying to cover it up by saying its a transformer. Its a bomb that exploded and yes...I know.
Lol @ our husbands
Juganut so wots d z"as per omo yoruba" part?
@anonymous 10:00am pls shut up! Thank God u know dat ur husband hang out with ashawos and am sure dats whr he met u. Pple like u disregard pple just because u are married. Dat ur 'ogbongidi' husband can't even stand u dats why he hangs out.
Abi ooh, but that will not deter our night crawlers from visiting their joints. But thank God, some children still have their fathers sha.
Leave am abeg, just talk wetin dey your mind. By d way, how you take know d tym which Dem dey use plan.....at least the person talk say make we pray to God not go and bomb people to get 70 virgins reward. Live and let live
You be satan cousin brother nephew inlaw????
I think †ђξ juganut is a fool for mentioning "omo yoruba" part..fyi if u gat issues to sort wif lilspicer, u dont bring it on here and start yarning shit, mumu oshi
Sharappp dia, ode...attention seeker oshi, looking for cheap publicity, may sango strike dat ur mouth wey u use talk "omo yoruba"...idiat
U αƦε̲̣̣̣̥ juz a fool, mumu like u....did u see wat u typed. Smdh for you
See your life aπϑ how u αƦε̲̣̣̣̥ jumping, †ђξ anon 1O.OOam wasn't even refering to u, aπϑ u being †ђξ ode dat u αƦε̲̣̣̣̥, u culdnt see †ђξ humour behind what †ђξ anon wrote...well dat simply implies dat urself is an asewo aπϑ dats Whε̲̣̣̣̥rε̲̣̣̣̥ ur customers αƦε̲̣̣̣̥ ..SIMPLE, no vex o if hin pain u *tongue out*
US Embassy released report today by email and said it was an IED planted by the tree.
Sorry guys, I believe the US, cause they have informants on ground.
Hahahahaha... Na yoruba worse pass 4 naija na! @Miss yoyin... Ur name alone sounds lyk a yoruba baby mama. Dts wat y'all r gud at. Gettin pregnant n b4 d age of 18. N 2 all d dumb fucks yoruba anonys, death sure al of una vewi vewi soon. Anti-yoruba!
Omo, the thing almost happen for my very before o... I dey near Krystal for my motor na im I come hear the loud explosion. Omo, see as people come dey take off... No be small thing o..
Idiot, an imbecile like u, death sure u aπϑ ur family, dumbass.....linda pls regulate or better still,dont post this idiot comments anymore, he is a kid aπϑ needs to grow up, tis becuz of peeps like him dat Nigeria cant grow more dan thus ,bloody nuisance
All the ashawele dem take off sef...omo..
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