is allegedly a text message actress Tonto Dikeh sent to her estranged
husband's mum. OAP Lara Olubo shared it on instagram. According to Lara
who refers to Churchill's mother as her
'Aunt', the woman sent a long message to Tonto,
begging her to allow her son, Churchill, have access to their son, King.
From the messages shared on IG, rather than respond respectfully to her
son's Grandmum, she responded with abusive text messages. See the rest
of the text and Lara's comments after the cut...

Mama/Papa king! I'm taking dis up publicly for pple 2know dat as a
family we hv tried 2settle dis rift btwn u both!
I wish nd pray someday soon all dis ld stop nd u both can come togeda as
one 2raise our king!
Anike, I know wt d help of no one u wl raise King 2d best of ur ability,
d Zenith bank acct ur ola opened 4ur son is accessible 2u, he can't
lack anything.
But i need u 2know u hv a SON darling! The bond btwn a father nd a SON
is always very thick! Wt all what is goin on right now, even if we all
forget about it, internet wld remind ur Son, pple wld bring all dis out
sooner or later!
Deep down inside ur heart u know ur hubby never raised his hands on u, u
know how much u hv blocked all access 2reach u nd we are still trying
to! Deep down inside ur heart u know dis Issue started wt u nd my "Aunt"
bcos ur hubby bought a house for his mom!
All the fabrications going round has been crafted to tarnish his image.
Both of you never had any prior problems about infidelity and Domestic
Violence like you mentioned during your interview.. The chronicles of
all the problems started when u caused a scene for 2 hours straight
breaking down all the electrical appliances and interiors in the newly
finished house he acquired for his mom last December in the process of
doing all dis, u attacked ur mom inaw physically which is a Taboo in
YorubaLand; The house warming was fixed 4d next day and u ruined it 4my
aunt who had flown all d way from UK to enjoy the comfort of her new
house. The injuries u sustained while breaking appliances is d injury on
ur leg. Ola left for Ghana to cool off with Dunlop slippers after u had
destroyed all his personal effects. We all his family members saw dis
nd blamed him that he had covered up too much bcos of ur image! Dont
forget he has family and it is time that we come out and say something.
Mom King, I wish u can allow us as a family to settle dis amicably, u
know how many family meetings we've called nd u never showed up!
I just wish nd pray u both can be one again, i wish u can gv us d
audience to settle dis! I know u both are adult thou nd old enough to
take decisions about ur lives!
Then she also wrote;
Wt all u hv done nd said to my "Aunt" we still forgave u bcos no one is
perfect! When i saw dis msg u sent to her👆i was in shock nd all shaken
We still feels we can settle dis Anike bcos of KING, but u refused to
pick anyones call nor make urself available to settle dis. Please my
dear, since u made up ur mind dat u are not coming back, then let all
dis be! Let it go!
Move on wt ur life dear, u guys dont need to abuse nor say nasty things
to one another no more! U guys dont need to try nd destroy one another's
career no more!
All I truly want to do is to appeal to u Anike to let him have full
access to his son and make him available to him regardless of ur
differences..I do not want dis boy to grow up and have sad moments when
his peers would taunt him with negative stories about his parents from
years ago; he's a major priority to him and He'll do anything to protect
his son and family from bad vibes..Internet never forgets oo.
He has tried all things humanly possible to get through to u and his
son; Searching 4u both for d past weeks, He's bnRoaming Abuja to find u
guys just to see his son.
Kai! And u both are so good togeda o nd we know u both compliment one
another! Esu ma labara oooo sugbon ko ni igbala!
Im not saying my brother is right nor wrong, neither saying u are right
nor wrong! Whatever that is hidden is open in God's presences!
My mother's saying "love keeps account of no wrong" im begging both of u
for the sake of the love u both hv for ur son! Please, let dis go! if u
do not want us to be one family no more! Just let it go nd move on
If u both cant get over each other, then lets settle dis.... marriage is
not by force. Neither is Marriage for everyone...theirs no need goin to
the extreme acting on the threat u made claiming u gave him fame and
u'll take it back!
A make up artist that could skillfully make u look like a man; Can as
well do a make up to convincingly present Pictures of Domestic Violence.
We all know how these things work in the movie industry.
