The heartwarming video has been viewed over 4.5 million times in just 4 days. As a dementia sufferer, grandma Anabelle can be sweet one minute, aggressive the next and another minute she wouldn't recognize her family members which are things all dementia sufferers go through and also the reason why the video was shot. Maryanna lives in Chicago, Illinois, US, while grandma Annabelle lives at Rockford Illinois.
And she called her Ma
God bless this lady. care giving should be by family not government alone. if there's anything I am grateful unto God for is the opportunity He gave me to be by my granny's side as she aged. its one of my greatest blessings. it was a beautiful experience when you became a nanny to your nanny(was my nanny from birth till I was a grown adult). I witnessed what it meant to be old and feeble. what it meant when you rely on the strength of those whom you've once carried. funniest thing she never lost her memory, eyes, teeth, even hair. and she left at 90+. pls anyone who is still blessed to have a granny. reach out to them via calls and if its convenient , visit them, talk to them laugh with them keep them warm with your company. truth is oldies have been neglected our generation is so busy chasing the ephemerals we neglect the dependents (children and oldies) now this is the cycle. if the children grow, if you are so lucky they don't grow badly owing to neglect, they will be detached from you when u are grown(old) and you really need them (because when they were in their formation years you never created time for them) giving the excuse that you are providing for them is nt enough. no child will rememeber you pay their school fees, sheltered them, or even fed them. they will only remember the fond time of either you telling stories of your own childhood(how you climb tree and was stung by bees, how you run naked to the stream to get crabs for lunch et al) they will remember playing scrabbles with you and beating you, they wil remember you teaching them how to play cheese board game) these memories is what they will always have of u and when you are old and definitely going(everyone will age and die) they will relive it and always want to be around you. you will no longer be a parent but a best friend they wouldn't want to loose a moment with . our generation has become half robot(prostethic in thinking/behavior)/half human(true blood runs in us)we've lost in what is the core essence of humanity; values, morals, peace and orderliness. may God help us.
don't mind my bad grammar. happy weekend to you all.
Awwww so touching
This broke my heart. May God bless them both.
Dis reminds me of my late moma. She suffered a bit of this, I came down to Nigeria cos I wasn't satisfied with the treatment her 1st daughter in law was making her go thru. Gosh, I don't wanna cry now. But karma is at work in her life now. This is just the beginning.
God bless you for taking care of your granny and God bless all Grannies around the world
God bless this lady and I pray for the grandma as well
God bless 9ja
This woman would have been called a witch if she Was nigerian
Awwww so sweet, God bless her
Dis gal u are wonderful, God bless u
It's Maha!
Dementia is real seriously, i can remember when i used to work with elderly people with dementia and boy!!!! Did they beat the crap out of me lol but I still loved the job.
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