Mercy Johnson Okojie Ini Edo

This is what the lovely actresses wore to the premiere of Ini Edo and Emem Isong's 'I Will Take My Chances', on Friday Feb 24th a Silverbird Galleria in Lagos, but before you pick best dressed, continue to see more photos...

Nse Ikep-Etim Omoni Oboli

So, best dressed goes to...???
Pix thanks to Nollywooduncut.com
Stephanie Okereke,nse nmonalisa as for rukky she looks like a snake with that red hair
My favorite is the most effortless and stylish of them of all- Stephanie Okereke. Most of the girls look like Masquerades or seem to be squeezing into their dresses.
Rukky tries too hard and fails all the time.
It's btw Ini Edo, Mercy Johnson and Rukky Sanda. For me.... The best dressed is Rukky sanda. Ini edo gets 2nd place.If i were to pick an outfit specifically for myself...i would pick Rukky's dress. The colour and style compliments her complexion and she looks great on it! Mercy Johnson's looks are not essentially because of the dress, she just has this amazing figure that makes even a not so spectacular dress look good.
Best dressed goes to "MERCY JOHNSON"...Wow
rukky sanda killed it!!! Love the look, so retro and classy. For the first time in history she looks bloody good!!! impressed. Love monolisa `s CL.. to die for.
Jeez Lewis! Epic fail! The only person I can kinda look past in good conscience is Susan Peters. As 4 d rest, brb
First of all Omoni is wearing 'clash of the titans' wth! Stephanie what rolled up sack are u wearing, d fabric is wrong, colors so wrong. I love u Nse but please you're a star, don't wear that trashy dress next time, reminds me of d girls out on d street at night. Mercy, Ini, Rukky and Susan, u guys worked it!
Ini edo is the best dress simple and stunning blue on a red carpet is beautiful
Susan Peters most def..
Mercy is looking good and I think she is the best dressed. Love Nse's hair and her outfit works for her. Ini, I don't know what is happening there. Stephanie is ok and for the rest, O my.....
Ini is killing it there love the dress and shoes she is the best dress there, second is monalisa, 3rd is mercy johnson.
The winner for me is Mercy Johnson! That dress is total perfection!
Is Ini Pregnant? She has the pregnancy "glow" and her midsection looks big. Rukky tried this time sha! She looks better with her legs covered.Not feeling her hair though. Stephanie looks good as always!
Okkk...I see Susan Peters at all the movie premiers and social functions...but seriously I'll like to know what's her claim to fame? Like peeps say she acts movies but I've never seen any movie she acted...just wondering...
Okkk...I see Susan Peters at all the movie premiers and social functions...but seriously I'll like to know what's her claim to fame? Like peeps say she acts movies but I've never seen any movie she acted...just wondering...
Monalis chinda all the way! Best dressed by far! Classier,more mature great packaging! Ini edo and mercy johnson tried too hard,overall effect? Tarty! Sorry! Omoni oboli should havve come second cos of her dress but that bag ?wrong colour please! Stephanie looks ok I guess. I guess its easier to criticise anyway, I'm sure de'l get better
Mercy Johnson!!!!!!!!!!!
Ini Edo and stephanie Okereke shikena
Y'all dint see Uche jombo she killed it.Took the spotlight
My top FAV is MERCY JOHNSON!!!Super woow n drop-dead gorgeoussss!!!
My 2nd FAV is INI EDO!!Super Stunning n a very classy look!!Luv the dress!
Rukky's dress aint bad,but minus that belt to me.
Nse looks real gorgeous n i luv her dress, but that look is more for Club n not a movie premiere to me.
And the worst dressed goes to RUKKY
R u ok so rukky is a mess
I want Mona Lisa's SHOES!!
Why does Monalisa Chinda look like her head has expanded? She lost weight and gained it in her face, she looks so scary.
Rukky of course....
mercy johnson,2nd rukky sanda,3rd ini edo,4th monelisa chinda,5th susan peters and d rest ar ol trash
dis stephni okereke knows dat she has ugly,and unsmooth legs nd she keeps on puting short things,go get some wax gal,nd nse or wat eva her name is r u goin 4 clubin or u r goin out on d streets,omoni why u wan fall my hands now see how ugly ur face nd outfit r
Mercy johnson went in on those biz notices. She is the winner jor
MERCY JOHNSON most definitely
if u ask me to pick a dress amongst all for myself, i will pick that of rukky but sincerely with no hates, her broad shoulders like dat of a bricklayer cut out some points. d dress should have been worn by some other person...maybe stephanie or mercy would have rocked it better...
hmnnnnnn...am guessing ds was d premiere stella was talking bout.
red carpet retro
As for me the best so far is!mercy,rukky,uche jumbo killed it too @the event then ini edo.the rest is a no no.nse pls next time do nt come out with dat outfiT
Stephanie I love u bt I dnt knw why u always get it so wrong*whew*what d hell r u wearing?did ur dog chew off part of ur dress as u were leaving d house?pls FCS u need a stylist urgently .for a movie premier ini edo is d best dressed then Omoni looks great too nse I love u bt u actually look trashy I expect such trashy looks from Susan peters and tonto dike.lol
Mercy Johnson!