Kai! I know Nigerians would tongue lash me for this, Aburo mi ni Kunle
oo, Eje mi ni ooo but its okay! But i beg u all bloggers, after dis, let
them be!
How love suddenly turns this sour beats me o
...Merited happiness
Linda and u believe dis dia message shared on ig? Dis Lara olubo is nothing but a useless old fool just because of d little token from Churchill same thing she did with mercy Isigwe case nemesis will soon catch up with u same thing will happen to ur children useless old fool
Linda we cannt read it copy and paste don't give us work pls
Linda and u believe dis dia message shared on ig? Dis Lara olubo is nothing but a useless old fool just because of d little token from Churchill same thing she did with mercy Isigwe case nemesis will soon catch up with u same thing will happen to ur children useless old fool
Linda and u believe dis dia message shared on ig? Dis Lara olubo is nothing but a useless old fool just because of d little token from Churchill same thing she did with mercy Isigwe case nemesis will soon catch up with u same thing will happen to ur children useless old fool
She has every right to curse d mother with what they all write about tonto during d breakup and elderly woman shld know how to settle issues not d other way round dis Lara olubo shld face her home useless fool
Stupid idiot Tonto. This girl lacks home training. Expect triple of this from your son's wife.
If she truly wrote this to an elderly woman or to anyone else for that matter, then Tonto truly needs help ASAP. Gosh
Women are evil, can't believe a woman would abuse her son's grand mother like that. This is a taboo
Highly disappointed!
I doubt this post not from tonto forgery
If she's capable of dressing like a man for Father's Day to her sons school, she is also capable of this message. She needs to take several sits down.
I have no sympathy for Churchill because he knew Tonto's reputation and still went ahead to marry her. My dear suffer the consequences of your carelessness. We all have our different problems we are facing. She even exhibited her madness in Ghana when you were just dating, yet you still went ahead and married her. It's a pity she will be in your life forever because of your precious son. Carry her, she is your cross, and ask for God's grace, it is available. This is just the beginning of what will transpire in future, unless Tonto moves on with a man she loves, if not this is just the tip of an iceberg, because it seems she has not moved on.
I have no sympathy for Churchill because he knew Tonto's reputation and still went ahead to marry her. My dear suffer the consequences of your carelessness. We all have our different problems we are facing. She even exhibited her madness in Ghana when you were just dating, yet you still went ahead and married her. It's a pity she will be in your life forever because of your precious son. Carry her, she is your cross, and ask for God's grace, it is available. This is just the beginning of what will transpire in future, unless Tonto moves on with a man she loves, if not this is just the tip of an iceberg, because it seems she has not moved on.
Ha! This not right
Tonto is troublesome.
We all know Tonto to be ghetto and whore. I still remember how she hops from one nigger to the next. Only fools believe her when she sheds those crocodiles' tears on social media.
There's no need for such language. No matter the anger, that's your son's grandma. Highest you ignore her, just keep quiet
Tonto is the prostitute. I have pictures of her fucking Timi Frank in Abuja just before she got married to churchill. Linda if you want the pictures I can email them to you.
Tonto is the prostitute. I have pictures of her fucking Timi Frank in Abuja just before she got married to churchill. Linda if you want the pictures I can email them to you.
I always knew it that she was the oppressor trying to play the victim. She needs serious psychiatric evaluation. For any human being to address another in this manner, it shows that she is very messed up in her head. She thinks is by dressing up and doing different photo shoots. She will not remain young forever. Life will eventually teach her.
This girl though and she goes about proclaiming God when you are not at peace at all .
Tonto, did you actually say this to the mother of your father's son??? Please tell me its a lie. Put yourself in Mama Kunle's shoes. Can you imagine King Andre's wife saying all these to you??? Gal 6:7 dear, "God is not mocked, whatever a man sows, he reaps! Aah! Tonto, retrace your step before its too late. Kunle's mother isn't perfect, so are you! Kunle's mother has a past, so do you! You are married into a Yoruba family. You don't have to actually push down a mother-in-law before it is termed so. Maybe your actions did!
The gentility of a tiger is NEVER a sign of cowardice. Monkey cannot fight but he get brother-It is a proverb in Yoruba land with a thousand meaning!
