American TV personality, Mama June who went through a
complicated five-hour skin removal surgery has finally revealed her
body transformation.
The 37-year-old mother
of Toddlers & Tiaras star Honey Boo Boo went from size 18 to a size 6 after removing skin from her neck, arms, back and stomach as well as
going through breast augmentation surgery and a new set of veneers. She revealed the results of her massive weight loss on Friday night’s Mama June: From Hot to Not.

still nt dat beautifull
If she can make such huge transformation,imagine what Hollywood stars are capable of doing.
You look great.
Gastric bypass
Trying to become sexy hmm.
I can bet she is still not happy with her transformation. And YASssss, she is still not fine. Sorry
Hum she for done kill her self oh....see cutting of meat
Still can't believe this honestly
Long live LIB
She looks like a size 14 not a 6 but she looks verrrrry good
She is now a lot healthier... forget what the fat campaigners may say one thing is a fact, when you are leaner and in a bmi range of 21 - 29 you are a lot healthier and more attractive than if you were fat or obese. want to increase your penis size?
This woman is going to blow back up very soon.
... Merited happiness
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She try... dee
hmm, good for her
There are still loopholes, working out judiciously would have done a better work
I hope she doesn't eat more junks cos she will definitely go back to the other size if she does
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
hmmm she looks good truly but with determination and sheer will she doesnt have to go under a knife....
but really ds ppl have mind o surgery is always a big deal anytg can happen even wit d best medical care... if its not life threatening or a must do I cant oo..
if ur not confortable in ur skin watch what enters ur mouth...obesity is mainly what enters ur mouth..
dey will keep eating huge cans of fries, giant bottles of coke, pepsi, mayonnaise, beef, cookies etc haba..
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