In the video, the woman's husband came with some security operatives to arrest the woman where she was with her lover.
Her lover claimed that he didn't know she was married, and that she informed him that she is divorced. According to the woman, she has been having the issues with her husband for close to two years.
Watch the video below
Have they broken any law? What are they being arrested for? He should take the case to court and get a divorce. Not sure why they have to involve armed men because she is cheating.
Na cheatin wife politician dey use our security force dey do wen kidnappers dey kidnap n police neva finish to dey catch.
Na dem family palava b dat, make dey no sha shame d gd politicians bcoz of drama like dis
Whats the repacaution???
Lol.. what excuse will you make when you get to heaven
... Merited happiness
When the husband no sabbi shine her Ponyor. ..she gass to look for another able bodied man
Ajeku IYA nio oje
This guy don enter one chance na politician wife him dey straff chai dis woman just lost her marriage .
Abegi make them leave the woman make she cure konji jor! You no see that lorry spare tyre wey she carry for belle so? I sure say when her husband been marry her the belle been flat like signboard. Therefore I believe say her husband no dey touch the woman hand again. The fact say that loverman for the video dey brave enough to tackle that "largest size of bucket" is commendable. The man even deserves an award.
Stupid man swear since u married her u havnt slept wit anoda woman.u a matreating her now she tries to find comfort in d arms of anoda man u came to embersass her all in d name of being her husband God go punish you wela idiot
And so? What is her offense that the police want to arrest her for? Pls the policemen should be given memos. Is it now a crime to commit adultry? Useless man. Only in Nigeria. What of all the women he has slept with? Someone u r estranged from
But hold on o..what has arrest got to do with someone cheating? only in Nigeria. Who calls police because someone cheated on them?lol. Nigeria still has a long way to go in life.
Hypocritical Nigerian Men..Is What She did a crime?? Why is the Man being Arrested and Harassed???? What will they be Charged with?..Police be used in Nigeria for even Market Shopping..Shaaame..If they are estranged why stalk the woman...Divorce her shikena ....Has This Politician Been Faithful to her Throughout ?? men can dish out cheating but can't take it..
Good for her
Came to 'arrest' the woman?! How do you 'arrest' someone for cheating? Get DA fuk outta here!
I don't understand why the police is involved in this! Is this an offence????😳😳😳😳
Doesn't the foolish horseband have side chicks?Goats when a woman cheats it's news
I know one mumu oil company exec wey dy claim to be pastor. E dy bang girls Upandan n dy always complain of Im lazy wife. If you enter im page for Facebook na im and the yellow wife picture they dia. All of us be hypocrites
Make e sweet say e no get girlfriend weda thunder no go hide am
Shut that hoke in ur face you call a mouth. Are they divorced. See her size.stick with what you know. She was caught cheating.
You are obviously a disturbed and scared female. Recieve ur healing
Dosent ur father have side chicks?, did ur mum leave him?
All these shameless anonymous commenters on lindas blog should shut the fuck up...
Name one man in ur holy book that was accounted to have committed adultery?
The woman has turned her pkonyo to gutter....it can neva be clean again....you idiots are comparing a man to a woman...
If she is tired why not divorce the man....Useless woman
Devil Punish all cheating wifes
Is the husband innocent?
Abuse of power.
Abuse of monies meant to use to better the lives of Nigerians.
Waste of police time.
Also, so women are not allowed to interact with men, without it being determined as something suspicious.
Yes you should not be sleeping with another man but is it a crime that warrants armed police men? This is tax payers money they are using to do rubbish. If you know she cheated, take her to court and get a divorce. She does not need to be arrested for it. You can record her and shame her if you so wish but our police should not be used for stupid errands like this. This is annoying.
Come!!!!!! When men sleep with them young girls, we don't shout or call security personnel.........but when women also help themselves, the men will become HITLER. Abeg! Abeg!! Free the woman jor.
See I've worked in the hospitality industry for over 7years and have seen and witness Sodom and Gomorrah in all forms courtesy of our husbands, fathers, uncles, brothers, who pay the bills just to have adventure. Even to the extend of taking turns on them girls.
Make I no talk again cos e d provoke me as that husband n father the claim say him name na "INNOCENT "
God WL punish all cheating Men alike
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
In the video the woman says they have been seperated for close to two years. This country is a failed state. Police arrest them for having an affair? What law are they charging her under. Serious abuse of power. The policemen need to receive a warning.
Cheat cheat, man or woman who cheat past?
And God should bless all cheating men right? Brainless pig
You are simply retarded. Why did it get to you. Oh I see you are one of those men...smh. Go check your wife I am sure she is doing the same thing.
Haven't you heard the saying, what goes around comes around. Do unto others as you would also want to be treated. Scumbag!!
Galore u don dey talk wen D oda guy beat him wife for not servicing him in d morning u were insulting d man now dis woman is cheating ur insulting d man were do u stand sef
Foolish man, abuse of the police, if you cheat he has a dozen side child. Why won't the woman cheat when he left her so that konji becomes her middle name
Foolish woman - Shameless
I hope he landed her some "dirty" slaps
If she wants to fcuk around she should get a divorce
I am a witness d man only framed d woman up to his useless ass.. we are group of friends that attended a funeral and d man lied to d police that his wife was missing, meanwhile she told him she was travelling for d funeral
When she returned,after dtoping other friends on her way to drop her colleague, d man intercepted them on d way with four hilux load of police and she innocently told him she just dropped a friend and going to drop d one with her and d useless man ordered her to take him and his police troop and his Agbor thugs to d house of d innocent man that was already dropped at his own house and he took d woman there to frame her up with him that he is her lover
Its all frame up,d man never said d woman was divorced, its d useless man and his gang that changed d speech of d innocent man saying d woman told him she was divorced
He said caught cheating and they they were both dressed. So if u are caught cheating are u not supposed to be naked? It's obvious it's all a set up. She didn't switch her wedding ring she only removed it from her hand to show them it wasn't her wedding ring and wore it back. Oga politician u just disgraced urself and not the Woman. And u are a barrister u can't even tell a convincing lie. That's y God dey punish una so.