Don't take too much for granted
ON BEHALF OF ALL IGBO PEOPLE: If our daughter, sister, niece Toto Dikeh actually sent this kind of message to her ex-husband's mother, we are ashamed to call her our daughter. This is very devastating and not morally, culturally, spiritually acceptable in Igbo land. This is a shameful act. We will reach out to Toto Dikeh's parents to call their daughter to order. We have seen a lot of spiritual possessed manners in her, when she burnt someone bag, all she has said... We believe that what is happening to her has traces of curse and spirituality. No normal human can be outrageous like this. Her behaviour is quit obnoxious. It a shame to us Igbo. We have to sum Tonto Dikeh otherwise she will be forced to change that name or we excommunicate her parents.
I don't believe. Except she's schizophrenic.
I dont have time to read this. Next please
Toto I don't like u for once,look at what u sent to a woman old enough to be u mother,stupid thing,u are a very bad wife nd mother
Lara or whatever you call yourself, u must be very stupid to release such an Info even if Tonto had indeed written this which of course we can't confirm if it's true, you are doing more damage to her marriage with Churchhill. In as much as i'm not in support of Tonto's stupidity at times. Leave them alone to sought eachother's problem out. What God has joined together let no Lara put asunder, Madam Lara, where were you when the issue of Churchill sleeping with his PA came out? Then you didn't level this allegation against her. You are woman too ooooooooo
I don't really know much about Tonto, but I know she didn't write that.
Hug Transformer Lara
Seems to me like you already chose a side to support. You might try to sound concerned but this is a seed of hate u just planted to make Nigerians hate Tonto. We can read tru the lines
That text is in no way from Tonto dike.
This OAP Lara Olubo is a moron
This oap gal is a sorry excuse of a woman, she does not deserve to be called a woman, her wickedness stinks to the heavens. I pity the man that ends up with her
They should leave Tonto alone o Jare, why are they fighting to get their son bck, is King d only children Churchill has? What of other children from his 2failed marriage, can't he look for them, Mischief.
They should leave Tonto alone o Jare, why are they fighting to get their son bck, is King d only children Churchill has? What of other children from his 2failed marriage, can't he look for them, Mischief.
People should pray for this tonto girl cos her head is not correct. If someone sends this type of thing to my mum, I will beat the living day light out of the person and wait for human rights to come find me. Nonsense!! Very ill mannered sick girl.
Madam OAP, shut the Fuck up and face your marriage. It's people like you that will never allow them settle their differences in peace. Must you add to the problem at hand? Haba people like don't have a good home, alwys happy when one is on the verge of being destroyed. Churchhill dey Fuck him PA, you no talk oooo, Tonto disguise as man go her pickin schl, wahala Don start. Idiot somebody.
One is inclined to say that Tonto is highly uncultured but then again we don't know "if" and to what extent the mother played a role in her failed marriage. If only we knew the untold stories.
Although I know she can be crazy sometimes, i'm not gonna judge the poor lady this time.
This tonto needs deliverance (proper mountain of fire dry fast for days]. Something is seriously wrong with her
U will forgive her and u pasted it publicly.. For tontoh to go that far,only God knows how they must frustrated her..no smoke without fire.
This Tonto and Churchill story is becoming like Evans the billionaire kidnapper story, COMPLICATED! No one knows who is lying or speaking the truth and all parties look innocent and are pleading for mercy.
These guys are still fighting? Even Tom and Jerry (cartoon) don't fight dirty like this...smh!
Dear madam Internet will remember thank u for adding Salt to the injury. u have already judged that she made up the story so how then are you trying to make peace. please ma stay in your lane and let her be. everyone has their right and u said it all this issue is btw tonto n Churchill. You came here hoping to make ppl dislike her by posting the supposed text message. you did u not post the one when she was greeting your mum. I hate this side of African family. please if she was your sister will this be ur stand. #PutYourselfInHerShoes
She jst added salt to wounds.. Did she have to post the SMS?
Nonsense post.is king andrea the only child churchil has? Whà t of his other kids? Churchil is just a lousy attention seekers and his family members are just so lousy.