1. Mercy Johnson killed it. Flawless
2. Nse Ikpe Etim
3. Stephanie Okereke
Best dressed for me, Rukky and Ini Edo, love them dresses so much, well Mercy just ve a very lovely shape no doubt but not feeling the dress, Nse please what kind of hair style is that, the dress should ve looked better with a better hairstyle.
Una don turn Fashion Police?! Isssooookkkkaaayyy!
Rukky sanda looks like a mannequin...
Mercy Johnson is the best dressed.. Ever since her marriage, she has just been glowing
Best dressed is Mercy Johnson, the color of the floor sweeping dress, her hair, make up and overall composure is classic. The belt ascentuates her waist line and adds fun to the dress...Perfect for a red carpet.
Susan peters...that woman has got dress sense
Yucks!!! Rukky sanda looks like a water goddess.dunno why she tries too hard to be a diva.issssshhhh!! My take on dis is omoni oboli,ini-Edo,monalisa chinda.dunno abt orders,not interested in dem.
MJ best dressed , 2nd Stephanie Okereke,3rd Nse i love the young look.Rukky's dress is nice thou but d hair is a no for me
mercy ur just d best i love ur outfit ....ini ur luking gwd
Wait o, Some babes think its the shinier a dress is, the better! Don't get it twisted! The best dressed r Nse and Susan peters. Shikena!
Mercy! Mercy!!! Mercy!!!...everyday winner!!!
They all look gOod, I hope d movie was worth it, not all these show of outfit parade n copycatism syndrome, yes we knw y'll got fine dresses wit hair n accesories to match, by tomoro noone will rememba wat u guys wore to dis premiere but d movie contents u'll went to promote! NEXT pls!.....Neni
Mona kept it simple. I like.....
Ah Hn, Linda, what about uru eke? Her face was flawless, but the dress, eeerrrr, I dunno. Mercy Johnson surprised me, in a good way. Overall, I think Stephanie looked nice and simple, I'm on the fence about Lisa's dress, maybe from another angle.
I don't mind rukky's dress, but for the ubiquitous red hair she keeps sporting, ugh! Whyyy!
U don't have a fashion sense at all. Wonder wot ur wardrobe looks like. D best dressed is Mercy J followed by Monalisa. D ones u picked as best dressed looks like dey dressed for hallowen
Rukky sandra nailed it she looks flawless in her dress n everything just seems to hav a connection....Mercy Johson looks good tho...I am so glad Ini Edo decided to go 4 resonable colours for once in her life...Nse plz this is not Allen avenue try not to look too cheap n slutty next time.
GO MERCY FF BY INI EDO,rukky's dress is nice but not for herat all.I soo luv mercy.Monalisa needs to get her body toned she luks soo pale and old.Mercy and ini edo for me,mercy is blessed to have dose curves cos she could rock any dress even rukky's dress,she'd kill it.
Ini edo's dress n shoe is d BOMB,mercy's figure is smfin 2 die 4.rukky,omoni,nse,i dnt knw wat 2 tell u girls,d rest u tried...
Nse has legs for days and omoni boring as usual,mercy is d best
Abeg remove all dis ones shebi oscars na 2day,u go see dressing ,d worst dress for oscars beat best dress here.Nollywood pple dont knw how to rock red carpets at all but mercy tried sha.
NSE dress s'd'best for me, rukky dress s'cool n'nice but d'colour of her hair is zero wch makes her not too cool.ini edo is very b
I love the Nse Ikep-Etim's look overall...the hair color suits her and her skin looks flawless...best dressed imho goes however to Susan Peters...her outfit works!
Ini edo dresss fantastic n'cool for red carpet. For mercy johnson i tôt she s'a marry woman n she said she will not b exposing her body again thou her dress s fine n'ok
Tis are d pple stella damascus was talkin about,always wanna enter magzine by force
All i see is hair! hair! hair! and more HAIR!!!!!! Very distracting while Rukky's whitening programme is blinding
mercy jonson nailed it!
