A few days after multiple bombings killed at least 200 people in Kano state, many Igbos living in the Sabon Gari area of the city were seen at a motor park, all trying to leave the city.
As early as 8.30 a.m today, luxury buses were seen loading Igbo passengers at the Sabon Gari motor park.
The beginning of Nigeria's end...
So d r just now getting it all d want to do is kill igbo ' s safe trip to all of them
Sha wentin den go do, if na me i go run 4 40
Linda, why did you remove blogroll from your blog? Please add it back immediately o. Traffic has reduced on my blog because of that. Thanks in advance for that. E-hugs and e-Kissess for you.
wouldnt blame dem. wish my parents will leave also. gt a job in kaduna bt didnt go cos d last post election violence i experienced havent recover 4rm it.
That is the best there can do for now www.gideblog.com
Eheya!!..wats dis nation turnin into..
Dey shouldn't leave now! Linda how come u haven't featured Aduke's song here but if na DavidO and all those bling bling artists, you for don put am for your blog o !
Somebody please give me one reason why Nigeria should continue to remain one country?! Are these signs not enough? Anyway I know why our leaders are still shouting 'one Nigeria'...OIL! Crude oil is the tie that binds all the looters (from north, south and east) together. I pray night and day for that cursed oil to finish so that everyone will answer his father's name. Wait and see what will happen if oil should finish in Nigeria.
See what Boko Haram is doing to bonafide citizens of this country.
Businesses, properties and life long investments would be abandoned in order to preserve their lives and safety..Is it easy to just relocate ???.
My heart goes out to them cos back in the day, I lived in Kano.I witnessed a lot of riots and the fear that grips you in such tense moments.
I just hope and pray my friend Nancy does same, have been so restless since i heard about the bombings. I believe this is an unofficial way of dividing Nigeria.
No dont go stay there untill these animals waste ur life for nothing,i prefer to live poor in my state than live reach in any northern states in nigeria,Go and develop the east, we dont need the abokis rather their are the ones that need us,their are just bunch of animals.GO AND DEVELOP THE EAST
So the igbos are still in the northern part of nigeria,Greedy and hopeless people,better go and develop the east, u really dont deserve to die in the hands of these animals called mallam
Abeg make my peaple start to cum bck abeg.linda tell den ooonoh
It isn't right to call northerners nigerians. Barbaric people, from the past and present leaders to the cattle rearers, all a curse to our nation. Since the christmas day bombing, i have been boycotting businesses from northerners, regardless how large or small the business is (foreign exchange, food joints etc) and i sincerely hope you all can do the same and send them packing from the east, west and south. Se na war dem de find? Boko mumus!
This is so, so sad. Kano has been home to many Igbos and others for many years. So what happens now? This madness must stop! The bloodshed must stop.
Abeg dey shld leave!dey shld all leave....let's c d northerners live by demselves if dats what dey want!
The Problem with the Muslims is that they are been fed with wrong information on how their brothers and sisters are living peacefully here..I guess they will still miss the Igbos..according to your Linda's statement.
Jonathan ₪☺ see any thing do to this one... Weak man na only GOD know as he dey do with is wife for house. MUMU
I weep for my country Nigeria !
In preparation for War????? I dont blame them. Its like a new wife who discovers that her husband is Impotent, what is she going to do with all the condom she got from planned parenthood, its better to carry her load and go. the Government of Nigeria is impotent!!!!
yes o run run run we go run! abeg water don pass garri.
When will all dis end???.....heavenly father please come to our aid!!!!
U undastand d mental tension this guys r going thru!
Lived in kano too,my heart goes out to them!
lol, no make them nor comot, make them stay, igbo people spread like paper for evrywere
All this talk of divide, when the country has already divided! I hope the idiots behind Boko Haram are satisfied! For a British born Nigerian, who have always wanted to move to Nigeria in the near future, I am rather worried now. It is really sad, especially with all the talents God has poured into that country. Just pray for better times to come.
This is what Ojukwu was trying to prevent, but they would not, with the help of greedy, bloody British. Lets see what will happen? I weep for Nigeria, but oh well, there shouldn't have been a Nigeria in the first place.
Boko Haram is not a muslim issue or a northern issue, it is a terrorist organization terrorizing nigeria issue, plain and simple.
Nno nu umunnem na umunnam.
I wish them Godspeed
U're right suprise,I just noticed that blogroll removal have been thinking sthing is diff,sista Linda na beg we take beg u,i think it just add a spice to u,dont knw why or maybe we re nt used to it ni n all ur adverts too are lesser than wat it used to be..anyways...
It about time I start relocating to kano.