This is not true, leave this lady to have peace of mind please
Hehehehe my dear, you dnt need to say more cos I know Tonto is capable of doing all this. She is hot tempered and doesn't know how to control it. Am jst angry dat her stupid fans espercially on IG sees her as good and keep encouraging her to do wot she is doing. Doesn't she have friends in d movie industry to advice her? Jst wen you tink her story is settled, she brings up incident to still convince pple she is d victim. Her cup of coffee period
I have two sides to this, this msg cld have been typed by the sender and added" Tonto sent this" cos I know a txt msg , Whatsapp or any other apps has a format it comes with, she is also sounding all nice knowing this will hit d blog!!!!! 2nd Tonto everything is pointing against u in this case, from make up artist making u look like a man to a make up artist creating a domestic abused body, from u swearing u will bring him down which u admitted in ur initial tell all, to denying that child of his fathers love! Advice urself this is self destructive. U don't know who will live longer, U , Chuchil or ur Son! No one knows tomorrow , what if u wake up and meet that boy dead? Do I think d father will let u GO? Do u think society will let u GO? Advice urself! Get a proper divorce and allow a father to see his son, simple. Am not supporting Aunty or her 'txt' msg but advice urSelf woman b4 is Too late
I have two sides to this, this msg cld have been typed by the sender and added" Tonto sent this" cos I know a txt msg , Whatsapp or any other apps has a format it comes with, she is also sounding all nice knowing this will hit d blog!!!!! 2nd Tonto everything is pointing against u in this case, from make up artist making u look like a man to a make up artist creating a domestic abused body, from u swearing u will bring him down which u admitted in ur initial tell all, to denying that child of his fathers love! Advice urself this is self destructive. U don't know who will live longer, U , Chuchil or ur Son! No one knows tomorrow , what if u wake up and meet that boy dead? Do I think d father will let u GO? Do u think society will let u GO? Advice urself! Get a proper divorce and allow a father to see his son, simple. Am not supporting Aunty or her 'txt' msg but advice urSelf woman b4 is Too late
but why is Tonto so stubborn? I said dsame too, if you don't want the marriage again then let the guy go in peace while you too go in peace, what's all this nonsense Tonto is displaying online like she so much want the guy back in her life to father there son? am beginning to feel sorry for churchil.
but why is Tonto so stubborn? I said dsame too, if you don't want the marriage again then let the guy go in peace while you too go in peace, what's all this nonsense Tonto is displaying online like she so much want the guy back in her life to father there son? am beginning to feel sorry for churchil.
but why is Tonto so stubborn? I said dsame too, if you don't want the marriage again then let the guy go in peace while you too go in peace, what's all this nonsense Tonto is displaying online like she so much want the guy back in her life to father there son? am beginning to feel sorry for churchil.
Tonto, Please for the sake of ur son.....forgive n move back to your husband. Most woman no longer stay married for love but for the sake of their kid(s). No man can treat that little King like his father. Biko
What a manipulative family.thank God that Tontolet took a walk.you are suing for peace after sharing that supposed letter.bunch of idiots
I'm a woman therefore there's nothing under the surface of the world that would make me accept Tonto Dike as a sister-inlaw after calling my precious mother unprintable and despicable names. Mbanu!! Even if she jazzed my brother to a point of no return l will declare 7/7 dry fasting and prayers and return my bros to his original self. God forbid Tonto.
Hmmmmmm...Tonto! Tonto!! Tonto!!!
TOTOH you are just a big MESS,for once please stay off social media and put yourself together,haba what kind of family is this chai,TOtoh it so obvious your pained m,calm down please and get real help.we are tired of this SM smear campaign abeg
Why and they fabricating lies against this woman it is so unfair . God will continue to bless you Tonto.
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Why and they fabricating lies against this woman it is so unfair . God will continue to bless you Tonto.