Worst dress is stephanie okereke!! Its a big fashion fail best dress i hate 2 say is Mercy johnson!!
Ini edo.....muah.i love d way u rock da dress n ur stature simply sexy
Mercy Johnson hands down. The color, cut and fit of the dress is flawless.
Susan peters definitely. The rest rme
Rukky sanda looks like a big fool in dat dress as busy as d dress she had d guts 2 use a belt local idiot always tryin so hard 2 belong. Agbonmadilolo
Whose leg is dat behind omoni, dat leg sha... Love ma mercy anytym anyday
Monalisa and Mercy look great. Please can we get Omoni a stylist, she always gets it so so wrong. Lovely woman but with no sense on style, this outfit is ok for a business meeting on a Friday. Its too much of everything!
I don't want anyone of them,i prefer Linda Ikeji.lol
susan peters killed it....shes got an amazing style,ini looks good to looking very classy and sheek...love rukkys dress and hair but the combination just doesn't seem right,not sure if its the make up ...omoni i love you but pls never never try this again ...thank you
They all looked nice
Stella Damascus just mad cos she no get sponsor like these chics. Stupid hypocrit
I thought uche jumbo looked great given the reason that I was seeing her post- dumping picture, I love monalisa s look, love rukky' s dress first time I am seeing her dress her age, Ini look will work without the hair everywhere around her face, Nse look was different still growing on me, mercy ' skin is not for that dress but her body is.Stephanie....no comment
MERCY and INI look divine!!!!!!SUSAN looks a lil bit over-styled;RUKKY's hair is a no-no(more like rihanna by force);while NSE looks like a COMPLETE MESS!!!NSE pls learn how to dress your age.u aint 20-something nau HABA!
BTW,I notice a handful of d PR agents of dese "celebs" commenting under various names and "anonymouses" most especially Nse and Rukky!HIAN!!!
Rukky Sanda is perfection in dat dress! Hands down! The chick killed it! Monalisa looks gud too. Mercy luks horrible in pink, yak! Ini edo and Susan peters luk lyk deir hair is bout to swallow dem up. Ini, d blue and red doesn't luk ryt on u. Stephanie okereke, add sum colour to your outfit my dear, u luk lyk your in a funeral. Dat colour is a no no 4 yr complexion. Rukky takes the no 1 spot, she took a fashion risk with d red hair and it luks great on her.
But this is just a movie premiere nau. If I'm to judge based on the occassion Stephanie Okereke and Monalisa Chinda dressed perfectly for the event.
Where should i start? Ok Ladies get yourselves a stylist. Secondly watch Fashion police on E! Networks for fashion tips. MJ, pls wear spanx, it helps to smooth those bumps,
Ini and Omoni, just cos it is a black bag does not mean it goes with every outfit. Stephanie, sorry, u have worn that same ill fitted dress on a red carpert b4. Monalisa et all, what were u thinking. Your hair was a mess, make up was terrible.
Finally ladies learn to walk it. No matter how good u look, a bad posture just ruins the effect. i will give MJ thumbs up. She got dat rite.
U are so right!
Nikky spot on.Iniz dress dint look right to me and the length of the dreSs looks wrong she has very lovely legs she could have gone long or short.Also her make up,hair was all over the place she could have gone simple with the dress like a simple dress or sumtin also wat was with the contact?tacky when are they ever gonna catch up with Genevieve they are so Far.Rukky looked good Ini take a cue
mona lisa is totally classy and with christian louboutin shoes,she is on point.mercy johnson 2nd and i like nse too.ini not in her usual body fitting(i suspect a bun in the oven)
Me i don't know who's best dressed. Hollywood actresses try too hard. You hardly see anyone who's effortlessly chic. So na dem sabi. But btwn, is this the movie premier Stella damasus wrote about? Linda a beg clarify o, make u no start war...lol.
Stephanie okereke plxxxxx!..she's simple,vintage and cute! Nawa, to watch film naa not to collect award!msche..please,has rukky sanda seen a mirror lately?madame Gagu!
Come these fashion blind person! U are either rukky or her relation. How can u call dat fashion blunder the best dress. She should be sent to 10yrs in fashon jail without bail for that outfit she obviously borrowed from the underworld. Mercy, ini, stephnie and susan made a good impression(fashion wise) on the red carpet.
Who was that racoon that mentioned OSCARS!!..very silly..now you would say dem be follow follow..what about u aping the OSCARS..its 9ja this is the way we do our thang...u don't like it..keep ur azz out there in whatever rock you crawled out from...