This is all wrong. All you bloggers should learn to get all facts before posting your lies and useless stories. The husband is a well known chronic womaniser; and has children from different women. He did not catch her cheating as claimed. She was ambushed and dragged to the man's house. The man in the video was bullied and forced to say all he said out of fear; cos when he got to the station he changed his statement. He's actually a business college and friend to the woman.
The husband has been unfaithful to her for years and has neglected his marital duties.
Bribing some foolish policemen and his eye service touts to bully and shame them doesn't make him innocent or right. If the wife had arrested him everytime she caught him with other women, where would he have been today?
May God fight for her.
Frame up by the man. Read comments below!!!
This man is retarded.
So he wants to say he has never cheated? U didn't hear her say they r estranged? Even if not is it an arrestable offense? Blatant disregard of authority. Anyway anon u r probably a tout so u support him. Foolish idiot
Women cheat for 2 main reasons. Either u r not doing her well or u r not giving her enough money. Oga politician check urself. Useless man
U talk like u are d politician's mistress..were u there shameless fool. It happened in my area d foolish politician blocked her while she was driving with a friend that they all went for a burial which d lying pilitician is awear of and she even told him and d load od police that she just dropped a friend in his place and wld drop d one in her car then go home. D politician who has not been in good terms with her for close to two years now,ardered her to take them to that friends house that she said she just dropped and that was where d video was made,edited and did all their manipulations nd he came up with d story of he caught his wife with her lover. Its a shame when u open ur mouth to say what u don't know...
He is well known as a bad man in twon na,both small girls and married women na. If u people know this woman in person I tell u she is so playful nice and down to earth. Her simplicity is to a fault. She is not at all what this wicked man paints about her. He no wan pay for divorce nai b his useless frame up
One anonymous goat say see her size she was caught cheating. Jealousy one kill u. How I no sure say u dey fuck d politician. Witch of ur type. She is a lady like us. She was fidodido original slim queen before she add size. She done born kids . born ur own if u no go dem go see u pick. Even now go see her for life make u see beauty.
Your own mama and sisters pkonyo and sister own na also gutter na. As u no get shame to call her that. Useless person like u insulting an innocent woman that was framed up by a useless man.
Bj bonji u are d shameless and dirty one.if u are sensible,u will see from d video that d woman is confident of what she was saying. A wife caught cheating will be begging along side d lover but know ,though they tried to stop her from talking but she still was able to shout out so what are we not saying.
Living witness...
You people should learn to get all facts before pouring insults. Not every story is true on these useless blogs.
The politician man and his wife were cohabiting in the same house because of their two kids, but living their separate lives for about two years now. The man actually lied to d police that his wife was missing for two days meanwhile she told him just for his info that she was going for a service of songs/burial. She went in d company of five other friends and colleagues in her hilux. On their return, others dropped off at d express and the innocent man in the video who actually drove to and fro the trip, drove to his house in d company of the woman and a colleague left in her hilux. She took the wheel from there to drop the last colleague before going home when the politician man intercepted her with four hilux load of police men who questioned them; and on her telling them she just dropped a friend at his place, they ordered them into one of their hilux, took their phones and her own hilux key from her and asked her to take them to the house of d man. On getting there the politician man ordered her into the innocent man's house to make up the video and fabricated a story of wife caught cheating in her lover's house... God is my judge on this my story. God will fight for the injustice to the man and all you lying jealous tongues against the innocent helpless woman.
Nigerians and their haste to judge. That man is just flexing his polical muscles by misusing our forces paid for by the masses to settle his domestic issues.
Maybe Linda and co should do a bit of investigation to find out what actually happened. That man is a scum, and I say that because I know what I am talking about.
Serial cheating and demented chauvinistic bastard who derive pleasure from beating up his wife at the drop of a pin.
That whole scene in the video was staged by the yeye husband bcos they did not even find the lady in that house but rather brought her there by force .
I hope the lady opens up soon and tell her own side of the story instead of trying to protect their kids whom the demented egotistic husband never considered before carrying out his dastardly act.
If she fails to speak out, the witnesses might be forced to set the record straight.
The politician man arrested and lied his wife was missing and later that she was abducted, yet he locked her up with the two men he claimed abducted her. The woman denied she was abducted, the politician then released d one he intercepted with her on d way after 2 days and kept d supposed abducted wife in detention with d innocent man in the video for 3 days and transferred them to the state CID charged with abduction. These bloggers should learn to get their facts right. Please d woman should come up to tell her story to clear the air and put these bloggers to shame. I smell frame-up and I am not surprised since it is a politician involved. Most of them think then can trample on any case to be on their right.
Everyday 4 d thief 1day 4 d owner
Yes o every day for d thief that tuely stole and one day for d faithful owner that does not steal.. Abi? Wickedness does not make us get our facts straight before we jump into conclusion..
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