Is dis one stupid ni y contradicting urself by telling her if d world 4get d Internet wunt 4get so if u know d internet wunt 4get y post dis sermon. When u can send her a meg. I can see u have an agenda.if she dint listen to relivant ppl it's dis epistle dat will make her unite wit churchil or run to ur numerous meetings dis is called daftness. u guys should stop fooling urself nd get a life we are so done wit all dis if u want 2 stay relivant look 4 productive ways 4 dat d world is so done wit all dis ur rubbish nd churchil nd his family should be ashamed of dere self,shame on all of u.today churchil brother 2moro d sister next 2moro d moda den d house help. una no dey tire y are u trying so hard 2 explain urself must d world know dat churchil is claiming to have tried to see d son. U guys need to stop acting like illiterates if u have any issue in ur home pray nd dn't tell us we dn't want 2 hear again. D world dosnt revolve around u guyz.tell who eve sent u to post dis stupid writeup dat u all should get a life.allow me see king, don't allow me see king, wats dat? did dey give birth to ur whole family 2day are u all not educated.DEAL WIT UR ISSUES WE DONT WANT TO HEAR AGAIN
I love Tonto and can't judge her based on the character she acts in movies or hearsay. The only passage that caught my attention is where she wrote "if a make-up artist could transform Tonto to look like a man then the so called injuries from domestic violence could also be a make-up. You don't need to deny Churchill access to his son. If ur over with ur hubby fine but pls don't put the little boy in d middle of this shameless drama.
Shut up!!! You are so gullible if you believe this crap and fabricated lies. God gave you brain utilized it.
May God deliver us from evil sister inlaws like lara
Gullible somebody, heaven forgive you.
Nd you wat do you need? Chief Judge.
Dont mind the hypocrite, she says bloggers should let them be, but she tagged the post to instablog naija and linda ikeji blog. Devil! Leave tonto alone. Churchill has other children, he has other ex wives he has a history! Serial ex husband.
Ok we dn't know if dat story is tru if she is truly denying d man from seen cos we all are not in d marriage d only tin d whole world should respond to is wat dey are 100 peraon sure of like dis dead post dis crazy girl dropped 2 ruin Tonto I dn't support Tonto if she is wrong but my point is wat was dis girl nd churchil hoping to achieve with dis write up do dey mean to tell me Dat king os d only child he has let's wake up nd use our heads u mite tink ur hurting each oda but u dnt know d grater hurt goes to ur child.plz u guys should try oda productive tins 2 stay relivant d world is so done wit dll did rubbish
Nigerian inlaws are too nosy, always pokenosing where it dosnt concerns them 🙄🙄🙄. Leave tonto alone!!! What she did was love her son, from what i know about her she loves too hard, before she married i know how she loved her dogs she even had their photo tatooed on her not to talk of her child. She may have her faults but she is a good mom.
O ya, tonto start attacking people under anonymous and different names as usual. Sick woman.
Big shame to churchil nd his family u all need to contain urself 2day ur brother 2moro ur sister next 2moro ur mum den house help.like I dn't get were u all suppose to support Tonto b4 abeg abeg.SORT UR PROBLEM WE DN'T WANT TO HEAR AGAIN.who e help.mschew.shameeeeeeeee.we are not stupid u guyz should stoo acting like illiterates we can read btwn d lines u could have sent her d meg to her phone if u ment well d world isn't stupid.like wat was ur agenda when u posted dis. Like we dn't care sort ur issues abeg 2 day dis wmoro una go rephrase d story still d same tin next 2moro d same tin abeg go nd drink swimming pool water let's hear
I respect alot of people that comments on this blog but we should be wise enough to understand that this message is a big lie . Tonto from all indications might be right from this stunt you will realize that this people are some how guilty.
Tonto Dike is NOT an Igbo,she said so herself..good or bad let her carry her Wahala and leave Igbos out of it..let her go and carry her clothe where she took her bath..
All of them are silly. I just pity the small boy they said ruining his future with their foolishness. His peers would always make fun of him, the Internet will always remind him he had two nuisance for a parent.
And Tonto is a saint?
When u smoke weed too much,u go dey behave like tonto, gideon was not wrong with what he said
When u smoke weed too much,u go dey behave like tonto, gideon was not wrong with what he said
This OAP woman is a fool,,,,, it's a set up..he has other kids.... He should takia of those ones nd let's be sure his a fair nd good father... Drama king.... Drama grandma nd drama crew.... Leave her alone
Tonto is not Igbo, don't you see how Lilian Esoro who is Igbo is handling her own marital problems.
Ahu adi gi? Go and take your medicine sharply
Ewu Gambia
When u smoke weed too much,u go dey behave like tonto, gideon was not wrong with what he said
Ahu adi gi? Go and take your medicine sharply
Ewu Gambia
Tonto is Ikwere.
