Some of the things Seal, 48, told Ellen DeGeneres on her show this week about Heidi, their marriage and pending divorce.
I think we were shocked. You go into these things with the greatest intentions when you say "I do" and you say "’til death do us part." Those vows hold value. They are not just words.
She still, in my opinion, is the most wonderful woman in the world. I think our priority was to remain civil and do this thing with dignity. We still very much love each other.They still love each other very much but can't stay together? I think people give up on each other too easily these days. If you're not 100% sure, then don't commit. Raising children in broken homes is not the best. Continue reading...
The thing that I’m most proud about this great woman who I married - and I really do mean that from the bottom of my heart - is that together she has given me four incredible gifts, four beautiful children.
We have eight years. Eight wonderful years together. Just because we have decided to separate doesn’t necessarily mean you take off your ring and you’re no longer connected to that person.
'We will be connected in many ways ‘til the rest of our lives. Though our children and also through this tremendous admiration, respect and love that we have for each other.
This couple kinda broke me with this news....why? why? why? must it always end up in this? It is just so sad!!!!!
Raising children in broken homes is not the best.
Yeah definitely agree Linda but staying together at all cost and yelling at each other in front of children is worse than a clean separation
it is better to leave when you still have some respect especially when there are childre involved
Children thrive better with one happy parent than with two miserable parents who fight and show no love to each other. If living apart works better for the adults, the kids will adapt. The reality is that Marriage has become even more difficult to sustain becos of the many societal pressures. Good luck to them!
I'm disappointed in these two. What's shocking them? U wld think dy woke up nd found dmselves divorced. All dt yeye talk abt respect, love nd admiration **yimu** tmrw now dy'll unfollow dmselves on twitter. Only God knows whether dis monkeys r being paid to divorce ni.
BS. then why divorce? if you have grown apart, why not work on it.
they are both freaking rich, they can take a month off, go to a remote island and get at it like rabbits.
I'm not saying divorce doesn't happen but to be giving us all these stories about how she is the greatest person abeg....
Too litl to late, my man go rest, look for ur p*sy, let har look for har new dick..if u lv har remain married, and shut the fuck up¿
How can they be shocked about d break up.didnt they both decide about it?Since they know it,s for better for worse,then they should work things out.shikenah!
so sad, but linda your very correct . People give up on their marriages so quickly. I think people should learn to sacrifice in their marriages . Distant could have played a role being that Heidi runs project runway from Newyork while their home is in another state . Seal I beleive also has a busy schedule......whatever they were chasing ... all is vanity and there is nothing that can't be worked out....except....
You can love someone but doesnt mean you will be together. Plus we don't know the situation of this split! It's really shocking! I liked them together.
I'm not suprised the whites don't take marriage seriously and the blacks are foolishy following behind... He should stop explaining and go and take a back seat what was he thinking when he married a german lady when its obvious that Germans never liked black people.....
uhm... and what exactly do you know bout Marriage Linda? smh dumb ass
...and u bedda approve d last comment and this 1... Nonsense
LINDA preach it!
If you guys are so in love, why are you divorcing
In my opinion,una try sef..not buying d 'ur stil in love'story tho
they were shocked as in dey were spectators in d marriage abii ?
bullshit Seal.....ork on ur marriage for ur children's sake.......hollywood celebs r too selfish
He should shut up alredy. They love each other άŋϑ stil can't b together. I tot people break up bc. Love is lost,neva knew wen in love, U̶̲̥̅̊ break up.Linda,dnt knw wats wrong but can't access ur blog frm my fone anymore.it opens blank.
I'm with you on this one Lin,people give up way to easily these days. They simply forget marriage is a sacred institute and its takes special Grace,patience,endurance and love from above and within to make it work and last. I'm rily sad for them though. They looked so much in love and i thought 'oh well perhaps hollywood wedding might not be so bad after all'
They still love each other and are not willing to take a break from their careers and work on things? just putting those lovely children through hell for their own selfish satisfaction. You are right linda! we give up on each other too easily these days! A lil sacrifice and a lil more time spent away from all the drama doing the things that made you fall in love in d first place will make you realise why you said "i do". I hope their kids stay stable!
Speechless with capital "S"!!!
How are they shocked when both of them divorced? It's really not sound like it was totally free will.
they r both crazy jare. what sort of rubbish talk is dat? so disgusting. mchw
"Heidi and I were shocked by the breakup" ...what the f**k is that? someone broke u guys up while u were asleep? please.... talk about value decay..family values! what are going to tell the children? that you both got bored or what? aside from infidelity and life threaten domestic issues there is no other reason to divorce your spouse :-(
Pls linda, organize ur ads biko. Some of us av to read ur blog from our fones esp wen on d field. U get? Dis ur ads just dey block tins...we noo dey enjoy d write-ups jere!re-arrange biko!
No business like show business.
He is based in a society obsessed with race and looks, just got divorced by the 'acceptable race' and is on the wrong side of 40 with a career to protect.
He better keep those lips firmly on madam's bum.
Truth is I smell a gernomous DUMPED by Heidi, and if i sabi this people she will be hanging off the arms of another rich man, borning babies. Tis the way of the west
So women now want more other than money n a long instrument.