Thank you Lord that our eyes have began to open wide to the monstrosity called Nigeria. The only way forward is a revolution. WE have gained nothing by being together, its sad and painful a lot of innocent people have to lose their lives. At this time we see the sort of people we have ruling us, they dont care, have never cared and will never care. Let us divide, a government that is insensitive to have a sovereign national conference? A president and his vice who chop 1 billion naria food, hike the price of fuel? Come on. WE need a re think.
J- Joke
O- Ode
N- Nauseating
A- Asshole
T -Thief
H- Hopeless
A- Ape
N- Nonentity
G- Goat
O- Otondo
O- Obolo
D- Dummy plus Dunce
L- Lout
U- Useless
C- Coward.
K- Kolomental
For people barking "make dem no go now! Mumu ppl!" U don't understand... Its not an easy decision to go out and do business far away from home, its an even tougher decision to basically abandon years of successful HARD work, ethnic abuse and perseverance and just leave it all and walk away, back to the saturated situation which made it necessary for u to leave in the first place. E no easy ppl... If it was just like that, folks for don free these lands on day one. Imagine person wey go Yankee, work all the shit jobs, put themselves thru school and graduate, get a job, marry, buy house, take root for community, being told to pack a bag and leave just like that... My heart goes out to these folks, GOD DEY! A curse on Boko Haram and all its supporters!
J- Joke
O- Ode
N- Nauseating
A- Asshole
T -Thief
H- Hopeless
A- Ape
N- Nonentity
G- Goat
O- Otondo
O- Obolo
D- Dummy plus Dunce
L- Lout
U- Useless
C- Coward.
K- Kolomental
Don't go! What took you guys so long. Please run for your their lives. Heartless Northern Nigerians - it's not just Boko Haram, it's the useless masterminds instigating them. O God Arise!
Oh my goodness this is just heartwrenching. I can't even imagine how they feel. My parents are from Kogi state but my whole life I have lived in Lagos, married to a Lagosian, bought my house there and own a business there. If God forbid, something goes wrong and I have to relocate, I wouldn't know the first step to take. Where do I go, who do I go to? will I be accepted. I dont even speak the language and I dont even know what it sounds like. I am a yoruba girl by upbringing and environs and Im sure a lot of these peole and their kids have become full Northerners and possibly can only speak Hausa or whatever other language they speak in Kano. This is just horrible what these people have done to dear Nigeria...and who is blaming Jonathan. Is he Boko Haram? did he give them the go ahead to kill innocent citizens? why not blame Ibb, buhari and all those Northern politicians who have voved to make Nigeria a living hell becos jonathan won?
where are all 'em pple saying they shouldn't go 'cos they've built houses, they schooled there? It's better they go and come back when things get better.Okay Gej! are you happy now? The evil men that said GEJ will not rule this country in peace should be first arrested, wait! who am i talking to? DANG! GEJ has no clue!God pls come and rule in my country 'cos we have NO ONE TO FIGHT FOR US, AMEN.
People are saying it is not an easy decision for them but we are talking of a LIFE THREATENING DECISION here.What then happens to the business they are trying to protect after their lives are wasted on the streets huh?
These MUSLIMS ARE SICKENING, they can freely live/parasite in other people's countries but can never tolerate non-muslims in their countries ! How many Americans reside/own houses in iran,iraq, blangadesh etc ? Yet their religiously abused women take refuge in USA,USA hospitals treat their women for free when their nose is chopped off, or they are physically punished for being raped ! They can freely work & own properties in USA. YET THEY WANT TO STRAP BOMBS TO THEIR DICKS & BLOW UP THE WHOLE WORLD !!!
I simply have not, do not understand what one nation mean to Nigerians.
Far, far away in other lands, a Nigerian owns houses,lands, has every right their citizens have but in Nigeria, no matter how much an Easterner lives in the North, he is a foreigner.An outsider.
Yet his resources is used to care for the same Northerner, who sees him/her as a stranger.
I guess, this encourages people to contribute to nation building?
Could one brilliant Nigerian on this blog, please explain what one nation mean to them?
I am confused and bereft of words!
Tank you o. They should go back home and develop the east,enough is enough.
Eewo! Some of dis ppl av made it all deir lives in d north.Where do dey start 4rm now?Nawa oh,he beta mak Nigeria divide......
As long as they don't come to Lagos. The city is already overcrowded as it is!!!!!!
@anon 10.16....i dont usually insult people when i comment but i take an exception here. You are a very big full, idiot. You are very stupid for making that comment.
My family live in kano and they are not greedy and hopeless. You think its easy to wake up one day and relocate. Why dont you assume that people from atlanta should stay there and not las vegas.
We should address the issue of Boko haram instead. They have no right to determine where Nigerians should live.
If we the igbos are citizens of Nigeria then we can live anywhere.