On to better things..why aren't dey rocking African prints..just trying a bit too hard...
Mercy Johnson all the way, u rock girl u really nailed it this time around. Ini is second with her lovely gown then my 3rd best is Susan peters nice dress. as for Stephanie you are too pretty to be caught dead in such a dress what were u thinking and d shoes r crying plus d belt hell NO! Omoni i don't understand d bag is it meant to b a clutch purse or a hobo bag? its outdated pls! nice dress Rukky but u can loose d shoulder pads...as for d rest, nothing spectacular!!
I just puked a lil in my mouth for those that said rukky was best dressed,she really looked like a snake. Best fr me is mercy!and Nnse ikpe'SMH
i tot its movie dey went to watch? why wear all dese type of clothes just to watch movie. ok just like stella said, just to show off on the red carpet
the theatre looked like a HEN COOP.
I dont have a single person to call best dressed.
Rukky Santa looks like clown
As far as the entire premiere is concerned UCHE JOMBO nailed it. But as she no de dis group i will Say Susan Peters. She looks awesome and always does, so she takes the 1st position, while though in hesitant to say *rolling eyes* Rukky next then steph. That shld be all.
*cough cough* To answer ur question about susan and her fame stuff. Yes Susan is an actress, though not featured as lead role yet or a lot. What hurts me most is dat she has such awesome talent but the younger ones in the industry are taking lead. I guess the problem is that she is ignorant of the fact that her friends are using her and feel she does not have the glam in terms of speech. But guess what I LOVe every lil role she plays cos she brings her A game just like Nse.
Chioma Akpotha looked great as well. Meanwhile Linda try get bryan picture with that his hideous hair style. He just looked plain stupid and Ugly + that his all blue outfit. For the first time i saw sm1 who looked worse than rukky sanda, lwkmd. He shld get some tips from Uti or Alex oooooo, abi he no b there friend.
MJ love her dress,OMONI looks like a hot sweet 16,Susan a DIva as always and Ini love the color of her dress
Mercy en Rukky nailed it...pretty
Wow, they all look good. Susan Peters and Rukky Sanda - lurrve the outfits on them. Well done to the photographed actresses...
Linda (Li), how are ya?
Ok my Review:
INI lukz beautiful but the all- flowing hair & those dropping earrings don't exactly go 2geda. STEPHNIE:lukz a lil tacky in wat's supposed 2 b a nyc outfit,nd your choice of shoes must be revisited.
RUKKY:has a gorgeous dress on,but d face nd hair luks a lil...... plus did yu really need d belt??
SUSAN: i simply like
MONA MONA MONA: lovly dress,killer shoes,nyc work wd the red clutch,but that blush.....
OMONI: babez I luv that yu alwayz luv 2 go d 'mature' way. it cud have been acceptable,but that black bag??? what were yu thinking??
NSE: hmmmmmmmmm! Wat happened that night. did yu have plans 2 have urself pickd up by d road side??? I mean this dress wud have been amazing wd a neatly rolled up hair nd a pair of beautiful earrings! but nw....................... YU'RE MY WORST DRESSED!
MERCY J: mercy mercy mercy..... yu jst pulled it off perfectly.really worked those curves right. simply elegant,beautiful & absolutely classy! definitely my BEST DRESSED.
I still y'all luvly actresses though. just do better next time!
Mercy has a body to die for,so any outfit looks stunning on her
Ini looks hawt .. and i think Stephanie Okereke hasnt got the bust to carry that dress ... it looks sloppy on her ..
Mercy J;nice outfit but I don't like d purse and belt, for a celeb u could hav done better with your hair.
Ini; lovely hair, nice outfit but d lenght...I don't like wait till ur 50 to wear dat lengt. And ur tommy is bulging out.
Rukky;...d hair...d cloths...I think you should leave rihanna to wear d hair. Not so fab on u. Makes u look like a sea monster.
Stephanie; great outfit. But doz shoes downgrade d outfit. Something sexier would hav been nice on a low key dress like dis.
Susan Peters, nice outfit...easy with d makeup next time.
Monalissa chinda! U hav my vote. 10/10. Simple but well coordinated.
Abeg yall free my stephanie joh..she is class on her own..doh mercy got dis bcoz shez blesd wit a butiful body.. BTW herez wat stephaniez gat on http://www.stylebistro.com/lookbook/Serena+Williams/_53Ka0uB_2r
Mercy johnson! Killer figure. No hideous bulges.
Mercy Johnson is def d best dressed. Even a blind man can see it. Rukky is the worst. Stephanie looks too dull for a red carpet event. That look is ideal for church.
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