Robert is a foot taller than LeBron and taller than every player in the NBA.
Robert hopes to play in the NBA someday but to do that, he needs to attend more weight. So as soon as classes are done, he heads over to Spire Institute, an elite training center for athletes, where he trains. Robert needs to put on about 40 pounds to be able to play professionally.
"Well, the main thing I'm working on is trying to get bigger, better," Robert said to Fox News
Second tallest?..There's someone still taller?
His name sounds like bobrisky
What is this!
He should come and add to mine.
He's freaking tall!
Mehn....the guy long oo haba!
Wow see height abg, OK na to begin eat any how
WTF!!! This is what you call a long man. lol! As he said, he sure needs to get bigger...add some weight, or he would just be falling everytime someone hits him on the basketball court.
Are Nicki Minaj and Nas Dating?
Wow he is a giant.
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Oh boyyyyy see height..
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
O boi, see height, as a player no need to jump again o,
Na wa,
How wnt dey av a long child? See d height of d parent self.
This one is bad o
... Merited happiness
That's why basketball is a stupid game; will this guy not have undue advantage because of his height?
He should be called Longinus....
The return of the giants.
Oka naa all those that want tall.giuz should come out!
Wow. What a height. Oh boy, abeg enter nigga come give me some of your tallness.
This is not normal at all
ds is oo much o...I hope he wunt have inferiority complex..
he stands out so much in school...genes inherited from his folks...
Lol... U'd think so
Emerald city things
I don't like this at all... It doesn't seem normal to me at all. And y does his name sound like bobrisky?
Papa 7'1,Mama 6,lad @ 16,7'7 & still growing, am speechless but it looks like d return of d giants
Who asked you to like it? Na so una go just stupid. His God likes it nd that's all that matters. BTW I'll choose bobrisky as a name over Monday any day. Lame ass.
"freaking" is not a good way to describe a human being created by God. He didn't choose that height.
Make I'm mini no long like this ooo...
Appreciate nature jare
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