Ermmmm,Asa!........u can now change d lyrics of ur "fire on d mountain" song o!
Finally,they r running......
1990-92 Kano riot saw my dad bundling us and our properties to Aba,selling off the landed ones. it wasn't an easy thing to do. the new life was also an entire thing all together. tryn to adjust to pips n environment u aren't used to. i pray the buses don't get mobbed or attacked while leaving.....safe journey my pips. God's protection.
Boko haram and their sponsors shall never know peace whether dead or alife,it shall never be well with them.Anyone that has ever sponsored or helped them in anyway is cursed for life and hereafter.
pls come back home o! Lotawa, biko.
what hve u guys bin doin der since. so na now their eyez dey open.cum bak jor we re waiting for u. n wetin cum concern gudluk n boko haram bombin d igbos, na hm send dem? typical nigerians blame every tin on gudluk jonathan if ur wife no born too cum linda blog cum cAUSE Gej. nigerians change o! at least d guy is human n aso rock spirit don enter am. all we nid do now is pray for hm n our country.
All you guys saying they should go. Hope when they come home to meet you for money for start -up business, you will gladly give it to them. Hope when they come to your house for shelter and food, you will gladly oblige them. Hope when they ask you to assist to pay their children's fees in the new, more expensive school than they had up north. Hope you gladly give them.... Its so easy to spue out senseless nonsence from your mouths. but when it comes to really facing the issue, hope you will not run away. these people have been driven from what they've known as home for so many years, some, even from birth. they have made investments, settled their children, lived as independent individuals for years, all at once, they have to pack a bag and leave for an unknown existence just because of some inhuman elements. Instead of showing the least bit of sensitivity, some equally boko haram-minded individuals can afford to ridicule them. may God give unto you according to your own measure
All you guys saying they should go. Hope when they come home to meet you for money for start -up business, you will gladly give it to them. Hope when they come to your house for shelter and food, you will gladly oblige them. Hope when they ask you to assist to pay their children's fees in the new, more expensive school than they had up north. Hope you gladly give them.... Its so easy to spue out senseless nonsence from your mouths. but when it comes to really facing the issue, hope you will not run away. these people have been driven from what they've known as home for so many years, some, even from birth. they have made investments, settled their children, lived as independent individuals for years, all at once, they have to pack a bag and leave for an unknown existence just because of some inhuman elements. Instead of showing the least bit of sensitivity, some equally boko haram-minded individuals can afford to ridicule them. may God give unto you according to your own measure
Anon 11.35pm.. Boko Haram is a terrorist organisation made up of Northerners and Muslims so, what u on about exactly?..
Btw,its quite a shame, cos i was lookin so forward to comin back to settle in naija but with d looks of things, d chances re very slim but i pray and hope everything changes for d better cos i know God is in control..
And We as nigerians should also put our country in our prayers not just sit and moan about it cos its gonna take God's intervention to make it better.
safe trip back home UMUNAMMU
Hausa and Fulani people, northern leaders and northern politicians finally got their wish to chase Igbos from the north. This will never go unpunished. Hausa and Fulani owned businesses should not be allowed to operate or do business in the south, especially Niger Delta. Ojukwu was 100% right about Hausa and Fulani people. We shall never forgive or forgive what they are doing to Igbo people. We shall retaliate. An eye for their two eyes. They and their unborn children will know no rest and shall be chased out of Nigeri to Sahara Desert where their ancestors originally came from.
All these people should have left the north a long time ago........even before the issue of boko haram came into existence,,,,northerners are fond of fighting and killing innocent people,,,they were into religious conflicts,ethnic killings and all sorts.....i dont know what took these these people so long to take this decision,,,maybe cos of the properties they have acquired in the north over time,,,but the question is for those who lost their lives in the crisis,,who will use those properties(that is if the properties have not been destroyed too)???......wish them a safe trip to their destinations.......
Hmmmmmmmmm!! God help us please!!!
They are leaving from all the north. My sister and friend have even left Abuja. also have a friend that lives in the villa and doesn't feel safe.
Irresponsible govt, still sticking their head in the sand. Something will give soon.
Let us all pray for our country ooooooo
Peace out and God bless
its about time!!!
You are α dunce for saying that oil should finish in Nigeria. Β careful what you wish for and stop typing shit like an imbecile
Linda thank u for all the good work we love u.
Na so my dear.God abeg na ur hand we de oo
Na so we see am oo
pls run for ur dear life
There is more killing and hatred among same tribe. Abalaliki .is a good example. Kidnapping in Southeast.i bet some of these returnees will be kidnapped on getting home. Which is better evil ? To get killed by Boko Haram or kidnapped and killed by your own brother?
I wonder why you call yourself British.You are Nigerian.
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