So BN if he fucking his PA the corresponding action from his wife is to send such a distasteful message to his mum. Whether you are male or female imagine how it would be if your spouse sends such a message BN to your mum. Think well before rushing to type.
Tonto likes unnecessary drama,why take pictures and post online if you take your child to father's day in school?
Tonto invite God into your life.
You are a big fool to even conceive the thought that she could say such
I have always known Tonto is irresponsible. She can write more than this.
For all pro tonto who are blaming all this distraction on Churchill and his side chic for all past, present and future Tonto misbehavior. Is there anyone who can beat his or her chest and say Tonto never f**ked a married man or men all thru fame as single lady. She did and Karma is a bit*h, it is happening to her now we no hear word again. Did u think of the pain u were inflicting on those married women u were punishing then. please go back to ur husband and stop all this ur drama.
Bura uba kai! Gaskiya I don't want to believe that Tonto Send that horrible text, and if truly she did then may God forgive her.
Fabricating I don't believe this they'll made up this storytelling
No level of provocation should make a well brought up lady to write such to her mum in law.
Don't know if you a married but I would've wanted to know what will push you to write this kinda message to your parents in law
Lara...God will punish you for trying to turn us against tonto
Tonto to will not write Totton sent this. Mama your daughters wrote it to finish ton to. At least u now know what your daughters say behind your back
Can't she write properly why all the abbreviation and short hand..
Your comment will be visible after approval.
This was planned so they can publish on line..Not supporting either. Both are wrong
Who uses imesseager to send messages to an elderly woman, this woman can lie see. In fact who uses imessager in Nigeria, I have been using iPhone for God knows how long never ever sent a msg using imessager.this woman is just a piece of shit
From Tonto's past actions, it should be obvious to any observer that she can be irrational and wild. Honestly, I strongly believe that Tonto needs psychological help. I believe she sent the message and also destroyed the house. I never believed her version of the story. A wise woman does not fight with her child. The child needs both parents love.
Who uses imesseager to send messages to an elderly woman, this woman can lie see. In fact who uses imessager in Nigeria, I have been using iPhone for God knows how long never ever sent a msg using imessager.this woman is just a piece of worthless shit.
Okay... madam we don hear... but as mad as tonto can be... i doubt she wrote that.. am married too so i know a thing or two about mother inlaws.. they are not always saints but you can't insult your mom inlwa that way.. all we have been hearing is tonto's side of tge story, kunle's defense but we don't know the truth... so I'll leave it to God to be the judge of that
For all pro tonto who are blaming all this distraction on Churchill and his side chic for all past, present and future Tonto misbehavior. Is there anyone who can beat his or her chest and say Tonto never f**ked a married man or men all thru fame as single lady. She did and Karma is a bit*h, it is happening to her now we no hear word again. Did u think of the pain u were inflicting on those married women u were punishing then. please go back to ur husband and stop all this ur drama.
These are all fabricated lies, Tonto might be crazy at times but she will not go to this extend not even now that she is a mum. I dont know Tonto physically but am 100% sure this is an orchestrated plan to really mess her up, why is the message starting with this message is from Tonto, (anybody could av typed that) if this message is indeed from her, post it with her number or name tag before the message is open, moreso which mum of now write with U, ur, d, etc?it shows whoever wrote that didnt take that into consideration, those who write like that are usually in the age range of mid 45years downward, so is Churchill's mum within that age group?
pls before you judge, look at the suppose message squarely, no woman that has a child btw herself and her spouse, whether they r together or not, will send such a message to her supposed mother inlaw, even if she wan make the woman die next day sef, no woman will do that.
So for all the other ladies in churchill's life, that want his total attention, do it fairly and honourably as what you sow is what you reap. As for Tonto, pple might still be judging you on your past, but God does not, hold on to him.
even if no one believes you Tonto, I know u wont go to this extent, I believe you, if that is any consolation.
U are very stupid.Churchill is a saint abi?
Please do. Asap.
U r a fool, thank God u r a woman expect DAT from ur son/sons wife in the future
And God will destroy ur life for not telling tonto d truth
My question now is what is the assurance that Tonto really wrote that? How sure are we that this wasn't made up to defame Tonto? We all know Tonto is capable of this but is she that stupid to send it to her mother inlaw? Hmm this getting really more messier than expected. In another news Linda have you seen the exclusive post on Maryjane Blogazine? That babe really like you a lot.