Most divorce are usually the lady's idea anyway.
i wish i could cast a spell that'll make both of them forget about d divorce and stay together.... it really hurts .. i refuse to believe it coz i love this couple...*sobs*
Na over-feeding dey wori dem.
i just cant understand this whole thing o,how can you say you love each other so much and yet you what to separate?pls someone explain to me is there something am not getting? cos in my own understanding when you love someone so much yu want to spend the rest of your lives together. however i will also appreciate Seal and i wish him all the best in life.
He doesn't know what love means. Love is not envious,it does not boast,it is not proud nor rude,it does not seek for its own interests,it does not behave indecently,it does not become easily provoked,it does not keep account of injury,it does not rejoice over evil,but rejoice with good,true love bears all things,believes all things,hopes all things and endures all things. true love never fails. So if their own has failed then its not true love
Very confused set of pple, i have come to realise that westerners dont have a single respect for the marriage institution. They think it all about a game of hoping in and hoping out. May God help them to get it right
mchhewewww..... She probably began to see his face clearly and forgot how large his heart was. Bloody gal!!!!
hes speaking glowingly about her yet they cant stay together???? what gives?
Adeleke Abegunde williams
Mmmnnnnnnh.... So sweet. U hardly cn find a man civil engh to praise his wife in the heat of divrc. Evn wn they'r wrng/guilty
This chap is a big fool. Do they hear themselves speak? 'We love each other my foot' He used to be my favourite, but since this incident I have deleted him sharp sharp.
Does that mean Seal's going home with half of her wealth?>>>
Don't understand why people get married only to have divorce at the back of their minds...
*eyes rolling* What's all that story about them still being in love? If that's the case, then why the seperation? I admired them as a couple a lot and this is rather disappointing.. Well, they're adults and I believe they know what they're doing.
mschewwww! nah today???
if you love each other so much, then why he break-up???..abegggyyyy!
this should be a lesson to black successful men! STICK TO YOUR OWN KIND! BLACK,BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL WOMEN!
i have a question for Seal.
If Heidi is the most beautiful woman in the world, what would you tell your next girlfriend?
Seal, that fellow that read your palm years back in the streets of New York should have revealed this to you.
woman wey you marry when she carry another man pregnancy,na she you dey divorce like dat. kai!!
Ok, I knw it feels cool to see ur opinion published on a blog but I bet u must have read other readers comments. Pls let's try to avoid repeated comment. It makes reading uninteresting and discourages readers from reading further into new thoughts. Jst a thought!
Linda being raised in a broken home is a lot better than being raised in a home were parents are throwing blows at each other it is very distressing on kids .......divorce is always best if the individuals cant stand to be together ...I have a very dysfunctional image of marriage cos my parents were constantly chasing around the house with objects fighting each other ....please do ur research before u make such statements.
Have you noticed? The trend in Hollywood is making babies.To make these babies you obviously need a man, but they still want to be unattached and free to do what they like. So what's the plan? Get hitched to a man, have adorable babies, and when thy have grown old enough to know they have a father, and they aren't much trouble anymore they ditch the man and become as free as a bird again.
It's absolutely unfortunate that this couple eventually towed this route. I had such great admiration for them. I have come to realize that it is the love you have for God that instituted marriage and will actually make the marriage work for both partners. Giving ur life to Christ and making Him the very essence of ur relationship is the antidote for a successful marriage. Don't expect too much from a man dat cannot boast of his next breath. Trust God absolutely!
It is really sad o, and disappointing, what is wrong with till death do us part?
My candid advice for married couples's work it out don't let d feeling,d love u felt when u first met get away.Sometimes give excuses for poor behaviour on d part of ur partner and do nt be quick to judge situations they might not be what u think or feel they are .Treat ur partner how u wud like to be treated.Marriage ain't easy I know been married for 14yrs wit six kids.Try daily,prayerfully to keep ur home together and believe u wud eventually be okay.
if dem shock all d shock finish,wetin go remain 4 me again 2 shock?
Heidi and seal went to bed happy and satisfied with dia lives and bodies,they woke up divorced,seal exclaimed in horror 'look heidi,we are divorced' and she looks with shock and dismay! Round of applause to d class clowns...smh
Typical ending of all celebrity marriages.Cos they don't know the meaning of love. For them love is a feeling- a mood.If the mood or feeling changes, then it's time to move on. Every marriage is doomed to fail with that kind of mentality. For those of you who are dreaming of a hollywood-mills&Boons-breakfast in bed marriage, it's better you wake up and smell the lipton. That's fantasy. Marriage is commitment and haaaarrrrd work! Don't get involved unless you are ready for the sacrifices
My very own parents are practically enemies and they have been this way for over 15yrs, the only reason they arent divorced is cause of us-5 children. Guys believe me, the kind of loveless life and marriage totally rubbed off on us such that we hardly know how to show love to one another and both our parents has never expressed love to us especially my father cos he only loves his ogogoro. And we d female children are all scared of marriage cos of the experience with our parents. So all am tryin to say is that if the couple can't live in peace and all they do is abuse each other daily and live like strangers before their children, its far better for them to seperate than live unhappy lives filled with hatred, anger, quarrelling, etc together cos the children may end up worse than if they are with one parent.
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