Useless Yoruba cunny fools.na their way.i blame tonto for marrying that hopeless Yoruba man.this is their typical character both old ,young .fake like they re gud people meanwhile they no get sense
Tonto dike is here responding to all messages...useless girl and uncultured ashewo...I blame Churchill for marrying a girl like her
Churchill's family feels slighted by her dressing up as a man to go to her son's school. This is a pathetic attempt at destroying Tonto.
Churchill's family feels slighted by her dressing up as a man to go to her son's school. This is a pathetic attempt at destroying Tonto.
Don't think Tonto wrote dat,and even if she did it's very good for dem.tonto is not d first to break out of marriage so d issue of internet and pple reminding king abt his parents fight is rubbish. Lara go sleep for bush
All you freaking aproko liars. Email the pictures let's be sure you're telling the truth.
This family are so fucking wicked and ugly users!!!!!
If Tonto wasn't a celebrity, the case could've be dead and buried a long time ago without a single soul knowing about it.
Chai!, Tonto my sister, why and how did you fall in this evil man's pit?
I curse the day he met you!!!
The whole family are now using her to shine even the old alien looking side chick rose abi na thorne!
Anything she does happens to be a problem.
Aturu churchrat,shebi you said you have an insider that tells you everything about her yet they failed to inform you of the father's day!
I've never felt so much HATE in my entire adult age like i'm doing now.
If this girl lose it now and harm herself, all you garbage maggot in-laws will then something good to say.
Face your 1st wife and prostitute.WHY ARE YOU NOT ATTACKING HER?
Why are you so concerned with what,why,now,when and with whom this poor girl runs her life?
Churchgoat and family, don't you people have shame?
Chai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May God deliver all women minus rose from peoole like you.
This family are so fucking wicked and ugly users!!!!!
If Tonto wasn't a celebrity, the case could've be dead and buried a long time ago without a single soul knowing about it.
Chai!, Tonto my sister, why and how did you fall in this evil man's pit?
I curse the day he met you!!!
The whole family are now using her to shine even the old alien looking side chick rose abi na thorne!
Anything she does happens to be a problem.
Aturu churchrat,shebi you said you have an insider that tells you everything about her yet they failed to inform you of the father's day!
I've never felt so much HATE in my entire adult age like i'm doing now.
If this girl lose it now and harm herself, all you garbage maggot in-laws will then something good to say.
Face your 1st wife and prostitute.WHY ARE YOU NOT ATTACKING HER?
Why are you so concerned with what,why,now,when and with whom this poor girl runs her life?
Churchgoat and family, don't you people have shame?
Chai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May God deliver all women minus rose from peoole like you.
Serial husband and father!
Even your mom that should've known better also joined in this shameful hurt for Tonto head and peace.
You parasites should look for another host biko!!!
Serial husband and father!
Even your mom that should've known better also joined in this shameful hurt for Tonto head and peace.
You parasites should look for another host biko!!!
You are a disgrace to the human race
It beats me that some Nigerians are so gullible and cannot even use their free gifted brain from above, any right thinking person knows this is a fabrication from the pit of heal as a retaliation to Tonto dressing as the son's father for Father's Day event at the Sons school!
This is to all the useless women playing victim...with the help of bitter single Linda they got a platform to attack the marriage institution...most women in unhappy marriages are like this Useless imbecile Tonto Dikeh..I've drank my own cup full and swallowed my hurt from the type of woman I married too...but for every good man will always come a pay day...
Fake fake fake...! Tonto never types like this
"Text message" makes sense ?
Them dey act movies without learning from it.
D dirty breakup saga was going to sleep ..Tonto dressing as a man to spite d ex on Father's Day awoke d beast again...don't just defend d one u may like..think about it..Tonto's shame just started
Feel sorry for me..but I'm still holding on...pls pray for me
Mumu. Mama forwarded to Lara and typed "Tonto sent this" before pasting Tonto's message
I don't believe this story one bit
Obviously, you lack home training. From your comments, I can only but feel sorry for you. May your own mother also experience the same treatment from her in-laws. Mumu.
Don't say that again biko! Then who did? The way she wrote about mercy Johnson okoji's daughter. Abi have u forgotten what she wrote about Igbo men? That lady can do and undo......................
Why are covering this Toto of a girl? mbok! Ask Linda if Toto never called her a failed model. She she just an embodiment of evil
dis toto sef
A lot of useless women be playing victim and the society is OK with it right? Why block him from seeing his son, so ladies now use kids as a tool and the society is OK with it..fuck you tonto, fuck every woman that has done this kinda thing in the past or still planing to, or still on it...fuck you all...street.
Tell them o
That post is a true representation of Tonto.Am not surprised.
Tonto needs help. She is really sick. Only gullible people believed her DV story. Rewind and think of her behaviors, I was shocked when the Churchill married her. That child should be removed from her before she destroys him.
I'm finding it a bit difficult to believe Tonto will send this sort of msg to her mother in law. I mean you must be really troubled to allow yourself degenerate to this level, no matter the offence of the said mother in law. Tonto if you actually sent that msg to your husband's mum, then you need your head checked. Period.
A million likes for your comment. That boy needs his father nd his dad loves him clearly. Why drag him into all your hopeless uninteresting drama.
All these are ploys to stop the actualization of Biafra..lolz
Sound concerned? How is this her business?
Are you alrite? The few times shes sounded concerned you lot told her to butt out of issues and just report.
Best and most sensible write up here Av seen so far....
Whatever we say or think ,Tonto is a badly raised child.Before all of you started reading all her fake chronicles seeking for pity we all knew her story of rudeness & Obstinacy amongst her career colleagues on set locations.The stories of Marijuana abuse.I even saw her marijuana smoke damaged-teeth once.I see a psychopath on the loose.Any woman who would make up like a man to attend her child's school function,has a sickened mind.
They never had a proper marriage. So no need for divorce.
Not surprised.
Ex mother inlaw!! There is a huge difference especially when the mil was unkind to her when she was in the marriage.
Lol! I swear Down... u no Well...
Men just have to pray to get married to the right woman , cos if u mistakenly get married to this one then u are finished. If you can dress like ur sons dad on Father's Day just to spite the dad, then u are capable of anything . U refuse a man access to his child cos u have issues, a man who has done nothing but shown love to his son. Ur marriage didn't work out is no news, but intentionally shutting a child's dad away from d boys life is what u will regret one day. Time will tell.
God punish you. I wish you a husband like churchill.
Churchill should go and love his other children. Useless man
Churchill is sore loser and a deadbeat dad.
True... This family is really evil
As in. Very hopeless family. Shame on mama churchill
I swear. I expected this from them.
That churchill mama is a shameless liar
As in. Very nonsensical old woman
It's only gullible fools that will beliece that tonto wrote that letter
Lmao @churchgoat
Lmaooo. Bring out more tricks @churchgoat.Nigerians are wiser now.
This Lara just bought Fuel to inflame an already relaxed issue for no reason. If we check you may not be that kind of Cousin to Churchill that you claim. i know there will be massive massive traffic on your IG follower-ship right now. This cheap campaign for popularity in Nigeria is not helping matter.
You have decided to introduce yourself by bringing a Family matter to public domain with you in the Picture.
As a Radio Presenter or a DJ (I hate the glorification acronym AOP)
They both still love themselves but something we don't know is holding them so u guys should give them space.
I hv said it before tonto cant write text it is a frame up, madam lara u are a very useless woman, family destoryer,gossiper may what u wish tonto reverse to u
My people pls ignore this text, ton to will never write such,leave the girl alone let her sort her family,as for chirchhill am disappointed go and make peace with your wife,yes tonto did this did that put it on the trash n nake your family wk,tonto loves u no matter all this stunts she is displaying.i really the pity innocent baby.
You are very stupid do u leave with her for u to knw her
Y are u so pained,does Tonto feed u
Honesty,I think she needs help,she is clearly disillusioned
How well do u know Tonto,can u vouch ur life for her
Truth b told,Tonto needs help
Can u stake ur life for her
Why do I have a feeling that this could be a big big lie.
Na wa o. All this drama self, only God know the whole truth..
Tonto is capable of this tho. Remember when she called Mercy Johnson's daughter a witch?? Burnt that lady's clothes and dressed up as a man to her child's school?? She is not a stable person at all
Apparently, she is 'her' already.
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